Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/976273-Jacks-Problem-with-Giants
by JohnL
Rated: E · Article · Scientific · #976273
Truth finds resistance, especially when it challenges everything we've been taught.
It doesn’t matter that a size-30 shoe was found outside of his window. Jack has gone to school where he has been taught that giants do not exist and does not want to look like a fool climbing a beanstalk.

Like Jack, evolutionists have been confronted with some hard evidence from eastern Montana – the discovery of soft tissue and flexible blood vessels inside the thigh bone of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. And like Jack, they have been to school where they were taught that dinosaurs have not existed for seventy million years. It doesn’t matter that the Genesis record of creation easily explains such a finding. They do not want to look like a fool by suggesting that their method of dating might be in error.

Responding to fellow evolutionists, one stated, “Finding these tissues in dinosaurs changes the way we think about fossilization, because our theories of how fossils are preserved don’t allow for this.” Imagine Jack saying, “Finding this shoe changes the way we think about the effect of weather on shoes.”

Jack needs to strongly consider the location of the big shoe. Likewise, evolutionists need to consider the location of this surprising bone – entombed in porous sandstone, hardly a vacuum seal. Realizing that biological material is soon broken down in the presence of ground-water, an impartial investigator would quickly rule out the possibility of tissue remaining soft and squeezable after a million years. It has been suggested by the discoverer that more such bones may exist but have not been found because they are not being looked for. Preconceived ideas are hindering the search.

Now, Jack we can excuse. After all, it’s just a story. But what about all the “knowledgeable” scientists who stubbornly cling to the crumbling concept of evolutionary ages, even when faced with such glaring impossibilities?

Even Darwin admitted difficulties with his own theory: “To suppose that the eye with all its (complexities) could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.” (Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, P. 75)

For the truth-searcher who is open and interested in considering the evidences for creation, visit www.answersingenesis.org. There’s far more than a giant to be found. If you enjoy fiction with a giant grip, check out this author's new novel, The Ninth Generation / ISBN 9781604776560. Read the first chapter in John L. Owens' portfolio.

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