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a beginning of a story i am going to write |
One day we will all come to an inevitable truth, even if we cry with despair or create a war to end all wars it will still remain and flourish. This certain truth is death. Gwen had been photographed and recorded all her childhood life, she always smiled said the funniest things and everyone adored her. She must have had a great childhood from all that her relatives and family friends had told her, but why now years later when she wanted theses happy memories to take her from her harsh reality, could she not remember? In her usual dramatic fashion she smiled slyly to her self whilst her mind became a carousel spinning many horrific scenarios, when she finally stopped and realised how her quench for drama had made her to suggest that in her small family they could harm her. Nothing bad really ever happened to her , apart from her tendency to flood the whole housing estate with tears anytime either one of her parents shouted at her. Maybe she was doing what we all do tell ourselves our lives are normal and we become to believe are own lies, yet after the abrupt ending to her childhood by a growing cliché she began to realise after listening to many conversations at the top of the stairs her life was not normal, and her family was indefinitely dysfunctional. A sound of dripping echoed around the the morgue which was once her house. Tip tap tip tap getting louder and louder as approaching the red room.As the door creaked a tremendous wave of light fell before the stranger, as she adjusted her eyes to see what only appeared as red she saw the tip tap noise in motion drop by drop of the finest red trickled down Gwen’s finger, the stranger rushed to look at the ivory manikin that was sprawled all over the pale green chair. “Can you hear me I’m Detective Jennifer Howley?” Their was no response all that was their was a body with eyes closed, legs crossed and shirt unbuttoned. Howley soon noticed the slice in Gwen’s wrist she ran over to the hall and picked up the phone and dialled 999.Afterwards she dashed into the kitchen following a trail of tip tap blood leading to the large shimmering knife that had condoned Gwen to this state.Howley searched franticly through the drawers till she found a clothe, she that began to run back to the red room until she found herself on her back looking up at the high celling.she had gone into a daze these few seconds she lay on the floor prolonged themselves to see the glory of a magnificent chandelier that gave way to thousand of coloured beams of light that played on the wall.She got back up and continued back to the room where she tightly wrapped the clothe round Gwen’s wrist.Sirens approached the beginning of a long journey was about to start. Detective Howley followed the ambulance in her car ready to give her medical assistance in order to keep a woman she had just met alive. She felt something odd and out of character she wanted to know more of this young woman, maybe because she believed she would die of her wound and then this urge being unattainable, which is one of the many attractions to knowledge, seeking what cannot be sought. At arriving at the hospital she followed the mad dash thorugh the blinding light of the corridors that so many before her have followed.The crash trolley being banged through the doors of recuss and the lowering barrier of a nurse’s arm was the end of this path. “who are you?” A ghoulish looking nursed asked “I’m Detective Howley I found the body, I’m a medical doctor.” “Ok well you know the ropes you will have to wait in the relatives room, whilst the police get here.” The nurse directed as pointing down the corridor to a plastic wood panelled door.Howley entered reluctantly.As she sat down in the dark damp room she tried to imagine the young woman alive happy.She wondered what had happened to make this young woman to do this, she could only imagine. “Yo Howley what’s happened I have been trying to find you all day?”A man asked “I found a body of a young woman , a suicide they are trying to revive her now Draper.” “Where was she?”He asked in a state of confusion. “At my childhood home, It looked run down so I thought I would see if it was still the same and , I found her.” “Have we got an I.D for Miss Jane Doe yet?” “When I found her she was holding a purse but all the credit cards are a few years out of date and the name on the cards is Mrs A Bracco. She looks a bit young to be married to tell the truth Draper.” “Was their anything strange about the woman any evidence of foul play.” “well their was the large cut to her wrist and her shirt was slightly unbuttoned but that was it.” As a silence fell upon them an old doctor and a female nurse came into the room.The old man began to speak. “Well as you probably have noticed as a regular human and a physician the woman has losed a lot of blood, but we have managed to revive her, she is asleep at the moment in ICU, but if you wish you can sit with her and wait for her to wake up.” “Have we got an I.D yet Doctor?” Draper rudely interrupted “Yes we have she had visited this same hospital about 2 weeks ago, her name is Ms Gwen Bracco.” “Ms she is divorced?” Howley said looking puzzled “Yes she was a young bride she is only now 19 years of age.” “Thank you Doctor..”? “Hamlisch It has been nice to be in your presence Doctor Howley.” Doctor Hamlisch said whilst giving Draper a stormed look. It was getting late so Howley and Draper decided to leave the building and get some rest. Draper had no intention of going back , but Howley did. The next morning the sky veiled a spectacle of red clouds against the bluest of sky’s. It made Howley and most of all the other people that stared at it feeling how beautiful life is, then you look down to find racing cars, army’s of stomping people, smoke and rubbish.` Howley entered the hospital and headed for the ICU, she felt the hustle and bustle of a Thursday morning throb through her veins until. “Doctor Howley, Glad to see you again the pateint has been awake given one of our nurse’s a black eye and is no going on hunger strike, you sure you want to go in?”Hamlisch asked mockingly “Yes of course I do.” Howley said whilst quickly opening the door to the crypt of Ms Gwen Bracco. “happiness your full of sweet surprises, happiness you fill my hearts desire more more more and over and over again oh sorry just dancing and singing you know how it is. So who are you a shrink you look like one with your black skirt , black jacket and you have gone abit wild haven’t you with the dark green shirt!” Gwen said whilst dancing a round the room. “I’m a doctor yes but not a Psychiatrist I’m a detective….” “Shit I didn’t do anything it wasn’t my fault Lloyd said that he wouldn’t hurt me, so don’t ,you can phone him and he will tell you that the whole thing, is off, ok.”Gwen panicked “Look Im here because I found you , I’m not working for Boyd or anyone else, I’m here as a friendly voice.” “Its Lloyd, and thanks for preventing my death, I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction of ‘saving my life’ because people lost that battle a long time ago.” “Who Is This Lloyd , Did he threaten to hurt you?” Howley Asked concerned “Oh Forget about that, How rude of me what’s your name?”Gwen said whilst redeeming her maturity. “It’s Jennifer Howley , I believe your Gwen Bracco?” “Yes , Yes I am , erm what where you doing in my house?”Gwen replied confused “It didn’t look like anyone was in their so I wanted to see if It Had changed since I Lived their when I was a child.” “Oh ok , it does look a bit run down doesn’t it my ex husband bought it for me, I say my husband I mean his parents.”Gwen said with a look of reminiscence on her face “You look very young to have been married.” “Yeah I was a child bride, when I was 16 I travelled the long way to Scotland and had a big party with loads of Rich people.”She said imitating a hill billy Howley laughed , she turned toward the door and saw Drauper was coming in. “why hello who are you?”Gwen vixenly said whilst holding her hand in front of Drauper. “Detective Drauper, can I speak to Detective Howley?”Gwen nodded her head in approval Howley and Drauper walked outside into the corridor “Look Howley I did some research into Gwen Bracco and I don’t believe she tried to kill herself I think ….” “Someone else is responsible, jesus Drauper all the time, well at least we didn’t have to go round to her parents and telll them that they didn’t treat their daughter like shit, but someone actually Murdere her!” “So … you don’t want to know what I found out.” “God Drauper, ok tell me.” “Well you know the out of date credit cards in the purse well the credit cards where her dead mothers, infact the entire purse was her dead mothers.Angie Maria Bracco died when Gwen was 15 years old , she commited suicide whilst Gwen was actually attending school.Gwen found the body, she was sent to live with her Father a Mr Luca Bracco, a well known junkie on the sangfeld Estate, but had many friends.At 16 Gwen got married to a very well to do man Llyod Hartport who was 19 , Gwen resided at the Hartport manor until 6 months ago when she divorced Llyod.” “Llyod, she said something really weird to me when I told her I was a Detective.” “What was it?” “Doesn’t matter I’m sure it was nothing.” Howley said goodbye to Gwen and went with Drauper to his apartment. “So what’s your deal with this girl gwen then?”Drauper said whilst eating a slice of pizza. “I don’t know just intrigued I guess, The way I found her it was so , unreal like a dream or a calling or something.” “wo wo wo to philosophical my programme is about to come on!. Howley smiled , but after the smile had faded a look of grave emptiness fell upon her face. “You know I think I’m Going to go home and have a bath or something, Is that ok, hello?”She said whilst draper was stuck to the Television set “um yeah ok.” Howley left Draper’s apartment and headed towards her apartment as she drove she sung along to Randy Crawford’s ‘You might need somebody’ When she noticed her childhood home had lights on inside, burgalers she thought.She stopped the car and heade toward the house and entered through the kitchen back door. “Hi Jennifer you want a cup of Tea?” “Gwen what are you doing out of the hospital did you see the Hospital Psychiatrist.You need rest.” “No I don’t see shrink’s and I am getting rest.” “GWEN WHERE ARE THEY?”A male voice boomed down the stairs. A handsome man walked into the kitchen but his face was full of Anger “Who is This?” “Its my Psychiatrist Dr Jennifer Howley, she will be making home visits.” “Sorry for my rudness Dr the hospital said that they couldn’t get a Psychiatrist to do home visits.” “Well I don’t usually but I felt it was needed …” “Yeah with the baby and all, I don’t know what I would do If the baby was hurt.”Gwen said blankly rubbing her tummy. Howley tried to cover her confusion she could tell that this man shouldn’t be made angry. “Well I better leave you to it then, I’ll be back tomorrow Gwen ok.” Llyod left a lot calmer that he had walked in, but he still needed to know where the diaries were. |