Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/989038-No-title-yet
by Nal
Rated: 13+ · Other · Romance/Love · #989038
How can you fall in love with someone you thought you hated....
Elisabeth Thatcher is a 17 year old girl. She’s at high school. She has dark brown hair and green eyes. She isn’t that popular in her school, but she doesn’t care anyway. She has a bunch of close friends. She already knows them from middle school. She has her own enemies and she hates them truly. Well, hate is such a harsh word, but she doesn’t like them or anything. They irritate her on purpose, really trying to get on her nerves and she of course doesn’t accept that and irritates them in return if they start doing it again. Well those are the main facts. Let’s get started.

Elisabeth woke up early in the morning. Girls need time to get ready for school and all. With a groan she stepped out of her bed and tidied her bed up as she slowly walked to her bathroom.
    School had started about 2 months and she was pretty much having fun there with her friends, now of course ignoring the stupid people who think it’s funny to get under her skin and get her angry.
    A Wednesday morning and she hadn’t figured out yet what to wear after her shower. She walked over to her closet and looked through her wardrobe.

"What am I gonna wear."

: Elisabeth muttered to herself while still searching. She grabbed black trousers and a light green shirt with short sleeves. Oh well, she guessed that would be alright for today. She quickly changed, did her hair in a ponytail and applied a little bit light colored make-up.
    She went down the stairs and heard some noises in the kitchen. Probably her mom, cause she was always up early. She entered the kitchen and stared at the person sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"What are you doing up so early???"

Mark, her brother, looked up from his paper and stared at her with one raised eyebrow. Elisabeth reacted that way, because her brother was never up early.

"It’s non of your business and besides that, do you know what time it is?"

There was a hint of amusement in his voice. Elisabeth quickly turned her gaze to the clock. 8 o’clock, which meant she was late for school! She turned to her brother.

"But my clock showed 7:30! How can it be eight?!"

Mark smiled at her.

"I guess something’s wrong with your clock."

He continued reading, not paying attention to her accusing gaze.

"We’ll talk about this later."

: Elisabeth said while grabbing an apple and quickly grabbing her coat. She forced herself to drink milk before she left. She went out the front door and grabbed her bike as she rode as fast as she could to school. While riding she looked at her watch and groaned at the time she saw on it. What a great way to start the day, huh? She got rid of her bike and walked into the school. The halls were as good as empty and she choose to go to her locker anyways. She was already late, so going to her locker for a second wouldn’t make any difference. She walked to her classroom and looked inside. Everyone was already sitting down and a few of them were just fooling around, which was good, cause that would take the attention off her. Well that’s what she hoped.
    She slowly opened the door, but to her surprise everyone stared at her. Guess they thought it was funny or something. She looked around and just slowly walked to her seat. The teacher didn’t say much, cause she was just sitting behind her desk probably doing some work. She heard someone talk about her, so she turned her head. She should have known who it was. Devon Vance was talking to his friends. Devon was one of her known enemies. When he saw her looking at him he looked back at her while saying:

"Late again, are we Elisabeth?"

She rolled her eyes while taking her seat beside her best friend Cindy.

"Oh I could never break your record Devon."

She replied while turning to him to watch his face turn to a look of disgust. Devon was a popular guy together with his friends. He was also known as the person who was always late. Not today, what a surprise!

Mrs. Bleak:
"Who is late?"

: her teacher said from behind her desk while gazing from above her glasses, still with her head turned a little to her desk. Devon gave a charming smile, which made most girls melt, including Cindy.

"Elisabeth Thatcher, Mrs. Bleak. She just came in."

Mrs. Bleak:
"Did she now?"

Mrs. Bleak slowly removed her glasses and looked at Elisabeth . Devon had made good impressions on teachers. He was proud of his reputation. Arrogant bastard: Elisabeth thought to herself.

"She was together with me, Mrs. Bleak. Devon is known for sleeping during classes."

Brendan Dregonas was one of her friends. He always seemed to help her when she needed it. Brendan was pretty popular like Devon. Her friends even told her several times that Brendan is in love with her, but….well, he’s just a good friend. Brendan gave a charming smile as well.

"Maybe I sleep during classes sometimes, Brendan, but I don’t imagine things."

Devon answered with a hint of anger.

"You just did, Devon."

Brendan said and turned to Elisabeth while winking. She smiled back at him and formed a thank you on her lips.

Mrs. Bleak:
"Never mind, let’s get started then."

Devon was talking to his friends. From some words that he made out it was clear that he was a little angry at Brendan. He doesn’t like it when someone tries to make a fool out of him. Well does anyone ever?


When the bell finally rang she walked next to Cindy out of the classroom and saw Devon walk not too far in front of her with some friends. He was just waving to a girl giving her a smile when he just tripped and almost fell to the ground. Instead he bumped into one of his friends, who bumped into some nerdy little girl. Elisabeth and Cindy both laughed.

"Once again, you’ve made a fool out of yourself."

Cindy hid a laugh and watched how Devon gave Elisabeth a filthy look and take a step closer to her to stand in front of her.

"Shut up, Elisabeth!"

"Let’s go Liz, someone’s got a little temper here."

:Cindy said while pulling Elisabeth with her. Devon gave an irritated look and pressed his lips together to prevent some ugly words from coming out. It didn’t take long till lunch started and she and Cindy sat at a table in the canteen. They were joined by Brendan, Jessica Kale, Cole Beal and Kevin Raven. Their own little group. Well that’s how she saw them. They were her only friends and they mostly hung out with each other….well, that was it.

"Another day of total boredom."

: Cole got out while leaning back in boredom. Jessica leaned against him as a sign of boredom as well.

"At least you’ve got me."

Cole and Jessica were an item. They were almost nonstop together. It kinda irritated people with all the gewy stuff, but they already knew them from when they were young so they were used to it.

"Is that supposed to be comforting?"

Jessica hit him and he started laughing.

"Just kidding, just kidding."

"You two freak me out."

"Well, we’re not as bad as those two."

Cole gave nod towards something. They all turned their heads to where he was grinning at. Devon and Rachel Tinton were all over each other. Elisabeth rolled her eyes at that.

"Well, I wouldn’t mind being in her place."

"You could well be, cause he has a different girl every week."

"Rachel is just as much of a slut as he is. And still they are known as the couple of the school."

Somebody suddenly passed their table and left a few papers. It was ad that said: ‘Party at Damion’s place this Saturday’. Damion Garrah was a friend of Cole’s and also a popular guy. He was a friend of Devons as well and well, he didn’t have to place his last name in any of his ads, cause he was the only Damion who ever gave a party or anything. And besides that he was popular enough for people to know who he was. Brendan grabbed one of the ads and looked at it.

"Another party huh? He’s even giving the party at his place again. Seriously, aren’t his parents ever at home?"

"Barely. They’re mostly at some other house in some warm country. He always gives a party when their gone."

The popular people. Always giving parties, there was never an end.

"Are we going?"

: Jessica said while grinning at Cole, knowing that he was definitely going to say yes. Cole grinned back at her.

"Hell yeah!"

"Yeah I think I can bear yet another party."

"How about you three? You going as well?"

Cole looked at the tree persons left. Cindy turned to Elisabeth and smiled.

"Hmm, I think what Cindy is trying to tell me is that we’re going."

Alright! Brendan?"

"Yeah, yeah,, if you all going, then I’m going."

"Two more days to go."

Elisabeth grinned at her eager party friends and looked around the canteen. Almost everyone was going, well, except for the uninvited people. Which were mostly the people who weren’t at all popular, or his enemies. She was lucky she could get in, cause of Cole. Devon would never let her into the party. Elisabeth mostly didn’t have trouble with Devon’s friends, just Devon himself! Elisabeth told everybody she was going to the toilet and she slowly walked out of the canteen. She entered the girls bathroom and when she was finished she went to wash her hands. Rachel appeared next to her.

"So you’re going to the party hey?"

: Rachel said it in a way that disgusted her. Rachel obviously didn’t want her to be there at the party.

"News travels fast doesn’t it? I’m guessing you’re going as well?"

Rachel turned to her in arrogance.

"Of course I’m going. He’s one of my boyfriend’s best friends."

"You mean Devon."

: Elisabeth snapped back at her.

"What’s the difference?"

"Well, because he has a new girl every week.."

Elisabeth walked passed her and she heard Rachel behind her.

"He’s only mine."

Rachel had definite anger in her voice.

"Tell him that, Rachel."

Elisabeth went out and heard the bell ring. She was walking to English class when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey Liz. What class do we have?"

Elisabeth laughed softly. Brendan always forgot what class they had and since he and Elisabeth always had the same classes he made a rule that he was always going to ask her.

"We have English class, and honestly Brendan, you might as well be glued to me."

"I wouldn’t mind that, then at least I’ll see ya naked."

Brendan was laughing as Elisabeth hit him while laughing as well.

"I think he’s hitting on you again, Liz."

: Cindy said while appearing beside Elisabeth.

"That’s called teasing, Cindy."

"Is that what they call it nowadays?"

They all laughed as they entered their classroom. Everything was going as usual. Stupid jokes from stupid people and she just relaxing with her friends.


Time luckily went fast and before she even knew it, it was Friday. It was at the end of the day and she was just walking out the school with her friends.

"Wanna join us to the club?"

Jessica was asking Elisabeth and Cindy. The rest were already going with them.

"I can’t, I gotta work tonight. I’ll see you guys tomorrow at 7 in the evening at the party."

"Alright, see ya at the party Elisabeth."

They all went and she and Cindy walked further.

"I hope Devon’s gonna be there. I may have another shot of ending with him."

"He’s definitely gonna be there, but don’t count on anything like that. Rachel is gonna be there as well. She’d be damned if she let Devon alone."

Cindy laughed at that and Elisabeth joined her in laughter.

"Yes, well, a one night stand wouldn’t be all that bad with him either."

"Oh please Cindy, don’t lower yourself to Rachel’s level. You are not a slut like her."

"Yes well, she’d probably wanna fight me."

"I’d help you and so would the boys by the way."

"Thanks Liz."


Elisabeth went to her work an hour after she arrived at home. She worked at a snack bar. It was too bad that all the youngsters ate there as well. She was a waitress there. Oh well, she had to get the money from somewhere. She just came in and changed her clothes when her boss said something to her.

Ms. Tannin:
"Hey, Liz. Do ya mind working tomorrow as well?"

Elisabeth raised her gaze to her boss and gave a apologetic look.

"I’m sorry Ms. Tannin, I’ve got plans."

Mrs. Tannin:
"Oh that’s alright. You’ve been working too much anyway."

"How can I be working too much?"

Elisabeth and Mrs. Tannin both laughed. Elisabeth only worked at night, mostly during week days.
    Elisabeth was already working a while when she took a break and stood behind the small bar. She saw Damion come in with some buddies and luckily Devon wasn’t with them, but Brendan was. They all went to a table and Damion smiled while coming towards her.

"Hey, I heard you’re coming to my party tomorrow."

"Yes, it sounds like fun, so I thought what the heck lets get drunk and get laid."

Damion laughed at her sarcasm. Elisabeth just grinned at him.

"Devon’s gonna get so pissed when he finds out."

Elisabeth: "I couldn’t care less about him, he’s just an asshole."

"And most girls like him for it…."

"Are you hitting on my girl?"

Brendan appeared next to Damion and winked at Elisabeth as in, what he said was a joke.

"I wouldn’t dare, Brendan. See ya tomorrow, Elisabeth."

"See ya, Damion."

Elisabeth turned to Brendan and smiled.

"I didn’t know you were working today."

"I guess I don’t like to talk about my stunning job."

"What’s so wrong with this job, Liz? You have to get the money from somewhere."

"Hehe, that’s what I tell myself every time I go to work."

"Hmm, I’d better get back to my table, cause your boss is watching me."

"Haha, I think she’s watching me, Brendan. I’d better get back to work. See ya later."

"Want me to wait for ya till your done?"

"No that’s alright, I can handle it."

"Alright, see ya around."



Finally Saturday, but Elisabeth didn’t wake up in a peaceful way. The cause was the loud banging in the other room.


: Elisabeth muttered and hit her pillow in irritation. She jumped out of bed and quickly slipped on her slippers before walking out of her room. She went to the room next to hers and slammed the door open. Mark was already dressed in his usual clothing and was lying in his bed very relaxed while reading a magazine. He dropped the magazine when he spotted Elisabeth in his bedroom doorway and smiled.


"Good morning, sunshine!"

"That smile might work on other girls, but it sure as Hell doesn’t work on me!"

"I sure hope it doesn’t."

: Mark said while stepping off his bed.

"I was sleeping, Mark!!"

"It’s already passed ten, Elisabeth, and besides, I’m warming up for tonight."

"Urg, I should have known you were going tonight."

"Of course, stupid. Damion’s my mate and my age. You’re actually too young."

"I am not! You’re only two years older than me."

"Exactly. Now leave my room."

"Not until you put your music softer."

Mark raised his hand to his mouth and raised a brow as well.

"Don’t make me kick you out."

Elisabeth gave an annoyed look and just grabbed something off his small table next to the doorway. She raised it as if going to throw it at him. He gave her a mocking look.

"Don’t you dare, Elisabeth."

Elisabeth threw it at him and quickly turned away. It just passed his head, so he quickly went after her. Elisabeth quickly went into her room and was about to close it when Mark stopped her. She gave a small yell and ran to her bed to grab her pillow. He came in and she quickly threw the pillow at him and laughed at the face he gave. He grabbed the pillow from the ground and hit her with it. Not too hard of course. They both just ended up exhausted from the pillow fight.




"Brendan’s girl."


"I heard it from Damion. You and Brendan at the snack bar yesterday."

"We’re just friends."

"That’s what they all say, sis."

: Mark said while standing up and throwing the pillow in her face while walking out the room.

"Oh please! I don’t like him that way!!"

"Whatever I don’t care."

: She heard Mark say from his room.


The day went passed quickly and she was getting ready. Her brother stood in her doorway already dressed for the party.

"Hey, you have a ride to the party and back home? I can give you a ride if you want."

Elisabeth turned to him.

"I’m riding with Cindy, but thanks for asking."

"Alright, but I could’ve guaranteed you safety. You know how Cindy is."

"I’ll take my chances."

"Your death wish."

Elisabeth laughed as her brother left her room. Cindy was gonna pick her up in a few minutes. She heard Mark close the front door, a sign of his leaving and a few minutes after, her doorbell rang. Elisabeth grabbed her purse and ran down the stairs to open the door. She looked at her friend and smiled at the sexy dress she was wearing.

"Planning on seducing someone?"

Cindy laughed as she stepped into the house and turned around to show her the whole dress.

"I don’t remember who to seduce, Liz."

"Want me to refresh your memory."

"No thanks, but you, Liz, look very stunning."

"I was aiming for stunning, so thank you!"

They both laughed as Elisabeth grabbed her jacket and they left the house to go to the party. Cindy was driving her car to Damion’s house. The whole street was full of cars and it was obvious there was a big party. Cindy parked her car as near as possible and they decided to walk the short distance. The door of the house was open, so they just walked in and watched everyone dance and drink. Well, the usual party. Elisabeth spotted her brother and he signed at her. She walked to him.

"You sure you got a ride home??"

: Mark yelled to be heard above the music.

"Yeah I’m sure, Mark, but thanks anyway."

"Hey, Elisabeth, you made it."

"Don’t hit on my sister, Dame."

Damion laughed and turned to her again.

"Did Cindy come with you?"

"Yeah she’s here somewhere."

: Elisabeth said while looking around.

"I’m gonna take a look around. I’ll see you guys later."

They said goodbye to her as she walked through the crowd. She bumped into Jessica.

"Liz, you’re here."

"Yeah, as promised."

Elisabeth looked passed Jessica and spotted Devon talking to his buds. When he spotted Elisabeth he suddenly stared at her in disbelief.

"Great, here it goes.."

Jessica turned to where she was looking and saw Devon. Jessica right away knew what Elisabeth was talking about and laughed.

"What the Hell is she doing here?!"

Rachel appeared next to him and she gave Elisabeth a dirty look.

"Urg, I almost forgot she was coming."

"You knew and you didn’t tell me this disgusting news?!"

"Relax, Devon and take a drink."

Damion handed him the drink and Devon took it.

"I can’t believe you let her in,.. once again."

"Sorry, Devon, but almost everyone’s invited. The door’s even open."

Devon: "I thought lame people couldn’t get in?"

Elisabeth: "Stop acting like an asshole, Devon…Oh wait, you are an asshole, my bad."

Elisabeth walked away from them.

"Get that fucking grin off your face, Damion."

Devon turned away and walked to another room, probably to get a drink or something. The night seemed to go well and Elisabeth tried to get out of the way of people who felt hatred towards her and likewise of course. A lot of people were already preparing to leave, some too drunk to leave. She was standing by a table and was joined by Brendan.

"Hey, sorry I haven’t been giving you so much attention. The boys keep on handing me booze."

"That’s alright, Brendan."

Brendan looked behind her and saw Devon make out with some blond girl.

"Rachel’s gonna be so pissed if she catches him."

"Oh look, there she is."

Rachel gave her a dirty look and Elisabeth sweetly smiled at her as Rachel turned away and suddenly saw Devon with that girl. Rachel stormed to them and pulled the girl off of him and pushed her away.

"Get your filthy hands off of him, bitch!!"

The girl probably knew that Rachel was his girlfriend before she started to make out with him, because she left without a fight. Rachel turned to Devon in anger.

Rachel: "What the Hell….."

Rachel stopped dead when she heard Elisabeth laughing because of the whole charade. Rachel turned to her and Devon turned as well to look at her. Rachel look stunned and Devon’s mouth fell open in surprise when Brendan suddenly took Elisabeth’s mouth in a kiss. Elisabeth’s eyes were wide in shock and she could see the surprise on both Rachel’s as in Devon’s face. She could feel his tong move wildly in her mouth and she felt completely disgusted. She pushed Brendan roughly off of her. He looked surprised and disappointed.

"Brendan, I…I’m sorry, but I don’t feel that way about you."

Brendan: "But, Elisabeth…"

Elisabeth left him there and walked out of the room. She felt too exhausted and the alcohol had really gone to her head. She dropped herself on a chair and just rested her eyes. Later on Damion entered the room and spotted her.

"Shit…..Elisabeth? Were you riding with Cindy?"

Elisabeth murmured a yes and Damion let out a curse under his breath. He walked through his house while looking for someone. He kept on looking and stopped when he saw Devon talking to some friends. Rachel had obviously chosen to not talk to him for while for what he had done. Oh well….Damion walked over to him.

"Devon, I need to talk to you. Ask you a big favor."

Devon gave him a confused look and walked together with him to another more quiet room.


"Ehm…you know that Cindy girl?"

"Yeah, what about her?"

"She passed out, cause she was so drunk…."

"I always knew she was weak for alcohol."

"So what I’m trying to get at is….she won’t be able to ride home and she’s sleeping up stairs in my parents room."

"Hey, you aren’t thinking about raping her or something are you, cause if you are I want nothing to do with it."

"No you idiot! Of course not! Elisabeth was supposed to ride with her and I don’t have room for her to spend the night and Mark is already gone."

"Oh no wait! You’re not seriously asking me to bring her to my place???"

"I know you don’t know where she lives. I don’t have room for her here, Devon, and Mark’s already left."

"Well, why don’t you friggin call him??!! It’s his sister!"

"Mark’s probably to a club or something, he does that all the time. He even asked Elisabeth if she needed a ride home and she said no, so he’s counting on that."

Devon leaned back against a wall and looked at the ceiling in frustration.

"Isn’t there anyone else you can ask..?"

"Not anyone else that I trust, Devon, and you are sober enough to drive. Now will you do this or not?? She only has to sleep there, she’s practically out cold right now."

Devon walked passed him and stopped a few paces away from Elisabeth. She had her eyes closed and it looked as if she was sleeping.

"If people start talking abo…"


"…ut this , Damion, then I blame you. Rachel’s gonna be quiet for months."

"And you love it when it stays quiet."

Devon laughed and walked to Elisabeth.

"I have this feeling that this is gonna turn really bad on me."

"I’ll call ya tomorrow, Devon, just to check on how everything went."

Devon picked Elisabeth up and held her in his arms as he carried her out the front door to his car. He placed her in the passengers seat and buckled her up safely. He stepped into the drivers seat and started the car. He looked at the sleeping Elisabeth one more time and cursed as he drove off to his home.

"What the Hell am I doing??? From all the people in the world he had to choose you!"

He was almost home. His parents were out of town, like they were almost every day. Well he was old enough to take care of himself.

"You are so stupid, Devon! Stupid!"

He parked the car and went to the other side to pick her up again. He pushed the key button to lock the car and he was struggling to open the front door. Luckily he had a button he could push for that too. He slowly went up the stairs to one of the spare bedrooms. He was still carrying her when she opened her eyes a little.


He looked down at her and placed her on the bed.

"Ssh, go to sleep."

He removed her sandals and tucked her in. Her eyes were already closed, so he turned away quietly and watched her sleep for while before closing the door behind him. There were two doors in this room, one lead to the hall and the other to his bedroom. He purposely choose this room, so he could go into her room once in a while to check up on her. She was after all his guest, even if it was against his will. He walked down the stairs and grabbed a beer as he dropped himself on his couch and switched on the TV. But seconds after he had to switch off the TV, because his phone rang. He picked up the phone with hesitation, cause it was almost 3 o’clock and who would call him at this hour?


"Hey, Devon, it’s me. Just calling to see how it goes?"

"You definitely owe me, Damion! She’s asleep up stairs."

"Good, I tried to reach Mark, but he isn’t answering."

"That’s just great! Okay well, I’m going to bed, I’ll talk to ya tomorrow."

"That’s cool, good luck."

Devon hung up the phone and quickly drank up his beer as he ran up the stairs and went to his room.

"What a fucking mess, really Devon, you’ve done it this time."

He removed his clothes and dropped himself on his bed just in his boxers.

"I’ll handle this in the morning…"

: Devon murmured under his breath with a curse. He closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep.


See part two for another part of 'no title yet'
© Copyright 2005 Nal (xbutterflyx at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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