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A short Story about freedom fighters fighting a guerilla war. |
"Purge at the Black Bowl" Dain stood with his fellow Medjai warriors, surrounded by Romm women coating their bodies with red and black paint, making them into a grim visage of human tigers. Dain watched the walls of stone that had been erected around the Rommish settlements. A formerly nomad people had become encased in lead and stone protected walls manned by Arrendran outcasts and expatriates, fleeing from the undead hordes taking over both their lands. The Arrendran's frowned on the Medjai's tribal superstitions, but none could state that they had not stemmed the flow of undead into the mountains, all except skyreach and the black bowl to which none of the Medjai hade gained access to until now. Tareg and Qal had their fellow mages had scouted the region in Wind form, and counted numbers and troop movements. Now was the proper time to attack, the undead ships had left on some errand after the arrival of Salmas, some lord of the iron circle who had delivered some strange artifact to the Dark keeper Xanthus, overmaster of Arrendra and keeper of the spellstiched legions. Dain had been given visions in his dreams, screaming black souls tormented in some horrific ritual. Visions of Bones being crushed. The slow, grating of teeth and nails, whispers of some vile chant echoing through the valley as the screams of the victims reverberated around the bowl. And then the black pool like some amorphous creature overflowing across the cities, turning into steam and suffocating the life out of Romm villages. He shook in disgust thinking about it, goose bumps covered his flesh and he spit tabac onto the ground. Things had changed so much in the past year, lowlanders had fled up here into Romm territory seeking their aid. Dain was disgusted by them for the most part, he had tried to warn the nobles and they disregarded him, even laughed at him. Look at them now, manning posts on the walls with us, clinging to any hope that in the morning their souls would still be theirs. Their cultured ways had made them stupid, their decadence their downfall. He thought of Thom Erekose, what a perfect example of lowlander greed and corruption. And the man wasn't even raised by Arrendran's. Amazing. He was a bastard son, legitimized only because another bastard son died fighting his own people, all because of greed and corruption and noble ties. Only those willing to fight for the rights and lives of the people should rule. Only then will they be free from corruption and false alliances. There was one who had changed his mind about nobles of late and her name was Aetherwyn. She had shown up in his camp shortly after Dain had given a speech in Arrendra city with the Rommish delegation about the danger of Surgotha's armies. The nobles had laughed, stating that Arn could protect them from any foreign menace. He had watched her from the floor of the council chambers, quietly watching him from a balcony. Later she had ended up following Dain's delegation on the back of a grand white horse. When Dain had confronted her on the trail, she had blatantly said she was going with him and she agreed that Surgotha was a threat. He was surprised, in the least that some lowlander women would come alone into Rommish lands without escort. Aetherwyn said she needed no escort. Dain liked her bluntness, and fire. It reminded him of Tomoe. But this woman didn't have the look of a warrior. She had proven herself very capable in the last year. Her skill with imagery was astounding, more powerful than Qal or Tareg in fact. She had refused to join the Medjai, her role was with the tribe, protecting the lowlanders and Romm while the Medjai were away with the soldiers. She only asked one boon from Dain, when the lowlanders began coming she demanded they call her Erwyn. The woman had been a great asset, and her care for the wounded and infirmed had made her very popular with the Romm. She had a gift for both mage craft and healing, which impressed even the Priestess of the Reveler. They said she was not "Skittish" like the other lowlander women, and many of the Romm had already started calling her "The White Seer." Erwyn refused to talk of her background to Dain or anyone else. He suspected she may be on the run from some unwanted husband, or a political marriage. Her mystery was hers, she was a valued asset regardless so he kept his promise. Qal put a hand on his shoulder. "Shall we discuss tactics?" He asked. "In the great tent." Dain replied hoarsely. Motioning to the other Medjai, they nodded and began grabbing their equipment. Qal had lost his weight and had matured well in the past year, and his wife had given birth to twins, although she was no longer with the Romm, she was killed by undead gathering herbs in the wood. The mage had since lost much of his immaturity taking care of his children, but he had found a new wife a spelldancer named Fhara, who the Romm called Swiftknife. Both were Medjai now. Tareg had bought his brothel ship and was about to start his business, when the undead ships came he had to flee to save his worldly goods. That ship was stowed in some seaside cliff cave near Valenz, sealed in the cave by spells. Tareg had been infuriated at the thought of picking up the adventuring life again, instead of traveling the world with Gregor and a crew of Rommish women. But, heroes have no time limit, and when needed they must arise. Tareg and Gregor stood near Dain, Tareg had a grim look on his face as he studied Qal's map. Gregor just grinned, thumbing his axe, looking forward to the coming conflict. That dwarf showed no fear, he was good for morale. The Medjai stood in full array as the group discussed tactics. There were also a few groups Arrendran adventurers present that had proven themselves useful in the past, The spelldancers, the Rommish spell thieves. The Mageknights numbering ten, from Arrendra ; The Righteous Fist, a band of twenty Clerics of The hand of Mercy from Pompasta; The Shades, five stealthy cutthroats from Badherra's underworld; And the Seven, a motley group of adventurers once sponsored by Arn, all of which were from outside of Arrendran lands. They had all been thrown together with the Romm, and all had proven themselves viable allies in the fight with the undead minions and the Knights of the Black Gauntlet. As the group began discussing what was to be done, The White Seer came in. She was wearing a long flowing robe of white, and her face was hidden in a hood resembling a nuns habit. Dain stood and greeted her. "I'm sorry this is a council meeting, please leave us." "I intend to go. So I think I should be here." She replied. Dain grinned and approached her, putting in another mouthful of Tabac leaf , he stood looking at her arms crossed. "You've never gone out before. I don't want your life on my hands. Your too valuable here." He adjusted his mouth, and spit wiping his lip. "Are you sure?" He whispered. His slate gray eyes looking into hers. She stared back at him, looking at him with her clear blue eyes, she came closer putting a hand on his breastplate. She gently felt the face of the High Reveler's imprint on his armor with her fingers and smiled. He felt the magical tatoo on his shoulder throb. Laughter and bells echoed in his ears only he could hear, just barely. The Weaver of Destinies was watching him again. Why did she deem to taunt him? "I think I've stayed safe long enough. I feel as if I can do more." She said. Dain shrugged, unsure. What was this woman doing to him? The others waited . One of the Mage Knights stood up. "I'll fight by your side." He said bowing. He moved over to her, resting his two bladed sword across his arms, his glassteel armor glistened in the torchlight. His name was Varis, she had healed him a few months back, his wound was feared fatal. Others began standing. "The White Seer." They said , saluting her with their weapons. "The White Seer." Others intoned, soon it was heard chanting throughout the council tent. Dain put a hand on her shoulder. "I think it's decided." He said smiling wryly. The Weaver of Destinies had spoken. He thought to himself, or was it the Trickster? He clasped his shoulder and walked her over to the map. The planning went on for two hours and then the group left for skyreach. The march to skyreach was done mostly at night, facilitated by portal stones used by the Medjai. Speed was essential. But there were no portal stones in the black mountains, so the group was on their own from skyreach. The taking of skyreach had been easy, defended by a few members of the Guardians of the black gauntlet, and some burned ones. Which were taken care of by the clerics with little problem. There seemed to be no resistance. The enemies forces had congregated near the bowl, miles away. After the battle of skyreach, Dain and his men took rest in the old burned chapel, the walls were good insulation from the wind. He asked the White Seer for her help in scrying the Black Bowl. She agreed. Moving the men out of the chapel he waited quietly with Qal and Tareg for her to sit. She took a crystal cup of blue hue out from her satchel, and a vial of silverish liquid. She poured the liquid mercury into the bowl and muttered in Draconic. The bowl began to glow into a bright blue hue and the seer relaxed, concentrating. The walls began to flicker with blue shadows as her trance increased. What she viewed was horrific. Slaves were being dragged to the bowl, and forced to march down into the lowest portion of the valley. There the Dark Summoner Xanthus was feeding the bodies into a crushing mechanism. The victims were forced to watch as their own bodies were lowered feet first into the malicious contraption, breaking bone, nails and teeth against the circulating, bone crushing serrated wheels of the demonic machine. Their death was slow, and their cries of terror as they watched their bodies disintegrate echoed through the valley. Undead were capturing some black liquid from a strange pulsating purple and red funnel device, and gathering liquid into small vials and loading them into boxes laced with clay holders to keep the glass protected. Xanthus was surrounded by spellstiched undead, each assisting their master with his incantation. The Guardians of the Black Gauntlet were guarding the entrance of the valley and Burned Ones ferried the captive slaves down the valley path to the black altar. Xanthus also had the use of a portal, placed by a circular ring of obsidian, in which he was transporting the liquid. Where it lead to was unknown. Aetherwyn tried to move closer to the portal in her vision but she felt the cold fingers undeath grip her heart, she heard laughter in her thoughts, she gripped her neck and struggled with her invisible bonds. She was lifted from the ground, her feet kicking. "Fools!" A malevolent voice boomed. A form of dark shadow appeared gripping Aetherwyn by her throat, as it materialized. "No one will stop us, Raastible will rule." The fiend said, throwing The white seer to the floor. As it moved the shadow seemed to come alive with a blue inner light, like a glowing blue skeleton cloaked in shadow energy. Its eyes glowed with a pulsing blue strobe like energy. "It is our time! Fools, feel the wraith of the lord of death!" It struck out at Dain, but the Romm countered the shadow things claw attack with his great pick, there was a loud rumble like thunder, and Dain's ears popped as a shockwave of purple energy flowed through the ruin. Sparks of violet and indigo energy intermixed with the shadow beasts skeletal blue aura and the beast reared back, hissing an infernal curse. Qal and Tareg cast disruption spells on the beast and it sneered in rage, billowing with black tendrils of smoke. It moved for the mages, clawed hands of death outstretched. The beast screamed and the burly Medjai heaved a second blow across the beasts shadowy chin. Another clack of sonic disruptive energy retorted from the pick as it hit its target. Smoky residue chaffed off the undead and filtered into the air, as its body evaporated into a screaming vapor. And then after a disturbing screech of infernal agony, it was gone. Dain and Qal moved to Aetherwyn, Qal was saying something Dain did not understand, and he stood up feeling helpless. The clerics of the Hand of Mercy ran into the room. "What happened?" "Ghoulshadow, see to the seer." He said. The adepts moved to Aetherwyn and began healing her. Dain kicked her scrying bowl and moved outside, cradling his pick. He shouldn't have let her come. He thought to himself sadly. He heard horns in the distance as the sun came up over the eastern mountains. The horns of the dead. The Guardians of the Gauntlet were coming with their soulstitched and corpse sworn. Tareg stood by Dain, glaring at the mountain pass. "What do we do?" He asked. "We fight." The Medjai prepared themselves, hiding in the brush and rocks. The Arrendran adventurers made a line and formed squares, mages in the middle. Soon a cloud of dust crept up the valley trail leading to the bowl and soon like a cloud of shadow a deathknight formed at the vanguard of a great horde of undead soulstitched cavalry, followed by a group of Burned ones on foot running behind like rabid dogs slavering at the mouth. The Clerics burst forward with disruption spells, and the mages with fireballs. The clerics managed to shatter most of the soulstitched cavalry, turning them to ash. The rest slammed into the braced fighters, who lashed out with their weapons. The Medjai jumped into the fray, cutting off the rest of the undead. Three mages levitated themselves from the fray, casting Searing bolts toward the Deathknight. Dain pushed through the crowd with his pick, moving toward the mounted undead warrior, who was busy cleaving through the Arnian adventurers. As the big warrior crushed the head of a burned one with his pick, another on tackled him and gripped him in a vicious bear hug. Dain went down like a slab of meat, hitting the ground with a resounding thump. Dain couldn't get the beast off of him, and its burning claws were cutting into the back of his breastplate. He gazed into the glazed eyes of a dead fighter next to him, a shattered lance jutting out the side of his neck. His vision faded, and then a flash of light erupted from one of the clerics of the hand of mercy and the undead crumbled to the ground around Dain. The priest helped him up with a great pull and was off, leaving Dain staggered. The deathknight turned, hacking toward Dain from his saddle, but through some turn of fate missed the warrior by inches. A ray of green energy hit the death knight and catapulted him out of his saddle, fifteen feet onto the hard earth behind the fighting, a green glow emitted from his chest and he screamed in agony. Aetherwyn, moved forward through the crowd, healed from her injury, she faced the death knight. With a fluid motion she raised her hands, arcane energy poured forth, and small starlight bursts of yellow light shot down from the sky and engulfed the deathknight in a swirling mass of divine fire, like a glowing cyclone. Two other clerics of the Hand of Mercy joined in calling fire from the heavens in a whirling cloud of destruction swallowing the deathknight and lifting his screaming form into the air. Dain ducked as a burning dagger flew from the beasts arsenal over his shoulder and stuck in the ground behind him like a splinter of a falling comet. When the spell subsided, the deathknight was a pile of gray ash and charred armor and his skull pommeled sword lay shattered among his remains.. The men rallied around the White Seer, their energy renewed by their sight of Aetherwyn. Dain and the Medjai and the Arrendran adventurers made short work of the remaining undead. Horns sounded from the mountain. Dain looked up his breathing heavy. Sweat poured into his eyes, his legs shook. A green magical light shot up from the mountain and entered the clouds above, forming a whirlwind of clouds. "Someone's casting a spell from the mountain." One of the clerics stated. "Lets not give then a chance to reinforce. Lets go." Tareg said. A cleric cast a spell on Dain and the barbarian felt renewed. He hefted his pick over his shoulder, get the horses we ride for the Black Bowl. Qal and Tareg looked toward the area. Grim determination on their faces. Qal was wounded, his spelldancer leathers covered in blood from a gash in his shoulder. His weapons were black with dried blood. Dain realized his ear was hacked off. The barbarian bit his lip, and pulled a potion from his satchel. Offering it to the mage spelldancer with calloused bloodstained hands. Qal gulped it down and he felt his wounds closing. "Exasperating, isn't it?" The mage smiled. "I've still got spells left too, I'm saving them for that undead loving asshole over there slinging death spells." "Payback." Dain said slapping Qals shoulder. "Payback brother, don't worry about the ear I'll get it restored." The group made their way up the trail, with little resistance. As they reached the entrance to the top of the bowl. They stopped a huge archway made of black standing stones covered in infernal runes, ten times the height of a man. Black Iron doors rested in between. Barring their entrance. "Giants must have made those." Dain said. "More like fiends my friend." Tareg replied. Dain felt a chill go up his spine as he viewed the runes on the megaliths. A sentry called out from the cliff side to their right. And arrows began falling from the top of the arched entrance. The heroes took cover and a few fell from well placed arrows. One of the Arnian adventurers blew a horn of blasting at the front of the door. A great thunderclap resounded around the bowl, causing boulders to fall from the canyon walls. The blast of sonic energy created a cone of destruction that shattered the door and the ground beyond and the bones of the men and horses its had contact with .The Medjai surged forward. Knights of the Black Gauntlet sprang to action, they opened the great doors. Unleashing a frenzy of spellstiched zombies toward the freedom fighters. Fifty of Abraxes best drew steel, with great axes, two handed swords and mauls they charged the ragtag army. Androjen, a young Medjai, called on the High Reveler and pulled off his shield. The other heroes moved aside, as he called for room. "I will take the vangaurd!" Androjen screamed. The young adventurer braced the shield of his ancestors in front of his body and said some archaic word. Blades flashed all around the front of the shield, and swirled around his body like some slashing field of force. "Follow me!" He charged into the oncoming ranks of the Knights of the black Gauntlet like a living field of blades. Hands, fingers, heads and limbs flew in showers of blood as the young adventurer piled through the evil knights. Many backed off and began running only to be caught in the heroes wave of oncoming death. The other heroes behind mopped up what was left as Androjen pushed himself forward onto the ridgeway. The medjai and their companions moved forward, pushing their way into the fortified trail. Dain glanced over the edge of the walled trail, it was like a great fortified rampart heading to the shallow of the bowl below. Dain stayed in the rear, observing the scene below amidst the fighting. He pulled Qals shirt back to gain his attention. Tareg also stayed, holding his knees for support. He was tired of all this running up hills, he was out of breath. A spellstiched lurched forward from the fighting crowd around them and Tareg grappled with it as it charged, momentarily surprised. Dain grabbed the undead by its weapon harness and with a great throw flung the flailing beast over the rampart wall. Tareg leaned back against the wall, breathing hard. Holding his hand up in thanks. Aetherwyn moved forward near Dain pointing toward a black obelisk in the center of the great bowl. When Dain saw it his blood ran cold. A great line of people stood in line, whipped into submission by burned ones. A priest stood at the top of the small temple in front of the obelisk. Some evil contraption was hovering below a slide covered in blood. The screams of the victims could be heard from where they were standing. They echoed across the canyon walls. The heroes faces went white. Men, women and children were being fed into this contraption, feet first. As they slid down the slide alive their feet were caught in a grinding contraption of crushing, and teeth like slashing wheels. It was like a human meat grinder. As the screaming victims were slowly shredded into this harvester of flesh, their essence was filtered into some funnel-like beaker held by spellsticthed below. The black amorphous essence was then being stored into clay beakers in the back of a wagon. Boxes of the stuff were already stored. He watched a female being lowered into the vile machine, a lowlander by her looks. She slid down quickly and she screamed as the machine caught her feet, it gripped her and her body flopped forward into the air, she tried desperately to flail her arms , for someone or something to help her, a desperate attempt. Her body was slowly shredded, Dain could hear the bones popping from her joints and the grinding and breaking of her bones as she was slowly engulfed in the flowing blades. Her head stopped screaming as her chest was engulfed, there was no air for the sound to come out, just the shocked expression of infernal pain and anguish. Dain vomited. He was so shocked he couldn't move. His legs shook uncontrollably. Qal grabbed him and steadied him. Tareg just stood awestruck. "This is …truly abyssal evil. How is this possible? Is there truly evil such as this? It's incomprehensible." Qal said. "That is the Soul Vice." Aetherwyn said, tears running from her eyes. "I have had visions of it." "So have I." Dain said, wiping his mouth he spit out his ruined Tabac. "If the gods exist why do they let things like this happen?" Tareg asked. Aetherwyn grabbed his hand. "That my friend, is why we are here." She said. Dain grabbed old faithful and fought his way through the crowd his companions following him. As they made their way down the guarded rampart trail, the slaves below saw them and heard the song of the Arrendran bard Riordan, calling on the heroes of the past. He had stayed at the lip, seeing what was going on below, he felt an overwhelming need to sing, and the song of heroes echoed over the canyon and seemed through divine grace, to reach the ear of all who was not undead. As the slaves below saw the mass of fighting Romm, Arnian, and Arrendran alike fighting their way down into the bowl, a lone slave grabbed his chain and jumped on a burned one. Clubbing his jaw and sending his chin skittering across the canyon floor. En mass it seemed the other captives fought for their lives. They picked up stones, sticks and whatever was handy and swarmed their captors. If they were going to die they were going out as heroes with a fight. As the crowd swarmed over their captives, the victims at the top of the temple grabbed the priest of the Keeper of the Dead he was so shocked he lost his spell, as he was dragged to the ground and strangled by an enraged victim. The priest struggled with his assailant, but the man's grip was strong. He fell to the floor of the temple roof. His victim, grabbed him and scissor gripped him with his legs. The Arrendrans hot breath choked out a curse into the priests ear. "That was my wife you just murdered priest, you will go ask for her forgiveness now." He breathed. His guards struggling with the frenzied mob, could not reach their master. The priest grabbed frantically for some purchase as the man rolled for the bloodstained slide. The Arrendran laughed as the priest let out a mumbled whimper, as one of his spells once again failed under the strain of the great mans arms. "You fool, we will be dammed to an eternity of torment if you throw us in there, your wife is gone! Don't throw your life away fool." "The hand of mercy protects me, although she will not protect you." He said. The priest chanted and he felt his skin burning with the keepers curse. The Arrendran held true, as his skin turned black and burned with the agonies of hellfire from the priests spell. His skin burst into blue flame as he rolled the priest onto the slide. The two slid forward moving toward the blades of the soul vise. The keeper flung forward, still casting his curse. The keepers eyes widened as his right foot caught in the infernal grinder, his spell ended abruptly as the machine began grinding his legs he screamed in agony, the pain to overwhelming to continue. The priest looked into the mans eyes, and although he too was being crushed to the machine his face was calm. Blood poured from the keepers mouth. "Fool! You've dammed us both." He said. Looking into the mad eyes of the man holding him the priest saw he was not afraid. "Hand Of Mercy give me death!" He said. The man's vision blacked out and he felt a jumping sensation. The man saw his body below him, a silver cord broke which connected him to his body and he felt joy at the freedom he felt and the overwhelming love. He watched as the keeper was engulfed and his dead body was destroyed. He wasn't afraid. Small lights were moving all around him. He looked across the bowl to see the Romm and their allies fighting across the great field finishing off the undead and their servants. Lights moved around the heads of the heroes. He realized they were souls. His body floated upward. From the carnage. Lights flowed all around them. As he looked up he realized he could distinguish faces in the globes of light around him. They swarmed across him and he felt undying love. As he looked upward into the blue sky, he noticed Solars everywhere. Thousands. The angels flew in circles above the canyon, their great wings blotting out the sun. He realized they were escorting souls. There was so much death in the canyon they had come, like celestial escorts they escorted the souls into a pulsating auroral light swirling above him. He stopped and looked down, a celestial reached out and grabbed his hand. She looked at him and began floating up towards the light. He stopped. The celestial looked at him. "Why do you pause?" she asked. He looked at the Soul Vise. He didn't speak, but the celestial seemed to read his thoughts. She smiled. "Your wife and child are already with the Hand of Mercy. They await you." "I don't have a child." He said confused. "Your wife was with child when she passed. She did not tell you for fear of breaking your heart further." Bertram smiled. Overwhelming joy filled him. He ascended looking forward to meeting his wife and daughter in the afterlife. After the battle was over and the remnants of the undead had fled through the portal nexus to parts unknown. The freedom fighters destroyed the portal stones and cut off any way of reinforcements from coming through. The people were free. Dain rested on the temple mount, sitting over the side of the flagstones. Aetherwyn had dispelled the soulvise. And members of his Medjai forces were seeing to the wounded. Aetherwyn walked among them, tending wounds with clerics of the hand of mercy. Her dress was covered in blood from battle and tending wounds. He admired her beauty. And her bravery. She had an air of nobility about her he couldn't deny. For the first time in along time he felt he could feel for a woman again. Truly. There were so many wounded to be helped he felt useless. He just wanted to be alone to rest. Qal plopped down next to him. Laughing. "What is it?" Dain asked. "A baker." Qal said. "What are you talking about?" Dain said hoarsely. "The guy that flung the keeper in the Soul Vise." Qal said laughing. "He was a baker from Pompasta." "That bard is making up a song about him already, can you believe it? A baker, supposedly the best in town too." "Damn." Dain said. "I can't believe it. A baker stole my vengeance." Qal said throwing rocks. Dain looked at his friend and smiled. "I'm sure you'll have another chance." "Well good for him. Perhaps the people need a song about a baker hero, to raise the spirits so to speak." Qal's shoulders fell. "Fucking Baker. I'm outdone by a baker." Dain felt tattoo burning and heard laughter and bells in his ears. The trickster was at it again. Dain began laughing. He stood slapped his friend on the shoulder. Lets go see about that ear. Besides there are people in need don't you feel the need to rest. Qal removed his rose colored glasses, wiped them and put them on. "I just want to go home and take a bath and sit in the smoke hut for awhile." "I agree." Tareg said. The three companions walked slowly toward the wounded to help. Dain looked up into the sky. He swore he saw shadows in the sky, like buzzards on the glide. But the sky was clear. He heard laughter again, he ignored it and continued his task. |