Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/993917-Awakening
Rated: 13+ · Draft · Sci-fi · #993917
This is a work in progress. I WOULD APPRECIATE ANY FEEDBACK GIVEN! thanks!
Awakening – Part 1: Aya’s View

Suddenly it all became clear, as if I had awoken from a long slumber. Kenji had saved me. I began to realize what the Dark Crush has been doing to me this whole time. I was brainwashed, believing everyone was my enemy except for them. They attempted to erase my memory, but they only succeeded in diffusing it. Now that I have collected bits and pieces, my memory is coming back…
Akebono Private School; the place where the best years of my life were spent. My parents sent me there to study law, the family tradition. I met Kenji in my third year. He had just transferred; from what school I don't remember. He was Elfin. Before, the elves never left their realm, but now it’s common to see them here. I decided to be his friend. At first, I thought he would be a pain in the ass, or one of those geeky kids who sit at home making mini-cybots. Well, it turns out he wasn’t either of those. He and I actually had more in common than I suspected. I treated him like a little brother, despite the fact that he was 3 years older than I was. He didn’t mind.
The next summer, I saw a large poster in the hallway, it read:

If you love your planet, and want to keep it safe...

Pretty weak, but it still got the point across. I was very interested. So I took a card. Kenji walked up behind me...
“You’re gonna join”?
“Well, yeah...”
“Hmm... well, good luck with that”.
I watched as he drifted to class. I couldn’t help but notice the way he walked. He seemed disturbed by my response. Well, it was MY choice so there was no reason for his moping around. I looked up at the clock, and realized how late I was. I have to get to class! Before I even reached to the door, the bell rang. CRAP! Now I have to wait for that hallway cybot to issue me a pass. It came, ever so slow. “Insert your student card...Aya Matsushita, Student 001056…Thank you, have a nice day”. At least it had manners this time, last time there was almost a girl-on-robot brawl.
I handed the pass to Mr. Morgan, and took a seat in the back. I have to say that math was the most boring of all my classes. I looked over to see that Kenji was writing away in his notebook. I didn’t see anything worthy of note taking, much less picking up my hand. Everyone passes at Akebono Private, if your parents have enough money; you get an “A”. Simple as that. The bell rang. YES! SWEET FREEDOM AT LAST! However, the hallway was jam-packed…What the hell was going on? I looked out to see everyone at the Plasma screen. It seems that there was some sort of attack on the Government Center:

“This is Colleen Baker reporting live, there has been an explosion near the Government Center. A cloaked figure was seen leaving the area. The Tarrohnian Intelligence will follow up with an investigation. We will keep you updated”…

The same “cloaked figure” was seen leaving the area. It has been happening for quite some time now. That’s why the army is looking for new recruits; they fear an intergalactic war.Well I’m up for new challenges, so I think this may be the right time to join…
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