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new vampire story in a new age and time. rediting everyday. |
THE FLEDGLING: PART 1 As I lay asleep, alone in my nice warm bed, a shadow of darkness flies through the icy bedroom window. I see his tall spindly like silhouette standing in front of the sheer curtains, now blowing with the night breeze. I try to sit up and scream, but I cannot. I am silenced by his presence ands is fascinated by the creature that stands before me, with his arms out-stretched, and holding his cloak as if they were wings of the night. His midnight black hair, gently moving in the icy night air. I am froze, He walks closer, I want to run, but I cannot. My body is frozen, hands clinching the sheets. He sits on the side of the bed, I cannot move. His long, thin fingers, sweep back my strawberry-blonde hair from my eyes. Looking deep into my senses, (I am frozen, still.) he grasps my stiffened hands with a caring fashion and whispers in my ear: “I have seen and felt your pain for many years young one.” “I, I, do not understand. What are you? Who are you?” I ask with a stifled voice. “I must give myself unto you, and then you will understand.” “What will I understand? WHO ARE YOU?” My voice crackles. “The understanding will come soon enough.” The stranger whispers. “But now I must give myself unto you. I am old and getting weakened.” I do not understand. Grasping my hands with one strong as the other adjusts my head just so my neck is bare. The main artery standing ready for the transfer. I cannot see his face. He leans over my body has gone limp. I have no more energy to fight the stronghold this stranger has on me. A piercing pain hits. I try to writher free, but cannot. He bites down even harder. The pain is so intense. My head swims with various colors of reds and blacks. I feel dizzy. I cannot move I lay there, under his cold body, letting him take me. I feel my warm blood trickle down my neck onto the satin sheets. I am weakened. So is he. His body falls limp on top of me. His weight is great; I feel my hands digging into my belly. A few moments pass. He finally sits up, but just a little. Holding himself with one arm on my bed, he shoves his free wrist in front of my mouth. “Feed my young one.” he whispers in a weak voice. I gaze up at his face and see blurry paled skin and blood-lined lips, a thin face with dark sunken eyes. This old one is in pain. I bite down. I can feel needles protrude from the gums of my mouth. I pierce the skin of his thin wrists. The blood runs down to his whitened fingertips. His fingernails have broken off. He is weakening. I suckle harder, trying to get as much of the thick wine as I can. He tries to move, but I will not let him. My strength is gaining momentum. He weakens even more. As I feed, he weakly tells me of the years he has watched over me. From the day, I was conceived to the now. He tells of how my mother and father never wanted another child. That I was a mistake and should have never been born. “How can this guy know this?” I wondered. My older brother never wanted a sister. The old vampire tells of how he has watched many men come and go, in and out of my life. Treating me as if I were a rag doll to be tossed. He tells of how the children in school always teased me and threw rocks. There was even a time when someone pulled my skirt and underwear down for all to see. Everyone laughed. My life was and is one big pain. He explains to me that I am now the proud owner of a castle in the night sky. I stared at him in wonderment. He is fading. He can no longer hold himself up. I scoot up to the headboard of the bed, bringing him up close to me. He has no breath or heart beat, but yet he is alive. Continuing with the story, he explains that I am rich beyond my beliefs. I have inherited much in gold, jewels and gems. My eyes widen and a huge grin comes across my face. He is slipping away. (I feel this bloodsucker has a soul.) In a faded voice, he tells me there are rules to my newfound powers. I must get to my castle tonight, before the scalding sun arises. I must sleep during the day and feed at the dark. I am only to feed on those that do evil, not to touch the innocent. My deep violet eyes look down to his fading face. He tries to sit up. “Take me to the middle of the room my child.” Picking him up like a baby, I carry him to the oval rug in the middle of the floor. With the snap of his fingers, he disappears into burning flames. In the mist of the flames, I hear his voice explaing that I must gather his ashes and throw them into the wind. As I do this, I hear his voice once again. With more power, like he has been set free. “Go my young fledgling, go into the night.” THE FLEDGLING: PART 2 As I stood and watched the old bloodsuckers ashes drift into the night, I thought about the words he spoke to me. My hard life, my new properties, and most of all, my new powers. I thought about all the people that made my life miserable. Mom, dad, and mostly older brother. In the back of my mind, I wanted to rid the world of such hatred. However, I also realized it was not these persons fault they did the things they did. I gazed around at the innocence of my bedroom. Dolls and miniature statues lined the shelves that hung over my vanity. “I will no longer need these childish things.” I thought to my self. I walked towards the middle of the room where the old vampire burst into flames. The carpet still smoldering from the fire. My head starts to swirl. I see visions of unicorns, dolls, and pictures all in shades of pinks, blues, and purples. I see fluffy pillows and satin sheets along with the sheer curtains strewn throughout the room. I am remembering things I want to forget. The pain within my mind gets worse. I grab my head by the sides and fall to the floor. My head pounds with my heartbeat screaming with pain. I feel my brother ripping my cloths off and tossing them about the bedroom. I see the statues falling to the floor and smashing into bits and pieces. I am being tied to the bedposts; my wrists start to bleed because of how tight the ropes are. I am unable to move. Throwing himself upon me, he sucks at my neck. I cannot block him. He is holding my arms down with his strength. Suddenly I feel his manhood into my virgin hole. I try to wrench free, but cannot. My blood pours out onto the satin sheets changing the color from a pale pink to a dark crimson red. The smell of his sperm mixed with blood in unbearable. I cannot breathe. Hot tears burn my face. I cannot take this memory anymore. I find the strength to bring my head up. I feel the cool night air hit as I shake the memory out of my head. Leaving the memories of the bedroom behind I enter the dimly lit hallway. Pictures of family line the walls each lit with a small night light. Their faces grimly smiling. They are not real. Mother and father were really good at hiding their true feeling for each other in front of everyone. The fake hugs and kisses were just the tip of the iceberg. I could see what was going on between them. The many fights and arguments about how I have caused much pain in their marriage. How they never wanted me and that I should have never been born. “Why, why did they have me?” I sobbed. “I would have never known this pain if it wasn’t for them.” My pain is growing to anger. “Why didn’t they just abort me?” I thought. My anger grows deeper. I want to kill. Kill the ones who made my life miserable. “Why did mom and dad stay together if they hated each other so?” I asked myself. Like any couples in that time period, it was not right to consider separation or even divorce for that matter. My hatred grows even more. I must gain control of it. In my mind, I really do not want to hurt these evil doers. Shaking my head free of these memories, I walk towards the front door. Not looking back at the monstrous faces hanging on the wall. I can hear their laughter as I exit the house. Walking down the walkway, I still do not look back, but look forward instead. Forward to my castle in the night sky. I must get there, quickly. THE FLEDGLING: PART 3 As I am driving through the darkness of the city, the streetlights seem to fly by like lighting bugs on a hot summer evening. Lights flashing everywhere. I am hungry. I open the car window to let the cool night wind blow. My insides are feeling hot. I am feeling the hunger, but I must heed the words of the old one. Thinking of his final words to me: “go my young fledgling, go unto the night.” my head sags as I grip the steering wheel even tighter. I feel as if I could pull it off. Looking up I notice that I have just left the city limits. The only light in the night is the headlights from my beaten up 64 mustang. The lines that are centered in the road are illuminated my faded lights. On each side of me are darkened wheat fields. Dim lights of houses off in the backdrop of the night. I look up and see a flame shooting from the top of my castle. It shines brightly on the mountain so that I might find my way up. I am hungry. “I must fight this craving until tomorrow.” I think to myself. I am getting weaker, but looking at the mountain gives me even more strength to drive. Drive faster I must. Soon I see the bottom of the mountain. Looking off to the side, I also see the sunrise starting. I concentrate on the curvy road ahead. The moon shines down like a shiny silver coin. (little do I, or did the old vampire know there will be more to my powers than anyone could imagine.) I press on. The evergreen trees that surround the mountain sway in the night wind. Back and forth, like the pendulum moving back and forth in a grandfather clock. “why are the called grandfather clocks, why not grandmother?” I laugh at myself for asking such a silly question. I must hurry. The sun will top the evergreens in about half an hour. My car races up the mountain. I have much control over my steering. More than I ever thought I would. Turning through the curves with such grace and ease. Trees passing by like a freight train. Suddenly I am stopped. The front gates that guard the house are as tall as the evergreens that surround the castle. I get out of the car and walk to the majestic gates. They are locked. I look up and see two gigantic dragons guarding each side. They are looking down. Touching the lock, it opens. As if by magic. “wow.” I think to myself. “I don’t have to touch anything.” I start to giggle. Sunrays are shooting through the trees. I hurry back to the car and get in. Driving up the long stony drive, I see huge rose trees line the path to the castle. Big huge blooms of crimson reds. “beautiful.” I think to myself. Finally, I reach the end of the drive. It seems this castle goes on forever into the sky. I do not care right now; I must hurry into the castle. The sun is shining on the driveway now. I run out of the car slamming the door hard. Run up the stairs and push the big heavy oak doors open. A breeze runs through the house, the doors slam shut. I jump and turn around quickly thinking there is someone there. The house is huge! It is lit by candles along every wall and up the double staircase. Statues of unicorns and Pegasus on each side of the stairways. Memories of my old room come into my mind. I smile. I have always been interested in mythology beings. The unicorn of pure white and huge hooves ordained with the long magical black horn atop his head. This magical being possess many powers that could kill or protect, depending on the circumstances. I have always had dream of sitting along the river bank and capturing this creature. His mane flowing in the gentle breeze of the forest. So peaceful and quiet. I can read his mind as he sets his head in my lap. Stroking his beautiful body, he slumbers Waking from the visions of the unicorn I turn my attention to Pegasus who towers just as high as the unicorn. Both up on their hind legs as if to come down on ones head and smash it. Pegasus is another magical creature with huge wings of grace and poise. He can glide through the sky with grace and ease of unspeakable speed. I again dream of mounting this magnificent animal and flying through the sky almost high enough to touch the celestial beings such as the stars, moon, and the sun. The vision starts when fade when memories of the story of Pegasus turns to him getting his wings burned my the scorching sun rays as he fights Chimera. Awaking once again, I see small faded lights dribble through stained glass windows. The faded light does not hurt my eyes. I look even closer. I am not burning! I am amazed at this. |