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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #997449
Saki meets a new ghost and beginsto learn of the danger threating the world
Episode 03: The Ghost of the Beautiful Assassin


Saki had missed her bus so she was running to school. “I hope I’m not late!” she said to herself. She had to stop at a crosswalk for a light to change, there she saw a young woman with long green hair and piercing yellow eyes wearing an unusual outfit. It was all black with bits of steel armor at the shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, ankles, chest and loins sown into the outfit. She also had a Katana and a Kodachi in sheathes at her waist. “Looks like she likes cosplay.” Saki thought to herself. “Nice costume!” she said to the woman.

The woman then looked straight into Saki’s eyes. “So you can see me, you have left me with one option.” She then drew her Katana. “You must die!”

“Wait, it was a compliment!”

“Hai!” the woman said as she took a swing at Saki narrowly missing.

“Are you nuts?!” Saki said. ”You can put someone’s eye out!”

The woman then drew her Kodachi with her left hand while keeping her Katana in her right hand. “I will not miss twice!”

Saki then ran off to school with the woman right behind her. As she entered the school she saw her friends.

“Ohayo, Saki-chan.” said Miyaki.

Saki just ran past them. “Help, there’s a crazy lady with swords and she’s trying to kill me!”

She couldn’t understand why they just stared at her. Then the woman was right behind her. “There you are!”

“Ahhh!” Saki then ran up to the school roof. But was amazed when she saw the woman had beaten her there.

“There’s no escape!”

Saki prepared herself as the Katana was swung and went right through her. “I’m…not dead?!”

The woman scowled. “Then my Kodachi!” the Kodachi went through her as well without causing as much as a scratch. “What kind of Youkai are you?!”


“She’s not a Youkai.” said Hime as she and Yoshiro appeared as balls of fire. “That’s Saki, the girl I told you about.”

The woman then blinked. “The human who is able to see and hear us?” she then turned to Saki sheathing her swords. “I’m sorry I tried to kill you. When I realized you saw me I thought you were a Youkai.”

“What is a Youkai?”

“First let me introduce myself. My name is Asunka Kiramaru; Kunoichi and member of the Spirit Guard.”

“Spirit Guard?”

“Allow me to explain; there are three realms that we know of; Nigenkai, the world of Nigen or humans; Reikai, the Spirit World; and finally Maikai, the home of the Youkai. Youkai are demons, some of them are relatively harmless while others are creatures whose hearts are filled with hatred and destruction. Those Youkai have always tried to take over Reikai, so Maikai was sealed away long ago. From time to time though the seal weakens and Youkai are able to pass into this world, Nigenkai. The Spirit Guard is a group of ghosts who combat the Youkai and strengthen the seal again.”

“Wow!” Saki said. “You’re like a ghost superhero!”

“Well, it’s not that big a deal. I’m mostly doing this to atone for the deaths I caused.”

“What do you mean?”

“About five hundred years ago I was a Kunoichi. I carried out assassinations on those I thought were causing injustice to people, but there was probably at least one innocent among those I’ve killed. I made a deal in Reikai that I could serve in the Spirit Guard in order to atone for what I’ve done.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

Yoshiro then took human form. “Yeah she maybe tough but I bet I could take her.”

Asunka then turned to Yoshiro. “And have you mastered the irregular twin blade style of swordsmanship?”


“Irregular twin style?” Saki said then she thought. Oh, she used two swords of different length, usually when you use two swords they both have the same length, but her swords are very different in size and she used them together in a very fluid way; not sloppy at all. How can she fight like that?

“I know what you’re thinking.” said Asunka. “I came up with this style myself; I guess my second biggest regret is that my style wasn’t passed on to future generations.”

The bell then rang. “I better get to class.” said Saki.

As she left Asunka turned to Yoshiro again. “And by the way I’m supposed to give you an official notice. You are to report to Reikai to register in the next forty-eight hours or I’ll have to drag you there.”

“What?!” said Yoshiro.

“I told you you’d get in trouble.” said Hime.

“The only reason you’re both standing is that I don’t know who to deck first!”


Meanwhile in the school basement a crack in reality had formed and a black mist crept out from it. The crack then opened enough for a pair of glowing eyes to peek through.


“Your history assignment,” said Saki’s history teacher. “Is to write a report on an important figure in World or Japanese History and explain how he or she is an inspiration to you.” The bell rang. “That’s all for today, see you tomorrow.” The teacher then left.

“So who are you going to do your report on?” Aiko asked Masako.

“No idea.” said Masako. “You?”

“Albert Einstein of course, he’s my inspiration.”

“I was planning on writing about Queen Victoria, she ruled the British Empire for most of her life.” said Miyaki. “Who are you going to write your report on Saki-chan?”

“I just learned about someone cool.” said Saki. “Her name was Asunka Kiramaru; she was a Kunoichi who developed a unique sword style.” said Saki.

“Never heard of her.”

“Well she’s a little obscure.”

“Why don’t we start our research at the school library during our lunch break?” asked Aiko.

“Sure.” said Masako. “Then you can help me find a topic.”


At the Library they got on a computer to look up materials for their reports. “I did a web search on Asunka Kiramaru.” said Aiko. “But all I got was this. About five-hundred years ago a Kunoichi named Asunka Kiramaru attempted to assassinate the Daimyo who ruled this region.”

“Does it mention anything about her style of swordsmanship?” asked Saki.

“It says she disguised herself as a prostitute and has found out when a vial of poison fell from her…cleavage, she was caught and then summarily executed.”


“That’s it, the one hit on the whole search engine.”

“But I heard…”

“Saki-chan.” said Miyaki. “Can I talk to you alone?” She took Saki to an isolated corner. “I’m worried about you Saki-chan.”


“It’s all this ghost stuff you keep talking about. First you claim that you met the ghost of Yoshiro Makino, then you clobber Wazuka then say you were possessed and now you’re doing your school report on this woman who sounds a lot like the woman who you said attacked you but never showed up; I’m beginning to think you’re obsessive about this.”


“You told me that you always thought your parents were ghosts and you lost your grandfather recently. You want there to be a life after death so they aren’t really gone to you. And to be honest I’m scared for you.”

“You think I’m crazy?!” Saki said holding back tears.

“No, I don’t Saki-chan. I just don’t want you to be so focused on death that you miss out on life. I know what you’re going through I felt the same way when I lost the pet cat my parents got me after you moved away, but then I moved on, it’s time you moved on as well.”

“Thanks Miyaki-chan, now I remember why you were such a good friend.”

The bell rang. “We better head back to class.”

“By the way Miyaki-chan, that cat you had, what was its name?”

“Hime, why?”

Saki was surprised that it was the ghost cat she met but kept it to herself. “No reason.”


Back in the basement the rats scurried around as the black mist spread, as the mist touched the rats they collapsed and then started to rapidly decompose. An ox-like monster then came from the crack. “Our time is nearly here…”


Saki decided to do her report on Joan of Arc, disappointed that she couldn’t do it on Asunka. For the moment she was in chemistry class, studying preparing to do an experiment. The teacher then noticed something. “We seem to be out of the right size beakers, can I get someone to run to the basement to get a box these?”

“I’ll do it.” said Saki.

“Good, the box should be clearly marked, “Chemistry beakers, ten millimeters.” Think you can find them?”

“Hai Sensei.”

When she went down to the basement she saw a black mist gathered around the floor and several piles of rat bones. “What the…”

“Ah, our first Nigen victim!” said the monster ox.

“Ahhh!” Saki screamed as she went up the stairs. She found Yoshiro, Asunka and Hime waiting for her with their bottom halves as vaporous tails.

“What is it?” asked Yoshiro.

“There’s a monster down there and all of this black smoke…”

“Miasma.” said Asunka.


“The air of Maikai, in this world it’s touch is fatal.”

“Is there anything I can do?”

“Get everyone out of here, I’ll stop the Youkai.

“Got it!”

“Good luck you two.” said Yoshiro.

“And the two of you come with me!” said Asunka.


“Nyan?” said Hime.

“You’re going to help me.”

“Oh well.” said Yoshiro. “It’s not like he can make me deader than I already am.”


How do I get everyone out of the school? She saw a fire alarm. Bingo! She pulled the alarm and the bell went off. Hope the guys are doing ok.


Down in the basement the ghosts took a more physical form.

“Be careful Minna.” said Asunka. “The Miasma my not be able to hurt ghosts but Youkai can.”

“So.” said Yoshiro. “We’re already dead.”

“In the physical sense, but if they kill you as a ghost you could cease to exist!”

“Yikes!” said Yoshiro. “I better take this seriously then.”

“I can hear his breathing.” said Hime. “He’s close.”

“Hey I can tell that just by the smell.” said Yoshiro.

They came to the opening portal and saw the Youkai. “You are hereby ordered to cease your intrusion into Nigenkai!”

“Ah the Spirit Guard.” said the Youkai. “I was hoping to crush you!” he then charged furiously.

“Gang way!” said Yoshiro.

Hime bit the Youkai but it just tossed her aside.

“Have a knuckle sandwich!” said Yoshiro as he punched the Youkai.

“You’re really starting to annoy me!” the Youkai said.

“Spirit Cross!” Asunka yelled as she slashed the Youkai in a cross pattern.

“Is that the best you can do? I can…” but he was unable to finish his sentence as a cross shaped scar appeared over him rendering him unconscious.

“Time to send you back!” Asunka said as she pulled out a badge that had a heart with a flame on it. The badge glowed and then the Youkai disappeared. “Now for this portal.” Just as she was ready to close it a five streams of light came out. “Ugh, gotta seal it!” she used the badge to seal the portal Miasma following back into it.

Saki then came down the stairs. “Is everyone alright?”

“Yes, but it seemed like more Youkai escaped before we could seal the portal. Be sure to keep you eyes open.”


Meanwhile five figures assembled in an abandoned underground warehouse. “Looks like we at least were able to make it through.” said one darkened figure.

“But our king is still in Maikai.” said another.

“We knew that it would take more than one of our soldiers to create a bridge to Reikai.” said a feminine voice.

“Now it’s up to us.” said the leader. “And together we will conquer both worlds.”


“I saved the lives of everyone in the school and what did I get for it?” said Saki. “Detention for a week!”

“You defiantly got the short end of the stick.” said Yoshiro.

“As far as I can prove I just pulled the fire alarm either for fun or to get out of class; either way I could have hurt someone by taking firemen away from real fires.”

“But if you didn’t pull it people could have been killed, why didn’t you tell them what really happened?”

“And make people think I’m even crazier? Right now the best thing to do is to keep all of this ghost stuff quiet.”

“But if Asunka is right and five Youkai have made it here that could easier said than done.”

“He’s right, we should keep on our toes.” said Asunka.

“By the way Asunka.” said Saki starting to lighten up. “Is it true that you were caught posing as a prostitute before you were executed?”

“No it’s not!”

“But from what I could tell that’s what the history books said.”

“That was a lie by some of the Daimyo’s political enemies to discredit him! I died fighting off fifty of his guards and ten Samurai!”

“But did you ever keep poison between your breasts?”

“No, I wouldn’t degrade myself like that!”

“But that story is all I could find when I looked you up.”

“This is way I should have passed on my sword techniques, if I did this wouldn’t have happened!”


Looks like Saki’s life has just gotten a lot more complicated. Catch episode 04: The Spirit World

Japanese Definitions

Katana- Long sword

Kodachi- Short sword

Cosplay- Japanese term for costume play, dressing up as a fictional character, usually from anime or magna

Ohayo- Good Morning

Kunoichi- Female Ninja

Daimyo- Feudal Japanese Lord

Nani- What?

Nyan- the sound a cat makes
© Copyright 2005 Richforce (richforce at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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