Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/997693-Send-in-the-Truth
by widgie
Rated: 18+ · Prose · Experience · #997693
A small piece of prose in first person looking at aspects of life from a different angle
You know, once you’ve spent the majority of your post puberty life watching people you come to learn a few things that otherwise would go unnoticed. And it does. Everyday, by everyone. I don’t like being me, I think I’m the only person who knows what’s going on. If anyone actually cared what I thought I still wouldn’t tell them because they don’t deserve to know. If you were meant to know then you would take the time to look around you, its not hard. Promise.

Now, as I’m writing this it is not in order to save humanity when the truth is finally revealed and all you fools with your faked society of being “prim and proper” are being torn to pieces by the sheer fact that all your lives have been pointless, meaningless and utterly wasted, I will be most likely dead I recon…the truth can do nothing but harm. Hence the saying “what they don’t know wont hurt” which is true. If you all knew what I knew then mass panic would strike and you would all be running around causing more shit to cope with making your situations worse than before. Then all that is left is easy pickings for the brute facts of life that you have all so naively wandered past every morning, afternoon and evening.

I can only tell you sections, a bit at a time so that your not so overwhelmed by what I am proposing to be the truth, the things that not even your elected government have taken the guts to acknowledge as being in existence even though they have known for years of something that is not right in our realm. And I’ll also tell you now, that I am not being bitter about any of this, because even though its all your faults for being so self indulged to notice the visible, for being so ignorant to care when you slightly suspected something to not fit, for being so damn human that you think there is nothing above you. And you believers in the many worldly religions that exist, Christians, Buddhists, Satan worshipers the whole lot…have been wrong. Wrong for so so long, not even close in fact incase you were interested. I think the closest ones to the truth of religion were people long dead who had no notion of life nor death for they just ceased to exist thus not having any knowledge of anything and thus being uncorrupted by the lies of society and religion.

As your reading this, I’ve been running. Running for my life for what its worth, which I don’t think is a lot to you as you don’t know who I am and after reading this I know you’ll discard it as rubbish and slander my name. For that good reason I will not say my name until the end so that you hear me out and at least you’ve had a chance to realise before it may be too late. There are so many truths that from watching the world go by in front of my and by reading and delving deep into books that for decades have not had eyes lay upon them and other means that I have come across. As absurd as they all may seem or sound, I know that with everything taken into consideration they are no more unlikely than a god existing, although as I stated earlier, religion and all that is a waste of time as it is not the real truth. If you have a heart attack it is not god telling you to slow down, for fuck sake it just means that your having a heart attack and if you don’t die this time then your lucky.

I could go through the whole bible and say how things really came about and I think I will go through some of them, just to give you a basic knowledge of some truths. Now that jolly old man saint nick. He wasn’t so jolly or giving. He was actually quite a crude man. I think the only truth to that guy was the fact that he was fat. Not your average fat that isn’t actually fat when you look at it the way and realise that although chunky your actually healthier than those twigs people call skinny. But fat as in a fat bastard who liked to invite children into his home for reasons unknown to their parents but scared in their fragile minds forever. Nick however did get his comeuppance. It was near the time of Jesus and that is why the whole story of Christmas day is also totally fiction and not to be believed although for families it is a nice holiday to adhere to but not so nice for the already lonely. Nick, later named as father Christmas was one of the unlucky people of that time to be taken by a mysterious force which had arrived. Below the earth a storm of fire, anger, death, greed and power was combining to create a demon so brilliant that it almost wiped out humans, the only reason it didn’t, well the only one I could find from limited sources was that they didn’t kill humans for food, just for sport, as we do with many animals now. They played hunter and we were the hunter. Shame Nick couldn’t run all too well. These creatures rose from the core of the earth to spread fear of the unknown… people would disappear forever. They could sense their prey and at night would sneak in to capture them and then take them beneath the earth where the person would slowly suffocate as the dirt and earth clogged their lungs eventually being dragged deeper and deeper still where their skin would start to boil and melt off the bones which in turn would singe, then burn until there was nothing left. Even the teeth could not withstand the temperature of the earths power. Now back to Nick. He was early one morning not actually doing anything useful just out and about when one of the creatures spotted the chance of prey and took that chance, dragging Nick into the depths of the earth where he burnt and singed until he was no more.
The point of this and why he was later to be named Saint Nick and have Christmas as the day he gave presents was the on the 24th of November which is the actually Christmas day, but hallmark didn’t think that reasonable and moved it, was that on that day Nick was taken and for some reason the creatures could read part of humans minds and found in him all the nasty things he had done to children of all ages and so in return as they were not a totally bad clan, just doing what they had to for fun, they demolished Nicks house and showed his home place all the nastiness hidden in there, photos of their children, toys to entice, sweets the whole shebang. They were so relieved that he was gone that they named him nasty nick but as these stories are passed down people change them to their own liking and some how his paedophilia was turned into his love of children and the toys they found in his house were toys he gave freely to good children. The whole shit about elves and the north pole were also thrown in for good measure by large corporations which wanted to earn a fortune off of everyone they could. And so Christmas sucks, Santa was an arse and that is the first of many truths I know of and have to write down incase of fire, (ok I’m allowed a little humour), insanity on my own cause, or any emergence which leads you lot to having to know the truth.

If you’re a youngster and your reading this, then you shouldn’t because if you believed in Santa then your parents are going to hate me for saying all that and their going to call me a liar and a bad person. But I’m not bad just want to put my knowledge down. O and if your still reading then I’m thinking you either want me to demolish your thoughts on all the lies your parents have told you, or you’re a clever little bugger who loves to read and get all the views not just one singled minded view of the world. If that’s the case well done I respect you for wanting to understand even if you don’t believe me. And if you’re the other kid I mentioned then get ready: pixies don’t exist…they are only the nice names given to darker things amongst us. The tooth fairy is your parent/guardian. Unicorns were a fad rich people had to try and spice up their horses appearances. And babies don’t come from stalks…for starters a stalk does not have the wing capacity or beak strength to possibly carry a baby across the miles of sky to deliver it to the parents. Babies come from a mummy and a daddy who sometimes love each other, sometimes just have a one night stand but don’t use protection (in that case your unwanted but not necessarily unloved) or just from a mummy who wants a baby and gets a friend to inseminate her or if she has no friends, a clinic gives her sperm. This sperm however it gets there, makes its way up the woman into her womb where it should meet an egg produced by the woman monthly and from then on if their lucky (or in the one night stand very stupid) then a baby will grow and form and be spurted out from the woman in nine months time…. I myself would love the stalk to be true as the other version to me is just a little messy.

Ok that over, some children’s dreams of owning a unicorn or capturing a pixie dashed, I’ll move on before anyone else tries to damn my name (which is another reason I haven’t mentioned it, as damning someone’s name is infact a big deal if you truly mean it and bad things can happen to that person, so be wise!).

Now onto someone more important for some bizarre reason. Jesus. I cant understand how anyone believes any of the stories centred around that guy. I mean they have the whole BC thing, but have you ever realised that how the hell do you know how long it was before him if he didn’t exist. God people use your minds. Heaven knows how humanity managed to survive and thrive.. Well actually heaven doesn’t know.

He was said to walk on water that Jesus guy, but really he was the first person to actually realise that when water freezes thickly it can be walked upon and some people in a boat saw this but didn’t realise that although they could break through the ice, they deemed it implausible a man could walk on it and so, he walked on water. No miracle, just a trick on the minds of the dull less developed people of that time.
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