Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/994907-The-Four-Elements-Revised
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #994907
Four friends reach the top of a mountain to be granted the power of the elements.
It was a rainy dark night as the four friends walking slowly up the narrow mountain path. All four of them hope when reaching the top they would be granted the power of their individual element.

They reached the top just as the rain was letting up. Alex pulled off his cloak to reveal his short blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Jenny stepped foward to show her long red hair and blazing red eyes. Tyler turned around to show short brown hair and eyes the color of stone. Julie was the last to reach the top and slowly revealed her long jet black hair and dark green eyes. They each had a different role in the group.

They saw a large square with runes inside carved into the earth. They each took a place at a different corner. "Are you ready" Alex said calmly. "Yeah" they all said simultaneously.

They each prayed to their god, Alex prayed to Oeean the god of water and leadership. Jenny prayed to Pyre the goddess of fire and war. Tyler prayed to Gaia the god of earth and wisdom and Julie prayed to Tempra the goddess of the wind and love.

After many hours Alex collapsed followed shortly by Julie then, Tyler and Jenny. They awoke the next day with the bright sun on their faces and the smell of rain surrounding them. "Do we have our powers?" Jenny asked. She raised her hand high above her head and shot a fireball into the sky. "COOL" she screamed wildly. After that they all tried out their new found powers. Tyler shook the earth gently and Julie conjured up a strong breeze.

But Alex couldn't even make a single raindrop. He sulked down the mountain until he reached a plateau not far from the summit. "why didn't I get my powers" "I've dediated my whole life to this" "I have been training my mind and body for sixteen years!!" "We all have.." He thought.

Suddenly he was surrounded by mountain orcs. They were gray and hairless with fangs dripping with saliva. They looked hungry very hungry. As the rest of the group was expiermenting with their new powers. They heard Alex scream, they rushed down the mountain and saw the orcs. They instanly sprung into action.

Tyler shot large stones into the orcs crushing several. Jennys eyes lit up in delight as she burned the orcs to ashes. Julie created a firece tempest sherdding the remaining orcs were they stood. As the moved closer to Alex he scream "No! Run g.....GO BACK" Then they saw it a huge fire golem. A animated pile of rock that was aflame. Tyler shot more stones into the beast, but they had no effect. Jenny tried to hold it back with jets of flame, but the golem picked her up a violently tossed her in to the side of the mountain. Tyler instanly ran to her aid, the beast thrashed its arms and beat upon the ground and caused a wall of stone to fall around them both.

Julie was the only one left she tried to knock the golem off the edge of the mountain with a fierce tornado. The beast was too heavy he wouldn't move at all. As the golem was closing in on his friends,he felt it the power of Oeean flowing in his viens. "NOOOOOOO" he screamed "YOU CAN'T TAKE MY FRIENDS". As he said thoose words he unleased a torrent of water from his hands and a enormous thunderstorm started overhead.

The golem turned around just in time to be extinguished and pushed off the cliff by the sheer pressure of the water. As the monster fell Alex rushed to the aid of his friends. Tyler had just manged to move one of the stones with his powers. "How is Jenny doing?" Alex asked. "She is just uncounsious" said Tyler. "Are you okay Julie" Alex asked. "Yeah" she said quitely "I'm ok"

Alex and Julie set up camp while Tyler tended to Jenny's wounds.


© Copyright 2005 A.P Fritz (savethequeen77 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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