Thinking...thoughts wandering rapidly through the thick air. My mind is racing, not knowing what I'm thinking.. Just knowing that they're scattered everywhere. Feelings of emotion, not sure what it is. Guilty for something, but I can't figure out why. Writing down random words of thoughts confusing all, including myself. Why do I write down meaningless words? Why do I bother trying to help myself, when clearly no one can help me-not even me? I clear my head and try to think of what exactly I feel. I don't know. What do I feel at this moment? Do I feel anything? Somebody tell me what I am feeling for my whole body, mind and soul, is numb from all the pain that it has encountered. Still sitting here trying to figure out if he loves me...does he love me? He says that he does, can I believe him? So much has been given, yet so much has been taken away. The one person that made sense in my life was ripped away. Will I ever get him back? My body aches from all of this torture I have put myself through. I will never feel whole again, until he is in my arms. When can I hold him again, touch him and kiss him like I always used to? When will my head stop pounding and my mind stop spinning? Too many thoughts surrounding myself... What do I do with them? Make them go away! Please bring him back to me, give me my love, my heart and my soul, because with out them, I am once again nothing in this meaningless, twisted up world. Please give him back to me~ ![]() |