Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/989646-loving-you
Rated: E · Poetry · Biographical · #989646
love poem,things I feel at one point in time
Loving you is a strange feeling, I try so hard to do it the

best way I can but always end up kneeling. Down on the floor

time and time again,searching for a friend. Please stop this

give me some peace, no more crying no more fighting, waiting

for all this to cease. My feelings cloud my head blur my vis

ion, why do i have to make this such a hard decision? I try

to walk away from you, baby steps a little at a time. One da

y I will be able to say im fine. Is this even love or just t

orture? something I enjoy? playing with my feelings like a c

hilds toy. Stop it no more I have to leave here I go, goodby

e so long,I now know you are not where I belong.As I step to

ward the door I am torn,sacred of the unknown. Why cant you

just love me the way I love you? do You not know how or even

understand?How I wish u would just willingly give me your ha

nd.Isnt what your supposed to do when you are in love? NO! t

his is what i do I figure out ways to stay,when clearly i kn

ow that your not the right way.It hurts to know Im not the o

ne.pain,deep sharp pain in my heart stabs me over and over a

gain. leaning over I grip my chest,praying it will pass. My

heart is like a piece of glass,so fragile knowing at any mom

ent it will shatter.This is how i know im threw,cant doit no

more.. loving you!
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