Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/997431-Anonymous
Rated: GC · Short Story · LGBTQ+ · #997431
Lesbian erotica. Enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Rates, reviews welcome.

The night was humid. Balmy, I guess you would call it. The bar was jumping, but, I was here for one reason and one reason only. She had been gone for a week, and all I wanted to do was lose myself in someone else. A stranger that I didn't know, who didn't know me. Lines not blurred with familiarity, someone I didn't have to call the next day, someone I would likely never see again.

It was beyond crowded in here. I was sweating, and the air conditioner was having a hard time cooling the bar off with all the bodies. I was 4 beers in, and I had to pee ... badly. Problem was, there was a huge line at the bathroom, and I sincerely hoped i'd be able to hold it that long.

I stood in line, probably, 20 minutes before I got inside. One stall open, good, i ran for it. I was almost there before, smack! I ran into this brick wall, going right into ... my stall! Dammit, I kicked the door before stepping back and waiting for her to come out, please, come out before I embarrass myself and lose my bladder all over the damned floor.

She came out after about 5 minutes. The other stalls had opened up and there was only 2 other people in line besides myself. I took a look at her, tall. She was six foot if she was an inch, and her whole body looked as if it were plated in steel. All except her eyes and her smile. She smiled at me as she walked past, "Sorry ... you know, you can only take so many beers before you gotta go."

I was gonna make some smart ass comment, and i would have if I weren't lost in those eyes. Those light, baby blue, eyes. They matched her almost shaved, bleached blonde hair perfectly. Plus, the fact that she smelled so damned good didn't help either, so, instead I just looked at her and, sort of, mouthed, "It's no problem,"before rushing into the stall.

I stepped out of the bathroom, pure relief flooding my body, when, someone grabbed my arm gently, from behind. I turned, and it was the butch from the bathroom, smiling, and motioning me to follow her.

She led me into a back room that was almost completely empty except for a few, very old chairs that didn't get used anymore.

I watched her walk slowly toward me, turn me around with my back to her, and slide one rough, calloused finger down the side of my cheek, "All you have to say is no, if you don't want me. Your eyes tell me something different though."

I simply leaned back against her, laying my head against her chest. She ran her fingers through my hair, moved with me to the music blaring outside. I reached behind me, ran my fingernails up the outsides of her thighs. She groaned and turned me to face her.

She kissed me, softly at first, then a bit harder. I slipped my arms around her neck, clutched at her shoulders. I was already in a state of discomfort, my panties were flooded, and if things kept going this way, it was going to get a whole lot worse.

She moved us backward and sat me in one of the chairs, kneeling between my feet. She moved my thighs apart, pulled me down further in the chair.She pulled my skirt above my hips. I watched her lean forward, inhale, smile. Felt her grab my underwear, pull them off. Lick me deep. Her movements were slow and juicy, I thought I might cum from that alone. I held onto myself though, I wanted more from this butch, and she knew it, too.

She slid long, thick, fingers in and out. I squirmed in my seat, my hips moved of their own volition.

Finally, she took my hands, pulled me up and took my seat. She hooked one finger toward me, smiling. I unbuttoned her, reached in and pulled her cock out. It was a monster. I took it in my mouth, pulled on her jeans, looked in her eyes. She nodded and lifted her hips so i could get them off.

Interesting, no underwear behind the harness, and from the smell of things, I wasn't the only one who was dripping wet. I sucked her cock, slipping my fingers between the harness, and inside of her. She panted, shook, it didn't take long.

She gathered herself, pushed me onto my back on the floor and lie down on top of me. She stroked my face, kissed my neck. I spread my legs, pressed my hips toward her. She sat back a bit, and I reached down, took her in my hand and guided her to where she needed to be.

She pushed gently until she was in and we were both moving like we were one. She pumped into me until she felt me stuff her hand in my mouth to keep from alerting the whole damned bar to what we were doing.

Finally, she stood, smiled at me and helped me up from the floor. We both dressed and she kissed me once more, whispering in my ear, "I'm here every Friday. My name's Alex." I grinned, I knew I would look for her again. "Beth." So much for anonymity
© Copyright 2005 Benderjenn (benderjenn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/997431-Anonymous