Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/995505-Spirit-Renewed-Ch-14
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #995505
The past comes back sometimes
Spirit Renewed Chapter 1 of 4

I fell back into the chair in the dressing room. This was the 40th –or was it the 45th concert that we had played in as many days. I had four hours before I had to be at the airport. After being in an enormously successful Rock band for a few years, branching out on my own had been good for my career. The downside was being in a different city every night or two, sometimes you can’t even remember who you really are.

I could hear the activity as the stage was pulled down and packed onto the trucks that would take it to the next town. This crew seemed to be packing out in record time. Even with all the audio equipment they would probably be done in less than an hour.

Ever since my latest album had gone platinum, we had been on this tour. Now the time had come; we all needed a break. My manager and I went a few rounds about it, but I insisted that my crew should get at least a few weeks to spend with their families. I was planning to relax in Tahiti, where hopefully I would be able to remember the reason I was doing this again. I was very close to total meltdown, both physically and mentally.

The sounds from the stage died out as the last of the meat racks and road boxes were sent up the ramps and the doors to the trailers were shut. I went out the door of the dressing room and toward the loading dock. I remembered when as a struggling band we had to hump all of our own equipment, and I always made it a point to meet the local crew and thank them for the job they had done. I shook hands with all of them, signed a few of the posters that were left, and gave them all a shirt that had the band’s logo and the word’s “Local Crew” on the front. I even horsed around a bit telling jokes.

Soon enough it became quiet and I wandered out onto the darkened stage. The house lights were dimmed and only the work lights were illuminating the stage. I stood on the spot downstage center where just a short while ago I was bathed in twin spots, singing and playing for the packed audience. In the silence of the room you could feel the presence of those fans as they cheered and sang along. This was a time of comfort for me -- a time to look back to when things were simpler and when my first band was just starting.

The first band was one that never should have been. We were juniors and seniors in high school and had absolutely no idea about management and all the ins and outs. We just wanted to make music and we got good.

We called ourselves Purple Passion, a silly name that befitted a bunch of amateurs playing covers of the current hits. Ace McCleary was the drummer, Hugh Foster on bass, Jimmy Clayton on second guitar and me, Jason Daniels, on lead. We were practicing for an audition in a few weeks at a small teen club.

I was heading out of school thinking that something was missing in our band. As I passed the band room on my way out, I heard what we needed. Someone was practicing after school. The song, “its Too Late”, was being played on the piano. Whoever it was had such a sense for the song that one would think Carole King was playing. Her voice was more Carly Simon, but it was true to the song. This girl played with passion! I went in and introduced myself to her.

“I know who you are. I have heard you play.”

“How did you do that? Our band has never played anywhere.”

“I live across the street from where you practice.”

Now I was putting two and two together. I had seen her sitting out on her porch when I would leave Ace’s house. I had waved at her every time I left practice and she would shyly wave back. “You’re Donna aren’t you?”

When she nodded at me I continued, “Donna, this may come out strange, but I have been trying to figure out what was missing in our band. And I heard it before I came in. Would you want to come over and practice with us this afternoon? I can borrow a keyboard. I really think you would be just what we need.” I was running out of breath by this time.

She gave me a shy smile and said, “I guess. I have my own board. Are you sure the other guys won’t mind?”

“Not after they hear you play and sing they won’t.”

I gave her a ride home and waited while she went in and got her boards. She came out with a stand and two cases. I grabbed the stand and walked to the entrance to the basement.

The guys greeted me and Ace recognized his neighbor. “Hi Donna, I didn’t know that you wanted to hear us, I would have invited you here before.”

I piped up then, “Actually guys I would like to give Donna a chance to jam with us. I think you might be amazed.”

We hooked her twin Rolands into the junky sound board that we had borrowed and told Donna to warm up a bit while we got ready. I heard the sounds of the same song that she had been playing earlier came through the speakers. I was getting her inputs leveled out but I noticed that all other movement had ceased. Looking up, I saw the rest of the guys staring at Donna. She felt the eyes on her and stopped, looking like she had done something wrong. Hugh looked over at me and stated, “Damn, she is GOOD.”

I grinned, “Wait until you hear her voice.”

I went over to Donna and had a few quiet words in her ear. She just nodded and said, “I’ll try.”

I went over and picked up my Gibson. “Try and keep up boys,” I grinned and hit the opening riffs of Fleetwood Mac’s, “Rhiannon.” I wasn’t a Lindsey Buckingham, but I loved the song and knew it by heart. On the 8th bar, Ace came in on the drums, with Hugh and Jimmy right behind. By the time we were half way through I think we all knew we had something. It was magic. Before the end of the afternoon we had a new keyboardist and female vocalist.

We won the audition and got a permanent gig playing every Saturday night. When I started writing some original material with Donna, the band started getting noticed. We put out a couple of discs that we sold at the gigs. Somewhere along the line, Donna and I fell in love.

Our first dates were just getting acquainted. I knew something was there, but I was scared to admit my feelings. I finally uttered the words to her at a movie one night. I had my arm around her and just whispered, “Donna, I love you.” Her reaction was to snuggle closer and say, “I love you too.”

From then on we were almost inseparable. Making out with Donna was fantastic. We would rapidly advance to removing each other’s clothing and then bring each other off with out hands and mouths. Her body was incredible. Her breasts were not huge but stood out proudly. She always thought her hips were too big but I didn’t agree. To me she was the perfect woman, and I could never wish for something better.

We stayed together through the rest of the school year, growing ever closer. We went for long walks in the park. One of us would call the other every night just to say, “I love you.” Things that to some would be silly but were very important to a young couple in love with each other. We played the senior prom that year, dressed in our rented best. After the prom, Donna and I gave our virginities to each other.

We had played our last song for the evening and were packing up when Donna whispered in my ear that she had told her parents that she was staying with her best friend after the prom. She also told me that she had reserved a room for us. I think we were done loading the equipment in record time. The rest of the guys took off for parties and we headed for the room.

As soon as we were in the room, Donna turned and kissed me passionately. Her soft tongue grazed my lips and I opened them willingly. My hands roamed over the soft silk of her dress searching for the zipper in the back. I slowly lowered it as she started working on the buttons of my shirt. Our clothing was soon on the floor and I lifted her up and carried her to the bed.

As she lay there in nothing but her light green panties and stockings, I marveled at this sexy woman who wanted me. I could see a tinge of fear in her eyes that was fighting with the overwhelming lust. I moved up next to her and began kissing her again covering her breasts with my hands. When I finally moved back to look down at her, she slid the panties off and pulled me on top of her. “No more foreplay tonight. I want you to make love to me.” I moved over her and she grabbed my cock, sliding it around between her lips to get it wet. When she had me at her entrance, she pushed up causing me to slide in until the head was just inside her.

“Be gentle.” She whispered. I was as gentle as I could be, enjoying the wonder tightness of her tunnel as well as the heat inside. It felt better than anything I could have imagined in my wildest fantasies. I continued to rock back and forth and was soon buried to the hilt. She was surprised that it didn’t hurt, but was fascinated by the feeling of fullness she had. She started rocking her hips and I got the idea. We started to move together and it wasn’t long until I could not hold back any longer.

She couldn’t either. As soon as I thrust into her one final time she started jerking and moaning in her own orgasm. The clenching of her walls caused me to cum like I had never done before. We finally collapsed, exhausted and very satisfied.

We made love twice more before I had to take her to her friend’s house just as the sun was coming up. As I drove off, I was positive that I would never find another girl that I loved as much as I did Donna.

But all good things had to come to an end. Hugh moved away. Jimmy found a girl and abruptly quit the band. With two of the founding members gone, we just let the band fall apart.

After a year in college, I decided to go to California and try my hand in the music business. The final goodbyes were tearful with promises to call and write. Donna was going to come out to California when I finally got established.

After doing every odd job I was capable of to have a roof over my head, I finally won an audition at a small recording company as a studio musician. I was finally on my way.

What I seemed to be losing was Donna. Her letters when I first moved were long and full of her inner thoughts and dreams. Then they started getting further apart and a little more distant. By the time three of my letters went unanswered, I knew I had lost her. My heart was broken and it was then that I went into a writing frenzy.

My big break came when I was at the studio early and playing one of my compositions. One of the biggest stars of the day heard it and asked to use it on his next album. Other pieces followed and I eventually started pitching my songs and myself. A small label picked me up and the CD was a surprise hit on the charts. Bigger contracts and more hits followed.

==========<<< >>>===========

I was brought out of my thoughts by the lights being shut down. I moved to the stage entrance and out to the limo. There were a few fans still waiting, so I signed autographs on the way to the open door.

There was a delay with the Lear Jet that had been chartered. I was too tired to worry about the reason and just sat back in the lounge to wait it out. As exhausted as I was, I couldn’t get to sleep. I finally gave up and with nothing better to do I opened up my laptop and started going through fan mail.

I have a system for the fan mail I get. Letters or e-mails are screened by a secretary. The bulk consists of, “I love you, can I have a picture” and are handled by the secretary. Any that are legit questions or something that she thinks I should see are forwarded to a special e-mail account.

I was going through answering the normal questions I guess any entertainer gets, when one made me stop and look again. It read:

Dear Jason,

My name is Kelly Brooks. I have listened to your music ever since you first put out “Time was Against Me.” I even frequent the chat room and the forums on your site.

I have a question for you. My mother said she remembered you when you first started out. I know you grew up near St. Joseph, Missouri and so did my mom. It might be possible and it would be the neatest thing in the world to think my mom knows someone as famous as you.

Kelly (Jasfan4ever)

I went past her letter and answered a few more before disconnecting, but her letter kept coming back to me. I ordered something to eat and before long the plane was ready. We took off to Chicago where I would be playing the next night.

The flight was as smooth as could be expected and I did catch some sleep. We arrived just after sunrise and I was whisked away to the hotel, where I slept until early afternoon. After having a few cups of coffee and room service, I met with Edgar, my manager, and took care of some details. I also assured him one more time that I was not going to extend the tour another 50 dates.

Finally alone for the rest of the evening, I opened my laptop. I logged in on my fan site and was surprised to find out that Jasfan4ever was on in the chat. I then did something I almost never did; I logged into the chat as jd1andonly. I got the normal hellos and a private message from the moderator asking me to verify who he thought I was. I did so and asked him to keep it under his hat for the moment. I also asked him to PM Jasfan4ever and ask if she would meet me in the private area. I wanted to speak with her.

I opened the admin room and in just a moment her name appeared below mine.

Jasfan4ever: The mod asked me to come here. Did I do something wrong?

Jd1andonly: Nothing wrong. Did you write an e-mail to Jason Daniels yesterday?

Jasfan4ever: Yeah I did. How did you know?

Jd1andonly : Because I read it. I wanted to make sure I had the right person.

Jasfan4ever: Are you really him???

Jd1andonly: Yes. But don’t tell the rest of the room. I wanted to ask a few things before I answered your questions.

Jasfan4ever: <nervous> Go ahead. I can’t believe I am talking to you. *Bigsmile*

Jd1andonly: Is your mom’s name Donna?

Jasfan4ever: Yes it is. You mean you really knew her? OMG that is so incredible.

Jd1andonly: I remember her very well. Did she ever say anything about me?

Jasfan4ever: Just that you were famous around here before you moved to the west coast.

Jd1andonly: I see. Are you still in the same town where we used to live?

Jasfan4ever: Yeah, mom and I live in Grandpa and Grandma’s old house. Why?

Jd1andonly: Just curious. Brings back some memories for me.

Jd1andonly: I will let you get back to the regular chat. Just keep this under your hat please.

Jasfan4ever: Can I at least tell Mom I talked to you?

Jd1andonly: Of course. Ask her if she still remembers “Purple Passion” lol

Jasfan4ever: I will but what does that mean?

Jd1andonly: She will tell you. Talk to you later.

Jasfan4ever: Thanks for talking with me, I still can’t believe it!!

Jd1andonly: Bye

Jasfan4ever: Bye.

I knew I might have opened a can of worms with that conversation. Would Donna even want those memories brought up? I figured that she was no longer married, if she ever was. The pressures on the road and the shock of hearing about Donna had me spinning. Maybe if I could close that chapter of my life it would quit haunting me. After all, in a career that involved many regrets, that was the one that haunted me the most.
© Copyright 2005 Heathen57 (heathen57 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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