Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/987173-Let-The-Rain-Fall
Rated: 13+ · Other · Emotional · #987173
A short love story...
Forest green eye's stared past all the people at an angel. Her skin was the color of milk chocolate and she had a body so perfect every guy in school wanted her. The lustrious hair that crowned her head was the odd color of torqouise blue but, it brought out her almond shaped electric colbat blue eye's. Her eye's were like the kind that only asian decent had and it only added to her beauty. The forrest eye's that followed her every move belonged to a face that was too pale, and too long. Black hair hung down blanketing the eye's just enough so he didn't look suspicious. He watched the girl who in, his opinion was in every possible way perfect. The way she moved in her denim mini skirt and prada heels. How her black halter top showed just enough skin. Even her hair which, at one point in her life had been a shining blonde color. He whispered and her name rolled off his tongue. "Araina..." Drake was a sixteen year old boy who could pinpoint the exact, second he had fallen in love with Araina Tidal.
It was on her eleventh birthday. Drake had taken Araina to the movies as her present. They went together to celebrate three things. Araina dying her hair blue for the first time. Them being best friend since they were two, and Araina getting her very first boyfriend. During the movie Araina got so scared she had buried her face into his shoulder. Drake's heart began to race, and his pulse to panic. Freeze, pause, rewind. Pulse panicing. That was the exact moment. When the movie ended, Araina walked out laughing at how stupid she had acted. Drake wasn't even paying attention until Araina hugged him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. "Drake The Snake! Thank you so totally much!" Drake smiled stupidly but, it was a smile Araina had come to love. "For what Rainy?"
"For taking me to the movies when mama wouldn't." Shrugging he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and said, "Anything for the most beautiful best friend a guy could have." Araina just blushed an leaned into the boy who had been her protector and confidant since, almost forever.
Drake smiled at the memories. Her birthday's, his sleepovers. Either way he had always been there to listen and protect. In elementry school Araina had gotton picked on alot because of her ethnicity. Her father was chinese while her mother was half white half black. Now in highschool Drake watched Araina with her new boyfriend, Justin. Justin with the roaming hands. He was the tall, muscular, tan, and a football player. All the girls at school wanted him but, Justin just wanted Drake's Araina. Araina still hadn't done anything with Justin, although his hands still went places he should have respected. Drake couldn't take it anymore. Sneering he walked out of the chesterfield mall, away from the pain and disgrace.
Sunday night, Drake walked into his room barechested, and vigorously drying his black hair with a towel. He flopped onto his bed letting out a low, soft sigh. Rain pattered against the roof as he listened quietly. Araina had blown him off but, he wasn't as upset as you would expect. Listening to the rain he continued to think of Araina. It had been a week since he had seen her at the mall. Then he heard it. A quick echo. Tap, tap, tap. Knocking, except it wasn't at the door. Drake rolled off his bed and the tapping came again. Three in a row. Tap, tap, tap. "Araina?" That was their knock. When Araina wanted to get away she came, and she knocked. He hurried to the window and pulled it open. Araina's clothes were in disaray, her hair was plastered to her skull, and there was a cut across her left cheek. Even through the rain Drake could see Araina was crying. "Rainy?" Araina fell into Drake's body and clung to his shoulders. Sobbing uncontrolably. Drake may have not looked like much. Not handsome or tan. Not like the guy's all the girls wanted to date. He was skinny, pale and didn't play sports. Black ear length hair that shaded his eye's, which were almost too big for his face. For not looking like much Drake was pretty strong. It came from years of protecting Araina from bullies. Too many bullies to count.
Easily Drake picked Araina up and she made it easier by clinging tightly to his body. Her cries did not stop and he could feel them slinding down his torso. "Rainy... Shh, tell me what happened." Through her sobs Araina tried to tell Drake but, the words wouldn't go past her lips. He laid her on the bed and smoothes her hair down. He had always been gentle with her. He even forgot to close the window she had climbed through. He asked the only thing that came to his mind. "Did Justin do this?" Araina nodded and curled into Drake's body for protection and warmth. "Drake, I-I tried."
"Tried what?"
"Snake, I t-tried to g-get out of i-it. H-he was m-mean to me." Araina whispered. Anger flooded Drake's veins. Araina's eye's held no sadness, only fear. "He s-said I w-was ugly or, f-fat. H-he didn't r-really like m-me." Her grip on his shoulders tightened. Her nails dug into his unprotected skin. He didn't flinch though. He could deal with a little pain. "I w-wanted to break up. I t-tried t-tonight. H-he got m-mad."
"Rainy did he touch you in the wrong place?"
"N-no, just hit and, y-yelled. Then he l-left. I-I didn't want to go h-home and I k-knew you w-wouldn't make me." Araina finally stopped talking and cried harder. Drake sat and held her in the quiet safety of his room.
After a while her cries grew less and less. When they finally stopped he gently lifted her face, studying the cut then looking into her eye's. "You can stay the night Rainy. We'll go to school together tomorrow." Araina tried to smile but, faltered. She couldn't manage it. Instead she sighed. Looking away from his face. "Drake The Snake. Thank you so totally much."
"Anything for the most beautiful best friend a guy could have." Araina just blushed and leaned into Drake. Who now loved her, without having that love returned." Drake got to his feet, shut the window, then began searching his closet for clothes. He brought out a slipknot t-shirt that was too small for him and a pair of denim shorts. When he handed them to Araina she shook her head 'no'. "What's wrong with these?" Drake asked. "Their not for sleeping in. I'll wear them to school tomorrow. He stared at her in shock. She was going to wear his clothes to school. He shook his head. "Well, then what do you want to wear." Araina gave a wane smile. "I just need boxers and an oversized t-shirt. Of all the people Snake, you should know that." How could I forget? He thought silently. Drake smiled and went back to his closet. He found what she asked for and threw them at her. "There you go Rainy. I'll wait outside while you change." Drake had his hand on the doorknob when Araina touched his arm. "You don't have to leave. Just, don't look." Drake rolled his eye's. It never took them long to get back to their old games. He turned his back on her while she stripped off her wet clothes. Quickly replacing them with Drake's dry ones. "How do I look?" Araina grinned and pretended to model for him. "My clothes never looked so good." They both broke out laughing.
Araina laid on the bed sighing. Drake scratched his head. "Guess I'll sleep on the floor."
"No you won't."
"I wont'?"
"Then your sleeping on the floor?"
"Were sharing!" Araina grinned and patted the mattress next to her. They had shared the bed before, Drake was just surprised that she offered it now. It was a full size bed so, there was enough room for both of them. Drake rolled his eye's and climbed in next to Araina. He left the blanket for her but, she ignored it. Instead she snuggled into him and held out her hand over his chest. "Best friends forever?" Drake took her hand. "Promise." He whispered. They fell asleep like that.
© Copyright 2005 Yumi Chan (lizzi_swis at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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