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Questioning the paradox humanity finds itself in. To be or not to be... |
Existence - the sole purpose of humanity Once problems of existence and perception are solved or bypassed, it becomes apparent that the reasons for existing are not adequately apparent. Why do we exist? What is the point of our existence? Why am I alive? According to the evolutionary theory presented by Charles Darwin, existence began with simple organisms that developed to those complex ones of today. The sole reason that these organisms propagated ever so furiously, ensuring their collective existence for another generation, can only be fathomed to be because existing seemed a more feasible option than not. Nature is built around this principle. It is encoded in every living thing. Propagate until it becomes impossible to do so. This usually occurs when a particular organism hits a limit called a "limiting factor" by biologists. To exist more easily, organisms adapt. New species come into being and handle their environment more proficiently. This method of battling for further collective existence has allowed nature to live past ice ages, meteors, medical epidemics (ironically another manifestation of existence itself) and so on and so on. Nature perfected itself, built upon itself until finally humans came into being. Humans are complex multicellular organisms. They are not by any means perfect, but their ability to transgress all "limiting factors" and do as they wish is nature's greatest adaptation yet. They are at the top of the food chain, second only to themselves. What's more... they can think. Thinking, a product and marvel of adaptation, has turned nature against itself. Pascal stated that "man knows the advantage nature has upon him, and it is this awareness that makes him more superior than nature." I disagree with this statement. Man is a product of nature. Man is nature. Man is doomed to die and to exist in a purposeless world. What has driven nature so far, the principle that existence is better than not, no longer makes sense because mankind has the ability to reflect upon his life and his future. Man is the bane of nature. Yet, undoubtedly, it is this purposeless purpose that nature hopes man will follow: to exist. Why? For the sole reason that it is better than not. In this suffering of extreme painlessness, man's sole companion is himself - and other men. Adam became so depressed with God's almighty world - a strange but eerily familiar concept - that the Almighty gave him Eve. Man's only solace in the pointlessness of his life is other men or women. Ironically enough, this is also needed for the further existence of mankind - biological procreation. You might say that it's a pointless and vicious circle. |