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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Other · #994621
Is there a market for chewing gum made just for men?
junodr: hi
playologist4u2: hi
junodr: check your mail lately?
junodr has signed back in. (7/25/2005 8:48 PM)

playologist4u2: did u get my mail?
junodr: i guess i can click
junodr: oh shit, it didn't send?
playologist4u2: i'm here just looking for my thumbdrive so that you can answer this question for me so that I can send it to my teacher cause she is trying to fail me and i don't have time to read cause i've been working at that IT firm in which i like but never have time for class.
playologist4u2: now, i shall breath
junodr: breathe, resending file
playologist4u2: e
junodr: as it turned out, it never finished on this end before i disconnected.
playologist4u2: oh, well damm
junodr: yeah
playologist4u2: did u discon again
junodr: nope friends over
playologist4u2: a good friend or a bad boy?
playologist4u2: do NOT go to sleep!
junodr: ok
junodr: nah, these peeps are good
playologist4u2: good people r gppd
playologist4u2: gppd
playologist4u2: good
junodr: tired?
playologist4u2: dang, caint even spell good right. does that mean that i'm not good?
junodr: might need a slight readjustment... lol
playologist4u2: or is that a sign that those people are NOT good? LOL
playologist4u2: well, u have good co. so i will go away and look for my work.
junodr: no need, people left
playologist4u2: dang, that's really black
junodr: what black?
playologist4u2: my font
junodr: maroon
playologist4u2: dont u think it's exceptionally black
playologist4u2: yeah
junodr: no, it's maroon
playologist4u2: i think i like the black better. it's so deep
playologist4u2: no
playologist4u2: it's black
playologist4u2: i say
junodr: ya might be slightly color blind??
junodr: or your monitor ain't up to snuff
playologist4u2: i don't dip snuff
playologist4u2: thank you
junodr: lol
playologist4u2: u wanna play or not?
playologist4u2: what r u doing?
junodr: workin on network
junodr: mostly piddling, lookin for answers
junodr: king of the hill is on in background
junodr: whatcha werkin on for class?
playologist4u2: dont know cause i cant find my drive with the material on it and I am so mad
playologist4u2: mad i say, mad
junodr: ok, drive pen yes?
junodr: it's not recognizing as a device? or not recognizing as a drive?
playologist4u2: no. i couldn't find it physically
playologist4u2: it was in my purse
junodr: oh well..... that's a different story
playologist4u2: now, if my puter hadve found that, that would have been just amazing.
junodr: lol, usb is good, but not that good
junodr: lol
junodr: ok.... file size is too fuckin big
junodr: i gotta reset and bring up site
playologist4u2: wash ur mouth out with something cleansing
junodr: an have you download
junodr: (damn, all that time)
playologist4u2: dammit 2 hell
junodr: breath mint ?
playologist4u2: cuntamint
junodr: palmolive flavor
junodr: lol
playologist4u2: Now there's a nice chewing gum for men. nice marketing stat
playologist4u2: don't u think?
junodr: lol
playologist4u2: Chewable Cuntamints
junodr: gimme a box
junodr: lol
playologist4u2: Tastes just like the real thing............
playologist4u2: Mint!
junodr: hahahahah
playologist4u2: Or, Tastes just like what it's ment to taste like!
playologist4u2: mint/meant
playologist4u2: hmmm
junodr: ment
junodr: i like the name, but i THINK the censors would have somethin to say
playologist4u2: Real cunt juice
junodr: make it a T-Shirt insteead... lol
junodr: Yum... but a lil potent
playologist4u2: and have that burst of flavor like that other gum that bursts in ya mouth
playologist4u2: some delicious creamy filling
playologist4u2: Men would eat that up!
playologist4u2: if we could secure an ingredient and package that up, we'd be millionaires for sure
playologist4u2: alright, dang
playologist4u2: i'll be so good
junodr: hell yeah
junodr: the only prob would really be FDA & Censors
junodr: be a great knockoff though
junodr: like for tv skits
playologist4u2: oh, yeah, them.
junodr: yeah, the alternative market
playologist4u2: yeah, we could sell somewhere else
playologist4u2: Fredricks sells edible undies...same concept
playologist4u2: and, check this out, assorted flavors
junodr: hehehhe.... lol.... multiple flavors
playologist4u2: we could eventually introduce multiple flavors of Cuntamint Chewing Gum
playologist4u2: Just 4 Men
junodr: Just 4 U
junodr: member, has to be friendly to both ways of life
playologist4u2: ok, ok
playologist4u2: but women are gonna sneak and chew it too just cause we say, 'just for men' like they eat cunt which was originally made just for men. look at US now.
junodr: just for men, just for you
playologist4u2: plus we can add natural enhancers or at least lie like the other products and we'll be rich for sure.
junodr: LOL
playologist4u2: Oyster and Ginsing enriched gum
playologist4u2: lol
playologist4u2: yuk
junodr: are you trying to make me ill ?
playologist4u2: nope, just rich
junodr: ok.... This stuff is YUM-MA GOOD
junodr: no?
junodr: rock on an rock hard with Cuntamint
playologist4u2: Complete and submit in writing answers to Page 282 Synopsis Questions 2 and 3. Go on the Internet and find prices for the technologies mentioned in #3.
playologist4u2: yeah, that's the one
junodr: ok..... #3 referenced is:
junodr: ?
playologist4u2: number 3 is what i need to do
junodr: what are the products
playologist4u2: the question is: List the three access techologies in common use today. b) which now run to residential homes?
junodr: cable modem, satelite tv, internet media kiosks
junodr: subscription based all 3
playologist4u2: #2. why is curcuit switching's reserved capacity reasonbly efficient for voice but bad for data transmission? b) distinguish between dialup and private line circuits. c.) what is TDM?
junodr: cable = $80 + tax/mo due to requirements
junodr: sat tv, $50/mo
junodr: an the tivo type requires one or the other.... lol
playologist4u2: lol
junodr: am i close?
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