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by sorgel
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #985036
A group of teenage warriors chosen to fight the rising force of darkness


“Run, run, run!” my voice hollered over the cold, brisk, night air of November. I could see my breath steam out of my lips and nose, as I exhaled. I held my golden red sword at my side in my right hand, with the blade facing down to the ground as I leapt off the side of a building which was nothing short of a sky scraper .There was a momentary glide in the air as my body fell, wind ripped at my clothing and hair, till finally. “Thud”! I landed in a squat position on another buildings roof top. Kayla landed next to me almost cat like. Her ivory colored bladed Fans laid closed in both hands. She had a few cuts over her eyebrow bleeding into her honey colored eyes, but she blinked them away. Her caramel skin was seductive to the sight, and her long strong legs sticking out of her short-short pants were almost too much. She had the weirdest thing about showing off her legs which I didn’t mind. Kayla put her hand against my face and just stared at me. I loved it when she did that. Her eyes staring past mines, as if they were glass seeing straight inside of me. She smeared blood off the side of my lips with her thumb. I leaned in for a kiss, but like always Ronald made his entrance, landing loudly in front of us. He turned and glared at us “god, you two can’t keep your hands off each other even in the middle of all this chaos” he said in a mock annoyance. He held in both hands green metallic hammers. The head of the hammers were the size of dinner plates and the tongues were nothing but a seven inch spike. The hammer’s zapped about with its electric surge. He stared past us and did the next few movements with great speed. He threw his right hand high with in the air clutching one of the hammers. A bolt of lighting struck downward from the empty sky to the hammer. Kayla and I shield our eyes from the immense light. Still with lighting striking the hammer, Ronald threw it with great force to the building which we all just leapt off of. Kayla and me both looked back, to see the hammer strike the very middle of the roof top of the building causing a great explosion. About sixty Shadows were caught in the blinding light of the orange flames. The sound of the explosion vibrated under us like thunder would off walls. But there was still at least twenty Shadows in mid jump coming towards us, Tanya, also in mid jump, fell and lost her balance due to the explosion and, came tumbling to us. The whole left side of her neck was bleeding. “Thanks for the warning!” she snapped at Ronald as she got to her feet holding an aqua blue, staff like trident. “Your welcome, next time, just move a little faster!” he snapped back with bitterness.
“Yeah, you would know something about fast wouldn’t you” Tanya snapped back stroking her trident back and forth in a provocative way. Ronald face flushed with anger and embarrassment. I smiled to myself. No matter the situation, they still could bring up there problems in their relationship up to the surface. The Shadows landed a few feet away from us. These demonic creatures just don’t quit I thought to myself. Shadows are demonic spirit’s that posses suicidal people, sooner or later the Shadows eat and destroy the human soul into nothingness taking full control over the body. Their pupils black as night and almost the size of a coin dollar. Skin so pale, they’re paper white, thick open sores were all over their bodies. Their growls were inward echoes. They came charging at us. “Alright twenty to four I liked these odds” said Ronald as electricity radiated off his hand forming itself into another hammer. “I don’t know” said Kayla “they seem more vicious than normal”. “I know” Tanya answered with an off handed tone “but still we got to kill them, we can’t let them go running loose” she said grabbing her trident into her usual fight stance. “But what I want to know is who sent them?” I said as we all spread apart to give each other room. “Well duh we know its Kade.” Tanya said as she dodges several blows coming her way. She began maneuvering the trident like a staff fighting off her enemies. “I know it’s Kade, but he never sent out the Shadows alone to fight us, he always has one of his lackeys with them” I said swinging my sword through the air, I manage to dodge several blows aimed at my head three of the Shadows came at me at once. “Swish, swish, swish” went my sword. I spun kick the one that was in front of me to the ground, impaled my sword to the one to the left of me and spun my body about to elbow another on in the face. I swung my sword like a bat and split another in half with one swipe. And as if to answer my question, a fist twice the size of a normal man came out of nowhere upper cutting me to the floor. I fell on my back and collapsed hard to the ground. My sword clattered to the floor out of reach. A man thicker than any man I ever seen stood over me. Muscles like water melons everywhere. Golden manacles strapped on both wrists. He looked like a bull made human, with eyes of the color of rusted gold. His name was Tex. I struck my middle fingers and thumb together into a snap and felt warm sensation of heat, run it’s way from the middle of my spine and travel it’s way up my arm letting looses a thick flame erupting from my fingers tips. Tex roared and stumble backwards blind. I leapt to my feet. My right fist collided with his face. His chin barely moved. It hurt me more then it did him, it was like hitting a stone wall face. My left fist collide with his jaw, then the right again, then the left, then the right, left, right, left, right. Till finally, “thwack!” A bone in my left hand cracked horribly. My knuckles were red and bloody. I pulled my injured hand back. Tex smiled. His whole left arm came at me, like one tree trunk upper cut. I was knocked off my feet, flying backwards. I felt the back of my heels click something. It only took half a second to realize what it was. The force of Tex attack threw me right off the side of the building. I was falling. It only took once for me to shout out her name. “Kayla!”
Kayla was in a battle with more then seven Shadows ganging up on her at once. But with one look at me she shook them loose, and leapt about thirty feet straight into the air, slid her fans open and began to spin. Like a top at incredible speed. She was spinning so fast a cyclone of wind began, causing a great suction, like a vacuum pulling me in. Caught in mid air for just a moment then thrown back to the middle of the battle. Kayla landed gracefully and went on as vicious as it came to her fight. I charged my way to Tex running at top speed till I was close enough to jump into the air and drop kick him. As I fell on my back, Tex stayed on his feet just sliding away some few yards away from me, only to bump into Tanya who was using her trident spurting high powered jets of water at her enemies which were strong enough to put creator like hole in concrete floors. Tex put his hand around her neck and with one swift movement “snap!” she was dead before she even hit the floor. The cracking of her neck seemed so loud that it seems to echo. For a full split second I could not move. Kayla just froze and had no time to dodge the knee that was smashing into her face. But Ronald was already at it, he already lost it. He was charging at Tex with no man’s fury. Ronald was always the strongest out of every one, unlike my blows to Tex face, Ronald had Tex’s jaw clicking together and rattling. Ronald back handed Tex with one of the hammers that were just exploding with electricity. Tex roared and stumble backwards, this fight was too fierce for me to be able to jump in and help, but Ronald just kept coming with it, he stab both ends of the hammers spikes into Tex throat. Tex fell on one knee clutching his throat and roaring like a wounded animal, still with Ronald blows raining down on him. Tex got up. Swung his left fist back….. Then ….forward and lunged it into Ronald’s chest, breaking every rib cage in it. Ronald eyes went wide with horror; he fell bent over, his Hammer slipped from his fingertips and fell to the floor.
“NO” shouted Kayla
Things were happening to fast for anyone to do anything about it. Tex laced his hand together and brought it crashing down onto Ronald back smashing his spinal cord. Ronald fell; he let out a scream that was inhuman, filled with such unthinkable pain and agony. Tex took one stomp to smash Ronald head into the ground; there was sickening crack in the end of it. I was sick to my stomach, two of my friends just died not less then a few minutes apart from each other. Unspeakable rage rose up in me and, flooded every cell and nerve with in my body. I just had to get my swords back into my hand and end this. Kayla work and moved so fast that it still amaze me till this day. She took off running dodging Shadows who were trying to tackle her to the floor. She closed her fans stuck them back into their holster’s grabbed Tanya’s trident , Ronald hammer’s and ran back to my side. “Let’s go Zeke, run Zeke, run, we can’t stay here and end up like them we have to leave!” but I didn’t move all I wanted was vengeance. “Baby please!” she begged. She was right she was always right, just as I was going to make my move and leave with her, an arrow flew out of the night sky, struck her in her chest. She made a sound between pain and shock. “Thuck, thuck, thuck” arrow after arrow let them selves, pierce there way into her. I quickly threw my body over her as shield. I caught two in the back, but no more. Kayla coughed up blood. “No,….No” the words fell out my mouth helplessly. Her honey eyes were already shining with tears, but mine just slipped and glided them selves down the side of my face. “No,……No,…NO!” I shouted. I looked over my shoulders. Tex looked just as surprise as the arrows as I was. My eyes scanned the night sky nothing. It was until another arrow came at me, I snatch it out of the air, before it could do anymore harm. And there she was, standing on the farthest building in the city my eyes could see, she stood. Long, curly black hair, dress in all red still with the bow an arrow at hand. She smiled. She leapt into the air, faded first then, vanish. She was gone. When I heard her whispered “Zeke” and a small exhale I knew she was gone before I could even look at her face. I laid her down, and felt my world just shattering down around me. I just wanted this to end. I picked up my sword, and before Tex could even touch me, who at the moment was running at top speed at me. “Slash!” blood splatter over me. The Shadows took one look at Tex fallen piece’s and vanish, leaving only the trace of thick black smog like smoke behind, slowly turning into nothingness in the November frost air.

Chapter 1: What have I told you about destiny


I lunged forward from my sleep, gasping for air? I was breathing so hard that my chest hurt, like I‘ve been running for miles and miles. My whole body shook in fear. My hair clung to the side of my cheek due to sweat that soaked my whole body and the bed sheets that was rapped around my waist. My eyes scanned the room, nothing. The only thing moving were the curtains that ruffled with the summer night air, blowing its cool breeze into the apartment. I sighed and lied back down, closing my eyes. The images were still rolling inside my head. Creatures bursting out the ground with leather bound wings, and ironed talon claws, terrorizing a city. Dead corpses laid everywhere, lying out in the middle of the street, and in a park, where a merry-go-round slowly turning in the wind, with three dead toddlers hanging on it, with half eaten faces with their pearly white skulls hanging out of their heads. Then everything changed, Kayla was falling into the darkness of an abyss shouting out to me, screaming out my name.


I lunged forward from my bed. Her voice echoed it’s self through out my apartment. And there she was, Kayla stood in my full length mirror, she smiled, her eye’s crinkled with joy, then she vanish, just faded away. I grabbed the alarm clocked next to my bed and chucked it at the mirror, shattering my reflection into a billions shit shards pieces. I place my face into my hands, why was my mind torturing me this way? Anger rose up in me.
Suddenly every window in the apartment building exploded, spraying glass on every floor. A few moments’ later voices appeared in the hallway right out side my door. “You ok Jennifer?” a male voice asked. “Yeah” said a shaken woman voice answered him. “What was that?” she asks. “I don’t know but what ever it was it took out all the power in the whole building, your kids alright?” he ask. “Yeah, just a little shaken up”. The voices of my neighbors in the hall continued to talk for a few more minutes before I could hear their apartment’s door closing. “Already losing control of you abilities are you?” said a voice.
I looked up; the voice belonged to the man that stood at the foot of my bed staring at me. He was an elderly looking man with gray hair falling to his back; he held large bags under his orange colored eyes I quickly looked away from him. I couldn’t look at him I felt like a child caught doing something wrong. “So you’ve been having the prophetic dreams haven’t you?” he asked. I didn’t answer him I turned my attention to the closet where all the weapons were kept; The trident stood against the wall, two hammers and two bladed fans rested on one shelf, and across from that was a shelf where my sword should had laid all was there but my sword. The Spirit of the Sword continued talking, “You know what they mean Zeke, your have the dreams for a reason” he said in a harsher tone. I got out of bed and began to make my way to the bathroom I didn’t want to hear this. “It’s been nine months Zeke!” he snapped at me. “I know how long it’s been” I shouted, as I spun my self around to face him. “Then we both know it’s time for you to stop this” he said as he waved his hand at my bare apartment, which was nothing but a single room with a bathroom, a mattress on the floor, and my now broken alarm clock and mirror “and come back to you destiny” he said. God, how I didn’t want to hear this destiny shit right now. “What have I told you about destiny Zeke, no matter what, you can’t run from it, you can’t fight it, destiny will find a way to be in you life one way or another, embrace it or be consume by it.” said the Spirit of the Sword. I just stood there half paying attention to him. Anger was throbbing its way through me but I kept it in check. “You need to get back into the fight, to many people are dying because you turn your back on them” he said.
“Why now?” I snapped “Why now, where were you for the past nine months, why haven’t you come out your shiny sword to tell me all this shit before?”
“Because you were grieving, the lost of Ronald, Kayla and Tanya was huge lost so I let you be to take some time for your self and truly grieve for your friends, but I thought sooner or later you would get your self together, not lying around and wasting your life away.” “I haven’t been wasting my life!” I protested. “Oh really what do you call lying in this apartment day in and day out, barely eating?” “Zeke, evil is rising, it’s getting stronger with every day you don’t stop It.”
“How can I trust you?” I greeted between my teeth. “What!?” the Spirit of the Sword said with confusion.
“How can I trust you?” I repeated “you lied to us.”
“What are you talking about; we have never lied to you, Zeke?” Anger was just rolling with in me. Finally I had some one to let this out on. “You told us that Tori was dead!” I shouted “If it wasn’t for that lie Averment would still have been here, if it wasn’t for that lie Kayla would still be alive!” The Spirit of the Sword stared at me for a moment then said “Tori is dead”. I push him “then tell me who was that huh, tell me who shot arrow after arrow into Kayla that night huh, tell me!” I shouted as I pushed him with every word. He hit the wall there was no where else to push him, my fist were clenched tight, ready to strike. “It was a Shadow” was all he said. The room went dead cold. I felt dizzy, the floor seems to sway under my feet, and my legs wouldn’t hold me up any more. I fell back on my bed. “What!?” I ask. “That can’t be, we watched her die, and I literally had to rip Averment off her body.


“How?” I asked

“Well what we think happen was that while she was dying, she was suffering through immense amount of pain that for a brief moment, a brief moment she wanted it all to end, and that’s all a Shadow need, a brief moment of weakness to posses its victims”. The room went silent for a long while, my mind was reeling with this new information. The Spirit of the Sword place his hand on my shoulder, a warm sensation ran threw me. My anger diminish into nothingness, I moved my shoulder from his hand I didn’t feel like being calmed at the moment.

“Think about Zeke, really think about it, all that destruction the six of you cause two years ago at that hospital, between you and Kade’s daughter, Keda. The battle against you guys, her, and her demons was massive, the hospital had to be evacuated, and by the time the news crew got there, the only thing they caught on tape was the five of your backs sides leaping off the building, and disappearing into the night. Don’t you think, that it’s odd that the police department and the F.B.I never mention finding a mangled teenage girls body after they inspected the roof of the hospital” He was right. That night when Tori was killed, we were so caught up on trying not to get caught that we left her body there thinking we’d come back for it later, but we never did cause we had to take Ronald and Kayla to the emergency room across the city, and by next morning the Spirit of the Weapons told us that Tori was dead because the Spirit of her weapon was gone, it sealed its self away into the bow. And by next morning Averment took off leaving a note behind saying “Gone Fishing”, leaving me, Tanya, Kayla (who was unconscious at the time) and Ronald (who was under surgery) alone together. At first the note was just weird, then after we realize he wasn’t coming back the note was depressing, but like Averment intended the note to be, it was funny after a while we started to say stuff like “dude your so late we thought you went fishing or something” or when we were upset we’d say “I can’t take this shit any more I’m going fishing” and slammed the door as we walked out. But no one blames Averment for leaving, he loved Tori, they were just about everything to each other. I mean look at me, Kayla’s dead and I crawled my self into a hole and haven’t come out in nine months. I return my attention back to the Spirit of the Sword, who obviously was still talking while I was thinking. “And with the Silver Bow now under Kade’s power he and all his Demon’s are stronger with every one of the six weapons he collect’s.”

“So Kade has one of the weapons, that no big shock he’s always been after the weapons, why are you telling me this, I’m not the only one still alive you know, Averment is some where out there still doing god knows what, why aren’t you guy’s begging him to come back”. The Spirit of the sword looked at me and said “from what the Spirit of the Staff has told me Averment unlike you is still fighting but not fighting for the greater good, he out for revenge. He’s using the innocent he’s suppose to be protecting as bait to get closer and closer to upper level demon’s to get closer to Kade, he’s so rapped up in his own vengeful ways that he’s let his innocents die and, some time accidentally by his own hands. We can’t rely on him, not now we need some one with a clear head to do this.”
“To do what?” I asked
“To restart the Clan of course, to past on the weapons to the new chosen ones, like Jared did for you and Averment, Tanya, Ronald, and Kayla, when he lost every one he loved and cared about.” I had nothing to say to that. I haven’t thought about Jared since he died, and we past on his weapon to Tori.
“But hold on, something is still bothering me” I said, “if Kade wants the weapons, why doesn’t he just send out and army of demons after Averment and murder him for his weapon, I mean if Averment is killing upper level demons, he’s is the bigger threat to him right?” I asked.
That’s when panic rose up in me, taking the place of my forgotten rage.
I read the look on The Spirit of the sword face which told me everything I needed to know,
“He’s after you Zeke, you have all the weapons, you’re the bigger prize, and he knows that at any moment, you can restart the Clan so that makes you the bigger threat, and he couldn’t track you down because you stop you using you powers but when you got angered and accidentally use your power he locked in on it, he’s after you right at this very moment we speak”

I jumped into action throwing clothes on as fast as I could. I threw the Fan’s, the Hammers, and the Trident into a duffel bag, and threw the strap over my shoulder. “How far are they?” I ask. “They’re already in the building” he said.
“Call Mento, get him to book you a flight to a town called Madison He’ll know which one, that’s where you’ll find the new chosen ones, and many other things, good luck” he said to me then in a blaze of light he disappeared, and my sword clattered loudly to the floor. I snatched off the floor. And out the door I ran. Mento, he’ll be surprise to hear my voice again.

I went off running and turning corners as fast as I could. I was coming up a narrow hallway when around the corner came a group of Vampire’s. Pale skinned human like creatures, with yellow dirt eyes staring down at me, with their razor sharp Fangs already out. I skidded to halt turn around and started to run the opposite direction and came to a halt again, Shadows were blocking the end of the hall.
Oh shit
I gripped the sword tight with in both hands. I ran my plan action through my head. I looked to my right, Vamps where strong, average skills in fighting, but were extraordinary fast.
I looked to my left, Shadows on the other hand were much slower, but their body movement were almost animal like, they stood hunch over, almost walking gorilla like using their arms to move, and a few of them were crawling upside down on the ceiling, (I still didn’t know how they could do that), but their fighting skill are dangerous, and their strength were much more impressive and not to mention every time you kill a shadow, their bodies expelled a poisonous smoke, that if inhaled was fatal. But both demons could have been killed the same way.
The hallway was still for a long moment. The air was filled with tension; every one was daring someone to make the first move. I threw my right arm out to my side, my fist tightly closed. All the vampires flinched in fear, I smiled, causing five of them to come running at me. I felt the hot sensation run up my spine, and down my right arm, I open my fist and a mushroom cloud of fire burst from my hand. The fire moved like water, bouncing of the walls and drowning everyone with in its flames and burning everything in its path. I took off running into the fire, making my way through the many burning Vampires. Flakes of the vamps skin curled off their bodies and floated in the air, as they burst into ash. The flames licked my face and singe my clothing, and the duffle bag on my back. I looked behind and focused all my energy straight at the floor. I willed the fire to group its self together creating a wall of fire to block the path of the shadows. That should hold them for a little while I thought to my self. As I turn the corner. I came face to face with some vamps who some how made it out of the fire. One came at me, I upper cutted him with the blade of my sword, and spun my body around as the vamp exploded into ash, and brought my sword into another swing like a bat, decapitating the second vamp that was right behind him, by the waist. He exploded into ash before his body even hit the ground. I spun my body around once more then impaled my sword into the chest of the third. Before this one could turn into ash I was tackled to the floor by a shadow. I felt a sharp pain enter my left shoulder. IT BIT ME! I thought as I felt teeth sink into my shoulder as blood squirted from its mouth. With the same arm it bit me in I threw the shadow off of me, and jump to my feet. I grab it by the head, under my arm (the injured one) and with a tight squeeze, and all my strength, and snapped its neck. The body fell to the floor, black vapors of smoke came radiating off the body. I held my breath protecting my self from the poison. Two more shadows came from around the corner. I turn and ran. To bad I was running straight to a dead end. The two that were behind me were getting closer and closer. I had reach the wall, there was nowhere else left to run. I jumped straight at the wall. I felt my right foot touch the wall, then my left, then the my right, then my the left, and before I knew it I was climbing the wall. I pushed off the wall and allowed my self to flip over them. I landed on my feet, and reacted quick only by instincts. I threw my sword impaling one of them to the wall, it screeched, and squirmed to its death. The other shadow, which was a blonde hair woman, threw a blow to my head, I blocked it with right arm, it threw another one I blocked it with my left. With no more arms left the shadow head butted her forehead into my face. I felt blood gush from my mouth. I stumble back in pain. She came at me again, I elbowed her in the face then thrust kicked her in the chest, and as she fell to the floor I grabbed my sword from the dead shadow and beheaded the female shadow. I held my breath again as the poisons smoke rose into the air. I turn and took off running of the opposite direction. I went past the hall which I just came from and saw gang of shadows fighting their way through the flames making their way to me. I continued running forward with great speed. I came to another dead end, but this time it was a glass wall. A huge window that look out at the city with its gleaming lights. I felt the same warm sensation run up my spine and flushed around my face. I focus my energy again straight ahead. The window shattered outwardly rain glass out on to the city. And with no time to think I leapt out in the sky. I was falling hurling so fast towards the ground. Light and windows speed past me. For a moment I kicked my self for not thinking this through. I had no way to survive this 97th floor fall. The next few things happen so fast, it was all a blur to me. First I heard the sounds of wings. Flapping against the wind. I looked over to my left and saw the cause of the sound. A flock of bird like demons came flying to me. These bird where the size of falcons, but slightly bigger, they were gray, reptilians looking creatures. To me they looked like miniatures Pterodactyl. I guess that’s why these demons were called Dactyls. They swarmed them selves around me. I felt wings slap me against my face and sharp beaks stab themselves at me and ripped at my skin. With no help in sight, lady luck threw me a bone. One of the Dactyls flew in front of me; I grabbed it by the neck, and brought my feet together and stood on its back ridding the wind on this creature back, as it squawked and struggle to set its self free. The ground was getting closer and closer, we were headed for a crash landing into a deserted park. I mange to slowed down just enough to hit the ground and survive. I broke my fall with the creature. I was thrown off the moment we hit the ground. “Thwack”, went my already injured shoulder as I slammed into the ground. I tumbled and rolled until I came to a stop. All the air was knocked out of me. It took a moment of rest before I could get back on my feet, and as I did the Dactyls were flying above me in a circle fusing themselves together. It was truly a sight to see. One by one two Dactyls would fuse into one, getting bigger and bigger, until one huge Dactyl flew above me. It came swooping down at me. I dived to the floor. It came at me again; I rolled to avoid its beak. It flew up high up into the air; it circled above me for a few seconds then came back diving down. My body was too tired to fight. I felt the sword vibrate with power. The blade of the sword burst into blue flames. I got up to my feet and took aim. I threw the sword with all my might straight up into the air. I took off running. I only got a few feet away when the sword pierce its way into the chest of the Dactyl. I leapt into the air. The force of the explosion threw me face first into the ground. Chunks and pieces of the Dactyl flew every where. I rolled over just in time to see blue flame vanish with in the air. My sword landed at my feet. I laid on the grass trying to catch my breath, when I heard the sound of the wailings of the sirens of the fire department and the cities police department cars in the distant. I sighed. I grabbed my sword and got up to my feet and took off running into the night.
© Copyright 2005 sorgel (sorgel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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