Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/987299-Summer-Drought
by Harry
Rated: E · Poetry · Nature · #987299
A free verse poem about summer drought.
Oppressive heat,
Stifling heat,
Day after day,
Week upon week,
100 degrees in the shade,
Yet more unrelenting sunshine.

Vegetation droops.
Flowers shrivel.
Crops fail.
Lawns parch brown.
Sprinklers spritz life-renewing water in desperation.
Even small children and dogs stay inside.
Afternoon heat and humidity challenge air conditioners
and test tempers.
Will it never rain?

Sunny and hot, hot and sunny …
the weatherman only knows one forecast.
Then, late one afternoon, dark clouds appear
on the horizon to the accompaniment of distant thunder.
Let it rain! Please let it rain!
A large, plopping raindrop hits the pavement. Another!
Bring on the rain!
The wind picks up.
Treetops sway and dance with happiness
as sheets of rain, blessed rain, sweep in.
The temperature plummets, awash in cooling rain.
For nearly an hour glorious rain pelts the earth.
Relief. A welcomed break in the summer’s drought.
Best enjoy the moment,
for tomorrow a drought begins anew.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/987299-Summer-Drought