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A famous moment in history, with perhaps some tweaks. |
Julius Caesar By: Vincent Cheng Julius Caesar sat at the end of a long hallway lined by massive Ionian pillars. To his left and right, against the walls, were senator’s seats. He himself sat upon a small throne at the end and in the middle. He sat there reading over several sheets and papyrus that were given to him concerning greatly important matters. It was at this time that a Greek messenger ran up to him with a small scroll of papyrus looking very urgent and sweating profusely. “Caesar, sir! I have a message for you!” Julius dismissed him with a wave of his hand and pointed to the stack of papyrus he had not yet finished going over. “Sir! This is extremely important. It concerns your assassination!” This time Julius placed down the sheet he was perusing and looked at the messenger. “I choose not to believe these conspiracies. You, no doubt know that these rumors have been going about for quite some time. Please place it on that stack and leave.” “Sir! There coming today! A group of senators. I saw them coming with daggers and knives, and I’m certain that they mean to kill you.” Julius ignored him. Reluctantly the messenger placed the scroll on his pile and left immediately, obviously eager to avoid the event. Suddenly Julius felt a sharp pain in his arm. He looked down and saw a gash in his arm. He looked down and saw a bloodstained dagger on the ground. He looked up and saw a large mob of senators all wielding daggers. Quickly he grabbed the dagger and began to back away. But he was trapped. He had nowhere to go but towards the senators who were drawing closer every second. He extended his hand with the dagger and hoped he could negotiate. Unfortunately this was not an option that the senators would consider As soon as they reached him to begin to stab Julius one by one, each time ripping a gash in his body. Vainly, he tried to fend them off but even his weapon was taken from him. Soon he was reduced to a bloody mess on his throne unable to move, but yet the senators took no mercy and continued to stab him. Finally Julius saw his old friend looming over him with the dagger poised above his head. “What the hell?!” said Julius Caesar. |