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Rated: E · Other · Emotional · #983991
Do you believe in possibility that some people have gift we do not understand.
Do you believe in the possibility that there are some people who have extraordianry gifts that we can not understand? That these gifts may be on a different level of awareness. There have been many strange and unexplained things that have happened in the world with evidence that seems to point to these gifts. I am one of those people in which I speak of. It is a secret I have kept from almost everyone in my life. I can not see into the future or predict what is going to happen. People who can see and predict I feel are only seeing one possible future. That the future they see can be altered through action. However my gift is that I can sense the soul of a person. I can sense the good and the bad that is hidden with in. When I am in a crowded room sometimes my senses become chaotic with so many things coming to me at once. This ability is both a gift and a curse. The gift is knowing the good in everyone. The curse is knowing the bad and sometimes the evil in some one. For there are truly evil people in this world, an not being able to hide from that evil that attacks my senses. I have met very few in my life that have had true evil in them. For that I am thankful. My struggle with this gift is learning to deal with it on a daily basis. I know that this gift marks me a different and many would not understand that. The few people I have told of this gift began to see me as a freak of nature and ask how I can possibly sense the soul of a person. The only way I can think to describe it is how do you breathe, you just do. I do not know how I can do it I just can. So for now this gift will remain a secret not to be shared with others. Maybe someday I will find someone I can trust with my secret. I can only hope. You might ask why I am sharing this now. Because I reamain safley unknown. Known only as Acheron. So I am safe to reveal this secret.
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