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Rated: E · Article · Relationship · #992010
questions that some people ask themsleves when they are in a realtionship..
“What Is Love”?

Love >noun 1 an intense feeling of deep affection. 2 a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone. 3 a great interest and pleasure in something. 4 a person or thing that one loves.

Yesterday, I was watching the television series “Sex and the City”. This television series is about 4 uptown women who experience the dating and “sex life”. These women go all out and know what it means to have a really good time . These women were slapped with a cold, hard , dose of reality. They are just starved for romance. Scientist have come to the conclusion that whenever a woman has sex, she creates a chemical. This chemical allows a woman to attach to whomever she is with emotionally . There are millions of people all over New York and the world who believe in love and destiny .Certain people believe that they could find their “soul mate in a place unexpected. Love could be a tremendous joy . Our world is filled with images , songs, films and books about love. Love is as unique s the person who experiences it All around the world scholars and philosophers have tried to explain and define what love is . I have a lot of unanswered or not fully answered questions that are highlighted.

What causes a great number of breakups? Your actions, your thoughts not those of your “partner” determine the success of your relationship. .One powerful word that comes out of relationships is Change. It could be one of the biggest challenges. The only people we have the power to change is ourselves . It could be a good change for the both of you ; or a bad change that can ruin what is between you and your significant other. Every choice we make , every action we take ,comes down to 1 thing; it’s what we believe we must do in order to be happy. "Have we become romance intolerant?"
Later that day , I started to think even more about relationships . There are those that open up to you, something new and exotic, those that old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected , those that bring you far from where you started and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is with yourself. If you find someone find someone to love you and your love then that’s just great. The happier but less common type of relationship is Independent. You have mutual respect and a strong sense of individuality. They look for a distinct quality in that person that would make it easier for them to connect. Dependant love is one of the great causes of unhappiness in certain relationships. Dependant love sometimes comes from unhappy , dysfunctional families, or stressful home environments. In a dysfunctional home , a child/person must focus his or her emotional, mental and physical energy on a parent or any other adult to try to feel stability. This obviously doesn’t help them at all ..
So What Do We Look For In A :4Relationship?
We perhaps look for obviously a companion to spend life with. Security and of course a monogamous relationship. We wish to meet our soul mate. Someone to be a strong character, and someone to appreciate the little things in life. But when we find our soul mate, what do we do? How do we assess the situation? "Are we seeking someone with whom we can share our lives and work toward our dreams , or are we looking for someone to fill a void in our lives?"
-I think we have to figure out that question for ourselves .(If we are in the position). You have to determine that.
So as my closing questions : What do we gain from failing or failed relationships? And “Is there hope for single women?"

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