Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/992859-All-night
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #992859
She gets what she wants when she visits the local bar.
She saw him from across the room. He was standing in a group of three guys. The pool stick held in his hand as he waited for his next shot.

She loved to watch him. His moves were graceful, like he was some sort of dancer. She had chosen this bar again tonight in hopes that he would again be there. She was glad that she didn't have to wait for him to show up.

He scanned the room and when his eyes landed on her he smiled. Not a polite hello smile, the kind that said I want to take you home with me. She smiled back with a little wave.

She found an empty table and sat down, watching as he took his next shot and then the next one, making each, a cocky smile plastered on his face. He used the pool stick and pointed to the corner pocket and shot in the 8-ball with no problem. He shook the guy's hand and then returned the stick back to the wall rack and started in the direction of the bar but then changed his direction and walked over to her table instead.

"Hi," he said, pulling out a chair, not bothering to ask if she was waiting on someone. He seemed pretty confident in what he was doing.

"Hi," she smiled at him.

"You're very pretty. Where's your man? He's not very smart, leaving you alone in here with guys like me on the loose."

"I don't have a man." She told him simply.

"Oh. Even worse. You came in here by yourself?"

She knew the bar had a bad reputation, but she wasn't worried. Besides the man sitting with her was more than enough reason to come into the bar by herself. She knew she wouldn't have to worry about going out of here alone.

"I can take care of myself, thank you."

He stopped a passing bar maid, "Get me a beer and something for the lady."

"A rum and coke please," she told the girl.

"Be back in a minute with your drinks guys."

She looked at him. His blue eyes were bright and seemed to sparkle. He smiled when he caught her eye. "Well?"

"Well what?" she asked, embarrassed that she had been so obvious.

"What do you think?"

"About what?" She liked to play the role of the innocent flirt.

"Do you think I'm sexy?" There was that cocky grin again. He must have a big ego, she thought. I wonder if he's got a big cock to go match it.

"Yeah. I think you're a pretty good looking guy."

"So you want to ditch this place?" He motioned with his hand pointing toward the door. "We could go some place a little more my style."

"Oh really? And where might that be?"

"My apartment."

Score! she thought.

"Sure, I guess that's fine. But what about the drinks?"

"Lady, if you really need a drink that bad we can stop and pick something up on the way."

"No, I guess I don't really need a drink."

"Good. Come on lets get out of here." He grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the door.

"So what's your name, Cowboy?" she asked as he opened the passenger door of the beat up pickup truck for her to slide in.

"You can call me Cowboy. That sounds fine"

"Ok Cowboy," she whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. She didn't mind the fact that he wanted to remain anonymous, that just meant she didn't have to worry about another love-sick fool to keep following her after tonight was over.

She reached across the seat to unlock his door as he went around the front of the truck. He got in and pulled the truck out of the gravel parking lot.

"You mind a little music?" he asked her, his hands moving down to the knob to turn it on.

"No that's fine."

He found the local country station. It was an advertisement, but he didn't change the station. He drove with his left hand and reached across the back of the bench seat with his right arm.

"Come here little lady," he put his hand on her shoulder and pulled her closer to him. She slid across the seat to the middle. He moved her head so that it was laying on his shoulder. "You can touch me lady. I promise I won't bite. Well, not hard anyway."

For some reason this man scared her. Maybe it was just because he looked so big. His muscular arms and chest pushed against the fabric of his black t-shirt. His jeans weren't tight when he was standing but now she could see as they tightened on his thighs. God, he was hot.

She was afraid that somehow he would hurt her. She didn't know what all he was into. She just knew she wanted sex, but what about him? Maybe he wanted something more. Everything's going to be just great, she told herself, as she leaned into him.

Toby Keith's voice came out from the speaker singing "Whiskey Girl". How appropriate after coming from the bar she though with a short laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" he asked her.

"This song. It's just funny after leaving the bar."

"Yeah I guess it is," he said chuckling.

Toby's voice calmed her. She loved his songs. His voice was just so sexy.

She sat up and looked at him. Letting her gaze move slowly down over his chest. She glanced at his thighs, and then settled her eyes on the bulge in his jeans. She couldn't wait to see what he was packing. She smiled to herself.

He smiled at her. He had caught her staring again. "You can touch it if you can't wait until we get to my place." His smile got bigger.

The arrogant bastard, she thought. He does have a big ego.

But she did want to touch it. She moved closer to him again and reached across and put her hand over his jeans. She could feel him. Not how she wanted to, at least not yet, but this was all right for now.

She rubbed on him through the jeans. "Oh lady, don't get me too excited already."
So he wasn't that in control of himself? Well tonight will be fun then, she thought.

"Here we are." He turned the key off and opened his door. He got out and going around to her side he opened her door for her.

"That was nice of you," she told him as she slid out to the ground.

He closed the door and once again put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her with him to the entrance of the apartment complex. They took the elevator to the fourth floor and he led her down the hall to his apartment.

"Ok, make yourself comfortable." He told her as he pushed open the door and motioned for her to go inside.

"This is cute."

"That's not something a guy likes to hear about his apartment, Lady."

"I meant it in a good way."

"Have a seat." he pointed to the sofa. "Do you want something to drink? I got some pop and a couple beers?"

"No, that's all right. I'm fine."

"I thought you wanted a drink at the bar?"

"Not really. I mean I would have drunk one. But I don't need one."

"Oh. So why were you there then if not to drink?" He went to the kitchen and grabbed a long neck bottle of beer and came back into the living room and turned on the stereo. It was already set on a country station. Trace Adkins' song "Hot Mama" was playing. He sat down beside her and took a long drink from the bottle and then sat it down on the table in front of him.

"I was there to see you," she told him.
She watched as he smiled again. A slow sexy smile. It caused her stomach to do strange things. He was a really good looking guy.

"So you went to see me huh? And why did you want to see me?"

"Where am I at now?" she countered.

"Point taken." He was silent for a minute. "So Lady what do you want to do?"

This was so strange. He was actually asking her what she wanted to do. She was trying to act bold tonight, but she was actually pretty shy. And this was a whole new experience for her. To go home with a guy she knew nothing about.

"You turn me on. Let's turn it up and turn this room into a sauna. One hot mama." He was singing with Trace on the radio. "Oh whatta ya say babe." He pulled her closer to him on the sofa and her face was mere inches from his. "Oh whatta ya say babe. You wanna?" He moved even closer to her. "You are one hot little lady."

"Kiss me," she whispered.

He kissed her slowly. His lips felt soft brushing against hers. But he soon became demanding, pushing his tongue against her lips, wanting her to open her mouth. She did and met his tongue with her own. His kisses made her feel lightheaded, like she had been drugged. She could taste the beer on him.

"Oh lady. Feel what you are doing to me. I want you to feel it." He grabbed her hand and put it on his crotch. "Do you feel it? That is from you lady. I want you."

She put her other hand on his chest and could feel his heart. It was going crazy, like her own. "I want you too," she told him.

"That's good," he said smiling. He stood up and pulled his shirt over his head. She watched him. Her eyes followed the muscles of his chest as they flexed from his movement.

She stood up and moved her hands over the muscles. She felt him shiver and smiled. He reached down and grabbed the shirt and tugged it out of her jeans and pulled it over her head.

His eyes caught the thin excuse for a bra she had chosen in anticipation for tonight. The white lace barely covered her nipples let alone her whole breasts. He undid the bra and let it follow the t-shirt to the floor. "Oh lady you are hot. Just looking at you is making me close to cuming. It's been too long." He pulled her close to him and began to kiss her again, more forceful then before, more demanding. He began playing with her breasts, pulling on her nipples, causing them to harden even more. He leaned down and sucked one into his hot mouth. He rolled the nipple between his teeth and gently bit down on it then sucked it. Pulling off her blew on her and watched as her nipple seemed to harden even more. Then he moved his attention to the other, doing the same thing.

"Oh God that feels good!" her head fell back as she moaned.

"Come on lets go to the bedroom where you can lay down. I want you to enjoy this."

He pushed her up against the closed door of his room. One hand was on her breast. Rubbing on it, pulling and twisting her nipple. His other hand moved down to cup her through her jeans. His hand rubbed her through the thick material.

He grabbed her under her arms and picked her up to carry her to the bed. She wrapped her legs around him so that when he put her down he went down with her. She smiled coyly. He made no effort to move off of her. Reaching down between their bodies he undid her jeans. She unwrapped her legs from him and started pushing the jeans down off of her legs. She only got them to her thighs before he rolled over, pulling her with him. Straddling him, her breasts dangling in his front of his face as she placed her hands on his chest to push herself up.

He leaned up and grabbed a rosy nipple into his mouth. With his hands on her lower back, he sat the rest of the way up. She wrapped her hands around his head as he sucked on her, holding him close.

"Oh God. That feels good," she said with a moan. "Don't stop. I want your mouth all over me."

"Don't worry, little lady. You're gonna get what you came for. Your gonna get it all night long," he promised, then moved to the other breast. His hands, moving over her back, were sending chills throughout her body.

She pulled his head up so that he was looking at her. "Kiss me again, Cowboy."

Hands on her face, he pulled her to him for another long kiss. This time he explored her mouth with his tongue. Lying back on the bed he pulled her with him, never breaking the kiss.

"Mmmmm," she moaned. "If you fuck like you kiss then I'm definitely in for a treat," she told him when he finally pulled away.

He rolled over pinning her blow him, her arms held down by his powerful hands. "Little lady, I think I am the one in for a treat." He rolled off of her to pull her jeans down over her long legs. The bra's matching thong was the next to be peeled off. She spread her legs slightly. Laying there, she waited for him to take off his jeans but he didn't. Ho got down between her legs, holding her open with his hands he licked her slit.

"Oooh." She automatically lifted her pelvic area which brought her closer to his mouth. He flicked at her clit with his tongue as he moved so that he could use his arm to anchor her to the bed. He pulled her clit into his mouth and sucked on it. He nibbled on her as he pulled away.

"Do you want me to fuck you with my tongue?"

She nodded her head.

"Answer me, lady. I want you to tell me what you want." He was rubbing her clit with his finger.

"Yes," she said breathlessly.

"Yes what, lady? Tell me." He didn't stop, only moved his finger over her faster. Her body began to tense up. Oh God, she was going to cum already.

"Fuck me with your tongue," she whispered.

He pulled away from her. "Oh God no. Don't stop!" she cried out, starting to sit up to see where he went. But he pushed her back down.

He opened her and again licked at her slit, darting his tongue into her. He moved his tongue inside her. "Mmmm, that feels good."

He used his finger on her clit again. Rubbing fast, then slow, switching between the two, doing each for different amounts of time so she didn't get accustomed to one or the other. She reached down and grabbed handfuls of his hair, pulling him closer to her. He started rubbing on her clit faster. He felt her body tensing up once more and knew she was close to cuming. He pulled his face away from he and inserted two fingers into her. That was it for her. She came with such force that she lost her breath. God, he is talented with his hands and mouth. Please let him be that talented with his cock, she thought.

She watched as he pulled the fingers to hims mouth and sucked on them. "You taste good, little lady. Let me clean you up. Do you want me to clean you with my tongue, little lady?"

Oh God he was going to torture her to death. She wanted him to fuck her. And she could see he wasn't ready for that. He was toying with her. Well, she could do the same thing, damn it.

"Yes Cowboy. Lick my pussy clean."

He didn't hesitate and started licking her until the only wetness on her was from his tongue. He stood up and looked down at her, a cocky grin covering his face.

She got on her knees and went to the side of the bed next to him. He was over dressed. And he was about to loose some of his cockiness.

"You're over dressed, Cowboy." She undid his jeans and pushed them down over his muscular thighs. What a sight, she thought, looking at the briefs. His cock was pushing against the fabric, forming a tent in them. He pushed the briefs down and stepped out of them.

He was magnificent. About eight inches long, she guessed and nice and thick, just how she liked them. His cock was slightly upturned. She saw a drop of precum at the tip. Her mouth went dry.

"You want that don't you?" he asked following her gaze. "He wants you too."

She bent over and licked the tip of him, tasting his precum. She took him into her mouth. He was huge. But she worked on it and managed to get all but about two inches in her mouth. She pulled her head up then plunged back down on him.

"Oh little lady, I want to fuck your mouth." He grabbed the hair at the back of her head and moved her head on him, forcing her mouth to move up and down on his throbbing cock. He pushed and pulled her head faster. "Oh lady your mouth feels good. Do it faster."

She moved on him as fast as she could. She heard him moaning above her. It turned her on even more.

"Oh yeah lady, don't stop."

She was so turned on. There was nothing like hearing a grown man beg. And she had no plans on stopping until he came as she had. As she pulled her head up she used he tongue and swirled it around the head of his cock. She moved her mouth off of him and licked a line down the underside of him.

"Oh yeah. Lick him real good."

She sucked one of his balls into her mouth, toying with it with her tongue. She used her hand and jerked him off. "Mmm. I want to fuck you lady." He pulled her up and off of him. She was once again on her knees before him. "Taste yourself," he told her as he pushed into her mouth with his tongue.

She moaned as he kept plundering her mouth. She used her hand on his cock, jerking on him, until he pulled her hand away.

"Lady I'm about to cum. Where should I cum?"

She didn't answer him. Just leaned over and covered his cock with her mouth once again. She felt his body as it tensed up. She moved her hand up and down faster on the throbbing cock. "Ooh lady. Your mouth is like heaven."

He held the back of her head as he fucked her mouth. One last plunge into her did it for him. "Aagh!" he cried out as he shot his load into her warm and willing mouth. Her held her head so that she couldn't move until he was done. And he watched as she swallowed his cum. God, she was a hot little number. He didn't know anything about her, but he wasn't really worried about that either. Tonight was going very well and he wasn't even close to being done.

She moved her head off of his still hard cock and licked him off. "Cowboy, you taste good too." She trailed her nails down over his chest. "But I want you more now than ever. I want to feel this rock hard cock filling me up."

"Oh, really? And where is it that you want this cock to fill you up?"

"I want you to fuck my pussy."

"I think that's a good idea, little lady."

Finally she was going to feel what he felt like as he entered her.

"How do you like it, little lady?"

"Fuck me from behind," she told him.

He pushed her toward the middle of the bed and she turned her back to him as he got up on the bed. She felt his hands on her back, pushing her down on her hands and knees.

"Talk dirty to me, cowboy."

"You want me to talk dirty to you?"

"Ooh yeah. I'm your little slut and I want you to treat me like one."

"A little kinky are we?" She didn't answer his question.

She moaned as she felt his hands open her again. He stuck two fingers in her. testing her. She felt the head of his cock, rubbing against her pussy lips. She was not expecting him to go so slow tonight. This was torture. But she was loving every bit of it.

Grabbing her hips he plunged into her with one swift stroke.

"Ooooh God!" she cried out. He was filling her, stretching her, not giving her time to adjust.

"Little lady you are so tight." he started to pull out of her and plunged in again. He began to fuck her slowly.

"Mmm. Fuck me harder, Cowboy!"

"You naughty little bitch. You want me to fuck you like the slut you are?" He grabbed a handful of her hair. Pulling her head back, he fucked her harder, slamming into her pussy.

"Oooh yeah, Cowboy!"

"You are one tight little bitch. Squeeze him. Do it!"

She squeezed her muscles around him as he pounded her from behind.

"Don't stop! Keep fucking me!" she cried out.

"Lady, I could fuck you all night." He wasn't even out of breath as he quickened his pace, fucking her faster.

"Oh. Oooh. Yeah. Fuck me faster! Harder!"

He let go of her hair and pushed her face down into the mattress. Grabbing her hands, he pulled them behind her, holding them as he fucked her. He slapped her ass. "You little slut, is this what you wanted?"

She didn't answer him. Couldn't. Her face was in the mattress.

"You are so tight, slut. So tight."

He used one hand to reach down in between them and flicked a finger over her clit. "Oooooh," she jerked as her body orgasmed.

"Lady, I'm gonna cum. Fuck you are so tight. I'm gonna cum in your tight pussy!"

She felt his load shoot into her. He stopped fucking her and pulled her tight against him. She moved around on him before she felt him pulling out of her.

Turning around on the bed she saw he was still hard. Oh what a man, she thought. He was ready to go again.

There was that cocky grin. He laid down beside her on the bed and pulled on her nipple. "I told you lady I could fuck you all night."

© Copyright 2005 lilflirt01 (lilflirt01 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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