Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/996755-Due-Consequences
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #996755
Just a short story in production...

Myfanawy thoughtlessly dumped another five tea-spoons of sugar into her coffee before realising what she had done.

"Blast!" She grunted in despair, pouring the contents down the sink. "Damn that man! Damn him to hell!" Glancing at her watch she realised she was late for work, "Dammit! My boss is going to kill me if I'm late once more this week. Damn you Nathan!"

Beginning to get flustered, Myfanawy completely forgot the project proposal she had been working on for the past month. She rushed through the door and outside to the car...Realising she had left the keys, along with her handbag inside.

Bursting into an ardent fury she began stomping up and down and screaming unidentifiable words. She turned back to the car and swore at it before kicking the door.

"Ouch! Dammit! Why can't I think about anything this morning...Drugs? Thats it! You drugged me didn't you "Mr. Sneeky". Well thats it! I've had enough of you Nathan!"

Storming down the street, slightly limping because of the impact the car had on her foot, Myfanawy made her way in the direction of Nathan's appartment.

When she came to the crossing Myfanawy was so furious that she didn't see a car coming around the corner until it was too late.

The silver Mazda had been going slightly over the speed limit and the driver-Too intoxicated by his own emotions-Had not noticed the young woman walking across the road. But when he realised who he hit...He was more hysterical realising who the screaming victim sprawled oput on the road was.

"Myfanawy, I'm so sorry...What were you doing crossing the road before it was safe". Nathan tried to craddle Myfanawy in his arms, but was stubbornly rejected him.

"Dammit Nathan...You ran me over on purpose didn't you you bastard!"

"Darling I'd never do that..."

"Oh, dont you darling me after trying to do me in! I'm reporting this as soon as I can get up!"

"No, dont move you might have a concusion...Stay still!" He pleaded.

"I ain't taking no orders from you Mr. Now, help me up...OUCH!!! I can't stand Nathan-SHIT! Is that bone coming through my skin?"

Nathan looked down at Myfanawy's legs and saw that there was a definate piece of bone coming through the skin.

"Im going to pick you up okay, you need to go to the hospital. I have one cordazone injection left in the car...It's gonna sting for a second but I'm going to give it to you okay?"

Myfanawy had lost consciousness before he could finish what he was saying. Lifting her up as though she were porceline Nathan made his way over to his car.

"Shit! I forgot to open the door!" Without thinking Nathan kicked the mazda. "Damn cars couldn't be built with automatic doors could they? Nooooooooo, we're already lazy enough as it is!" He gently placed Myfanawy down on the road next to the car before prying the now dinted door open.

"You bastard! You did run me over on purpose, now your trying to finish me off!" Myfanawy screamed as she seemed to regain consciousness at the exact point to make the situation a whole lot worse.

"No! No, I was trying to...I was...I wasn't trying to 'finish you off'...I was...Car door...Cordezone?"

"What the hell are you talking about! You're making no sense! 'You were car door cordezone?' Hey you hit someone else too didn't you you murderer!"

"What?! NO! Why do you think I hit someone else?"

"Arrr, so you were aiming for me! I knew it! You thought taking me to the hospital wouldn't make you a suspect didn't you!"

"Myfanawy you're hysterical. Calm down. I didn't hit you on purpose!

"Yes youuuuu...Wooooooooh...Dizzy. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! What's wrong with my leg?" Myfanawy screeched before fainting again.

"Thank God for that! Now to get you in the car." Nathan lifted Myfanawy with the door now open, and placed her inside the car.

On the way to the hospital Myfanawy wasn't quiet...She'd occassionally regain consciousness, swear, than faint again.

Nathan, thinking he'd take a short cut began to drive down an alley-way in which, Myfanawy regained consciousness, once again at the pinnacle of a bad situation which could only get worse.

"What are you doing now you Bastard! You gonna finish me off here aren't you! Don't think I don't know theres a machete in the glove comparment! You're gonna stab me aren't you! Running me down wasn't good enough!"

"Myfanawy why are you so bent on the idea of me doing you in?" He questioned just pulling into the Hospital emergency drop off area.


© Copyright 2005 Mariana (lainz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/996755-Due-Consequences