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What every woman needs to realize to find happiness in a relationship. |
I Am A Woman In the past, it has been all too common for women to get into relationships that are unhealthy and/or unbeneficial to her self-esteem, her time, and her future. In order to not allow myself to join their numbers, I will sign this contract to show where I stand and where my beliefs and values are. I, the undersigned, am agreeing to live according to the following: 1) I am a separate entity. I do not need a man to complete me. I am whole, independent, and strong. I am an individual person. When I am single, I am not ‘without a man’. I am me. 2) I can take care of myself. While my husband might be supporting me financially, I know that I can get a job to support myself. I have done it before, and I can do it again. I will not rush into a marriage. 3) I am intelligent. I know what I want, and I am capable of making decisions. I do not have to have someone make choices for me. 4) I am beautiful. It is possible that I do not have much outer beauty, but every woman has an inner beauty. I may not be a model, but I am a kind, loving, nurturing person. I will look in the mirror every day and tell myself that I am beautiful until I can see my inner beauty. 5) I will not lower my standards. What my standards are will stay that way. I will not settle for any less. This is the father of my children I’m taking about, and my kids deserve the best. 6) I am one half of a relationship. If something goes wrong, I am not solely to blame. On the other hand, I am not exempt from all guilt. I will accept when I have done something wrong, but I will not take more blame than I deserve. 7) I am half of a marriage. This means that I have equal say in what happens in our children’s lives, and what happens to my family. The responsibilities of the household will be shared between me and my husband. 8) When I look for a man, I am looking for a caring, compassionate, responsible, mature, family-oriented guy, not a handsome movie star. Just like I want to be treated like a person with feelings, talents, and opinions, I will treat men the same way. I will not act like physical looks, popularity, and wealth are the main things I am looking for in a man. I understand that I can change this contract to suit my individual needs. Once I sign this contract, I will not let myself be taken in by sweet talk or a handsome face. I am not so shallow that I will sacrifice the important qualities in a husband or boyfriend for superficial things that will fade away. I realize that marriage is intended for life, and I will marry a man I can see myself growing old with. I know that by agreeing to these terms I will greatly improve my chances of a good, strong relationship, and a happy life. Sign here- Date - |