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A cleaner copy I have been playing with and trying different writing ideas. |
Aidan stared at the magazine one last time comparing the printed address on one page with that of the building before him. Uncertain and nervous he swallows, taking a moment to glance around, feeling as if being watched, but then shrugs off the paranoia. Boldly opening the shop door he steps inside decision made and fate settled. "Good evening." The voice startling the young man he jumps a little almost dropping his magazine. The light inside the shop such that he is having trouble making out anything in the shop. The speaker still very much a mystery he turns vaguely in the direction of the male British accent. "I see you having a copy of "Equinus" there in your hand. Very good choice if I do say so myself. And of course you're here because of our add. But first forgive my manners. "I am Sir William Witherspoon. At your service." "Well I just.." "Wanted to see if what we claim is true? Of course of course. Come right this way young sir. No waiting at all this time of day. You're in luck you are." Its then that Aidan's eyes adjust enough to the dim light that he is able to see about the store enough to wonder how he ended up in what looks like an animal feed store. But at that point Sir William has his hand and is leading him farther back into the depths of the stop. Maze of lefts and rights passing shelves of different kinds of animal care products quickly cause him to lose all sense of direction. "Ah here it is! Here it is. Go right in and pick that which fits you best. Do not worry over pricing for now. No pressure at all. Must savor the enjoyment and all." Aidan opens his mouth to ask questions but by that time he is all ready being gently pushed through a doorway. The new room surprisingly well lit in comparison to the other part of the shop. Looking much like an average department store dressing room but it's the rack of clothing towards the back of the room that gets his attention. Magazine falling in his haste from his grasp page spilling open to show a chestnut colored mare. "I can try on any of them?" aidan asks turning only to find the door closed and the shop keeper gone. Shrugging he wastes no time in stripping down to his under wear setting his clothes on a chair to the side. Shivering slightly now at the very idea of trying on these garments that are before him. His eyes roam over what looks like multible animal skins. And oddly enough faint musk of animal seems to hang upon the air but this he passes off as fancy of an over active imagination. "This one!" the young man says aloud then blinks in surprise looking at the fur suit within his grasp he had expected to see a horse one but this is clearly not equine. Yet something about just holding it feels right to him so it's without pause he begins slipping into it. Feet and legs into the furry pair of pants taking a second to admire the nice tail attached to the rear. Paw like booties fitting his feet with ease as if specially made for him. Heart racing with excitement at the feel of the strangely warm material against his skin. Yet the pants part does not seem to be fitting right. Moment later he is removing his under wear then putting the furry pants back on finding the fit to be now much more glove like. The tail almost seems to wag while he is looking for the chest part of the suit. Slipping the chest piece over his head then getting his arms through the furry arm pieces prove a minor challenge causing him to spin a few times before he manages to get it on. Almost breathless at this point he without pause takes up the head piece admiring how life like the canine head looks. The black nostrils almost seeming to flare and take his scent as he picks up the head. But remembering warnings about the head piece limiting the field of vision he reluctantly sets it back down and takes up the paw gloves quickly putting them both on. As if in a race Aidan puts the head on snapping it into place within seconds. Not sure what he had expected to feel at this point the itching of his feet comes as a surprise. More so when the sensation spreads up his legs then to the other parts of the suit like wild fire. Thinking the costume full of bugs he tries to take it off but between tries at itching is unable to find any seam. Comforting warmth soon begins replacing the itching much to his relief. Feeling so relaxed he goes so far as to open his muzzle and let his tongue loll out the side. Yet only a second of panting passes before his eyes widen with surprise and wonderment. Trying to give a lick to his nose and finding out not only can he do it but finds himself touching flesh not rubber or plastic and is very much aware of the feel of his tongue upon his nose. Panic rising within him he tries to stands only to keep falling back down to all fours after only a second of an up right standing. Hide! The thought coming into his head so fast he does not give question to the origin. Racing about the room he can not help now notice a door that smells strongly of dog and oddly of safety. Rearing up on his hind legs Aidan begins trying to turn the door handle but thanks the paw gloves he is not able to bring his thumb into play. Yet hearing the far door starting to open spurs him to place both fore paws upon this dog door and give a push. Oddly opening the door easily once using a more simplistic canine way of opening it. Door hinges soundless he barely has time to give a yelp as he falls threw the dark doorway into the unknown. No sooner is he threw then the door swings shut sealing him in pitch darkness much to his distress. Panic rising anew he begins to yell for help but each call is nothing more then a howl like bark no matter how carefully he tries to say something in English. It's then that instinctive impulses surge forward and ensnare his thoughts as ears and nose are used to help sort out this strange place of darkness. Calming the dog begins taking careful sniffs letting his nose lead him as both ears perk forward at distant sounds. Strong smells of aged leather all about him it's the alluring scent of fresh air from the outside that in time leads him to another door. This time not needing to put any thought into rearing up to place both fore paws upon the wood in hopes of pushing it open. And once again the door opens easily causing him to fall forward to all fours even as he stares. Kennels and sleeping dogs all about this new room brings him forward in an impulsive urge to investigate. Yet no sooner are two good sniffs taken then dogs awake and begin a barking loudly. "Who are you?" "Part of our pack?" "You smell interesting!" "Let's play!" Aidan stares confused at hearing barks but also hearing many questions from different speakers. Distracted it's not till a hand has hold of his scruff that he is even aware of the human. Grip solid to the point no matter how he wiggles or tries to break free the human hold him still. "Let go! Who are you? Where am I?" he asks looking up at the man even as a collar is placed around his neck. "Easy. Calm down." The man says in a soothing tone well holding both firmly and gently. Leash soon being attached to collar with a loud clipping noise. "No! Take it off!" But at a sharp jerk of the leash Aidan finds his head jerked and himself falling silent much to his surprise. "Good you're smart enough to not need farther correction then. Good dog." The following stroking of the human hand enough to cause Aidan's eyes to narrow in bliss. Tail wagging he finds himself openly begging for more petting which brings an amused chuckle from the man. Sounds and scent of another human approaching brings Aidan's ears to perking. "What's got the dogs stirred up Frank?" "Oh seems Joe left one of the dogs lose by mistake. He should know by now these dogs are smart enough to be very creative in escaping their kennels." "Well put her back in a kennel so we can get back to our card game. I want a chance at winning back my ten dollars after all." "Right. Will do. Do not want to lose then one as looks like she will be good for the bloodline. Smart but not a trouble maker. Never once tried to bite me." Aidan having been impulsively sniffing at the shoes of the two humans looks up in sudden surprise at hearing this part of the conversation. "See look at those eyes of hers. It's almost as if she understands what we are saying. Frank chuckling while petting the dog once more leads the bitch to a near by empty kennel and settles her in. Its only when the two humans are walking away that Aidan snaps out of the shock enough to inspect his surroundings and himself. A quick nose under a hind leg is enough to confirm what the two men said. But how can this be so...then it dawns upon Aidan. That fur suit had no sign of a sheath! Yet at the growl of stomach the new kennel bitch is soon sampling her food and water before settling in for the night feeling so sleepy that it's easily decided questions and escape can wait till tomorrow. Even whispered questions from near by dogs get ignored as sleep claims Aidan. |