Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/995510-Spirit-Renewed-Ch-34
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #995510
Kelly find out the truth
Chapter 3 of 4

I was still confused and even angry, but I couldn’t stand for her to be in tears. I rose up enough to wrap my arms around her and held her to me while she calmed down. The girls came in after a few minutes and Kelly wondered why her mother was upset. Donna told her not to worry about it now and we all would sit down and talk later. We had a nice, if subdued dinner and the women headed toward home with the promise that I would visit there tomorrow.

I tried to sleep that night, but the events of the day were running through my head. I rejoiced in the idea that Donna seemed to still care for me. Having a daughter was another thing all together. MY daughter. I could get used to that. At the same, I deeply regretted all the years that I had missed watching her grow up. It would have made my life complete to have had someone to come home to. Maybe I wouldn’t have been as successful, but it would have made it worth it. I drifted off in the early hours of the morning still trying to decide how this would turn out.

After waking shortly after dawn, I grabbed some coffee and called down to have a car waiting in an hour or so. By the time I was ready, the desk called telling me that everything was taken care of. I left a message for my secretary and my manager telling them where I would be and that I was not sure when I would be coming back into the city.

The long drive gave me more time to think and I finally decided just to see how things would go from here. The local radio stations were talking about the concert and the surprise guest from my first band. There was talk of it being a staged event, since I had been born around here. I used my cell to call the station and once they believed me that I was really Jason Daniels, I explained that I had indeed invited the woman and her daughter to the concert, but that her coming on stage had not been planned. In order to prove it, I promised to come to the station in person to verify all this.

This distracted me long enough to make it to the small town where we had grown up. I called Donna to make sure they were up before I got there. She was, but the girls were still in bed. I stopped and picked up some Danish for breakfast then pulled up to her house.

Donna opened the door dressed in a robe. She had apparently taken a shower since her hair was wet, but I could tell from her face that she had not slept much either. We went to the dining room, sitting in the same spot that I had been in just a couple days before.

As soon as we had settled in, I reached over and took Donna’s hand. “I figure that we both have been tossing this around all night. Just let me say what I need to and then we can go from there.”

She agreed so I began. “Last night I was still in a state of shock about finding out that I had a child. I was also really pissed that I have missed so much as she grew up. But I also know that it was not your doing, but that of your parents. I am not sure why you didn’t contact me earlier though. Anyway, there is nothing we can do about that now. I know that I want to have a part in Kelly’s life if she wants me to. And if you want it, I want to be back into your life as well. The thing is Donna, I don’t think I ever stopped loving you. I put it in the back of my mind when I didn’t hear from you, but it has always been there.”

Donna was almost in tears when I said I still loved her. She pulled herself together though and answered me. “I never fell out of love with you. Even when I was married to Arthur, it was you I was dreaming about. When we had sex, it was you that I would think of. That may have been part of the reason for the divorce. As far as you taking a part in Kelly’s life, I would love to have you do that. She will have to make up her own mind. But knowing how she idolizes you, I can’t see why she wouldn’t want to hang out with her father.”

We heard a sleepy voice behind us. “Jason, what are you doing here so early? I must look like a mess! And do you know something about my dad? Grandma and Grandpa wouldn’t let me find out who he was. Can I meet him soon? That would be almost as good as meeting you!” She was going a mile a minute. It was really cute to see her with her hair all messed up, her eyes still showing signs of sleep, but the words were just pouring out. I wondered if she was always like that and I wanted to find out soon.

“Calm down a bit, Kel,” her mother told her. “You sit down and I’ll get you a glass of juice.” Then to me she said. “Kelly hates coffee, always has.”

“Mom, why would he care about something like that?” I could see her face getting red. Donna just chuckled.

“As soon as you are awake, Jason and I want to talk to you.”

“I am awake enough now, especially since it has something to do with my dad.”

Donna took over then. “You know that your father was my high school sweetheart. You also know that he left before you were born. What you don’t know is that he never knew I was pregnant. Your grandparents wouldn’t let me tell him, and after a couple of years his career took off, making him very successful. That was about the time I married Arthur. After that we were doing fine and I decided it was easier to let the matter lay rather than rehashing the entire thing with your grandparents. Then you wrote to Jase and the whole thing came to the surface.”

Kelly turned to me. I came around the table and knelt down beside her. “Kelly, there is no easy to say this, but last night your mother told me that I am your father.” Her eyes got huge and she started to tremble. “You have to believe me -- if I had known, I would have been here with you. The big question is; do you want me in your life?”

She finally found her voice, at least in part. “You’re… I mean… Jason Daniels is my dad?” With each word her voice rose in pitch. Suddenly she bolted from the chair and ran into her room. I was shocked, and Donna looked concerned as well.

Donna decided to go up and talk to her. I went into the kitchen and poured myself another cup of coffee. I tried reading a magazine that was lying on the counter, but it was one of Kelly’s and I was in no mood to read about myself paired with whatever blonde bombshell was popular this week. At 34, the girls and women that were interested in the intimate details of my life still amazed me. This would be something that I would have to bring up to Donna and Kelly as well. Just another complication in an already complicated situation.

After what seemed like hours, Donna came back down. She had talked to Kelly in the master bedroom since Chrissie was still asleep in Kelly’s room. Donna got her over the shock and assured Kelly that it wasn’t lack of interest that I had never contacted either one of them. She was feeling better when Donna left and she would be down as soon as she cleaned up a bit.

Donna then grinned. “You know what her biggest problem was at the end? She told me that she felt weird that she had been getting herself off to images of you for a couple of years. Now she finds out that she has been masturbating to thoughts of her father.”

That kind of shocked me, but I could also see the humor of it all. We were still chuckling when Kelly came down. She had washed her face and her hair was all brushed back. She came over and stood beside me. “I am sorry that I ran out. I was shocked and confused. Mom told me all about how you two were in love in high school and how everything happened.” She took a deep breath. “Would it be alright if I called you Daddy?”

With tears in my own eyes I told her, “I would love that. I am very proud to be ‘Daddy’ to such a wonderful girl as you.”

She then did something that completely melted my heart. She bent down and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I returned her hug and then squeezed her even tighter when she whispered in my ear, “I’m so glad you came back.”

Our embrace ended with noises coming from upstairs that signaled that Chrissie was up and moving around. Kelly turned to look up the stairs. “I can’t wait to tell Chrissie who you really are. She is just going to die!” Then she got serious. “Is it alright to tell her? Do you want to keep this a secret?”

This girl was surprising in how quick she was. “I don’t care who knows it. I will have to handle my manager, but as far as I am concerned, I don’t care. I do want to talk to you both on how much you want to be in the spotlight, but that can wait for a day or so.”

“Great!” Then she turned toward the stairs. I could see a twinkle in her eyes as she shouted out, “Chrissie! Get your butt down here and meet my dad!”

We heard her bare feet on the steps and Chrissie’s voice before she made it around the corner. “You mean your dad’s here? When did he tell … ” Chrissie stopped in mid-sentence as she rounded the corner.

“Chrissie, meet my dad, Jason Daniels. Dad, this is Chrissie, but you knew that.”

Chrissie, for her part, was doing a wonderful imitation of a fish. Her mouth was moving but no sound was coming out. She also looked like she couldn’t move, so Kelly went over and helped her into a chair.

As Donna fixed some brunch, Kelly explained how this had all come about. By the time that Chrissie’s parents arrived to pick her up, she had agreed to not spread the news. She went home still giddy though.

I called my manager and said that we had some things that had to be discussed immediately. Each of the women packed an overnight case and we were soon headed back to the city. We checked into my favorite hotel and I got my usual room. The suite contained a bedroom on each side and a sitting room separating them, three rooms total. Donna and Kelly took the room opposite of mine. Edgar, my manager, showed up as they were settling in. The girls joined us and I started the conversation.

“Edgar, this is Donna, who is now known as a member of my first band. And this is Kelly, her daughter. What you don’t know and neither does the public, is that Kelly is my daughter as well.” It was to his credit that he handled the shock well. He stood and shook hands with both women. Edgar thought for a few minutes and said, “I can see some problems with the tabloids, but even fewer from your fans.” He looked over at Kelly. “The worst will be for you. They will try and dig into your past for anything that could cause embarrassment to either Jason or you and your mom. Can you think of anything that could cause problems?”

Donna started to get angry. “Kelly has never been in any trouble, not even in school. She gets all A’s and B’s and is in band and the school paper. She isn’t the most popular girl in school, but she has guys ask her out.”

Before she could get going again, I put my hand on her arm. “Donna, Edgar is asking for a good reason. Those bastards are ruthless. If Kelly had ever been caught smoking, they would try and make it out that she is a drug addict and it is my fault for ‘abandoning’ you both to pursue my career. They will try and dig out anything they can. He can help smooth it out for both of you.”

“Alright, I understand. We're just not used to this kind of attention.”

Edgar smiled at them both. “Let me see what I can do to take the pressure off you both for as long as I can. Since nobody else knows yet, it will give you all a chance to get to know each other better. Good thing you are finished with the tour.”

We took some time to figure out some future dates to promote the upcoming album, but the names and dates were left open until closer to the album’s release date. After we finished making some decisions, Edgar left to give us some time alone. Kelly was interested in the pre-edit footage of the concert that had been delivered earlier, so she stayed in the common room to use the equipment. Donna and I moved to my bedroom to talk.

I closed the door and turned to see Donna lean back on the side of the bed. I rubbed the back of my neck and finally spoke. “Kelly seems to be doing well with the news, but what about you?” She looked questioningly at me. “You have done a wonderful job of raising Kelly, and I don’t want to interfere with that. But I thought about it all night and I want to be part of her life. Of course that means I will be part of your life as well.”

“Jase, I would love to have you be part of Kelly’s life. For years on end I know that she has dreamed of having a father. I don’t want you to feel financially obligated; I never wanted that. But if you could just love her as your daughter, I am sure that would be more than enough.”

“But what about me being around more now? Will that put a cramp in your social life?”

She started chuckling. “Social life? I haven’t been on more than a couple of dates since the divorce. I could never find anyone that interested me that would accept the burden of a young child. You can’t put a cramp in something that doesn’t exist.”

“Do you think you would want the social life of a rock star?”

“Jase, are you asking me to work with you again?”

“Actually Donna, I am thinking of a more permanent arrangement. But if you want, we can start over and see if we still fit together. I don’t want to lose you again.”

By this time I had moved next to her on the bed. She sat back up and hugged me fiercely around the neck. “Jason Murphy Daniels, are you asking me to marry you?”

“It wasn’t exactly the best way to put it, but yeah, I am.”

“I will probably say yes, but how about if we just start from here and see how it develops between us? We are both different than we were back then. Maybe we should see if we are still meant to be together.”

It wasn’t all that I had hoped for, but it would be more than enough for now. I lifted her chin with my fingertips and gently kissed her. She returned the kiss with passion and we were soon making out like we had done in high school.

Before we started losing clothing though, Donna pulled back. “I really don’t think we have time right now to do this properly, especially since our daughter is probably about finished watching the tapes. But later tonight I would like to finish what we started.”

I reluctantly released my grip on her waist. “You're probably right, but it's hard to stop.”

She looked down at the crotch of my jeans. “Yeah, you’re right. It looks hard, that’s for sure.”

I laughed with her and then whispered in her ear, “You’ll find out later just how hard it is, you little tease.”

“I'm looking forward to that.” She giggled as she got her clothing straightened out. As soon as the bulge in my pants softened a bit, we went back out to see about Kelly.

We walked out to see Kelly still sitting in front of the monitor. She was rewinding the tape and watching the part where her mother and I were singing together. Donna cleared her throat to get her attention. “Mom! I never knew you could sing that well. You're great!”

“Kelly, your mother is one of the finest vocalists and keyboardists I have ever worked with. She could bring out emotion in a song that would make the crowds stand in awe. And didn’t I hear earlier that you are in band?”

“Yeah, but I'm not as good as Mom is. She taught me the organ and piano and I play the flute in the marching band. I'm what you would call a ‘band geek’ in school.”

Donna then spoke up, “Don’t sell yourself short, honey. Who was it that has won the school’s talent show three years running? And who was asked to be soloist in the All-State student orchestra?”

Kelly’s face was red from embarrassment and she was doing an intense study of the tops of her shoes. “Okay. I do pretty well against the student body, but I am not up to the caliber that Jas… err, that Daddy is used to.”

It was really nice to hear Kelly use that word in reference to me, but I also knew it would take a bit for her to get used to having a father. I was determined to make her as comfortable with me as soon as I could.

“I am willing to bet that you are every bit as good as many of the musicians that are out there. I would love to have you play with me sometime. If you are half a good as your mother, you would be able to fit in with ease. Now, I need to know if anyone is hungry.”

Kelly’s answer of, “Yes, I’m starving,” brought a chuckle from her mother. She tried to glare at her, but she broke into a smile anyway. “What can I say, I’m a growing kid.”

Dinner was room service, and the evening's entertainment was watching some movie that Kelly was dying to see, interrupted frequently with questions from her on whom I had met and what this person or that person was like. Around midnight, Kelly stood and announced that she was heading for bed. She came around to where her mother and I were sitting. She bent over and gave her mom a kiss and then surprised me by kissing me on the cheek and hugging my neck before she headed toward the bedroom.

Donna and I sat for a while longer, talking about our lives and stopping frequently for kisses and touches. She finally gave me one last kiss and stood, telling me that I should go and start a shower and she would join me as soon as she checked on Kelly.

I went in and started the water, making sure I had plenty of towels handy. I was already under the spray when I heard the door open and close, then the shower door slid back. She was still as sexy as I remembered her. Her breasts were fuller but were still firm. Her still narrow waist blended into the firm, twin globes of her ass. All in all, she would put many of the younger music crowd to shame.

We embraced and started kissing, our hands exploring each other’s wet skin. We finally moved back and I picked up the shampoo and motioned for her to turn around. I lathered up her shoulder length brown hair taking the time to massage her scalp. This brought a relaxed moan from her as she immersed herself in the sensual pleasure of this small, but very intimate act. I moved her back into the spray of the showerhead to rinse her hair. As the suds made their way down her back, I picked up the soap that the hotel provided and moved forward. I pulled her up against me and started to use the soap on her back, the lather making her skin slick and sensual.

I made my way down her body, soaping the backside while I was planting kisses along the front. Then I knelt down and started to soap up her feet and legs, ending with my hands caressing her ass and my face buried in her well-trimmed pubic hair. I extended my tongue tasting her essence for the first time in almost two decades. The taste was just as wonderful as I remembered it, and the reactions that Donna was displaying proved that she was close to orgasm. She put her hands on the back of my head and thrust her pussy into my face. My tongue and lips found her clit and I sucked it into my mouth. Within seconds her legs started to tremble as she gave herself over to the climax that came crashing over her. Her legs started to buckle and I followed her down until she was lying on the floor of the shower trying to regain her senses.

When she finally opened her eyes, I could see a look that haunted my dreams and thoughts ever since I had left. It was a look that showed a mixture of love and lust. She pushed me upright and the only two words she said were “Your turn.” She started rubbing her soapy hands along my back and chest and I closed my eyes to the sensations. I couldn’t believe the effect her soft hands were having on me just by touching my skin. She slowly worked her way down until she was staring at my hard cock. She leaned away so that the water rinsed the soap from my crotch, then I felt the wet heat from her mouth as it enveloped almost half my cock. The foreplay had me at a fever pitch and it took no more than the feel of the head of my cock as it started down her throat, before I felt my orgasm start deep in my crotch. I groaned a warning and Donna backed off until just the head was between her lips. Her tongue wrapped around the head as I shot again and again into her mouth.

She pulled back and let my shrinking member fall from her lips. She smiled, her lips glistening with the remains of my cum. She turned her head and took a mouth full of water, then stood and kissed me. We hurried up and finished rinsing then stepped out to dry each other.

Soon, we were in bed snuggling together. She felt my cock stirring, so she rolled me onto my back and took it again in her mouth until it was as hard as before. Once she was satisfied I could get no harder, she moved until she was straddling my waist. She moved up and positioned my cock at her entrance, then she slid down slowly until our pubic bones touched. She leaned back and I covered her breasts with my hands as she started to move up and down, groaning with each downward thrust.

Her movements started to get more erratic as she approached her climax. I moved my hands to hold her hips and help her keep her rhythm. It didn’t take long until we both were crying out as our mutual orgasms overtook us. Donna slid off my cock and curled up next to me with her head on my chest. We both drifted off into a blissful sleep.
© Copyright 2005 Heathen57 (heathen57 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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