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A young lady loses her father, leaves her home to go to the home that her father lived. |
Character Desctiptions: John Edward Rhod AGE: 40 CLOTHING STYLE: Camouflage, and dark colors ATTITUDE: Protective over daughter, will do anything for her. OTHER INFORMATION: John Edward Rhod is the current Lord of Dagnir En Taur’ Ohtar Arian or Arwyn Arian Rhod AGE: 17 FATHER: John Edward Rhod MOTHER: Esmeralda Vivian Rhod CLOTHING STYLE: Dark colors, camouflage, mens clothing. (Will start to like more feminin clothes as the time passes) ATTITUDE: Hard-ass around mother, calm and slightly feminin when away from mother. OTHER INFORMATION: Arwyn Arian Rhod is the Princess and future Queen of Dagnir En Taur' Ohtar. Esmeralda Vivian Rhod AGE: 40 CLOTHING STYLE: Very feminin, skimpy and bright ATTITUDE: Sarcastic, leachy, bossy, abusive, Her way or the highway, All high and mighty Tyr AGE: 42 CLOTHING STYLE: Camouflage, and dark colors ATTITUDE: Protective over best friends daughter, will do anything for her OTHER INFORMATION: Tyr is the best friend of John Edward Rhod, and comrade in arms. He never breaks a promise. He fulfills everything he sets out to do. ****************************************************************** JOURNAL ENTRY #51 JUNE 3, 2155 WHY DID IT HAVE TO HAPPEN? WHY NOW? WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE? WHY DID HE HAVE TO TAKE THAT MISSION? WHY COULDN'T HE HAVE STAYED HOME WITH ME? WHY DOES THERE HAVE TO BE SO MANY QUESTIONS? WHY DOES THIS WORLD HAVE TO BE SO CRUEL TO THE INNOCENT PEOPLE AND SO NICE TO THE GUILTY ONES? (SIGHS ARIAN) THE FUNERAL FOR MY FATHER IS TOMORROW. EVERYONE KEEPS TELLING ME THAT THINGS WILL BE FINE, THAT IT WAS BOUND TO HAPPEN SOONER OR LATER. WELL, WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN LATER WHEN I WAS MORE PREPARED? AND TO TELL THE TRUTH I AM GETTING SICK AND TIRED OF BEING TOLD THAT THINGS WILL BE ALL RIGHT. WELL I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU, EVERYTHING WILL NOT BE ALL-RIGHT. AFTER ALL MY F@CKING FATHER IS DEAD! NOTHING WILL EVER BE THE SAME AGAIN, AND I MEAN NOTHING. MY MOTHER IS ALREADY DATING SOMEONE AND HAS BEEN FOR MANY YEARS, BEHIND MY FATHERS BACK. I THINK THAT HE MAY HAVE KNOWN THAT SHE WAS CHEATING ON HIM BUT I CAN'T SAY FOR SURE. (ARIAN STARTS TO CRY) WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE? I WISH THAT I COULD HAVE BEEN WITH HIM. I WISH I COULD HAVE DIED BY HIS SIDE. NOW I HAVE TO BE THE MAN OF THE HOUSE, EVEN THOUGH I AM A GIRL, AND I HAVE TO MAKE ALL THE MONEY TO PAY THE BILLS. FOR GOODNESS SAKES, IM ONLY 16, I STILL HAVE MY ENTIRE LIFE TO LIVE, I WANT TO TRAVEL FOR A FEW YEARS. BUT ALL OF THAT IS NOW DESTROYED BECAUSE...(AHHHHHH!) I HATE THOSE BLOODY TRACS. I SWEAR ON MY FATHERS GRAVE THAT I WILL DESTROY EVERY LAST ONE OF THOSE- THOSE- THOSE THINGS. (WRITES ARIAN ALMOST YELLING IT OUT!) I WILL MAKE SURE THAT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE BLOODY CREATURES, THAT INHABITS THIS UNIVERSE, IS DEAD IF IT IS THE LAST THING THAT I DO! I WILL SPEND EVERY LAST PENNY, AND EVERY LAST BREATH I CAN TO MAKE SURE THAT THEY ARE EXTINT. THOSE BLOODY TRACS WILL WISH THAT THEY HAD NEVER CROSSED PATHS WITH A RHOD! I WILL MAKE SURE OF THAT. THIS IS NOT THE END; THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINING! IT'S GETTING RATHER LATE AND SO I BETTER STOP WRITTING AND TRY TO GET SOME SLEEP. I WON'T PROMISE ANYTHNG BUT I WILL DEFINITELY TRY TO GET SOME REST. WELL, I GUESS THAT I HAVE TO SAY GOOD NIGHTAND I WILL DEFINITELY TALK-WELL WRITE TO YOU LATER- BUT WHO CARES. NIGHT I GUESS. ARIAN RHOD "Arian, dear," Calls Esmeralda, Arians mother; as she walks up the stairs to Arian's room. "What mother?" Calls Arian as she just finished writting in her journal. "I told you at 10:30 that it was time to go to bed! It's now quarter to 1. It's time to go to bed! Now! Is that clear?" Says Esmeralda. "Yes mother, I just had to finish something." Replied Arian. "Like what?" Asked Esmeralda. "Like, it's none of your damn business! Okay?" Replied Arian Snottedly. "You cannot talk to me that way young lady, I'm your mother!" Replied Esmeralda. "Oh, I can talk to you anyway I want to because I am now the man of the house!" "That is why my father put me in so many military schools, that is why I make all the money to pay YOUR bills. That is why..." Replied Arian, even more snottedly before Esmeralda interupted her. "And while you are under my roof, you will do what I say! Is that clear?" Roared Esmeralda. "Under 'YOUR' roof" Questioned Arian. "Yea Under 'MY' roof." "Fine!" Replied Arian Shaking her head. "Since this is 'YOUR' house, I am leaving! No and's, if's, or but's. Do you understand me, Mother? You will now have to remarry or get a job to pay for all of your BILLS that you rack up every month. And because of your stubbornness, you have just chased away your only daughter just like you chased away my father, YOUR husband!" Continued Arian. "Oh, if I chased away your father, then why did he always come back? Huh?" Replied Esmeralda. "Dad always came back because of me. He didn't want me to live here with you for the rest of my life. After this mission, he was going to come back to get me. He was going to take me to where he has lived for the last several years, far, far away from here!" Said Arian sobbing her eyes out. "Why should I believe you? You are just a spoiled little brat!" Said Esmeralda sarcasticaly. "Your father spoiled you rotten." "Spoiled me! Spoiled me how? I spent most of my life in a military school, so how could he have spoiled me? Huh?" Arian yelled at Esmeralda. "He just did!" Replied Esmeralda. She didn't know what else to say to Arian other than that. "Well Mother, I'll see you at the funeral tomorrow. Good-Bye!" And with that Arian left her mother standing there watching her leave. The next day finally arrived and Arian came to the funeral in her Fathers old Army Uniform. Much to her mother's displeasure. Everyone who was in the Army with Luitenent John Edward Rhod, Arian's Father, thought that Arian was John for a few minutes till she was walking passed them. When The Reverend, Joseph, finally came everyone went dead silent, except for a few people who started to cry. Surprising to say, but Esmeralda was the first one to start crying. All Arian could say about her mother crying was, "Oh come off it Mother. We all knew you never loved Father. All you wanted was the money and the glory and you know it. You are such a BITCH. Everyone was so shocked that Arian had said that, and they did not comprehend anything until they say Arian infront of everyone. "Listen up everybody. You may not want to believe me because I am a teenager, but my mother has been sleeping with another guy. He just recently ask her to marry him too. I mean, how rude can you get. You first husband ain't even in the ground yet and you are already engaged. She didn't even asked me if I liked the guy. She just assumes that she knows what is best for me. And she thought that she was keeping a god damn good secret from me. HA! That's a laugh and a half. Guess what mother. You remember when you have been comming up to my room and 12:30 and 1 o'clock in the morning and asking what I was doing. Well, I was writing to father about everything that has happened here. Everything that you have done. Including the early morining beatings you have been giving me!" With this everyone was completely shocked out of their minds. They were thinking, *how can she hit a child.* or *how can she hit such an amazing girl.* "Oh and I have all of my father 's letters. I can't not believe that you never realised it before. but no, since I have been trained on how to get inportant information pass snoops, it wasn't hard. Remember when father sent you a letter a little while before he died. He said that he was comming home to take me with him. If you don't believe me, then I have the last letter he wrote. Do you want me to read it for you. It is obvious that you don't know how to read otherwise you would never let the letters come to me. "You lying little Bitch" Esmeralda blurted out and hit Arian accross the face. Everyone was shock with the fact that Esmeralda had actually called her only daughter a bitch. You could hear some people say ‘Oh My God, did she really say that?’and ' Oh My God, She hit her daughter. Also, you could hear others whispering about what was said and done. A few minutes later Arian turns back towards her mother, "Well mother, I have the letter that my father wanted me to give to you the day that I was leaving. So here goes.” DEAR ESMERALDA, BY THE TIME YOU FIND THIS IN YOUR DAUGHTERS ROOM WE WILL BE GONE. I HAVE TAKEN ARIAN WITH ME BECAUSE SHE DOES NOT WANT TO STAY WITH YOU AND YOUR FUTURE FIANCEE. OKAY? WELL IT DOESN’T EVEN MATTER WHETHER I ASK FOR PERMISSION OR NOT BECAUSE IF I HADN’T COME AND GOT HER SHE WOULD HAVE RAN AWAY FROM HOME AND FOUND THE NEAREST AND QUICKEST WAY TO GET UP TO WHERE I AM CURRENTLY LIVING. SO JUST TO LET YOU KNOW, YOU WILL NEVER HAVE TO SEE HER AGAIN. I KNOW THAT IS WHAT YOU WANT BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT YOU ALWAYS PUT IN YOUR LETTERS, EVERY TIME. AND I AM GETTING SICK AND TIRED OF IT; SO HERE IS YOUR WISH COME TRUE. YOU CAN NOW LIVE YOUR NOT-SO-SECRET-LIFE WITH THAT JURK. I HOPE THAT YOU WILL ENJOY YOUR NEW FOUND FREEDOM AWAY FROM YOUR DAUGHTER. TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH, YOUR DAUGHTER NEVER WANTS TO SEE YOU AGAIN SO THAT IS WHY I AM TAKING HER AWAY FROM YOU. SO LONG MY DEAR, DEAR EX. LOVE JOHN EDWARD RHOD "Mother, do you understand what was being said?" Asked Arian. "Yes I do daughter, yes I do." Replied Esmeralda. "Good, good. After the ceremony is over I am leaving. Is that clear!" "Yes, it is crystal clear. The only thing is, is that you are still underage. Therefore I am still your only legal guardian. So I can still control you!" Replied Esmeralda, in a sarcastic and evil voice. "Actually, you can't Esmeralda! She is free to do her own thing because she is not the regular person you thought she was." Said Tyr. "What do you mean when you say that she is not a regular person? She is my daughter and I am her legal guardian till she is 18 years old." Replied Esmeralda. "Actually mother, Tyr is right. I am not a regular person. In fact, I am an Elf Princess. Thus meaning that, since i am 17 years old, I can leave when ever I wanted. I could have left when I was 16 but my father told me to wait. Mother, you know me as Arian, But Tyr and my Father knows me as Lady Arwyn Arian Rhod. My father is Lord John Edward Rhod. That is why he was comming back for me." "Exactly. And that is why I have come. I have come here to complete the last and final wish of Lord John. I made a promise to John and I never break a promise. Lady Arwyn. Are you ready to come with me?" "Hell yea. I am definitly ready to leave this plave, Tyr!" Replied Arwyn. "Then let's go, m'lady. I have already made the arangements and I have your new clothes all ready for you to change into." Said Tyr. "That's great! Where is your car?" Asked Arwyn Presuming that they were going to be driving there. "Um, we're not taking a car, m'lady!' Replied Tyr. "Oh, okay. I guess that that will be alright. Well now I get to put the skills that I learned in the military to work huh?" Replied Arwyn slightly shocked that she would have to use her skills so soon. "I hope that I didn't disappoint you in way, m'Lady." Replied Tyr. "How are we going to get there, then?" Asked Arwyn "We are going by horseback Arwyn." Replied Tyr. "HORSEBACK? I have never been on a horse in my life. This is one thing they do not prepare you for. That is for sure." Said Arwyn. "Unless you would rather stay here with your mother then I highly insist that you come with me and hop on a horse." said Tyr. "Okay, okay, I'm comming." Said Arwyn. "Um, Tyr?" "What is it m'lady?" Replied Tyr. "For starters, don't call me "m'lady" is that clear?" Asked Arwyn commandingly. "Yes m'... sorry, Arwyn." Said Tyr. "That's better. Secondly,How do you ride a horse?" Arwyn asked with an embarassed look on her face. "Well have you ever ridden a bike, Arwyn en amin?" Asked Tyr. "Yes I have, but what does that have to do with ridding a horse?" Asked Arwyn, with a confused look on her face. "Well, Arwyn en amin, ridding a bike is not that different to ridding a horse, okay! Do you understand me?" Asked Tyr." You sit on both a bike and a horse. Oh you will just have to get the hang of it quickly because we have to go now!" replied Tyr. "Okay then. Let's go." Said Arwyn enthusiasticly. "Yes let's. we are already behind." Said Tyr. As they got on their horses and sarted on their way, Arwyn just had to ask “What do you mean that we are already behind?" “We are behind because of your little talk back there. okay?” Replied Tyr. “But how could my little talk back there, as you call it, make us behind?" Asked Arwyn again. “Your little talk back there put us behind schedual because it took like half an hour. Okay." Replied Tyr, starting to get a little angry with Arwyn. “Oh, I didn't realise it took that long! I’m sorry, I'm very sorry Tyr. Please forgive me." Replied Arwyn. “You don't have to apologise to me, it is not necessary. I am just one of your servants, That is all I am." Replied Tyr. “Oh but it is necessary. You are more than a servant. That, and I will feel a lot better if youw ould just forgive me!" Said Arwyn. “It is not necessary, but, you are forgiven, okay? And I am the one who is sorry. I am sorry for blowing uo at you. It's just that ever since your father died, I have been under this burden to bring you back to your true home so that you can continue his work in making sure that all of your people are kept safe." Replied Tyr. When they finished their conversation, they continued to travel through the woods on the outskirts of the Twilight city, Uialtum. When they were almost at the end of the forest, Arwyn had to ask, "Um, Tyr, where are we going?" “I’ll tell you when I am completely sure that no one will be able to over hear us, okay?" Replied Tyr. “Okay, I guess.” Said Arwyn. Finally they reached Uialtum, which was such a beautiful and amazing place compared to where Arwyn used to live, it was almost dusk so they decided to take a break and let the horses rest for the night. after they put the horses into a free stable, Tyr grabbed a couple of cloaks out of his saddle bags and threw one over to Arwyn. "Arwyn en amin, before we go into the Silver Arrow Tavern, we have to put on these cloaks so that we do not draw attention to us, okay?" Said Tyr. "Okay, knowing my mother, she would have everyone looking for me." "Exactly, so when we go in here, we will have to use fake names, okay? I will choose the names and what to tell them about why we want a room and I hope that you will not argue with what I tell them, okay?" "Okay." Replied Arwyn. And with that they headed for the Silver Arrow Tavern. Tyr called himself, Taur'Ohtar, and called Arwyn, Cala'Quessir. The Tavern owner had no problem with the stroy and allowed them a room, but with only one bed. This suited them just fine because Tyr always stands guard just in case someone came to kidnap Arwyn in the middle of the night. "Arwyn en amin, it is time for you to get some sleep before we head out tomorrow morning." Said Tyr. "What about you Tyr? You need your sleeo as well." Replied Arwyn. "Fine, but you get some sleep first! is that clear?" Ordered Tyr. "Yes, I get it. Night Tyr." Replied Arywn as she got into bed. "Night Arwun en amin." Replied Tyr. A couple of hours later, Arwyn woke up to find that Tyr was still Awake. Arwyn got up and put on her night robe on, then walked over to Tyr and put her hand on his shoulder, which made him jump up with a startled look on his face. "What the hell are you doing sneeking up on me like that huh?" Asked Tyr, breathing hard. "Well I woke up and say that you haven't gotten any sleep so I Grabbed my robes and came to tell you to get into that bed and get some sleep. And i Promise that I will still Be here when you wake up okay?" Replied Arwyn. "Fine! I'll see you in a little while." Said Tyr. "Night." By time six am came around, Arwyn had already gone downstairs had her breakfast and was on her way back from the tavern with Tyr's Breakfast. When Tyr woke up and say that Arwyn was not in the room, he started to worry because she had promised him that she would still be in the room when he woke up. By the time Tyr had gotten his clothes on; there was a knock at the door. Tyr automatically asked, "Who is it?" "It's me, Taur'Ohtar, Cala'Quessir. Can I come in?" "Oh, come in, come in." Replied Tyr. "Where the hell were you Cala'Quessir?" Yelled Taur'Ohtar. "I was getting you breakfast, okay." Replied Cala'Quessir. "You were getting me breakfast? Why?" Asked Taur'Ohtar. "I got you breakfast because I feel like I owe you something... some thing for getting me out of that house!" Replied Cala'Quessir. "And I owe you a lot more than just breakfast." Replied Cala'Quessir. "This is really not necessary... I am just fulfilling your fathers last wish... that is all." Said Taur'Ohtar." "Oh, but it is, it is." Replied Cala'Quessir. After Tyr had finished his breakfast he and Arwyn left the Tavern and went to the stables, where their horses were kept for the night. They fed and groomed the horses in the stable, then gathered all the stuffh that they will need for the journy and put it all together in one spot As they were doing this Arwyn had to ask again, “Taur'Ohtar, where are we going?” “I’ll tell you when we get back inside, okay?” Replied Tyr “Okay.” Answered Arwyn. When they had finished this, it was already time for lunch so they went back to the Tavern and had lunch. After they finished lunch, they went back upstairs grabbed their things, adn this is when Tyr told Arwyn to be absolutely quiet. And, of course Arwyn had to ask "why"..." but was not able to get it out because Tyr had put his hand over her mouth to keep her quiet so that he could listen. After a couple of minutes Tyr took his hand off Arwyns mouth and whispered something into her ear, which was something like, "Get my bow and arrows out from under the mattress okay?" Arywn nodded and grabbed Tyr's bow and arrowns out from under the mattress and put the arrows over her shoulder and had the bow set in like 2 seconds. When Tyr opened the door to the bathroom he found someone hidding there listening to their conversations. Tyr then yelled "Don't shoot!" to Arwyn. she just stood there, perfectly still, with the bow up and pulled back ready to shoot. Tyr then asked, "Why were you hiding in the bathroon and listening to our converstaions" The stranger would not answer. Then Tyr said, "if you don't answer, then i will not be able to stop that lady, who is holding a loaded bow which is pointing right into your head, from letting go of the arrow killing you almost instantly.” The stranger was persuaded to talk. He said, "Okay, okay, I will tell you anything you would like to know, just don't kill me, Please." “Cala'Quessir, Il naur ndu I' cu sii'." said Tyr. (translation: Do Not Fire The Bow Yet!) Arwyn lossened the bow slightly but kepted it loaded in her hands. She was prepared for anything that may happen unexpectedly. Tyr let go of the stranger and asked hima few questions. as Tyr was asking the next few questions he started to walk back and forth around the room. This is where the stranger thought that he had a break and took it. But what he forgot about was that Arwyn had the loaded bow in her hands. This is where Arwyn was finally able to practise her archery. Tyr turne around to find out who had screamed and noticed that it was the stranger. All Tyr could say was, "Cala'Quessir. Amin nowe lle a' il naur!" (I told you to not fire!) "But Taur'Ohtar, he tried to get away.” "I don't believe you." "Then look at where is is now to where he was suppose to be!" “Oh, I guess he did move. I owe you an apology. I'm sorry." “No apologies are necessary from you, okay?" “Okay." Tyr then turned to the stranger. "Why were you trying to get away?" The stranger would not answer. “If you do not tell me why you were trying to get away, then, I will just have to let that young lady there with the bow just kill you where you stand." With this the stranger then told everything that he could, including who his master wsa and where he was hiding. After Tyr and Arwyn got all the information that they could, Tyr had knocked the stranger out and layed him down on the floor. After that, they only had a short period of time before the stranger would wake up, so they quickly grabbed their stuff and started down the stairs to the front desk. After they had signed out, they got their stuff loaded onto the hourses in the stable. When they finally left the town and were deep in a forest called Tel'Ranaemyn, which was a peacefully quiet forest that had lots of different animals, Arwyn thought it was about time to asked where they were going once again. Tyr then stopped and turned to Arwyn and said "Lye naa autien a' Silmataurea a' omenta kernunnos. (Translates to: We are going to Silmataurea to meet kernunnos) Kernunnos will be rather..." Tyr started to say before he was interupted. "Who is Kernununos, or whatever his mane is? who is he?" Asked Arwyn. "It's Kernunnos, okay! And he is the Head of "The Order of the Elves." And is the only trustworthy messenger in Dagnir en Taur' Ohtar. We are to meet him in Silmataurea. Silmataures is the only way that you could ever find the entrance to Dagnir en Taur' Ohtar. He will meet us on the outskirts of Silmataurea, which is otherwise known as..." "The Starlit Woods.” Whispered Arwyn. "But there is another entrance to Dagnir En Taur' Ohtar." "Yes Arwyn, it is known as the Starlit Woods. But there is no other entrance into Dagnir en Taur' Ohtar, otherwise I would have known aobut it, okay?" “Okay. Whatever." And with that they continued their journey once again. Several hours after they started again Arwyn had to ask... “How much longer till we meet Kernunnos?" “It will be a couple of hours still. Cala'Quessir?" “Yes, Taur'Ohtar.” “Are you hungry by any chance?" “Actually, now that you mention it, yes I am hungry." “When we get to Dagnir en Taur' Ohtar, we will have a large feast to welcome your arrival." “Oh, really. A large feast just to welcome my arrival? My arrival to where?" “Your arrival home, after sixteen very long years!” “Oh, really?" “Yes Cala'Quessir.” “Oh WOW. I would never thought that my arrival anywhere would be so important. Um... Taur'Ohtar?" “Yes Cala'Quessir." “Um... Why is my arrival so important?" Tyr was caught off guard by this question. So he said that they will stop for a little while so that the horses could rest before they meet wiht Kernunnos. Arwyn realized that he was trying to avoid the answer and she told herself, 'I will not let him avoid this question I want to know' so she asked again. "Why is my arrival so important?" “Arwyn, your arrival is so important because you are...um... how do I say this, um? Okay, Arwyn you are the true Elven princess and are now the only living heir to the Elven Thrown!" “What!!! No! I... I... I can't be the heir to the thrown. I am just a... A..." Arwyn couldn't find the words to finish her sentence. "You are the heir to the thrown. Since your father died, you became the princess of the Elves and are known all over Dagnir en Taur' Ohtar. "I am the heir to the thrown... to the Elven thrown?" “Yes, I am sorry that I was the one to have to tell you." "I always thought that I was just a normal person. That I was just 'Daddy's little princess'. That's all. “Well now you know, okay?" "Yes, thank you for telling me and not letting a stranger tell me." "It's no problem. Anyways, your father told me to tell you before we met with Kernunnos, so that you wouldn't hear it from a complete stranger. And I am still a stranger, in a way, but you have gotten to know me, and i hope that you can trust me like your father did." "Of course I can Trust you, I think so Anyways. But if you start to do any funny business I can injure you quite easily." "How by scraching and biting me?" He said sarcastically "No. But I can injure you by this!" As Arwyn pulled out a very rare dagger. "Where did you get that dagger, Arwyn?" "My father gave it to me when I was Turned 10." "Are you sure?" "Why wouldn't I be sure? I was there when my father gave it to me!" "Cala'Quessir, did your father ever tell you where he got that dagger?" "Why? why is it so important?" "It is important because that is the dagger that Hermione used to kill a very powerfull creature." "And what was this creature?" "It is known by many names but the most common name for it is...um... Sgiathatch. I think it translates to..." "Dragon!" whispered Arwyn, cutting Tyr off. But i was always told that they were only myths, that they weren't real. I should have known. The way my father always reacted when I asked him to tell me another story about Dragons. That... I should have known!" "Well you were young. young and naive. You have matured a lot since then." "Yes, I guess I have, But still." "I Know, Cala'Quessir, it is unbelieveable. If i was in your position I probablywould have reacted just like you did. But dragons are real." "But how can I be sure, Tyr? How?" "Take a close look at the blade of the dagger Arwyn." "Why?" "Just do." "Okay." Arwyn then pulled out the dagger and looked at it with great interest. After a few minutes of examining the dagger, Arwyn then turned to tyr, "umm... Tyr?" "Yes Arwyn." "Why does the blade look like a too..."Arwyn started to say before she broke off. Finally she Realised why Tyr told her to look at the dagger more closely. "A blade made from a dragon's tooth?" "Yes it is a dragon tooth blad." "Oh my god. then they are true, the stories, I mean." "Yes the stories your father told were true.All the stories he told you about Dagnir en Taur' Ohtar. are true." "WOW. Tyr, I believe it, but then again I don't." "I know Arwyn, I know. But now Arwyn we have to get going agian." After this was said, Tyr and Arwyn mounted their horses again and continued on their way. About an hour and a half after they had started, Tyr stopped and waited for Arwyn to catch up to him. He then asked Arwyn for the reins to her horse and tied them to his horse. "Tyr, why did you just ask for my reins?" "Arwyn, I took your reins because you ride to slow and I need you to keep at the same pace as me, okay." "Well, I'm sorry. I haven't lived my life on the back of the house like you have Tyr." "What is that suppose to mean?" "It means that you have lived with horses your entire life, I haven't. And I don't like the fact that we are riding animals and not walking instead, okay!" "Arwyn, the horses do not mind us riding them. Okay" "Okay, how much longer till we meet Kernunnos, Tyr?" "Just a little while longer, okay? If we keep at a steady fast pace, we will meet kernunnos in a couple of hours." "Okay." A few hours had passed when Arwyn had noticed that the forest that they were traveling in had suddenly changed from a regularl noisy forest to a misty, quiet one in a few feet. This part of the forest made Arwyn think that she had heard something unusual for a forest. She thought that she had heard something from one of the stories that her father had told her when she was younger. After a few minutes of contemplating what the sound was, Tyr Asked A question that Arwyn never heard. Since she did not hear the question Tyr asked, She just blurted out, "huh?" Tyr then repeated the question again and Arwyn replied. Finally Tyr had started to slow the horses and Arwyn noticed right away. She asked, "We're almost there aren't we?" "Yes Arwyn, we are almost there. But it is necessary for there to be no talking. There are people and creatures out here that have been trying to find the entrance for many many years. If they find the entrance, then all of the people of Dagnir en Taur' Ohtar will be in grave danger. Please trust me on this one, okay?" Tyr replied in a whisper. "Okay." Was all that Arwyn replied with. After walking a little ways in silence, Arwyn and Tyr spot a person wearing a pitch black cloak with a hood and a walking stick by their side. Arwyn assumed that it was Kernunnos, but never said anything and waited for Tyr to give her the okay to speak. When they got up to the person, Tyr just nodded his head at the person, and the person grabed both reins from Tyr and directed them to a small lake. From there the person took them through the water and waterfall into a hidden cave. They continued down without the use of any light till finally they got to the end of the cave. The person who was directing them, finally, took off the hood of their black cloak to reveal a guy about the same age as Tyr and her father who, dispite his age, looked pretty hot. But Arwyn would never admit that to anyone. Tyr then told Arwyn to look around. When she finally did look around her, she saw a magnificent place that no words can truly describe its beauty. Tyr and Kernunnos practically saw her jaw fall to the ground in shock. Tyr then leaned over to Arwyn and lifted up her chin, as sort of a joke, and said to her, "You may want to pick up your jaw before you lose it." As Tyr did this Kernunnos left them to do their thing. It was evening and Kernunnos wanted to get to his home as soon as possible. So he left without saying good bye. "Sorry. This place is so beautiful. I cannot say in words. It's just...I'm just...Wow. That's about all I can really say Tyr. You never told me how beautiful this place it." "Sorry, Arwyn. It sort of slipped my mind I guess." "I'm sure it did, Tyr. I'm sure it did. Not." "Yea I guess you are right Arywn. I didn't tell you on purpose..." "SEE.. I knew it. I knew it." "Yes yes... We should get you home now." "Yes. Home sounds nice. Thank you very much for this Tyr. Thank you." "I was just fulfilling my end of the promise. And there is still more to the promise." "Really?!" "Yes, but we do not need to get into that. Let's just get you home. Okay." "Okay." And with that, Tyr led Arwyn to her new home. The same home her father lived in for most of his entire life. ****************************************************************** AND THIS CONCLUDES PART ONE OF THIS SERIES. |