Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/980171-Abyss-of-the-Mind
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #980171
A group of "friends" meet up at a cemetary where their lives will change forever.
Author's Note: My creative writing class was given a prompt to write a Halloween story (my kinda topic!). It's unfinished because I'm not satisfied with the ending at all. I'm going to change it sooner or later, but for now I have no idea what to change it to... Well enjoy...


         The wind howled a mournful dirge as it battered the dead trees. The waning moon illuminated the night just enough to see. Tombstones stood in jagged peaks under the faint silver glow. Silhouetted against the moon stood a lone figure, the glow of a cigarette casting a warm luminescence onto his hands. A trail of smoke snaked delicately into the air. He inhaled deeply, letting the smoke fill his lungs before releasing it in a cloud of vapor. The cigarette almost done, he bent down and snuffed it out on a nearby tombstone. Kneeling, he brushed his ear-length black hair from his eyes. He looked into the dark forest surrounding the cemetery as he stood slowly. He growled impatiently. “Where the hell is she?” he muttered. As if on command, another dark figure strode out into the cemetery lot.
         “Been waiting long?” A burst of wind screamed through the forest around them, blowing back her long black hair to reveal the piercing blue eyes underneath. Walking toward David, she smirked, “I’m sorry I took so long. I had to pick some things up for tonight.” She swung her backpack off her shoulder and laid it at his feet. “Got a smoke?”
         Pulling his cigarettes from the front pocket of his trench coat he handed them over, “Tiff? Since when do you smoke?”, he asked callously. Tiffany stuck the cigarette between her lips and rummaged around her pockets. With a quick flip of his wrist David sparked his Zippo and lit the cigarette dangling from her mouth.
         “Thanks.” Taking a long drag from the freshly lit smoke, Tiffany huffed, “I dunno, I just started the habit. Oh, by the way, I invited some friends from school over for tonight” She looked up and saw the frustrated look on David’s face. “Don’t be such a sourpuss. I’m not a people person either but these people are alright.”
         David crossed his arms. “This has always been our Halloween thing, since we were in 3rd grade.”
         “And it still is.” A sudden crashing and stumbling in the woods drew her attention. “And I think that’s them. Don’t worry, You’ll like them.”
         David muttered darkly and sat on the top of the nearest gravestone. “Couldn’t they be quieter?” A high pitched scream sliced through the silence. David jumped up and looked toward the woods.
         “AAAAAAHHHHH A spiderweb!!! EEEEE!! It’s in my hair!!!” A dainty blonde stepped from the dark woods, a seeming contrast to the silvery depths behind her. She batted at the imaginary webs knotted in her hair and squealed. Behind her appeared a guy of massive proportion.
         Sweeping the blonde up in one movement he turned to Tiff and spoke in a deep, throaty voice, “Hey! I hope you don’t mind if I brought along someone. I tried to get rid of her but she’s like a puppy, just wont go away.”
         The blond, still squirming and swiping at her perfectly groomed hair, laughed. “Shut up Zack. You know you asked me to come.” she purred.
         “Well I guess I’d better introduce ‘er then. Y’all, this is Becky. We’re uh.... classmates”
         “Don’t listen to Zack,” Becky breathed. “I’m his girlfriend. We’ve been dating for about 10 hours now.”
         “I guess that’s a long time for you huh?” David mumbled under his breath.
         Tiff pushed David off the tombstone he was perched on and looked around at the surrounding woods. “So where’s Seymour? You guys didn’t loose him in the woods didn’t you?”
         David, stumbling back onto his feet, gave her a questioning look. “Seymour? That nerd? You invited him?”
         Tiff huffed in exasperation, “He’s not just a nerd. He’s a good person! So what if he’s a little ... odd. Aren’t we all?”
         Shaking his head, David laughed, “Sometimes I wonder why I’m friends with you.”
         Zack dropped Becky and she landed hard on the ground. “Nah, We didn’t leave him, he just kinda fell behind. I’d expect him anytime” Becky glared at him, rubbing a sore bottom. Just then, Seymour came slinking out of the forest behind them.
         Walking to Tiff he gave her a big hug and smirked, “Happy Halloween! Ready for the haunting hour?”
         Tiff laughed and announced, “Well I guess we should get this going. One sec.” With that she grabbed her backpack from the ground and whipped it open. She pulled out several candles, an incense burner and an extremely log stick of incense. “Ok, why don’t all of you grab a candle.” Everyone stepped forward in turn and grabbed the short, stout candles. David, the last to grab one, gave Tiff a last reproachful look before settling his face in quiet defiance. Tiff took a long maroon candle herself. Settling down on the frigid ground, Tiff motioned for them to join her. She closed her brilliant eyes and the light seemed to drain from her. She spoke in a deep, hushed voice much different then her usual strong one. “Form a circle and hold out your candles.” They all did as she bid. “David, give me your lighter.” She lit her candle and reached across and lit each other candle from it. “Now we are joined” She brought her blazing eyes to David’s gaze. Her features softened a bit before she looked away. “To create the right aura we need to remain silent and let our minds open.” She stuck the incense and burner in the middle of the circle and lit it. With in a few seconds everyone’s senses were drowned in a sickly sweet smoke. Tiff again closed her eyes and bowed her head. Seymour coughed quietly and Zack looked lovingly at Becky before they joined Tiff. David slowly closed his senses to the outside world. Closing his dark, intense eyes he swept off into the oceanic abyss of his mind. Thoughts swam mercilessly through his shadowiest recesses. Why did she bring them? They didn’t understand! He and Tiff had been best of friends for as long as they could remember; Did she want to change that? He had never let himself admit it, but he truly loved her. As the smoke encroached his mind he felt movement around him. He knew from the many times he and Tiff had come that this was not human. He could hear the low haggard breathing and perceived the energy surrounding them, electrifying the air and making his hair stand on end. When he felt that his mind was ready, he opened his eyes. Looking across at Seymour, he watched as Seymour began to rock back and forth. Becky, eyes shut tightly, reached beside her and latched onto Zack’s arm. A resounding crack echoed through the silence. The wind suddenly began to howl and spin around the gathering. Leaves swirled as Tiff opened the pools of her eyes. They glowed with supernatural fury. Tiff’s power never failed to astound David. He grinned in excitement as Tiff turned her eyes to his. “We’re ready.” Becky squealed as a gust of wind brushed past her. The candles flickered but somehow managed to stay lit.
         David felt a familiar electricity and whispered, “Tiff, I think Winston is here.”
         Becky drew breath sharply at the look of widening fear on Tiff’s face. “W-who’s W-winst-ton? Why are you afraid?”
         Tiff spoke slowly and deliberately, “Only a very, very angry spirit.”
         Seymour chuckled hesitantly, “With a name like Winston, I’d be mad too...”
         “Shut the hell up!” hissed David. “We’ve only had contact with him twice before, and it’s never been good.”
         “W-wait... What d-do you mean c-contact?” Becky clutched Zack tighter. “Is h-he here?!”
         Tiff sighed at Becky’s fear, “Yes, but only his energy. His spirit so to say, although it is quite soulless. All we know about him is that he died a very unhappy death.”
         “But how do you know it’s him?” Zack spoke for the first time since they started.
         David sighed, “It his energy. All the other energies around here are peaceful ones. His is very... sinister.
         “Can we talk to him?” Seymour smirked. “I think we should find out how he died!”
         Tiff eyes sparkled with curiosity. “It’s risky. We have no idea how cooperative Winston is. But it’s worth a try.”
         Becky shuddered against Zack’s chest, “D-do we have to? I’m-I’m s-scared” Zack pulled her closer.
         David grinned “What the hell Tiff. I’m in.” He glanced up at her and their eyes met.
         “Good. Lets get started.” She held out her hands and grasped Becky and David’s. They all lowered their heads and closed their eyes. As Tiff started humming the energy around them swirled. Tiff began chanting in a monotonous articulation. “Winston, Winston, the circle welcomes you. Winston, Winston, the circle welcomes you. Winston, Winston, the circle welcomes you” As Tiff’s voice droned, David felt a sudden sense of weightlessness. The world seemed to spin around him. He tried to open his eyes, but found himself helpless. Tiff’s hand slipped from his grasp as he fell backward. He waited to hit the ground. He could feel his body hanging in midair. A sudden gust, as if a semi had just passed inches away from him, jerked his psyche. He heard Becky scream and his body was flooded with a rushing white emptiness. He felt himself slip into unconsciousness, still floating in an unknown continuum.
         David slowly regained his senses. His head throbbed and he felt like he had run miles. He opened his eyes and gasped as he realized where he was. This was no longer the cemetery, his eyes were assailed by pastel pink walls, printed with seashells. He sat up and looked for the others. To his surprise, he realized he was still clutching Tiff’s hand. Her brilliant eyes had become a deep cobalt blue and were staring unseeingly at the ceiling. David pried his fingers from her grasp and lifted her up. Breathing shallowly, she slowly came round. Blinking, she launched at David and wrapped around him.
         “Where are we?! Where are the others?!” she panted.
         Trying to stay as calm as possible, David looked around. They were in what seemed to be the hallway of a large hotel. The doors all along the walls were numbered in the 600's. He didn’t see anyone else. A sudden cry echoed down the corridor. David picked Tiff up in his arms and tread carefully toward the sound. As they rounded the corner they saw the three others. They had obviously just regained consciousness as well. Becky was sobbing as Zack held her and Seymour was busy examining the walls. David shouted as he approached. “Guys!”
         Zack looked up, “WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE!” he screamed. “Where are we and how the hell are we getting out of here?! I should have known to never have trusted your kind of people. You Goths are all the same. Shitty criminals, and damn WITCHES!”
         Seymour turned to Zack “How could they have done this?? Think man! This is some crazy shit, but lets concentrate on how to get out of here.” Suddenly they all twisted as a woman turned the corner and walked towards them. Seymour ran to her and breathed “Ma’am? Where are we?” The lanky woman kept moving as if none of them were there. Seymour looked at David.
         “What are you waiting for? Follow her!” Tiff had recovered enough to stand on her own and started to walk after the woman. As the woman turned corner after corner, they all remained silently behind her, each to his own thoughts. Finally the woman stopped at room 630. A sort of scuffling was coming from the inside. The woman opened the door a crack before slipping silently inside. A gurgled cry began emanating from the room. David looked at Tiff, who had begun to put her hand on the knob of the door. He hit her hand away and put his finger to his lips. Muffled singing could be heard through the walls. The door creaked open and the woman, still humming, walked from the room and strode down the hall. Tiff again moved to open the door and this time David did not stop her. Tiff cracked open the door and slid into the darkness inside.
         “Come on guys, I don’t think there’s anything in here.”
         “She must be shittin’ me. I ain’t going in there!!” Zack began to back away from the door.
         David narrowed his eyes and allowed himself to draw up the hatred he had been feeling for the last hours. This Jock had no right to even be at the gathering in the first place, and now he was chickening out? “OK assface, I’m walking in there and so is Seymour,” Seymour glanced at him. “And if you want to stay out here with your slutty girl, I ain’t gonna stop you. I just hope you don’t meet anyone out here. Its kind of hard to run from an energy force that never tires and has no soul or conscience. And before you start calling me a criminal, you better remember the only two who have experience with the supernatural. I’m tired of you people thinking you are better then us. So shut up and follow me.”
         Zack knew when he had been beat “Friggin Goth.. Think you mmmph hummna” he mumbled incoherently. They all followed Tiff into the room.
         “David! Give me a light! I cant see a thing!” David brought his lighter out and lit it. As the light bounced off the walls, they all gasped in horror. In the corner lay the huddled figure of a small boy who could have passed for a corpse. Facing them, his jet black eyes seemed to bore into the very souls of them. These specks of obsidian were housed in a sunken, fleshless stretch of skin covering the skull. The lips were pulled back in a dry grimace. A harsh, ragged breath hissed from between rotted teeth. A blackened tongue rolled out as a puddle of blood and fluid pooled around his head. David wrenched his eyes from the pitiful figure to the walls surrounding them. His eyes widened and a hand shot up to his mouth. Written all over the walls, in what appeared to be old dried blood, were the words “MOTHER PLEASE LET ME OUT”.
         David turned back to the mass of bone and fluid in the corner. “Winston? Is this what happened?” As he watched, the boy opened his mouth wider then David ever though possible and let loose a howl of pain, fury, rejection, and desperation. The sound bored into the very depths of David’s soul. He again felt a weightlessness as his vision was overtaken by whirring white emptiness. Seemingly zipping through space and time, he couldn’t move or scream, as he so longed to do. He slipped into unconsciousness as he whirled helplessly through the void.
         When he again regained consciousness, he found himself back on the hard cold earth of the cemetery. The night was fading fast and a blanket of frost covered everything, bathing it in a silvery sparkle. He sat up slowly, his muscles protesting his every move. Tiff held fast to his hand but was still unconscious. Candles lay strewn around, burnt down to stubs. He glanced around, stunned to find that they were all in the same circle where they had begun. Suddenly Becky began thrashing about in Zack’s arms. David rushed over as she began to foam at the mouth. Her eyes had rolled to the back of her head and she stopped breathing. Zack sat bolt upright and gasped. Becky’s eyes had returned to place, but were no longer her own. A harsh rasping voice issued from her unmoving, purple lips, “Mother, Mother, MOTHER LET ME OUT!” Her jet black eyes rolled wildly ad she again stopped breathing.
         Zack, panicking, screamed “Help her! I don’t know what to do!”
         Seymour stood up slowly, “I know what to do.” He strode over to Becky and drew a butterfly knife. In a swift, almost liquid move, he slit open her throat. As her blood gushed onto the frozen earth, Zack screamed in horror. Seymour smiled as he wiped his blade on his shirt. David backed away slowly as Seymour laughed maniacally. “You see, she was possessed. There is nothing to do when someone is possessed. I’ve always wanted to slit someone’s throat! What a feeling, the blood pulsing life from such a delicate body. Now I have seen everything. I don’t want to see anymore. I can never wash this mind of tonight’s events. Why can’t I add one more deed! I can’t control you, I can’t control my life, but now, I can control your life!!! You don’t understand. I’ve never been understood. I’ve been laughed at, spit at, mocked. No more. Am I a nerd now? AM I A NERD? You showed me things tonight I never wanted to see. You see what you’ve done? I see you David! This you and that damned Tiffany’s fault! You got Becky possessed! YOU DID IT! I HAD TO KILL HER TO SAVE US! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. IM A HERO NOW! And now look! I’m no hero. Im a murderer!” With that he brought the blade down into Zack’s unprotected back as he cradled Becky’s limp body. “What irony! The geek, teased by the jock gets final revenge. The ultimate revenge! He can be with his girl in hell now!”
         David lunged at Seymour, pinning the knife under his knee. “Listen you little shit. Becky was not possessed. Its called a seizure! You saved us from nothing. Don’t you understand? Whatever happened back there... It was all in our minds! We never left! Didn’t you notice we were in the same exact place we ‘left’ from? You snapped man! YOU JUST MURDERED TWO PEOPLE!!! HAS THAT SUNK IN YET???”
         “Screw you” Seymour spat. “I wont go this easy. I’m not going. Let me go!”
         “No! Stop struggling!” Seymour slipped his hand out from under David’s knee and swiped at his face. Suddenly Seymour shuddered and slumped over. “What the hell?”
         “Don’t thank me. But I just want to know what’s going on” Tiff appeared from behind Seymour.
         David jumped up and engulfed Tiff in a giant hug “What did you do?”
         “It’s an old trick. Hit someone in the back of the neck at the right angle and it kills em instantly. It’s all in this book I have... Hey, lets go home. I’ll pack my things and we can just get out of here. I have no ties to this place other then family. And I really don’t feel like explaining this.”
         “Hmmm... Yea I suppose that could be a good thing. We can start a new life.”
         “You heard me”
         “Then lets go. And no more old traditions. I think I’m done with that.”
         Tiff smiled and took David’s hand. “I think that’s just fine.”
© Copyright 2005 DemonKitty (demonkitty at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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