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Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #977418
My third and latest story. Contains Vore and digestion.
This is it, your car is dead. The picture in mind right now is the white vapors coming out from under the hood of your car. You open the door and get out under the scorching hot sun. The light is so intense that you have to protect your eyes to get in front of your car. You open the hood and gust of hot fumes goes in your face. You cannot believe how stupid you are. You decide to take a small trip in the desert and you didn’t check your radiator. Now, you stuck no where and run out of water. You look at each and of the road and you see no cars or others signs of civilization. In a spike of uncontrolled anger, you slam the hood of your car and begin to think how you get into this mess.

Your name is Eric. You work in a security agency as a night shift security guard. Last month, in one of your long boring shift, one of yours work buddies told you about his last trip. He showed you some of his pictures of the desert. Since the trip is not expensive, and you desperately need vacancy, you decided to take the same trip has him. You begin now to regret this decision.

You begin to think what to do now. You pass the last gas point four hours ago, and there is no indication where is the next place that you can get help. You remove the sweat on your face and look at the sun in the sky. There are no clouds in the sky and with this heat; you cannot go very far exposed to the sun. Your only hope is that someone takes this forsaken road and sees you. You begin to look around, and you manage to find a spot to hide from the sun near your car. The first stroke of good luck you think.

After two hours of waiting (which seem forever), you hear some buzzing sound coming from the road. You quickly get up from your shadowy hideout and run to the road. You look at the direction from the sound and you think you see a moving object through the fog and the mirror effect caused by the intense heat of the desert. As the object is closing fast, you realize that it’s a motor cycle. A rush of joy invades your body. You cannot believe the luck you have. You begin to wave your hands to get the attention of your savior.

As the bike slow down, this give you the opportunity to look at your hero or, in this case, your heroine. She is wearing tight black leather suit with a strip of red. Her breasts were making a slight contrast with her slim feminine curve of her body. She stops her Japanese speed bike and turns her head to look at you. You cannot see her face because of the helmet she is wearing. She then removes her helmet to reveal her beautiful delicate visage and her long fine red hairs.

A rush of heat traverses your body. You not relay sure if this come from the sun or from the sight of this magnificent creature that stands before you. For some microseconds you stand before her speechless, and then you recover you senses and say:

“Thank God that you pass by! I was getting desperate”

“What is it?” she said.

“The radiator of my car just burnout and I don’t have any water.” You reply.
“You go out in the desert without water? that is not very smart” she said.

“I know do you have a cell phone?” you said.

“Yes, but it doesn’t work here” she responds.

Damn, there is no chance that you can call a towing from here. The only place with a working phone will be in a gas station, and you don’t know where the next one is.

“Do you know where the next gas station or any place with a phone is?” you ask.

“5 or 6 hours at car speed, if I remember correctly. By the way, my name is Karen” she said.

“Oh sorry, my name is Eric” you say.

As you shake her hands, you cannot move your eyes from her beautiful face. She then smiles, reveling her white teeth and say:

“I am please to meet you”

You start to think what to do next. You not really sure what is better thing to do. You begin to think about asking her to call a towing when she gets to the gas station, but what appends this will take 5 hours just for her to get there and who knows the time the towing will need to get here. This can be even worse, what appends if she forgot? You continue to think for a brief moment then she interrupts your thinking by saying:

“I can give you a ride”

“You will do that for me?” you say.

She smiles again and she glances at you making her blue eyes shine a little and say:

“Yeah, you will be a little packed, but I’m sure I will manage with no problem, and then I will dump you at the next station”

“Oh, thank you very much. I will by you lunch when we get there” you say.

“That won’t be necessary, I am delighted to help you” she responds with a smile.

“Just wait a minute, I will check my car” you say.

You hurry up to your car to check out if you have forgotten something of value in there. Since you will not likely see you car in the near future, you made up a rapid checkup. When you return to Karen, she is standing beside her bike with her helmet in her hands.

“I’m ready to go”, you say with a smile.

“Good” she says. She then turns her helmet a little bit; making it reflects the bright light of the sun directly in yours eyes. With a reflex you close your eyes and turn you head.

When you open your eyes, you are on your back on the ground. You are not able to recognize where you are. You then see a huge foot with impossible proportion crashing next to you. The force of the impact lifts off a cloud of dirt that blurry your vision and made you cough for a few moments. As the dust cloud dissipates, you see gigantic legs covered in black leather. It takes you a few moments to realize that you are starring at Karen’s legs. As you continue to look up, Karen tilts her head down to look at you. You are a little terrorized by the sight of this gigantic woman and you start to crawl backyard.

“Hi Eric, don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you” she says.

You are to stun to say something more constructive than:

“What…What appends?”

“Well, I shrunk you.” She replies.

“That…, that is not possible!” you say.

“Look for yourself” she says.

You begin to look around and you begin to recognize where you are. You are at the same spot as before, but all things seem to be distant and very huge. You car looks more like a mountain than a car. With the knowledge of your environment you evaluated that you are approximately 1 foot tall.

“Why?” you say.

“You were too big for me to carry, so I decided to shrink you a little.” She says with an enormous smile. She then bends down to pick you up. There is no way that you can escape her grasp so you let her pick you up.

She grasps you with one hand and lifts you at the height of breast in one swift motion and says:

“You see, it is easier to carry you now. I only need one hand”

She begins to walk to her bike. You are to stun to say or do anything. You cannot believe your situation. She sits down on her bike and brings you at her face and say:

“Sorry, but I need my two hands to drive”

You did not understand real meaning of what she just said, but you didn’t have to wait very long to find out.

She opens her mouth at an impossible size, even for you point of view. You can see all her white teeth, her pink tongue and her uvula standing on top of the gaping hole of her the entrance of her throat. You can also see some strands of saliva pending from teeth.

Before you can say anything, you are propelled inside her mouth. As your head enter her mouth, you close your eyes just before you head touch her tongue. You can feel all the bumps on her tongue as you face slide slowly on her tongue. You can also feel her saliva coating your head and your cloths. Suddenly, your motion stops. You open your eyes to get info on your current situation. All you can see is a black hole, just a little bigger than your head was directly under your face.

Before you respiration as returned to normal, Karen tilts her head backyard and lets go of your body. A wave a fear is consuming your mind as your body begins to slide down inside her throat by the force of gravity. You begin to scream as you head enter her throat. Your motion stops again. Your shoulder seems to be too large to enter her throat. You stop screaming, you feel relief that you stop moving. Unfortunately for you, this was only for a few moments. Karen takes a first swallow and your shoulders enter her throat, blocking all light for you. The only thing you can feel is your body on her tongue and the tight wet grip of her throat. You try to free yourself from the tight embrace of her throat, but with no avail. Your arms are already inside her throat and your legs are waving in empty air.

Karen doesn’t waste time as she takes another swallow. The muscles of her throat squeeze your body down a little more. Karen continues to swallow, and with each swallow your body is descending a little deeper in hers. You continue to resist her, but her throat muscles are too strong.

From the outside, all that can de seen from Eric’s body is his moving legs that are slowing entering her mouth with each swallow. A bulge was beginning to form in Karen’s throat. It is clearly with the expression on Karen face that she is having difficulty in swallowing such big meal.

When you knee enter her mouth, Karen grabs yours ankles and begin to push you down her throat with them. This causes you to descend more rapidly in the depth of her body. Her throat quickly gets a grip at you lower body. You can feel the constriction of her throat on all your body and can feel the peristaltic movement of the muscles of her throat trying to push you down. You cannot believe that you are being swallowed alive and whole. This is again all rules of physics or biology.

Karen continues to push you inside her throat until your feet enter her throat. She then let go of your legs and closes her mouth. With a mighty swallow, all the rest of your body enters her throat.

The expression on Karen face was better now. She is having less difficulty swallowing now as all your body in her throat. The big squirming bulge that you make in her throat is slowly going down with each swallow. Suddenly, you feel some pressure on you lower, as something was pushing Karen’s throat from the outside. She is using her hand to help to push the bulge in her throat down.

Your trip down the moist tunnel was cut short abruptly when your head enter some dark chamber. You realize with the smell that you just enter her stomach. You body continue to enter her stomach. As your shoulders pass the sphincter, you felt the bottom of the stomach with your hands. You try to stop you descend by pushing the bottom of the stomach, but this doesn’t help your situation as her throat’s muscles are stronger than you.

As more of your enter her stomach, you are forced in a fetus position inside it. From the outside, the bulge in Karen throat is slowly disappearing and new bulge is forming in her belly. The leather on her tummy is beginning to stretch out, making crackling sound as it expends.

With a slick “pop” sound, the sphincter closes behind you just after your feet have enter her stomach. You try to move but the space around you is very cramped. The stomach wall squeezes you from all side. As you begin to squirm to turn you around to get a grip to the opening of the stomach that you come from, you hear the muffled voice of Karen speaking:

“Oh God, that was a filing!”

Karen looks down at the bulge in her leather suit. The leather is stretched at it maximum and making her looks like she was in late pregnancy. Your movements can be seen through the leather as it was so stretched. She puts her hand on her belly, stroking it and says:

“You see, if you were bigger, I would never been able to swallow. It was a good idea to shrink you at this size. I should even shrunk you a little more, you were a little hard to swallow”

As you finish turning in her belly you around, you say:

“I didn’t want to be swallow, why have you swallowed me?”

“How do you think I can carry you to the station? There is no other way that the two of us can embark on my bike” she replies

“I change my mind, I don’t want your help, let me out!” you scream.

“It’s a bit late for that. You should have thought of that before asking my help” she says.

“But, it is you that have suggested to give me a ride” you respond.

“Well you shouldn’t have accepted. Beside, you are better in there than outside waiting for some miracle” she says.

“What happen next?” you asks.

“Nothing special, I will let you out at the next station as promised. Now, are you comfortable, we have a lot road to cover” she says

Before you can say anything, Karen puts her helmet and starts her bike. You can feel all the vibrations of the motor of her bike and all the bumps on the road through the movements of Karen’s belly. You have nothing to do than letting her carry you in her tummy.

About half-hour after the take off, some liquid was slowly filling your new home. You didn’t pay attention to this until your skin start to itch. For another half-hour you were successful to remove the acid from your body, but the felling is getting worse. The itching sensation is slowing turning in a burning sensation. You realize that the process of digestion is started, your digestion. You scream for help:

“Karen, Karen, let-me out. Your acid is burning me!”

There is no response for Karen. You not sure if she is able to hear you with the noise of the motor. You start to squirm violently in all direction to get her attention. The stomach has a tight grip on you, and you cannot move much. You squirm for 10 minutes without any sign of Karen, and then you feel one of her hand stroking your body from the outside. You can feel all of her fingers and she can feel the form of your body through her skin. She stops stroking her tummy 5 minutes later. You decide to change tactic, and try to open the sphincter. You try for at least 30 minutes, but with no result. You are still stuck inside her belly and she doesn’t seem to care.

After another one painful hour in her belly, you hear the engine of bike slow down and eventually stop. You feel her get up from her bike and start walking. Each step she takes squeezes you inside her tummy. You don’t waste time and asks:

“Finally, can you let me out now, please?”

“We are not there yet. I stopped because I have to answer a call of nature. Don’t worry, half the trip is made” she responds.

“No, let me out now! I’m burning in there!” you say.

“Well it’s comprehensible; you are in a girl stomach. It does what it means to do, digesting food” she says.

“What! I’m not food!” you scream.

“You have just to convince my stomach of the opposite.” she replies.

You start wriggling of all you might; you might get sick and force you to get you out. As you trashing inside, the surrounding stomach wall suddenly contract and squeeze you harder than before. In the same moment you hear:

“Buuuurp!, excuse-me. You shouldn’t do that. Not that I don’t like it, but this will stimulate my production of acid”

You stop squirming, not sure what to do now. You feel Karen stop walking and bend her knee. Some strange sloshing noise start coming up from under you. The sound continues for another 4 minutes as Karen finishes to empty her bowels.

“Ahh, what a relief.” She says

“What appends?” you asks

“I free out the way that you will take to get out of there” she replies as she pulls up her pant.

“What?, you will not throw me out?” you say.

“You’re funny. You did actually think that I will vomit you back up. I have some news for you, you are too big for me to throw you out, so you have to take the other way out” she says with a devilish smile that you cannot see from inside her.

“This means I will be digested” you say.

“You are a smart one. You are still too big to get out that way. You have to soften up little before you can get out. My tummy will make sure that you are ready for that” she says.

“But, I don’t want to be digested” you beg.

“That won’t be so bad. Beside you will get a chance to see my ass. I’m sure that you wanted that since the time we met so be a man and be patient. We will arrive at the station in 2 or 3 hours” she replies.

“You cannot do that its murder. You will go to prison” you respond

“Look, you are stuck inside my belly with only one way out. Do you want me stay here and wait for your exit or should we continue to the station. The choice is your” she says.

She has a point. There nothing or no one that can help you here. Your only hope is that she reaches the station before it was too late. Even then, you not very sure if there will be someone to help you or than she will let you out.

“Will you let me out there?” you ask

“Believe me, at that time I will be more than happy to let you out” she says.

“Ok, hurry up then” you say

“Good decision” she says

In no time, Karen sits down on her bike, making her stomach squeeze you a little harder and starts her bike. She then resumes your trip to the gas station.

The trip was similar of the last, except that the burning sensation what becoming very painful. At some occasions, you can feel her hand stroke your body, to give you comfort that she still know that you are in there. By the time Karen and you arrive to the station, you are barely conscious and the pain is nearly a fragment of your mind because a good portion of you pain receptor are already gone.

“Damn, the station is close. We are too late.” She says while stroking the bulge in her leather suit.

“It seems that you are lucky, there is a motel just beside the road. I guess that you will have the chance of spending the night with me, hehehe” she says.

You try to squirm in to show your dissatisfaction, but she doesn’t seem to bother her. You feel her get up and walking again. You hear the muffled sound of the doorbell as she enters the motel.

“Can I help you Miss?” the clerk says.

“Yes, I would like a room for the night please” Karen says

“Do you want a supper with the room, it is only 10$ more” the clerk responds

Karen stops thinking for a moment and answers:

“No, that won’t be necessary”

“That will be 200$”he says

Karen gives the money to the clerk, takes the key and goes to her room. After closing the door she says:

“Gee, that is very expensive. You are lucky to be in me, now you don’t have to pay for the room” she says.

You gather your strength and ask:

“When you will let me out?”

I promised you to dump you at the gas station. It is closed right now so you just got to have to wait until tomorrow. Beside, I will not have other choice to let you out then” she says.

She continues to stroke the bulge in the leather, which was not as big and stretched at it was when she as just swallowed you.

“See?, you have already started to thin down. I must say to you that I have accepted your invitation for lunch. It was very kind, thank you”

It was now clear to you that she doesn’t have the intention to let you until you are completely digested. You fleshy tomb gets suddenly bigger when Karen removes her tight leather suit and lays down naked on the bed.

“I’m very glad that we will share the same bed tonight. We can have some…fun before we part ways” she says while lowering her right hand to her private region.

You can feel her respiration and her hearth goes faster. You can also feel her squirm by pleasure on the bed.

“Ohhhh, Ahhh, It is sad that you cannot fuck me right now….mmmm…I wish that I can have you both inside and outside at the same time…but, I prefer to have you inside, slowing digesting…mmm”

The fear of dying takes control of your mind and you start squirming in all direction in search of miracle escape.

“Oh…., yeah, don’t stop squirming…its feel so good…” she murmurs

Her respiration and her twitching continue to augment in intensity until suddenly, all her motion stop and say while stroking her bulge in her belly with her left hand:

“Ohhhhhhhhh, that was good…. Thank you”

Her respiration was slowing returning to normal and she says:

“Now, clam down…I have a lot to digest before I can let you out. I am a little tired now, so I will go to sleep. Thank you again, you were very good. Try to enjoy your stay in my stomach; I doubt that you will like the rest of my digestive track. See you tomorrow, good night”

You continue to squirm inside her hot until you hear you hear Karen whirs. She was able to fall rapidly asleep with you squirming inside her belly. With her sleeping, there was no chance to get out of her. You lose all hope and let yourself be digested like a good meal. Your last thought before losing consciousness is:

“What shitty holyday”

Karen wakes up refresh from her long nap. She still remembers some erotic dreams of the night before, she dreamed of eating again and again Eric. She stretches her legs and her arms while looking at her tummy and smiles. The bulge that Eric made in her body was almost gone, except for a small, hard and compact bulge in her lower body.

“I hope that you sleep well in there Eric?, No?, hehe too bad” she says while taping the hard bulge.

Karen quickly dresses up and leaves her room. There was almost no trace visible of Eric while wearing her suit. She traverses the road to the gas station and begins to fill her bike with gas. While waiting at the pump, she begins to feel a pressure in her bottom.

“Time to fulfill my promise” she says to herself.

Karen goes to the bathroom of the gas station and closes the door. She unzips her pants and sits down.

“I hope my tummy did its job, because in another case this can be no fun”

Karen lets out a smelly fart and says:

“This can be a little uncomfortable Eric. You are a big guy for my butt, so I may have to squeeze you out”

Karen begins to try to force what left of Eric out of her body, but she has some difficulties as the bulge was to compact.
“Very… hmm… big guy..” she grunts

Finally, the tip of the Eric new form starts to exit Karen’s anus. Karen could feel the new squishy texture of his body as his new smell.

“Ahh, that better…I know that you love too much my body to let me go, but don’t fight it and let me slide you out” Karen says.

As more of Eric reappears to the world, Karen feels the pleasure of reliving herself of a big load. As she is continues shitting, she says:

“So?, How do you like my butt? I know that it is a little too tight for you right now, but I assure this not always the case.”

Karen finish to shit the large brown turd that was Eric and it fall into the cold water of the toilet with a big splash.

“Ouf!, that was a big dump. You were much bigger that I anticipated Eric” she says.

Karen turns around and looks at the brown compacted remains of Eric and says:

“I hope that you did like the ride we had together. I sure did enjoy it.”

She wipes herself of what left of Eric that was stuck on her beautiful behind and throws the dirty paper in the water.

“Well, it is time that we part way, thank again for the free meal” she says as she pull down the handle of the toilet. The remains of Eric swirl into the nothingness of the sewer system.

Karen looks at her tummy; the last bulge is completely gone and pulls up her pants. She then returns to her bike with a happy smile, knowing that she have completely digested another man alive and there were no one to stop her. She sits on up bike, turns on her engine and continues her trip to the desert. She wishes that she can have the chance to give a ride to another unlucky traveler.
© Copyright 2005 thanatos (krishna3ca at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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