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When a mother has to let go of her baby. |
My Baby Is No Longer A Baby I was about 20 years old when I got married. My parents didn't like my husband and to be honest they despised him. I saw something different in him and I knew I wanted to be with him. He was better then what they believed he was. One day we proved my parents wrong. My husband and I had been married for 2 years until we had out child. She was beautiful and very tiny. She was a premature baby and she weighed a mere 4 pounds 7 ounces. We thought we were going to lose her but we kept our faith. When I first held her in my arms she was so light. I didn't want to hold her so tight because I was afraid I would crush her to pieces. I honestly thought we were going to lose our precious bundle of joy. My husband and I were in the hospital for 2 weeks when we recieved the good news. All three of us left the hospital that day and the first place we wound up was at my parents house. They thought she was adorable and for the first time they treated my lover with respect. They hugged us and offered us anything we desired. It was good to see that they accepted my complete family. I loved my new baby and my husband, now they knew that we were serious about our life together. Chaz, my husband, and I named our baby girl Faith. She was a sign from God and made me realized that all you need is to believe. We took care of her the best we could. I left my job to be with her full time and Chaz came home for lunch to be with us. Our little family was finally beginning and was full of joy. When Faith cried in the middle of the night, Chaz and I would fight over which one of us would check up on her. Eventually we both wound up seeing what was up with her. You can tell that we loved her dearly. With every growing year Chaz and I would look at each other and say, "she is getting bigger and bigger. Pretty soon she will be out on her own." In both of our hearts we really wished that wouldn't happen. We knew eventually she would grow up and make us proud. When she was about 12 years old she got hurt badly. I was teaching her how to roller blade infront of the house. She was getting the hang of it when she was hit by a car. I screamed until my voice cracked and I was panicking. I ran over to her and yelled her name. She was under the pick-up truck I screamed for Chaz to call 911. I kept telling her that everything was going to be okay and that I wouldn't let her go. Blood was pouring out of her forehead and the tire marks that laid in her flesh. My baby was badly hurting and I felt useless I couldn't do anything. I wanted to take all the pain away from her and make sure that she was okay. The ambulance was there in 5 minutes, which felt like an eternity to me. I couldn't do anything as I watched the EMTs put her onto the stretcher and loaded her into the ambulance. Chaz had to hold me back from trying to kill the man who hit my baby. Instead the both of us piled into the car and followed the EMTs to the hospital. Later on we got to see Faith. She was unconcious and had gauze wrapped around her head. Yet again I felt useless and I wished I could have prevented her pain. An officer came into the room and told Chaz and I that the man who ran over Faith was drunk. I cried my eyes out after I heard that. I held onto Chaz and when I lifted my head from his shirt I noticed that it turned shades darker then before. Eventually Faith got better and she is more careful when it comes to streets. All of us learned to be more cautious and that life is short. Now, a couple of years after that, Faith is 22 and facing life on her own. Chaz and I feel like we lost our baby but, in reality, our baby just grew up. We help her as much as we could but we know that she has to do things on her own. |