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by Nal
Rated: 13+ · Script/Play · Romance/Love · #980667
A prince tries to live a normal life, but with complications when a girl gets involved...
Nothing but a story

Some people just don't understand the meaning of life. They just think that human beings have been put on this earth for only one purpose, and that's to make even more humans. Nonsense I said. We have a more special purpose than that, don't we? Doesn`t everyone think that we, people, have been given life from God himself? That there's always one special person, who was made for you. One person who makes your life complete. Two persons who are made for each other. Maybe I didn`t believe this in the past, but now... This story is about me, Prince Alexander II.

Once upon a time there was a little boy. Very young actually. His name was Alexander Lavender. He wasn`t an ordinary boy, but weren`t they all? This might sound a little cliche, but he was a prince. And could have anything he ever wanted, although his father, the King, wanted to discipline him and wanted him to be the next King when he was old enough. Alexander didn`t want that at all and constantly sneaked out of the castle and changed his identity to another person. He did that all the time, through all those years. Now he was finally 17.

One day, he sneaked out of the castle again and made sure his parents couldn`t find out that he was gone. Well, usually in a castle you have secret passageways. Well, he had a few of his own. He quickly went through the secret passageways and quietly sneaked unannounced out of the castle. He took one of his royal horses and road off into the woods. In the woods he changed his clothes, hid his royal clothes and went into the town, where he usually went. Today was a special day actually. It was some kind of new party. He knew a lot of people there now, cause he sneaked out of the house for years and had already a new identity. He was known in the town as Phillip Napée. Alexander pretended to be French, so no one would ask questions about his life or something. And if he heard that there was a French guy in town, he would try and avoid that guy as much as possible. Over the past few years, Alexander had made a lot of friends in town, but didn`t dare tell them who he really was. He wanted to be treated just like any other boy there. He wasn`t that close with them, but they were his friends, and that was all that he wanted. If any of his friends would mention Prince Alexander, then Alexander would try and change the subject unnoticed. It usually helped, but some times they had their own secret thoughts. So now he went into the town and saw all the people dance and have fun, eat and people getting drunk. He left his horse a little bit further making sure that you couldn`t see that it was a royal horse and walked toward the party. All the people he past were drinking and making jokes while greeting him. He saw one of his friends hitting on a girl and saw his other friends a little bit further, watching their friend making his move. One of his friends, Julian McMahon, saw Alexander and made a hand move, showing Alexander to come to the. Alexander smiled and slowly wormed himself through the crowd to his two friends.

"Glad you could make it, Philip, We`ve been waiting for you all night."

"Well, let's just say I got delayed."

"Hey, have you seen William making his move on sweet innocent Rosy??"

Luke laughed as all the others did too. Luke Hepburn was one of his other friends.

"Yeah, I noticed! I don't think he's going to make it."

"Yeah, well, me neither, but it's nice to see him get smacked in the face."

"I warned him he might get slapped by her, but you know how William is, he never gives up."

Alexander:  "Let's see what happens."

They watched William talk to Rosy from a distance and saw the both of them standing up. William had his arm around her and they saw Rosy smiling up at him. It had actually worked!! They were about to leave together, when William turned his head and grinned at them.

"That bastard! It actually worked! How did he do it??"

"I can't believe it!"

"Oh, wait you guys! It's not over yet! Look who's coming!!"

They all turned their heads to the group of boys who were coming William's way.

"Oh no! We got to help him out!"

"Yeah, you're right, let's go."

William finally noticed the brother of Rosy and his friends coming their way. He quickly lowered his arms off of her shoulders. Her brother reached them.

"Hey there William! What do you think you're doing with my little sister??"

"Ehm, nothing, we were just....talking."

"That didn`t seem like talking to me."

Suddenly Julian, Luke and Alexander came from behind William.

"Well, obviously you misunderstood."

"Just go away, David!! I'm 16! I can take care of myself!"

"Shut up, McMahon!! Listen Rosy, you obviously can't think for yourself, cause you're talking to this....William!"

David pushed Rosy behind him and turned to William and his friends.

"Well, I guess we're just gonna go! Maybe we'll see you later tonight!"

William's friends started dragging him away from Rosy and her brother and mixed with the crowd so Rosie's brother wouldn`t easily find them.

"What do you think you're doing??!! I could have handled this in a more grownup manner. It's not like I was going to fight with anyone!"

"We were saving your ass, that's what we were doing!"

"Oh be careful, Luke! You might hurt William's ego!!"

They wormed their ways to the drinks.

"Don't underestimate me, Phillip! I can handle a situation like that one!"

"Oh we'd better go,look who's looking for us!"

Luke turned his head.

"Yeah, come on. I don't feel like getting into a fight."

"Fighting is real civilized, Luke."

William grinned at them and slowly walked toward David, who didn't see him yet.

"Not now, William!"

Alexander grabbed him and dragged him away from the party, while his other friends helped him.

"You're all a bunch of losers!"

"Hey, watch who you're talking to, Romeo!"

They all started laughing. They spent the rest of the night doing guy's stuff, when Alexander finally thought it was time for him to head home. he had to wake up early from his mom, and if he didn't get home soon to get some sleep and feel all good in the morning his mother would maybe suspect something. Alexander said goodbye to his friends, ignoring their questions about where he lived and went to the spot where he left his horse. But to his shock, the leash had been cut and his horse had been stolen! He had been robbed! He cursed out loud and looked around, trying to find a clue of where his horse had been taken to. Damn those damned robbers, didn't they have anything else to do??!! He quickly ran toward the castle, which was miles away! Maybe he would get there in time and maybe just maybe, he would have one small hour of sleep. He went as fast as he could through the woods, toward his home. Luckily there weren't any crazy people who weer going to slow him down or anything. He learned how to fight in the castle, that was one of the most important things. Also one of them being the languages and learning how to handle a bow, a sword or a dagger even, all kinds! And all the basics he learned of course, like history. He arrived early in the morning around 4 'o clock. He quietly went into the castle, into his room and into his bed. He only had a few hours to sleep.


At 8 o'clock in the morning a servant came to his room and knocked on his door.

"Sir Alexander..."

"Yes Rosalyn, just wait a few minutes."

"Of course Prince Alexander."

Alexander was already dressing up. He felt like Hell, because of all those drinks he had with his friends the night before.

"And stop calling me that, will you?"

"If you say so, Pr...Alex."

"Okay, you may come in."

Rosalyn opened the door and came in.

"You look like Hell!!"

"I know, Rose, I know!! And don't play with me by saying sir, okay?! I feel bad enough already."

Rosalyn laughed and went to open his curtains. He knew Rosalyn for a few years and she knew he was sneaking out of the castle too. He couldn't hide anything from her. She knew him too well. It wasn't long till his mother suddenly came into his bedroom.

Queen Anna:
"Rosalyn, could you please leave the room for a moment, I need to talk to Alexander."

"Of course your highness."

"Good morning, mother! See you later, Rosalyn."

Alexander knew that his mother had something important to ask or tell him, or else she wouldn't have asked Rosalyn to leave his room. Rosalyn smiled at Alexander, she obviously knew what was going on. It's not like she had a lot of time to tell Alexander something. She closed the door behind her.

Queen Anna:
"I've just heard this morning that one of our royal horses has been stolen, to be honest, one of our best horses.

His mother walked through the room, while she was telling him this.

Queen Anna:
"Is there something you need to tell me, Alexander?"

Alexander sat down in a char and looked up at his mom.

"Why, no mother. What makes you think that?"

Queen Anna:
"There is no way that anyone could have gotten into the castle and steal the horse and smuggle it out as well."

"What are you trying to say mother? Are you accusing me of something?"

She stopped right in front of him.

Queen Anna:
"Have you sneaked out of the castle and taken a horse?"


King Richard:

Alexander sighed and stood up, while his bedroom door slammed open and his father rushed in.

King Richard:
"You've got some explaining to do, young man!"

"About what?! Me stealing a royal horse?!"

King Richard:"How long has this been going on?! You sneaking out of the castle?!"

"I haven't done anything wrong! I can't even go out! Everywhere I go, is with you!! And that's just to show off with those other...kings!"

Queen Anna:
"Oh, honey..."

King Richard:
"You're a Prince, Alexander!!"

Alexander walked to the window.

"I just want some freedom!! That's all!!"

King Richard:
"Don't let this happen again, Alexander!! You're a Prince! Get that through your head!!"

His father quickly left the room.

Queen Anna:
"You know we can go anywhere you want, honey. Just ask."

"I know, mom,...I know."

His mother left the room, leaving Alexander alone. He couldn't even do anything on his own! He heard his bedroom door open and he quickly turned around to find Rosalyn coming in his room. She closed the door.

"So what are you going to do?"

"You know what I'm going to do, Rosalyn. You know me too well."

"And right you are! You're going to continue sneaking out of the castle and spend time with you other friends in the evening."

He grabbed a few of his stuff and turned to her. He grinned.

"Exactly! And I have to find that stolen horse of mine!"

"Oh, of course, the horse! It's going to be hard to find the person who stole that horse, that person must have already sold it, but I wish you luck anyhow! I'll watch your back in the castle,...as always!"

"Thanks, Rosalyn."

"You really owe me!"


The evening was coming closer and his parents didn't expect him to go and sneak out again after their conversation. As every time when he sneaked out, he went through the secret passageway and stole yet another horse. He quietly left the castle by horse and started riding through the woods. He was already halfway till he suddenly got attacked by persons who were hiding in the trees. He didn't expect to be attacked, because he had been traveling there for years! Luckily he had already changed in his room, so he wouldn't be in trouble for being the Prince and so on. He did have his sword with him, but it was so sudden that he didn't have time to react to the attack. He was on his horse, riding pretty fast, till he slowed down a little bit, because he saw trees further ahead that were real close to each other, he din't want to risk himself to fall. But he didn't expect to be attacked exactly at that point! When he slowed down, some kind of net came down in front of him, causing him to fall from his horse, while the horse had been running further. He watched as a few bandits caught his horse. Alexander was in pain and moaned out load from the fall off the horse. He heard footsteps, bushes moving and branches breaking. He tried to ignore his pain and stood up, while he reached for his fallen sword. When he stood up straight with his sword in his hand, he saw all those people, with something covering their faces, surrounding him.

"What do you want??!! Just take the stupid horse and leave me alone!!!"

He had trouble saying those words, because he was in a lot of pain, but he luckily could say them without a tremble in his voice. One of the person coolly stepped forward.

"We don't want your stupid horse, well, we do, but that's not the only thing we want. We want you. Now we can do this the hard way or...the hard way."

Edward put off his mask. A few persons came forward to fight with Alexander, they had swords too.

"No! I don't want to fight!"

:Alexander gasped, still in pain.

"I guess you don't have a choice!"

The two other guys attacked Alexander, but Alexander could handle a sword very well, so he didnt have much trouble defeating those two persons. Well,...they seemed to be guys. But there were lots of other people surrounding him and he could never handle them all, especially when he had just fallen off a two meter high horse! Edward was staring at his two guys whom were lying on the ground, defeated. Alexander was really tired and didn't think he would make it. He was breathing very heavily and knew that the guy would see him breath that way. Edward's mouth was wide open, who was the Hell was this guy, who could fight so well with a sword,...he looked so...normal.

"So you know how to handle a sword! Good! Then I can test my skills with yours!"

A person came from behind him, she wasn't wearing a mask either.

"Don't test your strength and quality against him now, Edward. You can see that this guy is far too tired to fight for real against you now."

"We'll see."

Edward grabbed his sword.

"Just...get the Hell away from me!!"

Edward attacked Alexander with his sword, while Alexander tried really hard to defend himself against Edward's blows, but Alexander got hit in his arm. Alexander gasped and groaned at the pain he felt. With his other hand he tried desperately to defend himself with his sword, but he couldn't handle it. He was able to stop almost all of Edward's blows, but Edward wasn't only using his sword, he was hitting him with his fist, when Alexander was only concentrating on his sword. Edward was bruised and was bleeding only a little, but Alexander looked far worse, his arm was bleeding and he was bruised and his mouth was bleeding too. Alexander couldn't handle the pain and stepped back. Why shouldn't he just give up? He was too tired, which caused him to accidentally drop his sword. He dropped to his knees and made one attempt to pick it up, but Edward put the end of his sword against Alexander's throat. Edward was breathing heavily, but so was Alexander.

"Leave him, Edward! We're not going to kill him!"

Edward smashed his fist against Alexander's head. He fell on the ground and fell uncosncious.

"Take him!"

Some of the other persons grabbed Alexander.

"Did you have to do that??!! You are so pathetic!"

"Oh hush, Elisabeth!! You don't even know the guy!"

They brought Alexander to their hiding place.


TTo be continued
© Copyright 2005 Nal (xbutterflyx at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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