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Have you ever danced with the wind? Chapter 3 Hope to make it a series. |
Chapter Three Kyra glanced around the playroom, hoping that she would never see it again. Although she didn't know exactly where she was going, she trusted Malichi with all of her heart. Anywhere was better than here. "I'm ready," she said. Kyra giggled as she felt a slight breeze in the room. The morning's first promise of light peaked through the windows, making the walls look the same color as the dawn's sky. She stood in the middle of the room, having already packed her few possessions. She held Tippy as he wagged his tail, yipping with anticipation. "This is so exciting! I've never been anywhere!" Tippy barked. "Me neither," she replied. "Malichi, where are we going?" "Ohhhhhh, no ya don't. It's a surprise, Kitten." At that very moment she caught a flash of silver leap around the room. Suddenly something lifted her into the air. She looked down to see a huge silver horse whose wings touched the walls of the playroom. Kyra squealed in delight. "It's all right, Kitten. This is Ivy," she heard Malichi's voice explain. The mighty Pegasus snorted and bobbed her head. Kyra reached her arms up to touch the ceiling, suspended in mid-air as the breeze from the beast's wings made the toys dance around on the floor. Ivy moved toward the door, slowly so that the child could keep her balance. Kyra found herself gliding out of the playroom and down the hall. The front door of the orphanage burst open as she whizzed out into the dewy, morning air. "Hold her mane tightly, Kyra. But just remember, you're safe. No matter what happens or what you see, Ivy won't let you fall." They rose above the tree tops, slowly at first. Kyra could make out Main Street and a few other buildings. But all she could really think about was Ivy. The Pegasus was unlike anything the child had ever imagined. Ivy's coloring matched that of the sky's. Aqua blue, cornflower blue, lavender, and pink with patches of white that looked exactly like clouds, all outlined in silver. Kyra clutched the creature's glittery mane as she watched the town disappear below. "What if someone sees us?" "They can't, Kitten. Ivy is hiding you. Besides, we're going to be moving ten times as fast as a hurricane in a second." Malichi was right. They were traveling faster now. The ground was nothing but a blur of color. The little girl squeezed her eyes shut. She felt weightless. She giggled wildly, enjoying the wind in her hair and on her face. Tipppy's head was buried in Kyra's neck. She didn't even notice his moaning. When Kyra opened her eyes, she saw the horizon turn into a huge, bright light, as if the sun suddenly became flat. A heartbeat later, the light dimmed. They gently fell as Ivy started circling the mountaintop beneath them. Kyra caught a handful of clouds. She giggled again as they flew into Tippy's face; he hadn't enjoyed the ride as much. As Kyra watched the ground get closer, she saw an enormous castle with a stream of diamond blue water running beside it. The water was so clear that she could see the goldfish swimming in it, even at her height. The place looked familiar, as if she'd seen it in one of her dreams; the kind she had when she fell asleep to one of Nan's lullabies. Once they landed, Kyra hugged Ivy's neck in appreciation. Ivy laid down so that Kyra and Tippy could slide off. When Ivy stood up, Kyra gasped. "Ivy, you're so biiiiiiiig!" Kyra's head only reached up as far as Ivy's knee. The gentle animal tossed her head up and down, agreeing with the little girl. Kyra giggled as Ivy gave her a loving nudge. The animal trotted over to the stream and started drinking the water. Kyra put Tippy down and followed Ivy. Only then did she realize how thirsty she was. Tippy ran ahead of her, yipping and jumping, thankful to be back on the ground. Kyra squatted along the edge of the stream and used her hands to scoop up the water. Tippy stood beside her, making slurpy puppy noises as he drank. "This is the best water I've ever tasted. I never knew water could taste so good!" It made her feel giddy and tingly--the way she used to feel after she'd spun around in circles. "You just added three..four...make that six years to your life, Kitten," she heard Malichi's voice as he whipped around her, tossing her hair like autumn leaves after a Labor Day Parade. . "Huh?" "That's the Fountain of Youth. Although it's not really a fountain, as you can see, but the 'Stream of Youth' just doesn't have the same ring to it." Wind chimes. "Every time you take just one sip, it adds a year to your life." "A whole year? Woooooow!" "That's seven years for every one of my sips. Right Malichi?" "Yes, seven for you, Tippy." Kyra heard wind chimes again. She stood up and wiped her face with her sleeve. Tippy jumped so high that he reached Kyra's face and licked it. "Where are we?" Kyra looked around for signs of life. "This is my parents' home, Kyra. Welcome. I was hoping that my father would at least be here to greet you..." A bright, violet light flashed. It reminded Kyra of fireworks, but without the noise. She looked away, briefly, because the light was so strong that it made her eyes tear. Tippy ducked his face into the dirt and covered his head with his paws. Then, she heard Malichi's voice. "Daaaad, you know I hate it when you do that!" A very, very, very, very, old man stood before her with the hint of a smile on his bearded face. "Holy cow! That was you? How did you do that? Did you hurt yourself? Geez, that's the longest beard I've ever seen. How long did it take you to grow it? Is it real?" Kyra suddenly had the strongest desire to approach the man and tug on his beard, but she stopped herself. She heard Nan's voice in her head, 'Kyra, don't be rude!' "Quite, my child." "Why are you wearing a robe? Did you just get out of the shower? Are you cold? The old man laughed so hard that it echoed everywhere, it sounded like thunder. "Didn't I tell you, Dad?" "Remarkable," the old man replied. Then he continued, "No, I always wear this. Last century I tried to wear jeans, but I didn't like them. Too tight." "Last century? Heeeeeeeeey, how old are you?" "Too old to remember." "That's pretty old. Do you forget other stuff too? I always forget where I put my shoes. That's why I don't like to wear them...I can never find them!" Kyra bent over, looking to see if the old man wore shoes. "Well, your robe's too long, so I can't tell if you where shoes or not!" The old man's eyes twinkled as he kicked his bare foot out from under the robe. His whole body glowed as if he were a candle. His deep purple cloak shimmered as he watched her reaction. Kyra nodded in approval. "Thought so! Grass feels so good on your feet, I dunno why anyone wears shoes at all!" Kyra heard wind chimes and laughter. Tippy was rolling around in the grass at her feet, wiggling his body in pure delight and wagging his tail. She looked at the old man, really looked at him, and realized that she didn't know who he was. She had a feeling that she knew him and she trusted him instantly. Before she could even ask, the old man took her hand and began walking with her toward the castle. "Well, I'm many things to many people. the old usually fear me. The young don't even know that I exist. And the people in between? Well, they always say there's not enough of me. To Malichi, I'm a father. To you, I am Time." Kyra stopped walking. "I don't get it." "Kitten, this is my dad, Father Time." "Father Time? You're Father Time? That's you?! Nuh-uh." She dropped his hand and backed away a little. Time reached for his beard with the hand that she just held. His beard was long, so long that it trailed behind him like a brides' wedding train. He tugged on it for a second and threw a few of the cloud-white hairs over his shoulder. "Mmmm, you children, always doubting. That's the problem these days." You never believe anything!" "My Nan used to tell me stories about you all the time when she was alive. I just thought she made it up. You know, like Cinderella or Snow White. I'm sorry Fath-...I mean, Time, I mean...What should I call you anyways?" "You may call me Time. Everyone else does." His eyes twinkled again. Kyra was glad. "Okay, Mr. Time. Ummmm, gee, I don't know what else to say." "Say whatever you like. Are you hungry? You must be after that long journey. Come on, I'll fix you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Peach jelly is your favorite. Right? And I think we have some milk, too." "How'd ya know peach is my favorite kinda jelly?" "I told him, Kitten. I told him all about the only little girl in the world who believes in magic." Father Time nodded. "You do believe, don't you?" "I believe in magic with all my heart." "Good. Now, I want you to remember that no matter what happens, you must believe. All right?" "Ok, but what may happen?" "Mmmm, time will tell." The old man laughed at his own joke. Kyra saw that the glow coming from him grew brighter. She took Father Time's hand as they started to walk again. His hand was warm and tingly, like when your hands are cold from making a snowman and you warm them up under hot water. "Oooooooooh myyyyyyyyyyyyy Gooooooooooooosh!" She stopped walking again. It was the first time that she actually looked at Malichi's home. She stood facing the immense castle. Its right wall touched the Fountain of Youth. But the castle was so big that she couldn't even see the other side. It was made of rose colored stone, each one six times the size of Ivy. "You live there? That's the biggest castle I've ever seen!" "Have you ever seen a castle before?" "No, but I never even dreamed that something could be that big. I mean, that is really, really big. Did you build it? Where did you get all of the stones from? What kinda stones are those? I've never seen stones like that before. I can't believe how big it is...Don't you get tired from all that walking?" Father Time glowed again, and Kyra heard wind chimes. They walked toward two, rose-quartz doors that were as tall as trees. They shimmered and sparkled in the sunlight. As soon as she finished her sentence they blew open. "Come on, Kitten." Malichi lifted her and Tippy into the air and whisked them into the castle. Father Time flew in after them. In less than a second Kyra found herself on solid ground. It took her a second to get her legs to stop wobbling. Malichi supported her. Tippy just plopped on the floor. "I'll never get used to that flying thing...dogs weren't meant to fly." "Awww, boy, are you ok?" She walked over and scratched the sprawled out puppy behind his ears. "Mr. Time, I didn't know that you could fly too." "Of course I can, I taught Malichi everything he knows!" Kyra looked around the room. Every invention that people ever created to tell time were all around her. She saw hour glasses, clocks, sundials, pocket watches, each one labeled with writing. Some she could read, others she couldn't. In front of the fireplace sat two, large, hickory rocking chairs, with quilts draped over the backs like a shawl. "What room is this?" "It's the kitchen," Father Time answered. See the kettle?" A brick fireplace created an entire wall in the room. In the middle of it hung a giant copper kettle, suspended in mid-air. "Mother says that they only way to make good food is over a fire," she heard Malichi's voice. "Ohhhhhhh. But it's not like any kitchen I've ever been in...Nan only had one clock in her kitchen, shaped like an apple. Nan loved apples. But you have about a bazillion of them!" Kyra looked around the room some more. She needed to sit down, but she couldn't find a chair, aside from the rocking chairs, but they were too big for her to climb. So, she sat on the floor beside Tippy as Father Time looked for something. "Where is that thing?" Wind chimes. "Dad can never remember where he keeps his wand; can you, Pop?" "Listen here, you young whippersnapper, when you get to be my age, you'll be lucky if you can remember what century it is...Ahh-Haaa! Gotcha!" Father Time pulled the wand out of his beard. He looked around for Kyra, spinning in a few circles until he saw her on the floor. "That won't do." He wiggled his wand and a chair appeared under Kyra. Unfortunately, it was about 6 sizes too big. Kyra giggled as she dangled her legs. "Doggone it!" He wiggled the wand again. This time the chair was perfect, just her size. Then a small table appeared in front of her. A large fluffy, fleece pillow burst up under Tippy. It lifted him in the air for a split second and he yipped as he glided down onto it. "There. That's better. Now. Lunch." things started appearing out of nowhere. A jug of milk poured itself into a bowl and a glass. The bowl drifted down in front of Tippy; the glass into Kyra's hand. A knife started spreading peanut butter and peach jelly on white bread--just enough too. The pieces of bread played leapfrog, but Father Time wiggled his wand a little more until they joined to make a sandwich, which drifted into Kyra's other hand. In front of her was a plate with potato chips, carrot sticks and a chocolate cupcake. All of her favorites. Kyra heard a loud woooosh. The fireplace was lit. "Just in case your cold; it's drafty in here sometimes. I forget." "Wooooow. Cool!" "Is it? Oh, Dear, that's not right." As Kyra was about to take a bite of her sandwich, the bread toasted in her fingers. It tingled. She giggled hysterically. "No, Mr. Time, I meant how you made lunch was cool...you know...really really good." Kyra smiled as her eyes glimmered. "Oh, I knew that. I could un-toast it if you like..." "Nope, this way is even better." "Oh, good. Uh, coooool." "Yep! Cooool." Kyra looked at the wand and wondered if she could touch it. Then she thought it would probably be rude to touch someone else's wand. "So, how's come you have so many clocks?" "Because it's a different time everywhere. It's easier to keep track this way." "Oh." She had no idea what he meant. She munched on her sandwich. "Aren't you gonna eat?" "No, I'm not hungry, but thank you for asking. You go ahead. We've got a lot to do. You need your strength." "I doooooooo? For what?" Time took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Kyra, I need your help. You're our only hope." He paused. "My father, Malichi's grandfather, is dying. You're the only person that can make him better." "Meeee? Are you sure you have the right kid?" Her eyes grew as big as the plate. Time grew brighter. "Yes, I'm sure. Malichi's sure. That's why he left you for a time, to be certain that you were the right little girl. Now I'm convinced of it, too. Remember when I asked you if you believe in magic?" She nodded as she ate. "Magic isn't only a thing, it's a person like Malichi and myself. He's dying because no one believes in him anymore...no one except you. I'm tired Kyra. Very tired. I need you to stop me, just for a short time. Once Time stops no one can die, especially not him. While I'm sleeping you can make other children believe again." "Meee? Stop yooooou?! I can't do that, I'm justa big crybaby." Her bottom lip started to quiver as her eyes filled with tears that spilled over her cheeks. She wanted to help, but she was afraid. "I can't stop myself. That would be like you trying to stop your heart from beating. Can't be done. That's why you're our only hope." A breeze lifted. Kyra felt the air touch her face, as someone's hands wiped the tears away. "Kitten, I know you're scared. We all are. We don't want Magic to die. But I wouldn't have brought you here if I didn't think that you could do help us." She had stopped eating. Tippy jumped into her lap and she petted him as she listened. "You can do it, Kyra, look what you did to me!" He licked her face, sopping up the rest of her tears. She took a deep breath. "Malachi, will you help me?" "Course I will, Kitten." "You pinky swear?" Wind chimes. She felt a pinky wrap around hers, though she saw nothing. "And you'll never, ever leave me alone again? I mean never, ever, ever never!" "Never, ever, ever, never! I promise, Kitten." Kyra took a deep breath and sighed. "Ok, Mr. Time, as long as Malichi comes with me, I'll do it! So, um, how do I stop you? Do I get to use your wand?!?!?!" "No, no. It's nothing that complicated. You couldn't use my wand anyway, only the wand's Master can make it work, but that's neither here not there. It's actually quite easy, once you know how to do it. Just put me to sleep. We'll show you how. I haven't napped in over 800,000 years." "No wonder you look so tired." "Yes, no wonder. 'Twill be alright, child. I believe in you. Now, finish your lunch." Father Time stroked her hair. |