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Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #991321
Vore story containing full digestion. you are warned.
You cannot stop from being discouraged by looking at all yours bills. For more than 2 years, you didn’t able to reach a non-deficit budget. You scratch your head to find the 2000 $ that you need for this month’s deadline. All banks have refused your requests for a loan and you have already asked to your friends for money multiple times.

Your name is Steve. You work part time as a tech support for the local telephone company. It’s been 3 years since your started worked there and since the beginning, they have making promises that you will get a full-time job with a bigger salary soon. Unfortunately, it is always your coworkers that seem to get the promotions.

After 30 minutes of intense reflection, you arrive at the conclusion that your have no choice to call Lisa, one of your coworker. You have a good relation with her and you think she will be willing to help you. You begin to dial up her phone number. You cannot stop to feel ashamed for asking her money, but you have no other choice.

After the phone rang for two times, you hear Lisa answer:


“Hi Lisa, It is me, Steve” you reply.

“Hi Steve, how are you?” she said.

“Well, I’m ok…, but I have a favor to ask you.” You said.

“Oh?, what is it?” she asks.

“Euh…, well…, I have some financial problems right now, and I was wondering if you can loan me some money. I will refund you next month, I swear.” You beg.

“Mmmm…, I don’t know…I don’t like making loan. How much money you need?” She says.

“Well 2000$...Please, you are the only person who can help me. I would not have asked you if I didn’t need your help.” You respond.

“*Sigh*, Ok then…I will pass in two hours.” She says.

“Thank you, thank you, you save me!” you reply.

“Don’t thanks me yet, I will hold you to your words.” She says.

“Don’t worry, you will get your money back in a month.” You say.

“See ya” she says and hangs up the phone.

You try to stay calm while waiting for Lisa to stop by. You know that she is a punctual girl, so she will be here in two hours. You use the time to do some cleaning. As you though, two hours later, you hear the doorbell and you see Lisa’s car on the road. You open the door. You see Lisa standing before you.

Lisa is a beautiful girl in her mid thirty. She has long brown hairs that go to her hips and crystals clear blue eyes. She always wears cloths that make most use of her beautiful female curves.

“Hi Lisa, tank you again for coming” you say.

“Hi Steve, I’m in hurry, so here is your money” she says while presenting you a check. Before you can reach it, she removes the check from your sight and say:

“Not so fast, I need my money before the end of the next month. Without it I won’t be able to buy food or anything.”

“I promise that you get your money before then. You won’t even notice that you have loaned me that money.” You reply.

“You better. I don’t want to starve for a month, hehehe” she says while giving you the check.

“Hehehe, thank you” you say while laughing.

“My pleasure, See you soon, Bye” she says.

“Bye” you reply.

While Lisa was walking to her car, you stare at her beautiful slim behind. Every step she makes her butt jiggles around. With a none audible sigh, you wish you had more money to ask her out. She waves her hand at you just before entering her car and you wave back and close the door.


Your financial situation didn’t change much in the next month. You be lucky if you paid all your bills this month. You didn’t want to tell this to Lisa, so you try your best to avoid her at work and not answer the phone while she calls. Your strategy work and the end of the month were near.

After your last shift, you stay at your house relaxing. For the first time in years, you don’t have to go around beg for money. While you are watching the TV, you hear the door bell. You walk to the door and open it. Lisa was standing just before you, not so happy. You begin to feel a little uncomfortable and say:

“Hi Lisa…. How are you?”

“Hi Steve, it’s been a while…Can I come in?” she replies.

“Oh, yea, sure.” You say while letting her pass. You close the door behind her.

After Lisa enters your house, she made a few steps and turns around and says:

“Do you have my money?”

“Euh…, well…, I had some unforeseen problems. I don’t have your money right now, but I assure you that you get it new month.” You say.

“That is now acceptable and that is not what we agreed.” She says.

“I know, but there nothing that I can do” you say.

“I need that money to make my grocery. I’m not that rich.” She says.

“Well, I’m sorry. I’m sure you will be able to stretch your food supply a little bit longer” you say.

“Well, I might be able to find a substitute” she replies.

Her last sentence make you let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly, a bright light is coming from one of her rings. The light is so strong that it blinds you. Few seconds after that you lose consciousness.

While you regain consciousness, you have a blurry vision that make difficult to see. You are not able to recognize your surrounding. However, you can feel that you are lying on some sort of thick tissue. As your vision is slowly returning, you begin to recognize your surrounding. It looks like you are in your living room, but something is wrong, very wrong. The perspective are way off, all seem a lot bigger. You begin to realize is that your furniture has not become bigger, but it is you that have shrunk. You gather your strength and get up. You look around, and with some little calculation, you estimate that you are one or one and a half foot tall.

Suddenly, a loud sound, similar to a thunder, was coming from behind you. This sound was repeating itself louder and creating huge vibration on the floor. You turn around to see the source of this sound and you are stun by what you see.

Lisa was walking to you staring at you the whole time with a smile on her face. The vibration of her step make you fall on your butt. She stops when she was near you and says:

“Good, you’re awake.”
“What…what did you do to me.” You whisper in fear.

“I help you to…’cooperate’, and I suggest that you do” she says with a smile.

“Cooperate to what?” you ask.

Lisa continues to smile, bends her knee and picks you up. She stands up and raises you to her face. Her face is taking all of you field of vision. Her mouth opens and she says:

“I want my money back, if I don’t I might be forced to eat other tasty thing, like you. How much money do you have in your account?” she says.

“I don’t know, 2300$ perhaps less” you answer.

For a unknown reason, she doesn’t seem to be happy, with your answer and torn off all of your cloths, just to left you in boxer.

“You had my money all along, and you did give it back” She says with a really angry voice.


As you begin to formulate a response, Lisa interrupts you by saying:

“Now listen to me carefully, what is your nip code?” she asks.

“But…, but, I need that money to pay my rent. I will be expulsed if I don’t” you respond.

Her face turn red with anger and she says:

“Wrong answer!”

As she finishes her short sentence, she opens her mouth enormously wide and ram your body head first inside. Your screams are cut short when your face touches her wet tongue. You use your hand to remove her saliva from your eyes and look around. You see all her white teeth surrounding you. There is no doubt in your mind that they can easily crush you to a pulp at your size. Just in front of you lies the black hole of her throat, which is about the same size as your head. Before you can say anything, your body is pushed further inside her mouth. You can feel you body getting wet by scrapping on your tongue.

As your head approach the slimy entry of her throat, you feel her heads lift up, showing your destiny. You try to stop your descend by extending your arms and by pushing the back of her mouth. You succeed to stop your movement for a short while. You head is now just above the entry of her esophagus. You can see the peristaltic movement of her throat while she is trying to get you down. Lisa is now showing harder inside her mouth and your arms start to weaken. You cannot stand anymore to her attempt to get you inside her, and your arms bends at the same time, propelling you head first inside her throat.

When your head enters her throat, you feel her throat muscles squeezing your already wet head and pushing you down. Her throat muscles are not strong enough to pull down by her own, so she continues to push your body inside her body. Each swallow that Lisa take cause her throat to gently crush you body and drawing it a few centimeters deeper inside her body. As your shoulders enter her throat, a slight squirming bulge can be seen from the outside. This bulge was slowly going down with each swallow that Lisa takes.

You begin to panic, and try to move to stop you descend. You were only able to slow your descend but not stopping it. You cannot believe that she is swallowing you alive and there nothing you can do about it. However, you won’t go down without fighting. Your body is now almost completely inside her throat and you can feel her let out her grips on your legs and close her mouth. With all your body inside, her throat have now enough strength to push you down inside her belly. As you feet began their entry in her throat, you feel you head enter a larger chamber. The air of this chamber smells worse than her throat. You realize that you have entered her stomach.

As Lisa continues to swallow, more of your body enters her stomach, forcing you in a fetal position. This also make you easier to swallow, speedy up your descend. From the outside, the big squirming lump in Lisa neck was going down as a new bulge is forming in her flat tummy. With a mighty swallow, Lisa pushes the rest of your body inside her belly.

Even if you are curled in a tight ball, her stomach wall is pushing on you from each side. Your body is soaked with her saliva and you begin to feel the heat of her body. You can also hear her heartbeat and feel each respiration she takes as you are squeezed a little more when her lung are full. You try to move to get you out of there, but her stomach is too tight to let you room for that. You can still hear Lisa voice when she says:

“Now, if you don’t want to stay there for a few days, I suggest that you give me your nip code” she says.

She doesn’t seem to be angry as when she swallowed you. She puts her hand on her belly and begin to rub the bulge that your legs and head is forming. With no second though, you shout:

“My nip is 45835….Please let me out, I’m sorry”

You feel her walking. Each step she takes is creating a earthquake, or a tummyquake. She finally stops and says:

“Let me write that up…. It is 45635 right?” she says.

“No, it is 45835” you scream.

“Ok, I got it. I hope for you that this is the right number, because if it is not, you will get a free guided tour of my digestive tract, and I don’t think you will find it very pleasant.” She responds.

The though of slowing being digested in her belly scare the hell out of you. You pray that when she will get her money, she will let you out. You feel her walking again. No doubt that she is going to the bank. As Lisa sits in her car, you new home seem more cramped than before. You hear Lisa starting her car and drive her car to the nearest bank. While you travel, you remember that Lisa is a girl of her words, and she will probably let you out when she gets her money. Beside, you think she may have some feeling for you. You hope that there are different than hunger. Within 10 minutes, you and Lisa arrive at the Bank.

Lisa enters the bank and waits at the line for the cash dispenser. She didn’t bother to cover the bulge in her belly. While you and Lisa are waiting for your turn at the cash dispenser, an older woman that is in the line just before Lisa turn around and say with a smile:

“Oh, congratulation…How many month do you have left?”

Lisa was a little stun by the question, so you try to best with the current situation and you try to move. Lisa puts her hands on you and say:

“Well, it can be any days now.”

The older woman starts to give advice to Lisa about childbirth. Lisa listens to the woman, with a little smile on her face. 10 minutes later, it was the turn of the older woman. Now Lisa is next. While waiting for Lisa’s turn, your back starts to itch a little. You start to squirm, to relive yourself, but the result was not what you expected.

“Buuuuuuuuuuurp!.......excuse me” Lisa says.

For of brief moment, her stomach squeezes you hard and release it grip a little. You feel that her stomach is tighter than before.

For a moment every person in this section of the bank were looking at Lisa. Lisa felt a little shy, but rapidly fin funny what just append. Everyone just continue their business, and it was finally Lisa’s turn. You hear Lisa operating the cash dispenser. While she doing so, you can feel her other hand rubbing you through the skin of her tummy. After another 15 minutes, you feel Lisa leaving the bank after she sits down in her car and closed the door, she begin to speak to you:

“Bad news Steve there were only 1800$ in your account. One of your bills has just passed. I guess we stuck together a little longer”

“What, you won’t let me out?” you say with stupor.

“Well, not today. I was going to let you out only if I got all my money back. There is 200$ missing, so I got to keep you instead.” She says.

“But…, but, I don’t want to be digested. I though we were friends.” you reply.

“Don’t worry, it won’t be that bad. See that as your way to repay me the 200$ that you own me, like a big meal at a restaurant. You were so tasty that eating you worth the 200$. Consider your dept paid in full, like me, hehehe” she responds

“Wait, I’m sure there is a way for me to find the 200$ missing. Please let me out” you beg.

“Sorry, it is to late now. Its pass 11 PM and I must go to bed if I don’t want to be tired tomorrow.” She says.

Lisa turns on her car and start driving to her house. It takes you and Lisa 1 hour to arrive at her home. The itching sensation that you feel at the bank is getting worse and its now cover all your body. You can feel Lisa enters her house and after a short moment sits down. You hear her turns on the TV. You though to yourself, that if you move enough, maybe she will get sick and be forced to throw you out. You start to move all your might.

Your movements make only Lisa smile. She puts her right hand on you and say:

“Shuu, calm down my little meal. You won’t go anywhere except further south. The only thing that you will accomplish is exert yourself and….Urp!, give me gas”

You continue to squirm, ignoring her.

“Do as you wish, it feel so good when you squirm inside.” She says.

You continue to move of all you might for another 5 minutes then; you feel her stomach contracts on you again and hear Lisa making another belch.

“Buuuuuurp!, I told you” she says laughing.

The stomach wall is now squeezing on you so hard that you can hardly move, and you feel a little tired by your unsuccessful actions. You realize that you can only get out of her tummy if she wishes it. Your hear Lisa make a big yawn and say:

“Well Steve, its time I go to bed. Having a big meal like you have left me tired. Digesting you demand a lot of energy”

You feel her walking to her bedroom and lay down on her bed.

“Well, may not be the way that you have liked to pass the night with me, but it is better than anything…. It is sad that you are not outside with me, we could have some harmless fun” she says.

“Please, let me out, I’m sure we can arrange something.” You reply.

“Let me think about it….Nah, I like you more in there” she says while taping the bulge in her tummy.

“Since you are busy in there, digesting, I will find something else.” She says with a smile.

Lisa picks up one of her vibrator and begins to caress herself with it. Within 10 minutes, Lisa got herself to an orgasm. After her respiration return to normal, Lisa looks at her belly and says:

“Thank you again Steve you were a good meal and you were able to fulfill in more way than one. Now, lay still while I sleep. See you tomorrow.” She says.

Lisa turns around and put herself in sleep position. With, her stomach full of food, she falls asleep very quickly.

You hear Lisa breathing stabilize while she as fallen asleep. Her stomach was too tight to move, even a little and the heat is unbearable. The itching sensation is getting worse and it is now burning. You know that this will only get worse as her stomach will produce more acid.

You found out that the time pass very slowly when you are digested in a pretty girl belly. You scream and wriggle to get out of her body and to fight the pain of digestion. Lisa did not react to you plea, except sometime changing position. You not sure if you cause her to move or she moves herself by a dream. After few hours, you able not in a position to count them, you fall unconscious because of the pain.

Lisa wakes up the next morning refresh from her night. She looks at her bulge in her belly and she smiles. It’s seemed to be a little smaller than last night. Lisa gently caresses the bulge and she can still feel the curve of your body through her skin. She though that you body seem softer than the day before. As she continues to rub your body, you twitch a little by reflex. You movement was faint, but she did felt it.

“Oh!, you still alive in there Steve?, I’m impress I though that you would be in my intestine by this time. Can you hear me?”. She says.

You are now in a state between consciousness and unconsciousness. You only a vague perception of what is happening. You don’t have enough energy to respond or to truly understand her question. The good thing of this state is that you no longer feel any pain.

Lisa gets up, dress herself and walk up to the kitchen. She do not feel hungry right, perhaps it is because of the big half-digested bulge in her tummy. She was in other very thirty. She serves herself a glass of cold water and drinks it up.

The cold water splash on your body, making you squirm by reflex. Lisa puts her glass on the counter and begins to rub her belly. She could feel and hear the gurgling and churning of her stomach while it was in the process to digest the big chunk of food that is Steve.

“Don’t worry Steve, it will be over soon. You will soon pass in my lower intestine, and after that there is only one stop before the exit” She says.

Lisa finishes preparing herself and getting off to work. She wears some larger cloths than usual, just to hide the small bulge in her belly. She sits down at her desk, without drawing attention. Her belly don’t stop working to digest it contents, and it seem to work harder.

You move three or four times in the morning, each time making jump Lisa by surprise on the chair with a smile. She is very happy that you are still alive inside her. She is also surprised and glad that you have survived that long. Every time you move, she thinks this is the last time that she feels you moving around and wishes that she is wrong.

Before Lisa’s break, her boss Nancy passes by her office and says:

“Hi Lisa, did you see Steve this morning?”

Lisa responds with an innocent face:

“No, why?”

“Well, nobody have seem him today and he is answering is phone” her boss replies.

“I’m sure that he is around somewhere. I’m sure that if we search everywhere we will find him. Did you check in the bathroom?” Lisa says.

“No, I will do that. Good day” Nancy says while leaving Lisa office.

Lisa thinks for a moment of Steve and puts one hand in her belly. She feels your last twitching and smile while remembering the fun that she had with you.

After, a few hours, Lisa begins to smells the food of her other coworker. Lisa starts to feel a little hungry. The gurgling of her stomach was getting louder and she could feel a bubbly feeling in her stomach. Each time she looks at her bulge in her mid section, it seems to slowly shrink. Lisa smiles to herself and continues to work.

She was about to go lunch, when she feel the contents of her stomach slowly entering her lower intestine. She felt a little sad because she will not feel Steve moving again, but in the same time she remembers the joy she got while eating Steve and she smiles. You did feel you body moving in some kind of small tube, but you don’t have enough consciousness to understand what append to you. You lose consciousness a few minutes after entering her intestine. And you never wake up.

Feeling that her stomach was empty, Lisa eats her lunch. It was not as succulent as the meal she had last night, but it was doing it job.

Lisa continues to work all day. The bulge in her tummy was almost all gone, but it was now lower, featureless, and more compact. With no surprise for Lisa, no one did find or have information on where was Steve. She cannot help herself to smiles when someone asks her if she knows where Steve is. After a good working day, Lisa returns to her home. When she arrives at her house, she makes a light diner for herself because she doesn’t want to gain weight. She is pretty sure that Steve was high in calories. After she had eaten, Lisa sits down in front of her television.

Later that evening, Lisa felt some pressure in her bottom. She didn’t want to go to the bathroom right now because she wants to see the end of her show that she is watching. The pressure was continuing to build up. Lisa couldn’t hold herself anymore and let out a loud stinky fart. If she didn’t know what she has eaten the night before, she would have some doubt about it freshness. Lisa lets another small fart, and hurry up to her bathroom when her show is over.

Lisa quickly enters her bathroom, pull down her pant and sits down on the toilet. She begins to grunt to relive herself of the load inside her.

“Mhmh, Well, Steve, it’s over now. I don’t need you anymore. You have fulfilled our agreement.” She says will grunting.

Her anus slowly opens up to push out a huge soft turd. Lisa can feel some bump in her anus while shitting. This was caused by some little chunk of undigested bone of her meal. Lisa continues to shit for another 5 minutes when her turd comes finally to its end. She gets up and looks at her poop. Her turd was all curled in spiral at the bottom of the toilet. Its was alight wet brown with some sparkle of white and almost 4 feet long

“Who though that a 2 foots tall man would produce that amount of shit. My turd is almost two times his size”

Lisa was staring to wipe herself when she felt another pressure in her ass. She sits down and says:

“Shit, there are more of you in there.”

Lisa pushes another turd out of her ass. This one has a different feeling that the other. Lisa was having a hard time pushing it out as something seemed to be struck in her ass. She finally succeeds after 10 minutes. She waits a short while on the toilet to make sure that there is no more Steve left in her rectum. She gets up and looks again at her poop. There was another wet pile on top of the first one. There is to have something stuck in it. As Lisa looks more closely, she recognizes the foreign object as some sort of tissue. After careful thinking, she arrives at the conclusion that it must have been the boxer that Steve was wearing when she swallow him.

“That was a pain. The next time I will make sure to eat naked people only.” She says.

Lisa wipes herself and throws the dirty paper in the toilet.

“I hope our deal did arrange all your financial problems. As for me, you were an expensive meal, but you were worth it. I have enjoyed each second from swallowing you, digesting you, and well shitting you out….Well, it is time to say goodbye my friend, I will miss you.”

Lisa began to flush the toilet. It did take a few flush to get all the mushy remains of Steve down the drain.

Lisa pulls up her pant and return watching the television. She hopes she have a good relationship with Steve’s substitute.
© Copyright 2005 thanatos (krishna3ca at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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