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Rated: E · Non-fiction · Children's · #983557
What was the light that directed the three wise men to Jesus?

Early one morning before sunrise, a wise man, known as a ‘Magi’, an ancient astronomer observed the brilliant morning stars.

Two bright lights appeared on the western horizon. The two bright lights were so close it appeared as one big, bright object. They were was situated near a very important constellation.
He went to a nearby house and woke his friend who also was an astronomer. Both of the men looked at the sky and pondered on what this could mean. These men were also known as ‘Magi’ short for magicians. They were early astrologers and astronomers. Not only could they tell signs from the sky, they also used this information to determine the yearly cycles, and seasons so the farmers knew when to prepare for harvest. (Genesis 1:14).

One of the wise men said, ‘the first bright light; is the ‘Planet of the Kings’. The second one behind it; is a sign that God has protected the Jews during the war with Rome. According to the prophets, this means the ‘King of Israel’ is born. This is the sign.’ (Numbers 24:17).
‘It is time,’ said the other man.
It was a custom for these ‘Magi’ to pay homage to a new king and to present gifts. So the men packed a few supplies, and rode their horses to follow the bright light and find the king. They had a long journey ahead; they travelled from Persia to seek the new King.

The first place they stopped was at King Herod’s Palace. They rang a bell and a doorperson appeared.
‘Who calls to see the King?’ asked the doorman.
‘We wish to present these gifts to the New King?’ answered the magi.
The doorman went and told the King what the magi had said.
Curious King Herod said, ‘Bid the men to enter that I may speak with them’.
The wise men bowed to King Herod and one of them said, ‘Greetings to you and your people. We would like to present these gifts to your son, the newborn King’.
Herod said, ‘I have no new son. Where is this star?’
‘We have seen his Star in the east and have come to worship him’.

Troubled, the King called the chief priest and scribes, and asked them where they thought the new King would be born.
One of the men said, ‘According to the prophet, he shall be born in Bethlehem, in the Land of Judea’. (Matt 2:2-6); (Micah 5:2).
Herod said to the ‘Magi’, ‘Go and search for your King, and when you have found him, send word to me so I too, may come and worship him. The Magi bid the King farewell, and left for Bethlehem, guided each night by the bright light in the east.

At this time, Joseph and Mary had to go to Bethlehem, to be enrolled in a census. This was required of the people who were descendants of King David. (Luke 2:4)
That day they were going to travel back to Galilee, but Mary was tired and wanted to rest. They enquired at an inn, but the innkeeper said it was full. Seeing Mary was heavily pregnant, the innkeeper prepared the stable for them so it would be comfortable, apologising to them because he could not offer them anything better.
Joseph thanked the innkeeper, and helped Mary to lie down.

Soon after, she went into labour and gave birth to Jesus.
Nearby, shepherds were in a field watching over sheep, when they saw a bright light and angels appear in the sky above where the inn was. They could hear singing, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace and goodwill toward men’.
They became afraid, ‘What could that be?’
‘I don’t know’, replied another.
‘I think we should run,’ said another.
‘We can’t leave the sheep, maybe we should gather the sheep and all take cover in the stable’.
‘Well you can stay with the sheep, I’m off,’ said one who was running toward the stable.
Then a light came toward the men, one of the angels appeared and said, ‘Don’t be afraid, for we have good tidings of great joy. For unto you is born this day in the City of David, a saviour, which is Christ the Lord’. (Luke 2:8-14).

When the angel left, the shepherds went to the inn and found Joseph and Mary with the baby, lying in a manger. They bowed down and worshipped baby Jesus.

When Mary was strong enough Joseph, with Mary and Jesus, started on the way back home.
The wise men continued on their journey following the path of their guiding light. The light seemed to hover over a particular house where Joseph, Mary and Jesus lived. (Matt. 2:9).

The Magi knocked on the door. Joseph answered the door, and seeing the men with the gifts, let them in. When the men saw the child with his mother, they fell down and worshipped. They presented Jesus with their gifts of Gold, frankincense and Myrrh.

After they had eaten and rested with Jesus’ family, the wise men prepared to travel back to King Herod to tell him where the new King was.

One night while they slept, God warned all three of them in a dream not to return to the angry King. (Matt. 2:12).
One of the men said his companions, ‘I had a dream that was telling us not to return to King Herod, but to go back home a different way’.
‘That’s strange, so did I,’ said another man. When they realised they had all had the same dream, they decided it truly was a warning from God, and they returned home using another road.
Around that time; when God had warned the wise men, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream telling him to take Mary and Jesus and flee to Egypt. (Matt 2:13).

Herod had realised the wise men were not going to tell him where the King was. He was angry at being mocked and ordered all children from the age of two and under, in Bethlehem and surrounded areas to be killed. (Matt 2:16).

Joseph, Mary and Jesus travelled to Egypt and remained there until after the death of Herod.
Then an angel appeared to Joseph again in a dream and told him it was safe for him and his family to return to their homeland. (Matt 2:19-23).
Joseph decided they should live in Nazareth. Jesus stayed there until he began his ministry.

Alexandra Jones ã 2004.
1100 words

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