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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fanfiction · #996551
This is a piece of Fanfiction about Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Dru's Plan (WIP)

It is early evening and the sun is setting; there is barely any light in the room. Dru is awakened from her dream filled sleep to find a dark, silhouetted figure standing over her. Dru's eyes adjust to the semi-darkness of the room around her, as she looks up at the figure to se who it is. An evil, knowing smile crosses over her face as she recognizes who it is. She stands up to face the figure and shakes her finger from side to side, whilst giving a little sway of her hips.

"Naughty! Daddy's been a bad boy!" Drusilla is childishly happy and overcome with joy, she starts to dance around the room with the figure, which turns out to be Angelus; to music only they can hear.

"Are we going to have a party?" She asks, hopefully.

"You know i couldn't stay away Dru!" Angelus says as he pulls Drusilla around to face him.

"Aw-Oh! I knew you'd come back, the stars were whispering in my dreams!" Dru says in her slow, Anglo-Americanized, quiet voice, whilst staring at the half open door behind Angelus. Drusilla sadly fills Angelus in on all the pathetic details of what has happened to spike since he was last bad, and he bursts out laughing.

Dru says, "We have to save him! I can hear his heart screaming to be set free again," as she walks slowly towards the door, swaying side to side almost like a sequence from a dance; Almost as if she was dancing to a tune that no one except her could hear.

Angelus grabs Dru by the arm and says "Uh, Dru Honey? Not gonna happen. I need a good kill and i can't be doing with 'William the Bloody Useless' slowing us down!"

Smiling, Dru and Angelus walk out into the Jasimine scented garden of the old mansion, up the steps and off into the outside world. The sun is now fully set and Sunnydale is filled with the dark of night.

Unsuspecting people walk the streets, not knowing that they could be dead within a matter of minutes. Not knowing that they're amidst the living dead on the worlds most infamous Hellmouth.


Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Spike, who is still tied up in Giles's apartment, is beingquestioned again by a rather pissed of Buffy. He suddenly stops listening to Buffy and thinks he can hear another voice. He can't tell where its coming from but then, he realizesthat the voice in question is Drusilla's! He can hear her whispering to him, like she did in the old days. She filled his head with her words like a lullaby via their faint sire's link. He smiles, but is interrupted by a sudden, sharp pain from where Buffy has angrily backhanded him across the face.

"Bloody hell, why did you do that, bitch?" He said, grossly licked the blood from his lip, as if he was testing its taste.

Buffy replies with a repulsed look on her face, "Ew! Spike! I did it because you weren't listening and you have a ridiculous smile on your face! Its freakish!" Spike looks at Buffy and thinks what a cool girlfriend she would be if she were a Vampire: A Vampire with attitude and kiss-ass fashion sense. He then changes his mind quickly and is disgusted with himself for even thinking it! His mind was jumping from one place to another recently.

!Are you going to let me go, so that i can kill you slowly?" He smiles eagerly.

"Get a life Spike, the only way you're getting out of here is when you turn into a big pile of dust!"

"Aw, come on, i told you what i know about those bloody Commandos!"

"Not quite Spike, you said you know how to find them... so... tell us!" She demands, as she rolls her eyes and looks at Giles in a way that says 'Let me kill him and let me do it now!'

Spike's hands are tied behind his back, but whilst Buffy is looking at Giles, he realizes that he can get one hand slightly free of the rope if he tries hard enough... "Why don't you try telling us again, where to find them? And then maybe we could get you something to eat. Yeah, would wittle Spikey like that?" Buffy teased.

Half irritated anjd half seductively he responds, "And why don't you come over here and sit on my lap? I might tell you what you need to know! Or is the big bad slayer afraid she might like it?"

Buffy walks quickly towards Spike ready to punch him again, but as she gets no more than two steps away, Spike bursts out of the chair and grabs her hard and fast by the throat.

"I'll tell you something little girl, you are really starting to annoy me!" Spike said tightening his grip on Buffy's throat, whilst she scrambles around with her hands, trying to loosen his grip, unsuccessfully.

Giles tries to help Buffy, but Spike hits him squarely across the face, which sends him flying across the room. Giles hits the living room wall with a thud, then slouches to the floor. Spike has knocked him clean out.. Again.

After Spike recovers from the initial pain of hitting a human, he says in a giggly voice, "Aw, poor watcher's out like a light! Someone should really teach him how to fight!" He lets Buffy go; she falls to the floor trying to breathe. She finally takes a deep, gasping breath, stands up rubbing her throat and punches Spike around the face a few times until he bleeds.

"Bloody hell! Will you stop doing that?" He says, putting a hand up to his mouth, wiping the blood away with his thumb. Spike looks at Buffy in an annoyed yet loving way, as he lights up a cigarette and walks around the sofa, to sit slumped in the armchair next to Giles' motionless body.


Back on the other side of town, Dru and Angelus have spotted two vunerable looking girls, walking towards an obscure alleyway. They watch as the girls cautiously walk towards the opening, hesitating but then carrying on. Dru gives Angelus an excited look as they follow the girls, making sure that no one else is around.

Drusilla and Angelus quietly catch up with two girls a little further up the alley. Angelus has the look of a starved animal on his face now; he comes in close behind the girls and says in a charming voice, "Evening grils. How are we this dark, chilly night?"

The girls look around to see a handsome young man standing before then, they both say at the same time, "Fine, thank you, sir. Good evening to you too."

"It's a little late for two young girlies like yourselves to be wondering around on this dark night!" Said Angelus. "You never know what kinds of folk might be out there. How's about i walk you home?" Angelus's voice sounds persuasive to the girl, but they don't really seem to keen on the idea.

"Thank you, but we should be going now; we're expected home!" They start to pass Angelus, but he moves swiftly back in front of them, the way only a vampire can.

"If you're worried that i'll do something to you, then my friend here could accompany us!" Angelus points to a female figure standing in the shadows behind them. "Oh Drusillahoney, come here." Dru walks out of the darkness, creeping like a cat, with a sly, mischievieous look on her face. The girls now looked even more ffightened, as they become aware of the deep red blood on her bottom lip.

"Uh, Dru sweetie, where have you been?" Aska Angelus in a not-so-curious tone of voice, as she wipes the blood from her lips with the back of her delicate hand, then licking her lips.

Dru replies in a slow voice as if she'd just remembered why she was there, "Oh yeah! I found an old homeless man, was very helpful he was!" A smile came across Angelus's face as the girls look back at him. Dru puts her game face on in anticipation. At this the girls scream and start to run away. Angelus rubs his hands together and slightly giggling says, "Thats my girl. I love it when they run, it gets the blood going good!"

"Oh goody, I love a chase!" Exclaims Dru, as she gives a little giggle and a yelp of joy as they both set off after the two girls. When they catch up to the girls they see their faces have a look of terror on them, like they knew what was about to hapen. Drusilla held the crying, dark haired girl so that she was facing the otherone; she wanted to make her watch as she drank the very life from her.

As Dru bit into her neck the other girl screams, but can't get away because Angelus holds on to her arms too tightly. When Drusilla is finished she lets the lifeless body of the dark haired girl fall to the ground in a heap. "Yummy!"

Angelus then turns the other girl around so the he can look right at her. He wanted to savour this moment. She looks him dead in the eye and doesn't make a sound. His face changes, his teeth grow into sharp points, his forehead and nose get bumpy and his eyes change to a yellowy gold colour. A single tear runs down her cheek. Angelus wipes it away and licks his finger, then brushes her hair away from her face as he snaps her neck. He sinks his sharp teeth in and begins to drink from her. When he's finished the girl thumps into a lifeless heap on the floor.

Angelus licks his lips and chuckles; "The young ones are always the best!"

!Oh how the moon sings to me! It whispers in my ear. The Slayer... is in for a treat!" says Dru, as she and Angelus walks off, leaving the dead girls abandoned at the end of the alley like garbage.


“ Do you mind?” Says Spike looking at Giles' motionless body, holding the cigarette by his face waiting for a reply. “Guess not then!” says Spike, taking another drag, whilst looking over Buffy; she rolls her eyes and goes to sit on the sofa opposite Spike.

“Why didn't i just kill you the first time i met you? It would have made things so much easier for the both of us! Well me anyway!” Buffy mutters.

“It's a bit late for that luv! I would kill you right now if it weren't for this bloody chip in my skull!” says Spike tapping the side of his head gently, still holding the cigarette in his hand.

“Bite me!”says Buffy sarcastically, with a tiny grin on her face.

Spike says to Buffy in a deadly serious tone of voice looking straight into her eyes, “Don't tempt me luv, one of these days I might just do it. Where would that leave you and your pathetic Scooby Gang?”

Buffy begins to laugh uncontrollably at Spike, almost falling off the sofa in hysterics. A minute or so has gone by and Buffy is still laughing at Spike, who is now standing looking very, very annoyed. “You think this is funny? I'll give you something to laugh about!”

Suddenly as Spike goes to grab Buffy again, a line of different coloured sparks fly through the door and into their eyes. Buffy stops laughing, she begins to rub her eyes and Spike does the same. As they both take their hands away fron their eyes, Spike notices that Buffy's eyes are now fiery Red, instead of their normal green.

“Hey, what the freaking hell was that?” says Buffy blinking continuously.

“I don't know but, why are your eyes Red and not Green?” Spike says in a confused manner.

“I could say the same for you- your eyes are Orange!” Spike looks really confused and shocked.

“Go take a look!” Buffy says pointing to the mirror on the wall behind her.

Spike says, “What the.. are you stupid os something? Hello! Vampire here!”

“Oh, right, yeah, that whole no reflection thingy, huh” says Buffy looking rather embarrassed. “How's that working for ya?” Buffy adds trying not to look like a complete idiot.

Buffy walks over to the mirror to inspect the new colour of her eyes. She begins to pull faces at the mirror to get a better look, pulling her eyebrows up, and her bottom lashes down. She stops realizing that Spike is right behind her.

“Don't do that!” Buffy says a little startled.

Spike says trying not to laugh “Do what? You were so into pulling faces i just wanted to get a better look!”

Buffy turns around and almost head butts Spike in the face. She looks up at him, all of a sudden their eyes start to glow, as they fall into each other's arms and begin to kiss passionately. Buffy's hands work there way yp from Spikes shoulders to his face, caressing his bleach blonde head. Spike begins to do the same but in the opposite direction, when Buffy grabs his hands and pulls then up to the middle of her back.

Unexpectedly, they hear faint moaning coming from somewhere in the room. Spike thinks that it's Buffy and continues to kiss her passionately. Buffy hears moaning again, she realizes that it's coming from Giles' direction. She begins to pull away from Spike, but he draws her back in to kiss him. She pulls away again, as Giles starts to stir a little more.

“Spike, no! Giles is waking up.” She says trying not to make it obvious when she wipes her mouth. She points to Giles, lying on the floor by the TV. Buffy walks over to see if he is ok.

Spike says, realizing that she hadn't punched the hell out of him for kissing her. “Huh, oh yeah, right then.” He shrugs his shoulders a little and walks over to Giles, helping to get him into the armchair. Buffy's hand gently strokes Spikes as they help Giles up, she looks at Spike lovingly with her wide RED eyes.

“Giles, Giles, can you hear me? Are you ok?” Asks Buffy in a caring, sincere voice.

“I told you someone should teach him how to fight!” Spike says sitting down on the sofa across from Giles and Buffy.

“I'm fine, just a little concussion, I'll be fine!” Giles says slightly sarcastically looking at Buffy with a half smile. He takes his glasses off and begins to clean them.

Buffy walks around the side of the petite wooden coffee table to sit beside Spike. As Buffy goes to sit down, she almost sits on Spike's hand; she gives a little yelp and then repositions herself on the armchair. Buffy still sits quite close to Spike, her leg just about touching his. Buffy thought to herself 'I'll be fine, just as long as i keep close to him nothing else will happen'.

“While you were out, i managed to get some good information out of Spike. So I'm gonna take him out and try to find those commandos.” Buffy says gently placing her hand on Spike's thigh, whilst speaking to Giles.

“Well, uh if you have the information you should, uh see if you can't find where they are working from, get there location, how many of them, that sort of thing.” Giles says still cleaning his glasses, not noticing that Buffy still has her hand on Spike's thigh.

Spike's hand is resting on the top of the sofa, he slowly moves his arm and places his hand on Buffy's back; she closes her eyes briefly, breathing deeply and gives a quiet sigh that only a vampire could hear.

“So, Uh Spike we should get going then if we ever want to find those commandos”, says Buffy looking at Spike, but then quickly removing her hand from his thigh as Giles puts his glasses back on.

“Yes, yes quite right. I'll see you tomorrow the Buffy for a briefing of what you find tonight” Giles says standing up and yawning heading for the stairs. “Goodnight, and do be carful” he says walking up the stairs to bed.

“Well, we best be off then, Slayer” Spike says cheekily with a little smile, nodding towards the door of the apartment. They get up and head for the door, Spike's hand still on Buffy's back, as they get to the door Spike moves Buffy's hair away from her neck and kisses her.

Nbuffy gives a little moan and says quietly, “Spike, no, not here, we'll wake Giles up” Buffy reaches for the handle and opens the door, she turns to face Spike and kisses him on the cheek, then whispering in his ear, “Let's go to your crypt!” She takes Spike's hand as they walk out of the coutyard, up the road towards his crypt.


At the same time, at the mansion Drusilla and Angelus are still in the garden. Drusilla is talking to the Night Blooming Jasimne; there're her favourite. She sways whilst she talks to the. “La la la”

“Do you like them?” Asks Angelus, “They grew here before the mansion was built. I knew they were your favourite!” Angelus says walking over to Dru placing one hand on her middle, spinning her around. They both start to dance around the garden, until Drusilla stops abruptly.

“Uh, the stars talk to me; the spell has woven it's magic, the Slayer will get what she desires the least and then we shall see how she fights!” Dru says giggling.

Angelus says to himself with a silly grin, “I love it when she does that!”


© Copyright 2005 Chloe Beth (chloebethuk at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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