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Is Annette losing her mind? Can Marty stay in control of this craziness? |
Chapter 2 Losing Control After seeing Annette safely into the shower Marty immediately calls the doctor. Since it is before office opens, the answering service pages the doctor to return his call. He waits nervously for the phone to ring; contemplating how he to explain what was happening with his wife without making her sound like a complete nut. He scratches his head, knowing there can be no easy way to explain the events of the past 10 hours. While he waits, he begins cleaning up the mess of eggshells tossing them into the trash. “Eww, what a mess,” he grimaces tossing the crushed, and empty half gallon milk carton in the trash. He grabs the roll of paper towels, ripping them off three at a time, covering the most obvious clusters of mess. The phone ring, startles Marty causing him to jump and fumble the cordless phone onto the floor, skidding right through a gooey pile of slime. “Oh sure, add insult to injury!” He whines picking up the cordless phone. “Hello.” “This is Doctor Sohon returning an emergency page for Martin Sooner”; the woman’s voice rings in his ear with the familiar mid-eastern accent. "Yes, Doctor Sohon, thank you for returning my call so promptly." The doctor wastes no time in getting right to the point, “What is it I can help you with?” Marty fidgets nervously as contemplating how to begin. “I need to make an emergency appointment in your office for as-soon-as possible.” Doctor Sohon sounds concerned, “Martin is your wife in need of emergency medical attention that would require a visit to the hospital?” “No Doctor, it’s nothing like that, physically she seems fine, it’s the way she’s been acting, very strange, and I would like you to examine her.” "Acting strange in what way?” “I’d rather not discuss it until I get her in your office” he said trying to remain aloof. “Well then bring her to my office I will be arriving around 8:30, and I will squeeze her in between appointments.” Marty breaths a little sigh of relief “Thank you doctor we will be there early.” After hanging up Marty head towards theer bedroom to see how Annette was progressing with her clean up. She is sitting on their bed with a towel wrapped around her, maintaining the blank numbed look. Behind her was their lap dog Popsicle, chewing on what remained of a steak she had discovered in the kitchen. “Popsicle!” “Give me that!” He starts towards her, at which point she begins chewing even more vigorously, growling. He approaches knowing full well that if he just reaches to grab the raw meat she will probably bite him. Popsicle is not particularly vicious, but when it comes to food, she becomes defensive. Annette had the dog before she knew him, and even though it took time she seems tolerant of his presence. He knows he is going to coax her into giving it up. “Popsicle,” he tries to sound stern. “Give me that meat,” he maintains the sternness of his tone. Cautiously, he places his hand rubbing the back of her head, then quickly covers her eyes. The dog growls again. “Popsicle, give me that meat” again maintaining the tone. With one hand covering her eyes, he moves the other hand grabbing the bone. Popsicle tightens her grip on the meat attempting to stop her meal from being pillaged. Marty tugs on the bone uncovering her eyes to get a grip with both hands. In about three seconds, the tug of war is over with Popsicle scampering under the bed, hiding to consume the little piece of meat she was able to escape with. “Damn dog!” Throughout the Popsicle incident Annette remains motionless, she did not even turn to look at what was happening. Marty approaches her still holding the bone of the steak. “Sure, I was looking forward to cooking these beauties on the grill for dinner tonight,” he said with an air of disappointment. “Annette, I made the appointment for first thing after the office opens up this morning.” “Have you thought about what you want to wear?” The look on Annette’s face changes, indicating to Marty that what his is saying has sunk in. “Yeah,” she says standing up. “Um, I will wear this black shirt and stretch pants,” heading to the closet. Even with being pregnant and starting to get a round belly, Annette remains adamant that she wil not get huge, and prefers to wear black because she its slimming. Marty leaves the room to check his appearance; he has not seen his reflection since before leaving for work the night before. He is not impressed with what he sees, but decides there is no time to shower. He imagines with some displeasure having to endure looks of distaste at his appearance from the patients and staff of the doctors office. Just as he is ready to walk out of the bathroom Annette passes by the open door. He walks out right behind her with his head down inspecting his clothing for any obvious flaws, like an open zipper, when she stops dead in front of him, gasping slightly. Not realizing she stopped, he walks right into her. “What the hell?” She points to the mess still only half way cleaned up on the kitchen floor. Popsicle had apparently rediscovered the mess as well, and was eagerly lapping the linoleum floor in delight… ”Popsicle!” “Damn dog!” He yells. “I almost forgot about this,” darting past Annette towards the dog. Popsicle’s tongue goes into sonic speed as Marty approaches, emitting a faint growl and burping as he picks her up away from the mess. “I’m going to lock her up until we get back from the Doctors," passing Annette once again shoving Popsicle into the nursery and shutting the door. “Did Popsicle do that?” Annette asks in obvious surprise. Marty is blown away by her question. “Annette, do you honestly think Popsicle is capable of opening the refrigerator door and getting out the milk, eggs, and steaks?” "And maybe she brought the steaks in to share them with you while you slept." Annette turns to him and sneering, “your sarcasm is duly noted.” She watches as he walks by, “I don't remember making this mess. "But honey, dearest, you are the only person that has been in the house since I left for work last night." Marty recognizes his wife’s defensive posture and figures it best to avoid a fight. "We are going to have to leave this mess until after returning from the doctor’s office." “Fine, let’s go,” she gathers her purse before heading for the front door. Within minutes they arrive at the doctor’s office. The secretary who has seen them countless times before gratiously greets, then immediately leads them to an examining room. Soon after, the office nurse arrives to conduct the usual blood pressure and weight check, assuring them the doctor will be there shortly. Not long after the doctor enters. “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Sooner, how is Annette today?” Marty feels reluctant to recount the full blown version of what Annette had told him over the phone. “I am concerned because my wife has been sleep walking, eating abnormally, and having disturbing dreams.” “If you will examine her to ensure everything is going ok with the baby, to help set our mind at ease.” The Doctor asks Annette a series of routine questions to establish if she has ever had symptoms of this sort. Annette makes a concentrated effort not to become upset as she explains what is going on, “Doctor these symptoms have only begun since the time we conceived.” Doctor Sohon jotts notes in a file as Annette shares her concerns, “Should we be worried?” The doctor smiles slightly looking up from the file she is writing in, “Probably not.” “There have been documented cases of people sleep walking that date back to the earliest medical journals.” “Sometimes these people have been observed carrying out a whole array of tasks cooking, gardening, pool cleaning.” “Those who sleep walk rarely have any memory of doing it.” “Apparently when a person sleep walks they are only functioning on a small portion of the brain that is in overdrive.” “The rest of their brain functions as it does when the person is sleeping.” “The over active portion of the brain causes them to start a random task.” “In most cases they just make a mess, go back to bed, and wake up to the mess they have no recollection of making.” Just as the doctor appears to be ending Annette interrupts, “What could be causing this?” She shines a pen light in Annette’s pupil, “Have you been sleeping normally?” Annette blinks as she moves to the other eye, “Not really, I have been having reoccurring nightmares everytime I sleep. Doctor Sohon slides the light in the pocket of her jacket, “Disturbances in your normal sleep pattern may be a possible cause." “REM sleep, is very important in resetting the internal mechanisms of the brain, and elevated activity during sleep such as reoccurring nightmares, could cause a disruption.” “Sleepwalking has been attributed to a variety of sources ranging from stress to hormones." “Both stress and hormones could attribute to you sleepwalking.” “After all you have made it into the second trimester; you are probably anxious, since this is the first pregnancy you have carried so long.” “Plus your hormones are raging.” The doctor's explanation sounds reasonable to Marty. She does not seem alarmed by what he had said about Annette’s strange behavior, and even performs a routine ultra sound on her while offering the explanation. She notes that the ultra sound imaging indicates the baby is developing well, and according to measurements is quite large for a fetus sixteen weeks along. Annette appears relaxed as she listens to what the Doctor is saying. Marty notes silently this news must be comforting to her. It certainly sets his mind at ease, in fact, it is better than he thought he might be hearing. Clearing her throat Annette hesitates momentarily, then continues, “But Doctor, I haven’t always been sleeping when this happened.” Marty rolls his eyes, “Oh no!” He can feel himself screaming silently, his temples begin throbbing. On the drive to the Doctor’s office He tried to convince Annette not to say anything that sounds crazy. There is a brief pause. “So you have been conscious at times?” The Doctor asks without changing her tone. “Tell me what you are speaking of.” Annette recounts to the doctor the tale of the knitting needle and the electrical outlet she called Marty about. Maintaining her composure throughout her voice never wavering. “Over the past couple of weeks I have been doing things that I can’t explain," her breathing accelerates. “It’s hard to put in plain words, but it feels like there’s someone inside my head and my body sharing everything I experience.” She raises her body, propping it on one arm, “I know this sounds crazy, it’s the baby”, her voice lowers to a whisper. “It takes control of my body, kind of jumps in, and interrupts what I’m doing without warning.” Marty reaches for his wife’s hand, “Honey don’t get yourself upset again.” Annette continues, paying no attention to his subtle plea, “A couple days ago I had an urge for tea, after starting the stove to heat up the water, as I turned from the stove my hand involuntarily reached for the flame.” She begins feeling self conscious of what she is saying. And worries the reaction the Doctor could have if she told the tale of how she is really feeling. “It was only for a second, and my hand jerked back once it felt the heat, " her voice trails off,and her cheeks redden in embarresment. Doctor Sohon taking notice to this stand from her stool, gesturing for Annette to lay back and relax. “This feeling of a loss of control in your life probably has allot to do with the changes your body is going through while it accommodates the pregnancy.” “You said there’s someone in your body sharing everything you experience, and you are right, it is your baby.” Her voice is soothing and direct “I am going to order a few routine tests for you.” “What you have described to me doesn’t sound like anything to become overly alarmed by." "But I want to be sure.” “As I said before, physically everything appears to be satisfactory, and even better than we had hoped possible." “You and the baby are doing well, and I’m sure the tests will help calm your fears." “That sounds great,” Annette sniffles. With that, the Doctor turns to retriev a sterile cloth for Annette to help clean off the gel smeared on her rounded belly. "A representative from this office will contact you to arrange the date and time for the tests." Before exiting the examination room she moves in close placing a hand on Annette’s shoulder, “Promise me you will try not to worry, I realize this is all new to you, but worry and stress will only make things more difficult.” Nodding her head, Annette confirms, “I will, I promise.” Doctor Sohon turns to Marty, “I want you to make sure she gets as much bed rest as possible, she is exhibiting some signs of physical exhaustion, which is not uncommon in pregnant women during the first and second trimester.” “But with her being such a high-risk pregnancy we don’t want to take any unnecessary chances.” “Will do Doc,” he said nodding his head and giving a double thumbs up response, trying to create the illusion of enthusiasm. The Doctor briefly explains they will be coming to the office for visits much more frequently over the course of the coming weeks, before she leaving the examination room. Once the Doctor was out of the room Marty breathes a sigh of relief, following the gesture of wiping pretend sweat from his forehead. He feared that if Annette had gotten hysterical again about visions of the future and her evil baby theory, the outcome of the visit might have been different. They collect her purse and head to the waiting room where Marty hands the receptionist his insurance card. The receptionist confirms that someone from the office will contact them with the time and date of the tests the Doctor had requested, and they leave quietly. As they head towards the car Marty does a pat on the outside of all his pockets realizing he does not have his keys, "Ah shit, I think I left my keys in the exam room." He darts back into the office to retrieve them while she contiues towards the vehicle. Right as he gets through the door the receptionist yells back to the doctor, "Oh, never mind doctor, he just walked back in." She tells Marty the doctor was hoping to catch him before he left, and directs him back towards the exam room they just left. Doctor Sohon is holding his keys, and he retrieves them thanking her. "Martin, if your wife contiues to exhibit these signs, or any changes in her behavior occur please contact me immediately." "Sure thing doc." He takes the keys and is about to turn away when the doctor continues. "You see I have been instructed by represenatives from the World Health Organization, and Centers for Disease Control to report any out of the ordianary issues that may arise with her." The surprise on his face is obvious, "Why are the WHO and CDC be concerened with Annette?" "I am not sure Martin, other collegues that specialize in OBGYN have confirmed they too have gotten similar requests." "We speculate they may be tracking data on all the comet babies." He is not particularly amused, "They call them comet babies?" "Not officially," she chuckles, "It's the term we doctors have adopted to describe the few hundred reported cases where conception occurred the day of the comets arrival." His discomfort grows, "Annette is one of them?" She senses this, "yes she is." And tries to put his apprehension at ease, "Not to worry Martin, physically she and the baby are fine, the other tests will prove that I am sure." "I am somewhat concerned for her mental state, that is why I asked you to call me if any changes occur." "And since she has no history of mental illness or breakdown, I am not too concerned, but would rather err on the side of caution. "I don't see any reason why the government should be overly concerned if everything tests normal." The doctor begins to walk with him placing a hand on his shoulder, "Really, there is no cause for alarm, so go, take your wife to lunch." Marty tried to appear unshaken by what she said, "Ok doc, catch you next time around." Then leaves the office catching up to Annette at the car. Annette and Marty hardly talk on the drive home, she feels let down that her husband does not believe her. In addition, not being able to share all the details with the doctor adds to her frustration. Her displeasure is obvious to him, “What’s wrong Annette?” “You mad at me for something?” She had been leaning her head against the car window. He reaches over, rubbing her shoulder, “Come on babe, don’t be mad.” He made smoochey kissing sounds, “I wuv yewww!” Her anger subsides, she turnes to him, “I guess I can’t be mad at you, I know what I said last night on the phone makes me sound stark raving mad.” “But it’s the truth.” “Do you think I would make this up after all we have been through over the last five years to conceive this baby?” Marty feels defensive, “Now come on Annette, if you had gone and told the Doctor you feel the child you are carrying is evil, and out to do the world harm, she would have you evaluated by a psychiatrist.” “But as it is, you told her about feeling out of control at times and she attributes it to being pregnant; just like I thought she would.” “Plus, the doctor was able to offer an explanation for the probability of your sleep walking.” “And she arranging to set up those tests to set your mind at ease.” “Honey, please…lets think positive, there is nothing wrong with you, or the baby.” Although irritable, she knows he is right, “Yeah maybe the tests will give us some better answers, thanks honey.” She leans towards him giving him a little peck on the cheek. The break in her mood gives Marty a little boost, “See sweetie, everything will be fine”, he wrapps his arm around her and pulling her close. They are home within a few minutes. As the car stops in front of the house they turn to each other at exactly the same time and saying the same thing simultaneously, “Ooh I have to pee!” A roar of laughter from the both of them follow. Soon Annette feels weak squeezing her legs together saying “Don’t make me laugh I’ll pee my pants right here!” For Marty a combination of drowsiness and the discomfort of a full bladder caused him to become giddy, “Oh now that wouldn’t be good, imagine how it would smell in here on a hot summer day”. They both laugh as he describs his vision of her laughing and peeing, and laughing some more and peeing some more, quickly flooding the cab of the car with yellow liquid, and how the news would report their bodies being discovered. He put the transmission in park and they sat there for a moment heaving with laughter together. Regaining some composure, Marty playfully shoves Annette’s shoulder, “We had better get into the house before Murphy’s Law kicks in.” “You know how it goes, we’re out here joking about stinky pee on the car seat, then it happens for real.” “I’ll be out here sopping up pee with a disgruntled look on my face.” A part of him that believed the reality of what he was saying wasn’t far fetched, “Imagine for real driving to work each day, the smell never really leaving, grumbling to myself, good job dickhead; you just had to make her laugh until she pee’d.” That being said he yanks the key from the ignition as she heaves herself from the car, heading for the front door. Marty races around the car to catch her, but she has enough of a head start to be scurrying through the front gate and up the yard. He catches up to her right about the time she reaches the stairs to the porch. In a flash, they were both up the few stairs standing at the front door. “You know my dear if this were most any other time I would trample you in a race to the latrine, but considering your delicate status, I’ll let you pee first, my lil petunia.” He wraps his arms around her kissing her neck. Annette prances a little in place, “Yeah, yeah that’s mighty noble of you mister; come on unlock the door I really have to piss”…….she breathes through her teeth and prancing again….”Bad!” Marty fumbles with the key in the lock, and within about 30 seconds the front door flies open. Annette tosses her purse on the sofa, making a beeline for the bathroom, with Marty close behind. Popsicle is whining and scratching at the nursery room door. She starts howling loudly to announce her displeasure with confinement. “Damn dog, shut up!", he yells remembering the events earlier in the morning. Annette did not close the bathroom door since her bladder was screaming with an unwavering urgency to be evacuated. Marty caught a glimpse of Annette preparing to lift the toilet seat in his peripheral vision. His intent to check if Popsicle had caused any destruction in the nursery was sidetracked when a weird sound from the bathroom stopps him in his tracks. He backs up peering into the bathroom, “What the hell was that?” Thinking he would have another opportunity to poke a joke Annette’s way. Instead his heart begins pounding, he knows something is amiss. Annette stands bent over the toilet, right hand still on the uplifted lid, staring at the blue water in the bowl. She staggers forward in a jerking movement, a line of drool spills from her lip. Suddenly she plunges her left hand into the water splashing repeatedly, the whole time gurgling a happy, gleeful infant voice. She falls onto her knees, head slumping slightly forward and to the side, her right hand lay motionless on the floor next to the toilet. She stays in that position motionless except for her hand still splashing away in the water, soaking her hair, face, clothing, wall and toilet roll hanging on the wall to her left. “Marty!” Annette’s scream mixes simultaneously in an eerie combination with a gleeful voice coming out of her mouth. Marty is paralyzed with a mixture of disbelief and horror at the sight playing out before him. Annette remains kneeling there, only her right eye is visible to him, as her left hand continues to splash wildly in the water causing her body to jerk and lurch violently. She reaches towards him with her right arm causing her body to slump sideways to the floor; clawing in his direction, “Help me!” Her one eye looks normal, but the other has turned completely black. The voice coming out of her mouth turns from gleeful, to a miserable sounding temper tantrum laden screech. Annette’s left hand reaches frantically for the bowl. She kicks off from the wall sliding her body towards him. Annette lost control of her bladder, pissing through her clothes onto the floor. She extends her right hand in his direction, Please help me!" Pleading while her left hand continues reaching towards the toilet. A lack of control of her body forces her to slide with her legs towards him. Marty, caught in the moment doesn't know what to do. Feeling the urgency to help her any way he can, he rushes in, grabbing her by the normal arm, dragging her across the floor towards the entrance. As he did this he noticed Annette’s normal eye is focusing directly on him, while her smokey black other eye looks the direction her arm was reaching. Marty lost his footing slipping in Annette’s urine, and repositions his legs to use the sink cabinet for leverage. He pushes, dragging her accross the tile floor, his back coming to rest precisely at the entrance to the bathroom. Just as quickly and unexpectedly as she began acting out, the episode ends. Suddenly her left hand dropped to the floor, her left eye, now normal is looking at him. Thy sit in that position for a few seconds, gasping, trying to internalize what they were just part of. The sound of Popsicle scratching at the nursery door and whining, which had been drowned by the commotion, suddenly came rushing in. “Damn dog”, Marty whispers in a chuckling voice rolling his eyes, and wiping his sweaty forehead with the sleeve of his shirt. Standing, he reaches out to her, “Come on let’s get you cleaned up.” She reaches up accepting his help to get her on her feet. “You cannot seriously tell me you are going to ignore what just happened in here,” Annette snapped. “It is true that I have never been pregnant before, but I have heard allot about it from other women, and television shows.” “Not one time have I ever heard that it’s a normal part of pregnancy to lose control of parts of your body!” She moves a step closer to him pulling at her urine soaked clothing, “Have you?” Marty stood there in front of her, raised his palms to face the ceiling, “I dunno, it may be possible,” he said shaking his head and dropping his facial expression. “Get fucking real Martin!” She yelled loudly. “This is not normal!” “I could not stop my hand from splashing in the goddamn toilet!” “It was like some other force was controlling my hand, and I was only able to see out of my right eye!” “Did you hear that horrible sound coming out of my mouth?” “Have you ever heard me sound like that in the past five years we have been married?” Her voice is ringing with annoyance. Marty had not slept in about eighteen hours and was beginning to run short on patience, “what do you want me to say?” He raised his voice in a heated response; “We just came back from the Doctors office within the hour.” “She just told us she is going to order tests to ensure that everything is going fine with the baby.” “We are going to have to wait this thing out to see the results of the tests.” “Can we please, please just clean up the bathroom and kitchen so that I can get some rest?” “Remember I have work tonight?” Annette recoiles a bit, after all, what was it going to accomplish standing there arguing with Marty over this. Waiting for the test seems a reasonable request, they might reveal a condition that could be controllable. “I’m sorry to have snapped at you like that Martin.” “ I realize there is nothing you can do, and considering how you were informed this was going on, you have been great.” Her apology sounded sincere and immediately softened his demeanor. “Oh Annette I should not have yelled at you just now.” “You have been going through allot that you kept quiet about, and the last couple of hours alone have been sheer hell for me.” “I can’t imagine what it must be like for you actually experiencing it.” The entire time the argument was going on Annette never left the bathroom and Marty remained in the doorway. She looked down at her urine soaked clothes, grabbing hold of her long black shirt. “You know when you first pee on yourself it comes out pretty warm, maybe even a little bit hot”. “But when you sit in it for a while; ooh does it cool down quick, I’m freezing.” She says attempting to lighten the mood, and begins dancing back and forth form one foot to the other. “Come on man; can’t you take a hint?” "Move it, move it, out of the way slowpoke.” She moves in his direction waving her hands to shoo him out of the way. Marty moves aside as Annette scurries past him, down the hall and into their bedroom closing the door behind her. Once again, he hears the familiar sound of Popsicle scratching at the nursery door and whining to be left out. Marty iss reluctant to open the door, fearing the destruction he might find on the other side. Popsicle has been Annette’s dog since before they met, and is very attached to her. She pretty much follows Annette everywhere she goes. If Annette leaves the house for any length of time, the dog suffers from separation anxiety. When left alone she is notorious for tearing stuff to shreds, chewing things to unusable condition, being the sole participant of a poopathon, or any combination of the three. Her favorite target has been the garbage can; Marty has convinced himself that Popsicle (or Poop-sicle as he calls her when trying to get on Annette’s nerves), is out to make a statement that leaves maximum impact and little doubt that she is pissed royally for Annette’s absence. He has many a foul memory of coming home after a night out with Annette only to have the misfortune of stepping directly onto a strategically placed load of dog poop by the door. Popsicle always covered all the basis when she used the poopathon tactic, she would place several piles strategically at the front, and back doors, scattering it about to ensure whoever enters first was bound to step in her foul surprise. For some reason that somebody always just happens to be him. He often wondered as he cleaned it up how she manages to produce that volume of poop for those occasions. He suspects that she has an internal poop factory with the ability to increase production when demand goes up. Marty cracks open the nursery room door, in the five years since he and Annette were married he has become accustomed to taking it slow when dealing with Popsicle. He has to be prepared for anything. “Popsicle, back off, “ he commands waiving his arm to shoo her from the door. She’s a crafty little bugger that he believes would lay booby traps for him if she had opposable thumbs. She takes a few steps back and sat her butt down. Marty is not disarmed by her attempt to placate him, he is ready for anything. “Now stay,” he commands as he opening the door enough for him to stick his head through. At first glance, and to his astonishment there is no immediate signs of visible destruction. “This can’t be,” he opens the door further too examine the other side of the crib, at that moment Popsicle seized her opportunity to escape. Like a bullet, she darts in between his legs down the hall and right into the open bathroom door. Marty reaches to stop her getaway, but not nearly fast enough. She runs top speed into the bathroom and was sniffing and licking at the puddle of urine left behind by Annette. He is in hot pursuit and enters the bathroom within the span of a second “Oh you gross little mutt!” He gags once, then again, grabbing her, and holding her at arms length, immediately heading for the back door. “You are going to have to stay outside until these messes are cleaned up. Popsicle squirms in a rebellious and vain attempt to free herself from his grip. There is no use, he has a firm hold on her, so she gives up and slumps, hanging her head and paws in almost dead weight. Marty opens the door and connects the rope lead to her collar, “There enjoy some fresh air for a while.” Turning from the door, he is startled to see Annette standing very close behind him. Her sudden presence took him off guard, so much so, that he stumbles in two steps forward and screams, waiving his hands, unable to hide that she had startled him, “AAAHHH!” “Are you trying to kill me?” Annette chuckles, reveling in the satisfaction and victorious feeling of catching him off guard. She had changed into one of his shirts, which came down to the top of her thigh. “Oh sure get my shirt all pissy smellin!” She squinted her eyes and crossed her arms, while shifting her body onto one leg. “What are you doing to my little girl?” Marty, still stinging from the embarrassment of being startled and screaming like a girl replied, “Not what I would like to be doing to her, the little demon pig!” He raises a balled fist, shook it and pulled his lips back exposing his teeth, mimicking anger “It’s precisely what I’ll do to you if you ever sneak up on me like that again” “Wicked woman!” He adds for affect. They both chuckle, and she gives him the, ha ha, gotcha look. “We had better get started on this clean up,” Annette suggests. Marty groans, “Yeah I know, I’m really dreading this.” Annette thinks about which mess she would like to take charge of cleaning up. She consideres which mess will be easier, “The pee would probably be the easiest mess to dispose of,” she thinks. But then wonders if that is such a good idea. Will she be trading the luxury of an easy way out, only to suffer through having to redo what Marty has not cleaned up properly. She thinks about the stench that would fill the kitchen after a few days. The flies, airborne bacteria, pestilence and eventually death that could develop if the mess had not been cleaned up as it should be. That was enough for her to make a decision, “I’ll take the kitchen, you take the bath.” Marty, happy the light at the end of the tunnel was near, nods in agreement, and walks wearily towards the bathroom. If he were going to get sleep, he had to get past this final obstacle. He enters the bathroom going straight to the closet and grabbing three bath towels, with no hesitation tosses them on the puddle. Annette already in the kitchen, continues with the task Martin had started before they left for the Doctor’s office. They finish about the same time Marty using a rag and detergent, Annette employing the mop and bucket. After the clean up, it was growing later in the afternoon. Marty has been up over twenty-four hours, he has to make the choice to either eat, or sleep. Sleep wins. He walks to the kitchen where his wife was throwing the final wet paper towel from her clean up into the trash, “Annette I am beat, I really need to lay down.” She turns to face the pitiful sight of a man standing behind her. “Oh honey you look so tired.” “Go ahead, lay down.” “I am feeling a little tired too, maybe I’ll come in and nap with you in a little bit.” “But first I want to jump in for a really quick shower so I don’t stink up the bed.” Making his way down the hall into their bedroom, Marty’s limbs and eyelids are very heavy. Getting dressed into sleeping clothes does not cross his mind, instead he collapses into an exhausted heap on top of the bed, unconcerned with the dried blood and leftover uncooked steak around him, ominous reminders of the mornings appalling start. He drifts into a deep slumber within minutes. |