Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/986047-The-Initiates
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #986047
An Entry for the Writers Cramp.
How I got here? Well that is a story in itself. Maybe it is best to start at the beginning, it all started with an envelope that was shoved under my front door. Definitely not the usual way my postman left the mail.

The manner of delivery piqued my interest and made the opening of the envelope very exciting. An Invitation! ‘You are cordially invited to the Initiates Club this evening at 7pm at 245 Gruesome Lane’.

Being a person who loves surprises I decided on the spot I would definitely be going. The day seemed to drag until it was time to leave. So, promptly at 6.30pm I hopped on my bike and after a short ride arrived at Gruesome Lane. Well, I can tell you, it definitely lived up to its name. I don’t think I have ever seen a street anyway that seemed more aptly named. Large trees seemed to overhang, nearly touching at the centre of the road. Dark and dreary would be a good description too. Slowly pedalling along I came to number 245. Gothic would be a good description of the house.

I think you get the idea, the scene is set, now I had better continue on. Wouldn’t want you to get bored?

I found myself knocking on the front door, no timid little mouse like taps for me, no, a hard one two three raps on the door is my way of announcing myself. Ever bold am I. Within a few moments a rather pretty girl of about my age answered the door, opening it wide to allow me to enter. She didn’t say much, just that the club was meeting in the room at the end of the hall.

So with a quick thanks I was walked smartly down the hall leaving her at the front door, I imagine to welcome those who must be running late. I, of course, am never late. Always too eager to jump straight in.

Yes, I will hurry on and stop waffling. Well, I opened the door and at first I didn’t see anyone in the room. That didn’t phase me, it gave me a chance to have a bit of look around. That room had a bit of a creepy feel to it, so at first I didn’t see the girl sitting in a dark corner of the room. She didn’t say a word just looked at me. Definitely a bit creepy.

Just as I was starting to wonder if this had been such a good idea, she spoke. “You seem to be one of the first ones here”.

You are not going to believe this, but for once I was speechless. This girl was identical to the one I had just left in the hall. I know what you are think, twins! But I am not so sure about that, the voice, everything about her was identical even down to her clothing.

Well as you can imagine, by this stage the goosebumps were starting to rise and cold shiver seemed to slowly creep down my spine. The silence seemed to grow till I asked how many she thought would be coming.

She just sat there and said nothing, just looked at me. The air in the room seemed to grow colder and colder. Starting to feel a bit scared, and normally I am very brave, I suggested that I refresh myself before the others arrived.

Again she said nothing, just continued to sit in her dark corner. After a minute or two, she slowly raised her hand and pointed to a door on her right. With a nod, I quickly moved across the room and entered the door. What a relief, there was a lock on the inside of the door. I don’t think you have ever seen anyone move so quick as I did in securing that door.

With a twist of my wrist I had the tap running and first splashed a little water on my face before moving back to the door. Placing my ear flat up against the door, I tried to listen for any sounds. At first there was nothing, but after a few minutes I heard a whispering. It was hard to make out the words, but just as I was about to give up, the words ‘initiation’ and then ‘just her’ ‘no-one else’, made me quickly step back from the door.

My eyes started to fly about the room looking for something or some way to get out. Finally my eyes fell on a window, a bit high but I was sure that I could reach it with a bit of a jump. So, not one to stand around, a quick leap had my fingers firmly digging into the window sill. Reaching up I managed to shove the window open enough to drag my upper body part the way through the window and then to shove it further open. One final push and drag of my body found me freefalling a few feet to land in a heap on the ground.

Definitely not my most ladylike exit, but with a quick glance around I was off. Running quickly round to the front of the house it took just a moment to scoop up my bike and I was off. I am sure I made that ride home in record time.

So, to cut this story short, I am still my usual spontaneous self, but … I don’t think I am going to attend mysterious invitations again, or at least not in the near future.

Words: 928
© Copyright 2005 Helen Aussie Writer/Editor (hdayman at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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