Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/993180-Annie-And-Nessie
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #993180
What will Annie's parents think of what Annie has found?
Annie And Nessie
by Theresa Burres
I was walking all alone when I found the strangest rock I had ever seen. It was about the size of a large marble and glittered in the sunlight. I turned it around and around in my hand. It reminded me of Carol, my best friend in the whole
world. Carol was a rock-hound and she would love the stone.

How I Missed Carol. I know most kids would be excited to go to Scotland to look for Monsters, but I was lonesome. When Mom and Dad told me that we would be renting a house in Scotland for the summer I was excited. I was until I thought of my best friend in the whole world swimming and riding
bikes and all kinds of summer stuff without Me.

We have been here for four weeks and three days. Has my Mom taken a picture of any old dumb Nessie?


Has Dad had even video taped a little splash of loch water made by a Sea Monster?


Well, I tell you looking for Monsters maybe fun for about two days, but not for weeks and weeks. All of a sudden coming to Scotland did not seem as interesting as it had before.

When I got to Scotland I noticed something. It was old! Old castles, old people, even the hills seemed to be old. I could not find a kid anywhere.
That is when I found the rock. As I walked along watching that stone sparkle in my hand I got the strangest feeling I was being watched. I looked around. I couldn't see anything. Walking to a nearby tree I sat looking at the loch Ness. The sun was shining but the waters were muddy and gray.

I had just decided to save the rock to take home for Carol when I saw the water near a tree only ten or twelve feet from me start to swirl and bubble. Almost as if someone had opened a giant coke can up under the water. I just stood
there watching.

Slowly a shiny gray brown head CAME OUT of the loch water. I just stood there with my mouth open staring at the weirdest animal that was ever seen this side of a bad nightmare. IT WAS THE LOCH NESS MONSTER. I just knew It was, WOW. As I stood there the Monster lifted it's head on a long
slender neck high into the air.

I held my breath and started backing up. The Monster turned it's head my way. THERE I WAS WITH A MONSTER LOOKING AT ME AND ME LOOKING AT THAT MONSTER! I didn't know what to do. This was what my mom and dad was looking for .....

AND THEIR MONSTER WAS LOOKING RIGHT AT ME!!! I didn't wait around to see if that thing was friendly or not I RAN! I ran as I had never ever ran before. My P.E.

Teacher, who tells Me that I'm too slow, would not have been able to see ME as I flew down the path to the house that my mom and dad had rented for the summer.

When I raced into the kitchen my mom was just setting supper on the table. "MOM! HELP!" I yelled,"THE MONSTER IS AFTER ME! HELP! HELP! HELP!"

But do you know what? My Mother, ONE OF THE TWO PEOPLE in this whole wide world who should protect me with her life, did NOT believe Me, her own Flesh And Blood Daughter. I mean SHE laughed at me. "Well fine", I said, "I'll help Dad find that Monster."

I was starting to get upset. Stomping my feet for good measure I went looking for my dad. My Dad would know just what to do. My Dad was smart. He was especially smart about Monsters. He had read everything that had ever been written about This Loch Ness Monster. "Just wait until I tell My Dad about what I saw." I muttered. "My Dad will Know what to do. He Would Never laugh at his only Daughter."

HE LAUGHED! My Dad, the other person in this whole wide world whose duty it is to take care of me and believe in me no matter what, laughed. Gee!

That's when I decided to catch The loch Ness Monster. Now this may not have been the smartest thing that I have ever done in my life, but I was mad. "Watch out you Monster! Here I come ready or not."

I got all the things I would need. It took three days to get everything and carry them down to the loch. Then it took a whole morning to talk myself into carrying everything down real close to the water. I was nervous about getting to close to the edge of the loch. When I thought about my mom and dad laughing at me. That did it; I was ready.

I didn't know what to use as bait so I tried lots of things. I tried things like peanut butter *** my mom's day old pancakes *** some old perfume *** even my dad's sure- fire-never-miss-monster-catcher-secret-formula that he had mixed up in a large can several days before.

For five days I waited. I waited and explored. I waited and read my dad's monster books. I waited and I wrote Carol a letter. I knew Carol would believe me. She would never laugh. She's my very best friend.

In fact it was while I was writing to Carol that it happened. I was looking at that special rock that I had found that first time that I saw that Awful Monster Nessie. I was thinking that if Carol was here she would help me find that Monster. WHEN IT HAPPENED!

The water started to ripple. It bubbled. Slowly there was a head rising above the loch surface. The neck and the shoulders of the large Monster came next. All of the time it came out of the water This Great Big Nessie just kept looking right at Me. That's when I knew what to use as bait to catch Nessie. It takes something special. It takes a very special unusual stone.

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