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Rated: E · Non-fiction · Family · #982427
friendship not done
Chapter 1 Merry Meet

We called each other Bra-buddies. We base our friendship by this one quote,

“Best friends are like good bras; hard to find, supportive, comfortable, always lifts you up, never leaves you hanging, make you look great, and ALWAYS close to your heart.”
~Author Unknown~

That’s what we are; bra-buddies ever since the year 2003. We both lived in Gillette, Wyoming, twelve miles out of town as neighbors. Kimber had moved into the house next to us with her parents, and her little brother, her two horses Barney and Titan, her two dogs Saxon and Cady, her bird which loved to make the wondrous sound of an alarm clock and soon to be some fish, another bird, a ton of cats, a new dog and her adorable pups, Nickers in which we call Snickers, and a lizard
We were both in seventh grade and in two completely different groups at school. I remember how she sat on one side of the lunch table with her friends and I sat at the other end with mine. I remember how I used to be jealous of her because she actually talked to boys, which was a thing I wasn’t so great at.
We had exchanged small talk over the table like, “Hey are you going to eat the rest of that,” or “Do you have a dollar?” That was pretty much it. When she moved next door I was actually kind of happy, for having a girl my age live next to me.
So, I called her and asked if she would like to go for walks around the circle.
‘The circle’ was the shape of our half of the neighborhood.
We would meet at the bottom of the hill of both our houses and go around talking about ourselves and telling stories and such.
Kimber started to call me and ask to go for walks as well, and as always, every night we could we would go for a walk.
One evening after our walk we stayed at the bottom of the road and hid in the ditch pretending to spy on Chelsea, the neighbor that lived between our two houses.
Our spying didn’t get too far; we kind of just stayed in the ditch talking. After awhile, I didn’t want to go home and neither did she. So, she asked if I could spend the night. We walked up to my house and there my mum met kimber, we both asked and the answer from my mum was not a yes, so instead she spent the night at my house.
After that one night of Kimber staying over we made a habit of it. She spent the night at my house almost every night of the summer.
Many times I went to her house and met her family. Her dad Fran, who was very awesome. About every time I came over he was either working, watching TV, or on the computer. Trevor, her little brother who was very fun to play with, very imaginative. And her mum Whitney, who I loved. She was like a second mum to me, always there, very inspiring and helpful.
Whitney always asked why my mum wouldn’t let me stay at their house and I replied that she’s never met you.
Both of our mums talked on the phone and finally I was able to spend the night and that also became a habit.
By the end of the summer Kimber and I were inseparable we both had two homes, two families, and we both at that time were “Bra-Buddies.”

Chapter 2 8th Grade

We both entered eight grade meeting new people, making new friends. Kimber had remet my friends and I had met hers; Harvey, her boyfriend, Nick, Don, Cory, and Tyrel.
I hung out with her and her friends in the mornings instead of mine, which I kind of felt bad. In between classes I’d always go meet her and since we had separate lunches I’d had pretended to be sick to go sit with her at lunch.

Kimber had taught me many things; how to talk to guys, be more outgoing, be more strong instead of the cry baby I was. She had also promised something most of my long time friends promised and most succeeded but in a painful way. To get me a boyfriend. Kimber had gotten me a boyfriend and he was the best one I’d ever had, which wasn’t that good. In doing this promise she gave me my first slow dance, my first kiss with a boy. So, to that kimber I thank you.
Back at home, Kimber taught me how to ride a horse which was exhilarating. We would sometimes instead of a walk; we’d take Barney and walk, trot, gallop on bareback around the circle.
We both hated the trotting; I bounced up and down so badly that I could see over her head. Galloping was beautiful at some moments and somewhat terrifying at other times.
The beautiful moments consisted of holding your arms out at a nice gallop. It was freedom, like flying. The wind in your face, Kimber’s hair also in your face. Just beautiful experience.
The terrifying moments, were terrifying in the beginning but just come to be adrenaline rushes. Full speed ahead, on a horse, bareback. At first I held on to kimber so tightly she said she couldn’t breathe; now I’m just more relaxed. Kimber was a strong, brave girl.

I remember one night at my house we were acting out one of my famous stories which will never be completed anytime soon. I was an elf, a woodland elf. And she was a Briar, a half fox and half human type thing.
She would stand up on a chair which was a tree and I would walk up and notice her, she’d jump out I’d fall backwards. I had my pencil (sword) at her neck, while she had her huge (paper) claws at my neck. Then I would say, “I’m Dame, of the woodland realm. Who’re you?”
And in reply she’d say, “I’m Sagatha, a Briar.” We never made it past there. We had a lot more fun doing bloopers.

Wal-mart in those days was the most amusing place in town. We would usually go to the bra and panties section dress up in stuff and walk around. Which was just way too weird so we stopped that quickly. We would run around with hats and scarves with the wrapped up posters sword fighting around the place. One time we had found our prom dresses, they were in the little girl’s dress up aisle. They had Cinderella, Snow white dresses and more. I picked the Cinderella one she picked Snow White and thus we ran around with those.
Kimber helped me buy my first real bra. A real one! I called her “mom” for the most of that day. She taught me what I needed to know for the right bra, which I do not remember anything. I felt proud that day.

Kimber’s first kiss: it was breathtaking.
It truly was, school had just ended and Kimber, Harvey, Whitney (not her mom but a girl at school), and I were walking up the stairs. And Whitney just kept going on about when Kimber and Harvey were going to kiss. She just wouldn’t shut up. Finally, we reached the top of the stairs and Harvey opens the door I’m standing a few yards away and kimber goes up to him. So now there both standing at the open door, Whitney and I was waiting for the big moment. Kimber leans in and Harvey just looked mystified. And at that moment when they kissed the brightness outside seemed to get very bright. Kimber and Harvey looked like angels, because it was so bright. I was taken aback about how it looked.
When the kiss ended Harvey quickly disappeared in I think embarrassment and Kimber comes and ask if it just got really bright outside. I nodded. Like I said, it was truly breathtaking…
Chapter 3 Hellian
When winter came around we had made the enormous mistake of creating Hellian.
In social studies, I had no friends in that class what so ever, so I spent my time, drawing, writing, and sleeping. One day I drew a picture of this bat like creature on a tombstone holding a knife. I thought this picture was so amazing I showed Kimber and she as well that is was amazing too. We named this picture, Hellian or “Hellraiser.” I drew him on a poster board and as I was doing that we were creating a story to him. How ‘All those who fear him, get killed.’ After I finished the picture and we somewhat finished telling the story we both made the mistake of saying five little words, “I wish he was real.”
A week later I was walking Kimber home and we saw something in her horse pasture. It was dark figure and it had glowing eyes. It looked at us and dared not move; we both at each other to make sure we both saw it and when we looked back the figure flew in the air, like a bat.
At first we sort of thought, Oh crap, and then we thought that this is actually kind of cool. We had created something, something of our own. We were proud, once upon a time of the creation.
After awhile of knowing what we created we only told Kimber’s mom, and Sara and a few other friends who we knew wouldn’t do much about it. Sara started to see him as well and she fell to like this creature and at times think of him as weird.
After a few months we decided that we made a few mistakes. With the help of Kimber’s mom we figured out that Hellian has no limits. He can do anything he wants, he has any power he wants and is simply undefeatable. Woops.
After we figured that out, we wanted to create a girlfriend for him and once again we didn’t think it over as much as we should have. We did give her limits but that’s about it.
We thought we had failed for awhile, of creating her. So we didn’t think much of it though.
One night at my house we were over by my brother’s broken down fort, it was winter and cold. I was standing up on the hill by the tree and Kimber was down below. I kept hearing scratches from the tree and Kimber kept quiet and had her eye on the tree. I looked right beside me and inches away there she was, Bitchin. She scared me to death. I ran down the hill and we both laughed at first. We had created her. We felt proud.
After awhile we figured out the Hellain and Bitchin didn’t get along to well, it seemed they hated each other. Hellian lived in Kimber’s pasture, and Bitchin lived in a tree by my house. We let them be.

Chapter 4 Desperado

That same night when we found Bitchin out by the fort I had the Desperado song suck in my head. The only thing was I only knew one word of the song and the tune of, so the way I sang it that night was:

‘Desperado, why don’t you tell me your name and I don’t know the rest, but I’ll sing anyway!’

Kimber thought it was funny at first but the song stuck with us, it was our song. We sang it all the time, when we ran around. When she went to fiddle club with me, we had even made a dance to it then as well. I don’t remember it, but I do remember we were having fun and we were all embarrassed. Iantha, Sara, Lauren, Kimber and I had a role in it. We taught the song to them and they loved it. Still it was our song though, it stuck with Sara, and she sang it with us whenever she was around.

Chapter 5 the Grand Canyon

Have you ever seen that commercial with those boys at the Grand Canyon then one the boys are like, “Hey check this out.” And he starts singing, “Chili’s baby back ribs
And barbecue sauce.” Well I loved that commercial, I laughed a lot.
One of our evening walks we past the ‘blue house’ and there on the side of the road was a lot of ditches. It looked like the Grand Canyon from the commercial. So, I explained to Kimber the commercial and we both sang the song. Ever since that moment we had our spot in the circle. We called it the ‘Grand Canyon’ and every walk we had in the day, and in the night we sang to it. As loud as we could sometimes and other times quiet enough so we wouldn’t wake anyone in the neighborhood.
The Grand Canyon: our Grand Canyon, I think holds magick. It holds magick and memories and will always hold that for the rest of our lives.

It was 2004, the new year and Sara, and I stayed at Kimber’s house for Friday the thirteenth. We all stayed up late on the computer reading spooky stories, we talked to Dallas also Sara’s boyfriend at the time. We tried to scare him but something horrible happening but as always no one falls for it. Instead, something happened to us.
We kept hearing this tapping on the window, and just thought it was the wind. After awhile we heard her dog Saxon who was outside whimpering. So Kimber went outside to check it out. She opened the door saw Saxon sitting right by the door and nothing else she shut the door again. A few minutes later, he started to whimper again, we decided to let him in.
When she let him she saw that he a peed right where he was sitting and his tail was between his legs. Then we thought again that someone was really out there. Kimber hurries to the kitchen and grabs the butcher knife and hands Sara the steak knife. I was all excited, couldn’t wait to be handed some big knife, but the knife never came. I asked what to I get, and Kimber goes to her brother’s room and comes out with a toy gun and hands it to me. I was dumbfounded.
Sara starts to chuckle, and so does Kimber. Man was I deadly, a toy gun! I thought it was so unfair.
Kimber goes out the door first, and then Sara but they stopped and didn’t go any further. We headed back into the house and put the knives away but I kept my trusty toy gun with me.
About a half an hour later we got into the spooky stories again and the window in Trevor’s room falls out. Trevor didn’t sleep in his room a lot; he usually slept with in their parent’s room.
We all head back there and feel the night breeze coming through the window, the screen had fallen out. We all put it back in and thought that this was too weird of a night.

The end of eight grade, we both broke up with our boyfriend’s which was Oh so heartbreaking. The summer of 2004 was just the beginning of our adventures.

Chapter 3 a memorable Summer

Like the summer before we both stayed the night at each other’s houses every possible night, but the only difference from the last summer was this one ended up being twenty times better.
Sometimes at Kimber’s house her mom would stay up late with us and just talk about spooky stories or we would bring out the spirit board and try to talk with people until three or four a.m.
When Kimber had relatives over we go and run around the neighborhood at midnight. Our midnight walks led us to most of our unforgettable memories. We would usually start out with just talking, and then we had reached the ‘blue house’ we would take our time, slow our pace. Or just stop walking, I never figured out why but once we got to the corner where the ‘blue house’ was it took us forever to finish the walk on the last road.
There was this ‘blue house’ or so we called it the ‘blue house.’ It was right down the rode from where Kimber lived. And in that ‘blue house’ was two teenage boys or they already graduated. I think. There parents lived in that house so they visited a lot. They started to build another house so they were there outside many a time.
How we had figured there was two boys that visited this house was a rainy day back in 2003, in the beginning of fall. Kimber and I decided to take Barney on a walk around the circle, and the boys had taken their horses on a walk as well, but we were behind. I was just kidding around and said, “Hey wait!” in a quiet enough voice so they couldn’t hear me, but they did. The two boys stopped and waited for us at the park but we just kept walking like nothing had happen.
One of the boys asked if we would like to race, and Kimber said yes. Two boys on saddle horses; and Kimber and I on one horse bareback. We all lined up and said where the finishing stop was. The garbage can up on the hill, “Ready, set, and go!” Barney takes off as fast as he could, and I look back and saw that one of them fell off their horse and the other didn’t even get anywhere. So, we the blondes won.

We would do these little skits in front of the ‘blue house’ I really don’t remember the skits, but they were funny. There was this sand pile and we would lie on the sand pile and look up at the stars and talk. We got yelled at one time at the lady of the ‘blue house’ she had asked if that was our sand pile, and we replied no. Whenever the lady was around we kept off, but whenever we could we’d go on top and just lie there.
Right after the ‘blue house’ there was the Grand Canyon. We would sing our songs, Kimber would sing the National Anthem, which I don’t know where we got that but it became one. Then after that song we would sing our national anthem, ‘Twinkle, Twinkle little star.’ We’d look up at the stars and sing it for the whole night sky. After twinkle, we’d sing our favorite song:
“Desperado, why don’t you tell me your name and I don’t know the rest but I’ll sing anyway!”

A few other made up songs as well.

They had one of those huge trash cans in their yard, and they would burn wood and garbage in it. They had some couches that were in pretty bad shape around the fire so we would all sit there and just talk.
One of my favorite memories was when Whitney, Kimber, her aunt and I were all sitting out there looking up at the clouded night sky. We all leaned back and looked up and tried to make shapes out of the clouds. It was so beautiful and relaxing I could’ve done that the whole night.
Another night with the fire going was Sara, Kimber and I were all out there. They kept telling me I couldn’t go near the fire because of the clumsy person I was I’d hurt myself. We talked about all sorts of stuff, life, and boys, how we should do this more often… We even roasted hot dogs which was the first time I’d ever did that before and it was mouth watering.

One night, it was about 11 0’clock and we had dared each other to wrap pillow cases to our heads, take bed sheets and make cloaks out of them, and each grabbed one of Trevor’s toys. She had grabbed the plastic grim reaper’s scythe, and I had the plastic ax. We were set.
We walked down her road all dressed up, hyper as ever. The ‘blue house’ had their new house walls some what up, there was people inside hammering away and music going. We didn’t really notice it until we got close to the house and Kimber freaked out and hid behind the garbage can. I stop and suddenly realized I was alone in the middle of the gravel road and looked for Kimber.
I asked her what she was doing behind the garbage can and she pointed at the ‘blue house.’ One of the boys was standing outside the window watching us. I tried as hard as I could to get Kimber to come out, she didn’t budge. So I went to finish my dare alone. I told her that I’m going to the park alone I’ll meet her there. So I turn the corner heading to the park when it just got really quiet.
The hammering stopped, the music was no more and the lights in the house were off. I sat down in the middle of the road and heard something in the ditch so I headed back up where Kimber was at. She came running towards me and then whispered that she heard the boys talking. That they said they were going to spy on us.
Oh great, we kind of ditched our awesome costumes and set them by the road and headed for the park.

not done,,never been edited yet..;P..yup i'm a slow writer..

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