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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #992889
A new Recovery Center has the potential to reunite soulmates and revisit a long-lost love.
Officer Jayden Bradford sat in his patrol car on the corner of Maple and Mission Avenue in downtown Spokane Washington.

Something in his mirror caught his attention and he glanced at it while he reached for his gun.

The young man from the mirror approached his window casually and knocked. Jayden slowly rolled down the window a few inches while pulling his gun from it’s holster and resting it beside his right leg, just in case.

“Can I help you?” Jayden asked the questionable looking man while sweeping him with his eyes taking a mental description.

“Yeah, actually,” Jayden’s gut told him to be careful as the young man turned back towards the empty street before whipping back around pointing a gun at Jayden.

Time seemed to be going in slow motion, as Jayden realized it was too late and screamed as he watched the bullet shatter his window and felt it enter his body at his left shoulder: Black.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. Jayden slowly opened his eyes. He soon realized where he was and remembered why. It was a Police Officer’s worst nightmare. He scanned the room with his eyes not moving from his propped position. A few of his fellow officers from the office were seated around the room; each held a steaming cup of Coffee.

“I shouldn’t be here!” The men rushed to his side to keep him from raising and making things worse.

“No, relax Bradford!” It was his Sergeant. “You have to relax!” “NO!” Jayden said sternly. “I have to get back to work. I’m fine!”

“No, stop it; you’ll pull the I.V. out! Lay still!” His buddies pushed him back onto the pillows, not allowing him to raise enough to strain his wound.

“Is it bad?” Jayden studied the faces of his friends, looking for a truthful answer.

“No,” They all said. “You should be back to work in a couple of months!” Jayden saw through the lie. He looked away and smiled.

“You’re such a bad liar Conily.” The room was quiet.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When the guys got back to the station, the Chief called them into his office. “Boys,” He started. “Our usual recovery center is closing; now, lucky for us, Jayden is the only wounded officer we have, so the process of finding another facility will be a little easier.”

The guys all looked at each other. The Chief went on. “The Hospital is giving us two extra weeks to find another recovery center before they kick him out, so, I’m putting you in charge finding that new place.” He said, pointing at Officer Cal Princeton. “Me, sir?” Cal questioned. “You. Let me know when you find something.” With that the chief left the room and Cal to figure out the mess.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next day when Cal got to work and picked up his mail, he found an envelope addressed to the entire station but he didn’t recognize the return address and read it three times as if trying to remember.

“Daville Washington … Danville Washington.” Cal said under his breath. He thought about it for a while and tore the envelope open.

Inside was a neatly folded sheet of paper, with a country style border. The return address, printed again at the top center of the paper, read the same as the envelope and Cal scanned the rest of the letter.

“To Whom It May Concern;

My name is S. Langley. I live in the mountains near the Canadian Border, above Republic.
My house has 15 bedrooms and a bathroom for each. I was thinking about how
to out them to the best use and you came up. I’ve already asked the Royal
Canadian Mounted Police but was turned down. Now I’m asking you.

If you ever have an Officer in need of extra care after being released from the Hospital, I’ve opened my doors to help.

All I need is a phone call on your way out the door and a room will be ready to specifications when you arrive.

S. Langley

Cal gripped the letter and hurried to the Chief’s office. He knocked on the door before opening it and rushing inside.

“Sir, I think I found the answer to our problem.” Cal handed the letter to the Chief. “Sit down Cal.” The Chief said, not taking his eyes from the letter in his hands. Cal sat.

Soon the Chief set the letter down and removed his reading glasses. “So?” Cal asked, returning to his feet. “I think it’s worth a try! But it doesn’t say how much they ask. Call them and find out how much they charge a month, if it’s over two grand, tell them thanks but no thanks.”

Cal took the letter from the Chief’s desk and left the office. Once he was seated at his own desk, Cal looked the letter over and found no phone number. “I’ll just e-Mail him then.” Cal went online on his desk top computer and accessed his e-Mail account;

“TO: Mountain_Hideaway@Yahoo.com
SUB: About your rates…
FROM: Officer_Cal@SPD.gov

Dear S. Langley;

We have an officer that will be out of the Hospital in a few days but he hasn’t Fully recovered. We were happy to receive your letter of notice. We are interested, but need to know your monthly rates before making a final decision. Please respond within the week.

Officer Cal Princeton
Spokane Police Department”

Cal clicked send and logged off the net.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next morning’s sun lifted the fog from the valley floor, allowing itself to shine on the U.S./Canadian Border crossing above Danville Washington.

Susan Langley took the metal spoon from her cup of steaming Cocoa and laid it in the stainless steel sink before raising the mug to her waiting lips.

She turned towards the hallway and scuffed her bare feet through the thick carpet as she walked the length of the wide hall to her office door.

Taking a seat at her desk, she clicked on her Internet Hook-up link and took another sip of Cocoa as she waited.

A soft “ding” from the computer told her she had unread e-Mail messages. “Oh good!” She said to herself setting her mug to the side away from the keyboard.

Once in her e-Mail inbox, Susan scrolled down the list finally resting the arrow over the return address Officer_Cal@SPD.gov.

“Who?” Susan questioned, opening the message. After reading it she laughed and responded.

“TO: Officer_Cal@SPD.gov
SUBJECT: Re: about your rates…
FROM: Mountain_Hideaway@Yahoo.com

Cal, I don’t charge a thing! I just want my home to be put to good use! Let me know when to expect you!

S. Langley”

By the time Jayden was released from the Hospital, all the arrangements for his stay at The Mountain Hideaway were made and Jayden couldn’t wait to see this place talked so highly of by all his buddies.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As his departure time neared, Jayden sat in the front seat of Cal’s patrol car, waiting for him to come out of the station.

“Come on Cal!” Jayden shifted in his seat. “My arm is killing me!” He looked out his window and saw Cal come out the door.

Cal got in and started the car towards Canada, making stupid jokes the whole way to Chewelah. Finally, Jayden had had enough;

“Can you just shut-up Cal? Please?” Cal didn’t know what to say or think; luckily he kept his eyes on the road.

“Boy, you’re edgy!” Cal said with a nervous laugh, changing lanes. “What’s up?” Jayden looked out the window, apparently sorry.

“I’m sorry Cal,” He apologized. “My arm is in a lot of pain. Let’s just get there.” Cal seemed to understand and was quiet for a long time.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Cal slowed his car to 35MPH as he entered the town of Colville. Jayden had been sleeping most of the way from Chewelah, so Cal didn’t bother him; sleep was a Morphine substitute and Jayden needed it.

As the Taco Bell/KFC on the north side of Colville came into view, Cal glanced at Jayden, wondering if he should wake him or just buy what he knew he liked. Cal’s mouth was watering too much for him to let this opportunity pass and he turned into the parking lot.

When Jayden woke-up, his ears were popping as they descended Boulder Pass into Curlew.

“OUCH!” He shouted, not realizing what was happening and almost causing Cal to swerve off the road.

“Whoa!” Cal shouted back, putting the car back on the straight and narrow. “It’s alright Jay!” Jayden glared at Cal.

“What?” Cal asked, looking back at the road. “Don’t call me ‘Jay’ my name is Jayden, you know that Cal.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

At the intersection in Curlew, giving you the options of South to Republic or North to Danville or Canada, Cal took the car North on the winding road beside the Curlew river.

“So, who’s this ‘S. Langley’?” Jayden asked, glancing at Cal. “I’m not sure, I think it stands for Stanley but I could be wrong.” Cal said as the car followed the river closer on the right side of the road and “Little Goosemus Creek Road” on the left.

“This is it!” Cal stated, turning the car onto a road Jayden had no time to see the sign at. Jayden could feel the butterflies swarming in his stomach and readjusted his position in his seat.

“Are we there yet?” Jayden asked, suddenly feeling like a little kid trying to forget his question.

“No, but almost, if I read the map right, it should be the next driveway on the right.” The two looked up from the map and out the front window as a white mailbox with some sort of painting on it came into view.

“That’s it.” Cal said softly. “The mailbox looks just like the stationary.” Jayden stared at it as they started down the driveway; it looked like a Moose silhouette with maybe some trees.

The driveway was longer than the road was to get to it. At least two miles according to the odometer; and then, there it was; the biggest log house either men had ever seen. “Wow…” Jayden said plainly, trying to take it all in.

Cal parked the car by the entrance, a covered concrete walkway, and went around to open Jayden’s door.

After he was out, Cal helped him walk to the front door and stopped. He looked around it; there was no doorbell, just double glass doors.

“Just open it Cal!” Jayden said between his teeth. Cal reached for the door handle and opened the door.

In the huge entryway, Cal and Jayden stood alone in the warm, comforting room; a strange, welcome feeling fell over the two.

“Hello?” Cal called up the log staircase, his voice echoed back into the entryway as well as the living room and kitchen on opposite sides. There was no answer.

Cal sat Jayden down in a plush chair, also made with logs and began looking around for some indication someone was there.

Jayden looked at the nearby end-table and saw a piece of paper; a note. “Cal, look at this.” Cal came back to where Jayden sat and picked-up the paper his friend directed him to read.

I‘m truly sorry I can’t be there with you and my new tenant but I will be back
within the hour to help him get settled.

S. Langley”

“Well, what does that mean?” Jayden asked, trying to stand up and get his own look at the note.

“Well,” Cal began his own version of an explanation. “It sounds like the elusive ‘S. Langley’ won’t be here for a while yet, so it looks like we’re on our own.”

“Oh!” Jayden groaned and slumped back into his chair. “I’m going to go have a look in the kitchen, see if I can find any clues to who this ‘S. Langley’ is.” Cal stated as he turned toward the hallway opening about ten feet away.

“Yeah, ok.” Jayden said, rubbing his forehead with his fingers. Cal crept down the hall as if he were on duty. Jayden saw and laughed. “You’re nuts Cal.” He said under his breath.

Cal entered the empty kitchen as he reached for his holster. Realizing he wasn’t on duty and didn’t have it, he rolled his eyes and glanced back over his shoulder to the hallway to make sure Jayden hadn’t been able to see.

Cal soon returned to the entryway where Jayden sat, flinching in pain. Cal rushed to him. “Are you alright man?” He questioned, knowing full well he wasn’t.

“No! My arm is killing me!” Jayden said softly to avoid screaming at his friend.

“Ok, I’m going to help you up stairs, there has to be a sign or door marker showing who is where.” Cal said while helping Jayden towards the log stair case.

When the two reached the top of the stairs, they each took a different side of the hallway and began reading off the names on the tiny white boards beside each plank-style door.

“Donaldson, Mack.” Jayden struggled to keep his calm. “Nelson, Trey.” Cal said, helping Jayden another step. “Here it is; Bradford, Jayden.” Jayden said through gritted teeth as Cal joined him on that side of the hallway.

The guys opened the door and poked their heads inside the room it resembled a studio apartment; the bed was freshly made and a bouquet of wildflowers stood on the end table beside the bed. The curtains were pulled back to let in as much natural light as possible and there were fresh vacuum cleaner tire tracks on the thick carpet.

“Whoa!” The guys said together. Cal got Jayden situated on the king-sized bed and started looking around the rest of the room. Behind one door was the bath room, complete with a jetted tub, shower, two sinks and cupboard with white towels and wash cloths.

“You are living in the lap of luxury my friend!” Cal said to Jayden as he exited the bath room and opened the doors on the large hutch, revealing a fifty-two inch screen TV accompanied by it’s very own DVD player and stereo system. Cal looked at Jayden over his shoulder.

“See what I mean?” He laughed retrieving the remotes from inside and taking them to Jayden who was now lying comfortably on the bed, propped up by three pillows.

Jayden smiled and closed his eyes again, still in pain. “I wish I could do something to help you!” Cal said, placing the remotes on the bed beside Jayden. “But I haven’t the foggiest what to do!”

Jayden put his hand on Cal’s arm in a “don’t worry about it” gesture.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The two had been sitting in Jayden’s room for almost three hours, watching sports, and movies on cable when Cal finally decided he needed to go.

“I have no idea where ‘S.’ is, but I’m sure he’ll be around here somewhere. I have to get back to Spokane before my next shift.” Jayden smiled and looked back at the screen as Cal approached the door. “Plus it’s our anniversary tomorrow; hint, hint!” Cal smiled and opened the door.

“Yeah, how long have you and Haly been together? Seven years?” Jayden looked back at Cal as he nodded.

“Well, good luck. –On the shift I mean!” Cal smiled even bigger at Jayden as he left the room. “You’re a creep Calvin!” Jayden managed to shout as the door shut, leaving him alone in the big room he would call home for the next who-knows-how-long, until he was ready to go back to work.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Cal walked down the front steps of the huge house and across the gravel parking area to his waiting patrol car, smiling and remembering the conversation he had with Jayden.

As he opened his door, Cal looked back at the house, taking one last look at Jayden’s room window above the entryway and four to the right; there was Jayden’s arm, waving from the shadows beyond. Cal smiled and let his eyes fall back down the house to the ground, pausing for a second on one of the front room windows whose curtain was pulled to the side.

Cal stared at the window as the curtain fell back over it, screaming someone had been watching him. He shook his head and continued getting in his car.

As he drove down the driveway, Cal glanced in the rear-view mirror as the curtain was once again pulled to the side. He smiled and looked back at the road.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“This is useless,” Jayden said, throwing the TV remote on the bed beside him. “There’s nothing on.”

Jayden rolled over, off the bed and stood beside it. “What about food, do I get my own supply?” Jayden reached down and opened the lower doors on the hutch holding the TV, DVD and stereo system.

“There we go!” He said, sweeping his eyes over the stalked shelves.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In the kitchen, Susan set the handful of mail on the counter and started going through it.

“Letter, letter, blah, blah blah… OH! A bill!” She tore it open and read over the small print. Suddenly her eyes shot upward; footsteps; someone was coming up behind her. She dropped the bill and its envelope back onto the counter.

“Hello?” Jayden said as he walked from the entryway hall into the empty kitchen. “Is anybody here?” A sudden wave of pain swept his arm, causing him to flinch.

“Ah!” He groaned. Unseen by Jayden, Susan watched through the wooden slats on one of the pantry doors, aching to help him, but knowing what showing herself would do to him.

Jayden walked back out of the kitchen and Susan listened for him to go up the stairs. Then she slowly opened the door and stepped back into the once again empty kitchen.

“Whew! That was too close!” She whispered, scooping the handful of mail from the counter and going down the hall, heading towards her office.

There, Susan closed the door quietly and leaned against the back of it. She scanned the room, heart pounding. Her eyes clouded with tears as she began gasping for air between sobs. She placed her hand on her heart.

“He’s going to find out! There’s nothing to stop him from finding out! He’ll hate me!” Susan left the door and threw the mail onto a clear space on her desk. There was a knock on the door.

Susan took a deep breath and wiped tears from her cheeks. “Who is it?” She dropped her voice to make her gender questionable.

“It’s Mack, are you alright? I thought I heard you crying!” Susan breathed a sigh of relief. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Susan’s tone said she wanted, needed company but wasn’t about to ask for it.

“Can I come in?” Mack’s question made her smile as she reached for the door handle. “Sure.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jayden entered his room and closed the door behind him. He cradled his arm close to his stomach and gritted his teeth once more in pain.

“Where’s that Langley?” He almost screamed, stumbling to the bed and sitting down. Suddenly a strange pain rose from the pit of his stomach and he ran for the bathroom.

When he returned, a bottle of Tylenol sat on the end table beside the bed. Jayden looked at the door. “Well, it’s about time!”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next morning, Jayden lay sleeping when the first rays of golden sunlight reached the top of the mountains to the east and raced for first position on his face.

He squinted as thousands of rays hit him. He rolled over and closed his eyes tight, not wanting to wake-up just yet. It felt too good to sleep in such a huge bed, with fresh sheets. He was warm, comfortable.

He slowly drifted back into dreams and relaxed. Suddenly, there was a sound that was a mixture of a clatter and a rattle. Jayden’s eyes flew open. He pushed back the covers and stood by the bed.

As he neared the window, he could see in the massive yard below someone standing beside a laundry basket and a metal pail. They bent and pulled a wet shirt from the basket, then reached into the pail and pulled out two wooden clothes pins.

Jayden cocked his head and continued to watch this person hang various articles of clothing on the five plastic-covered cable lines.

“Are you ‘S. Langley’?” He questioned out loud, repositioning himself to lean against the window sill.

Suddenly, another figure joined the first in the yard. Jayden cocked his head the other way and questioned again. “Or are you ‘S. Langley’?” Jayden smiled as he watched the two share a laugh and then the second figure to enter the yard pull the first into a hug, fully accepted.

“Oh!” Jayden said sarcastically, with a female tone. “Isn’t that sweet?” Just then, the two separated and the first figure, a woman, looked up toward Jayden’s window. “Whoa!” Jayden said, quickly ducking out of view. “It’s a woman?” He asked under his breath.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Susan and Mack parted and Susan went back to hanging out the wet laundry. A sweet smile on her face, Susan lifted a large t-shirt from the basket and put it on the line.

“I wanted to say thank you Mack, for yesterday, for listening to me dump all my problems on you.” Mack made a face and said. “Don’t worry about it! You would’ve done the same for me!” Mack stooped and grabbed a handful of the clothes pins from the pail and handed them one by one to Susan.

The last pin in his hand, he held it out to her. She reached for it not looking, and grasped the pin. Mack didn’t let go, but took a hold of her hand along with the pin. Susan looked over at Mack, letting their eyes meet.

“No, Mack, I can’t get involved with a tenant! A non-paying one, may I remind you!” Susan pulled her hand from Mack’s accompanied by the pin. Mack shook his head and laughed. “You’re the one who said ‘you won’t owe me a thing! I’m just here to take care of the men!’ not me! Besides, I already told you how I can pay you! You just won’t accept it!” Susan finished hanging the shirt and turned to Mack, looking at him out the top of her eyes, a sickening smile on her face.

“You know I can’t accept mechanical help as payment! Especially when none of my vehicles are in need of fixing! I’ve never known a Dodge to need fixing three days after one buys it. Start paying or I’ll have to kick you out Mack.” Susan picked up the empty basket and turned towards the house.

“Wait Sue!” Mack stood by the clothes line pole with his arms apart, as if begging her to come back. She didn’t even turn around, but went back into the house through the laundry room door, leaving Mack in the yard as the sun continued to rise in the clear blue sky.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Mack hurried into the kitchen where Susan was setting plates, napkins, silverware, glasses and name cards around the table. Susan looked up as Mack walked in.

“No Mack, I don’t want to talk about it. You have to pay or leave; this is not an apartment complex.” Susan turned to the refrigerator and opened the door as Mack approached.

“But I thought maybe we’d get together and then it wouldn’t be like I was just living here, I would be like your live-in boyfriend, not a ‘tenant’!” Susan shoved a tray of freshly cut oranges in Mack’s hands as she replied.

“Mack! NO!” She bent down again to retrieve more breakfast foods from the shelves.

“Fine!” Mack sounded mad as he walked past the table and set the tray down hard, making a loud bang.

Susan looked up from the open refrigerator and followed Mack with her eyes as he disappeared down the hall. Feeling bad for practically yelled at him, she closed the door and hurried after him.

“Mack!” She disappeared down the same hallway as He just before a door closed and someone descended the staircase. Jayden soon appeared in the hallway from the entryway and strolled into the kitchen.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Once in Susan’s office, Mack and Susan stared at each other for a lone while before either said a word.

“Look Mack,” Susan started, his eyes watching her as she looked down. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled at you, you’ve been helping me for three years now, and I should treat you like help, not a ‘non-paying tenant’.” She looked up at him.

“Awe, sweetheart, that’s ok.” Mack changed his tone from up-set to compassionate friend and approached Susan. “I shouldn’t have been so forward about wanting to be with you, I should’ve asked how you felt first.” Mack saw the smile on Susan’s face and made his move.

He reached up and cradled Susan’s head in his strong hands and gently pulled her face tight to his, their lips met and Susan took a sharp breath. Mack didn’t let her go. He had a point to make and he wasn’t going to quit until he had made it.

After a few brief moments, Susan began kissing Mack back. When the kiss was history, Mack still cradled her head in his hands, looking deep into her eyes.

“Can you reconsider?” His words were softer than cotton as Susan let herself fall into Mack’s fantasy world. But all she could think about was Jay.

--Well, Jayden, -- they had dated for nearly six years when he asked her to marry him. She’d said yes! But then he told her how he was going to pay the bills; he was going to be a Police Officer. To Susan that was just as dangerous as lying on a guillotine and praying it wouldn’t fall! She smiled, as Jayden’s face popped into her head.

“I love you Jay!” She said before she could stop herself. Mack’s hands fell from her face.

“What?” He questioned, taking a few steps back from Susan and letting out a long sigh as he stared at her.

“I’m sorry Mack, I was thinking about my past! It won’t happen again.” Susan had no idea why she was begging his forgiveness! She loved Jayden! Not Mack!

“You know what, never mind. I don’t even care if you don’t forgive me; if you leave, that’s your choice.” Susan turned to the door and reached for the handle.

Mack’s voice stopped her dead in her tracks. “Susan, why didn’t you tell me about this ‘Jay’?” His voice was more sad than mad, Something Susan didn’t expect. She turned back towards Mack.

“Because, I thought I was over him. But it turns out I’m not.” Susan looked down.

“I can understand where you’re coming from, but I still wish you would’ve told me.” A sudden knock on the door caused the two to jump. Something told her not to say a word, so Susan said nothing but motioned to Mack.

“Who is it?” Mack questioned as he and Susan traded places in the room. “Um, my name is Jayden, I was wondering if Breakfast is waiting for anything special?” Susan clutched at her heart and closed her eyes. She smiled, remembering all the two had shared.

“No, you can go ahead; the rest of the tenants should be around any minute.” Mack said, walking up to the door.

“Hey, this may sound pretty stupid, but are you ‘S. Langley’?” Jayden’s voice questioned from the other side of the door. Mack looked back at Susan, as if wondering what to say.

“Yeah, that does sound stupid! Everyone knows who ‘S. Langley’ is! Are you telling me you don’t?” Mack laughed, opening the door and joining Jayden in the hallway.

Susan waited until she couldn’t hear the two guys anymore, then she left the office, going farther down the hall and disappearing into her room.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Over the following days, Susan watched Jayden from a safe distance, wishing she could sit with him every second of every day but knowing she couldn’t. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore! She started planning little “accidental” sightings for Jayden.

Two weeks later, all her planning hadn’t changed a thing and Susan tried harder and harder to get Jayden to see her, but it seemed like it just wasn’t meant to be.

One morning, Jayden got sick of not knowing who his caregiver was and plotted how to get a look at him.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jayden walked into the empty kitchen, having the strange but believable feeling that he wasn’t alone. He looked around and sighed loudly, then turned back towards the entryway, mumbling to himself about his bed needing to be changed.

Susan watched from in the pantry once again, hearing the complaint about the bed. When she was sure he was gone, she came out of her hiding spot and crept down the hall towards the stairs.

“God,” She thought the prayer. “Only you know our hearts, if we’re ready, bring us together, again.” Susan reached the top of the staircase and crept down the hall to Jayden’s room door.

Jayden sat on his bed, flipping through a “Log Home” magazine when he heard foot steps in the hall.

“Shoot!” Susan whispered, looking down at her still feet, hoping Jayden hadn’t been able to hear her quick-moving feet on the hardwood floor.

Jayden threw the magazine to the side and rolled to the edge of the bed and walked hard on the floor to the bathroom. He slammed the door.

Susan put her ear tight to the door, listened and finally decided she’d better hurry and change the bed.

She opened the door and closed it quietly behind her. She hurried to the hutch and opened the drawer containing fresh sheets and pillow cases.

She tore the sheets off the bed and threw them to the door. Then shook the clean fitted sheet open and put it on the mattress.

Both pillows cased and all the sheets on, she then shook the comforter over the top of the bed and let it fall as close to perfect as it would get, then began tucking it in.

Jayden had his ear close to the door and was listening to someone change his bed as quietly as he’d ever heard it done before! He then realized he’d better make his entry if he wanted a clear look at whoever it was out there! He opened the door and stepped out.

Susan stopped her quick bed-making and looked over at him. Her mouth fell open and her eyes remained wide. She watched as Jayden’s face quickly took on the same expression as hers.

“Susan! Susan?” Jayden was shocked. He stood in front of the bedroom door, blocking Susan’s only escape route. She felt a lump rising in her throat, and fought back tears of defeat and happiness.

Not knowing what else to do, Susan said nothing and returned to the task at hand, tucking in the comforter. When that was done, she tried her hardest to keep her eyes from Jayden as she attempted to walk around him to the door. But apparently he wasn’t ready for her to leave and Jayden took a step to the left, right in front of Susan.

“Jayden, please.” Susan couldn’t bring herself to look at him. She stared at the door she wished she was already through.

“Susan, look at me.” Jayden’s words weren’t cold, hard or mean, but questioning and unbelieving.

She looked at him; his eyes were the same soft, sky blue as they were four years ago when she left him. She suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of guilt for what she had done. She could’ve just as easily supported him in his choice than left him as she had.

“Why?” The word came from some deep, dark, hidden place in his very soul. Susan felt the tears well-up in her and her eyes begin to glaze, then the tears fell.

The two talked until Susan realized she hadn’t fixed or eaten a meal all day.

“Hey,” She said to Jayden who sat right beside her on the bed. “Are you hungry?” Jayden seemed to be thinking about it for a while before he answered. “Well, now that you mention it, I guess so.” The two shared a laugh, something they hadn’t done in over three and a half years.

They decided to go down and figure it out together and left Jayden’s room.

Mack sat at the Kitchen table with Trey Nelson and a few of the other guys that had been staying there.

As Jayden and Susan entered the room, Mack looked up from the hot slice of pizza in his hand and smiled.

“I see you finally met ‘S. Langley’!” Mack laughed and took a bite of pizza. Jayden got a confused look on his face as he looked quickly from Mack to Susan and back again.

“What?” He asked. “You’re ‘S. Langley’?” He put his hand on Susan’s shoulder and waited for an answer. She smiled and looked down. “Yes, I’m ‘S. Langley,’ I thought everyone knew ‘Langley’ was just a pen name, I guess not.”

“A pen name?” Jayden questioned, taking a seat at the table beside Mack and pulling out the next chair for Susan to sit in.

“Yeah, since we broke-up, well, since I broke-up with you, I put all my free time into writing. I wrote a children’s book about a group of kids who go exploring and stumble into the garden of an old grandma type lady and her name is Sandi Langley, I just use that so nobody would know it was me. I should’ve known you’d find me out, you always were the smarter one.” Susan looked down at her fingers in her lap.

“Wow, a writer huh?” Jayden laughed. But Susan could tell it wasn’t a mocking kind of laugh. “So, next is the big question,” Jayden looked at Susan, she looked up at him. “Are you single?” Jayden’s question shocked Susan but not enough to keep her from smiling.

“Yes, why?” Susan knew exactly what Jayden was doing and she didn’t mind one bit. She actually kind of liked the idea of getting back together with Jayden! But she had to admit, they would have to talk a few things over, like his job, and the consequences, but she figured they’d be able to work things out in good time.

“I think you know why Sue.” Jayden said, brushing stray strands of brown hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear, something he had watched her do a million times over when they were together. “Yeah?” Susan teased, smiling.

“So,” Mack said, resting his chin in his hands. “When’s the wedding date?” Jayden looked at him and smiled quietly. Susan’s smile faded; she got up from the table and ran from the room.

“What?” Mack asked as if he caused her to leave. “Was it something I said?” He seemed to think it was all a joke.

“Yes, Mack,” Jayden said, standing from the table and heading for the hallway Susan disappeared down. “It was.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Susan ran to her bedroom and went inside, slamming the door behind her.

Tears streamed down her face as she flung herself onto her bed and buried her face in the plush pillows.

“Why! Why did I have to be so picky?” She screamed at herself from deep in the pillows. “All he wanted from me was a happy life! With him! Why did I have to be so stupid?”

“You weren’t being stupid Susan.” Jayden’s voice shot through the pillows as though they were fog in the early morning. Susan stopped crying and lifted her head from the pillows. “What?” She asked, not turning around to face Jayden.

“I said, you weren’t being stupid; you had standards, high standards, and it took guts to hold them up like you did.” Jayden walked across the room and sat down on the edge of her bed.

“I love you Susan, I always will, no matter what you decide to do with the rest of your life; I’ll always be here for you, whether we’re married or just friends. You know that right?” Jayden placed his hand on her back. Susan rolled over and laying on her back, stared up at her ex.

“I know Jayden. But I think I should apologize for the reasons and way I broke-up with you. I shouldn’t have left based on your choice of profession; I should’ve given you being a Police Officer a chance! It was unfair to you the way I left, and probably crushing as well! So, I’m sorry. And if you ever want to ask me out again, the answer is yes. I think I should give you at least one more chance.”

Jayden’s eyebrows rose and he opened his mouth, but nothing came out, he had no clue what to say!

“Oh, and I should probably mention, I’ve been attracted to ‘men in uniform’ ever since I heard you had become a Police Officer, so the attraction is still there, if that makes a difference.” Susan said as she took Jayden’s hand that had landed on her stomach when she rolled over, into hers and looked it over.

“Oh really?” Jayden asked with a laugh as he started caressing Susan’s fingers. “And you mean to tell me, that you haven’t pursued any type of relationship with anyone else in uniform?” Jayden sounded fully aware of what her answer would be.

Susan smiled. “Nope, I wanted for you to quit but finally I realized that wasn’t going to happen and I let myself remain in love with you all this time.” She looked down knowing he would catch on in a matter of seconds.

“Remain in love? You mean you loved me ever since you left?” Susan nodded but kept her eyes on their now coupled hands. “Whoa!” Jayden paused. “Really?” Susan laughed.

“There was one thing I’ve thought about a lot since I left, I can remember it happening a lot, and I think about it all the time!”

“Yeah? And I bet I can guess what it is, too!” Jayden’s voice was smiling. Something told Susan everything would be ok

“What is it?” Susan teased, looking up at him. “I’ll bet you thought about the exact same thing I have for the past four years, six months and … um.” Jayden pushed a button on his watch. “And three days.” The two laughed.

Jayden went on. “You thought about kissing me, haven’t you?” Susan swallowed hard and looked away briefly, bringing her eyes back to meet Jayden’s. All she could manage was a soft “Yeah.” As she lay there starring at the love of her life.

Jayden smiled his smile that made her want nothing in the world more than to spend the rest of her life with him. She melted.

Susan watched in slow motion as Jayden’s face neared hers and her eyes closed. It was just like before! His kissed showed he still cared for her! She needed that and she kissed him back.

“So, are you going to break it off if I ask you again to marry me?” Jayden asked, his eyes still closed, their foreheads touching. Susan opened her eyes. She thought about how the rest of her life could/would go; she smiled and closed her eyes again.

“Well?” Jayden asked again. “No.” Susan said, laughing. “I won’t mess it up this time.” Jayden laughed.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jayden and Susan returned to the kitchen where all the guys still sat. This time, the pizza was all gone.

“So?” Mack asked, standing from the table. “When’s the big date?” He paused. “There is one now, right?” He questioned cautiously.

“Yeah, but it’s not finalized, we’ll let you know Mack.” Susan said smiling.

Mack seemed to be looking for something as his eyes swept Susan. “Uh, I don’t see a ring. Where’s the ring?”

“Jayden is going to give me something of a lot more meaning than some old ring.” She looked at Jayden. “He’s giving me all his love. I couldn’t ask for more!” Mack looked confused.

“Hey,” Mack said, sitting back down. “Earlier you said ‘Langley’ was a pen name, so what is your real last name then?”

Susan smiled. “Her last name is Arlington, she always said her name would sound better as Susan Bradford instead of Susan Arlington, but I never said anything.” Jayden took the liberty of the moment and gave his own explanation.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When his stay at The Mountain Hideaway was through, Jayden called Cal to come back up and get him, saying nothing about his encounter with “S. Langley.”

When he got there, Cal stepped out of his patrol car and walked into the entryway, catching Susan and Jayden mid-kiss. His eyebrows rose to new heights as he watched them. Deciding it was a little on the rude side, he cleared his throat and looked away.

“Oh!” Jayden said, jerking away from Susan as he tried to think of a reasonable explanation for what he was doing.

“Cal, this is someone you never had the pleasure of meeting four years ago when I first applied for the force. Cal, this is Susan Arlington, Susan, this is my partner Calvin Princeton of the Spokane PD.” “Hi,” Susan said, shaking Cal’s hand and looking back at Jayden.

“I asked Susan to marry me four years ago and when I told her I was planning to be a Police Officer, she broke-off the engagement. She thought it was too dangerous.”

Cal took off his sunglasses and put them in his shirt pocket. “Well Susan, that’s something you have to get used to when you love a Police Officer!” Cal laughed.

“I guess that’s what scared me! I hated the thought of Jayden possibly getting hurt, but I’ll have to live with it!” Susan laughed and let Jayden put his arm around her shoulders.

“Well, should we get going?” Cal asked, standing sideways and pointing to the door with his hand.

“Yeah! My bags are by the staircase. That’s all the farther we brought them before we got … um, distracted.” Jayden smiled at Susan and winked. She smiled back, and went to help Cal take Jayden’s bags to the car.

The three walked outside and loaded all of Jayden’s bags into the back seat. Talking the whole time about when they’d be getting together again.

“I can leave Mack in charge sometime and come see you! Just let me know.” Susan said as she shut Jayden’s door after he climbed in.

“Anytime’s a good time for you Susan.” Jayden said with a smile as Cal climbed in his side and started the car.

“Thanks for being Jayden’s caregiver, in a way I had hoped ‘S. Langley’ was a woman, Jayden was getting to be a real pain! I couldn’t get him to go clubbing, to bars, or anything! So, thanks. And I hope to see you again, soon! For Jayden’s sake!”

“Well, none of those things sound like something he would do anyway. I will try to get away as soon as possible, for Jayden’s sake, as well as mine. And I hope to see you again soon!” Susan bent, leaned in the window and kissed Jayden goodbye.

“See you later sweetheart.” Jayden said as Cal pulled his car towards the driveway. “Ok!” Susan said, as she took a step back as the car disappeared down the driveway.

As Susan walked back to the house, she couldn’t help getting wide-eyed, again, at the thought of herself getting married! She sucked her bottom lip under her top teeth and smiled.

Inside, Susan ran into her office and began writing Cal an email.

“TO: Officer_Cal@SPD.gov
SUBJECT: For Jayden.
FROM: Mountain_Hideaway@yahoo.com

Dear Cal;

Please pass this letter to Jayden:
I can’t believe you still want to marry me! Even after all I put you through. But
I am glad. I have to make a few arrangements, and I’ll be able to move to Spokane to be with you, I can’t wait!

All my love, Susan”

The End

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