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Fury. The world around him became nonexistent in his mind. He saw only his target. Decisions were made before thoughts could be processed inside of his head. Instinct was all that stood between him and eternity. Nothing else mattered anymore. His end would be only one more death on the already high toll. He put all examinations of the outcome into the deepest recesses of his mind in order to focus on his objective. He was going to kill his opponent. He threw himself into the battle that raged both within and without. He thought nothing of the consequences that would come of his actions. He only saw the enemy that had turned him from what he once was to what he now is. He hated himself and the person that had changed him into whom he had become. With one final cry of rage, he jumped into a future of his own making and gave himself fully to the battle. He was focused only on his hatred, but others were watching. Space and time seemed to slow until the line between fantasy and reality became blurred. Everything was moving in slow motion and not moving at all. A paradox that cannot subsist in this world, or be understood by any of its resident beings, was now all that was. One man stood against the weight of the universe. That one simple man was all that stood in the way of a destiny greater than his own survival. He had no clue of his own importance. Prophecy had led to this particular point. The Recipient must make a decision at this point in the prophetic timeline. The Watchers have protected the line of prophecy up to this juncture. There was nothing left that they could do. These were the most dangerous times of prophecy. Counting on one man to make the right decision with the weight of the universe on his back was not something that happened often. This one man’s decision could change the world and bring about Apocalypse. “We could use the wisdom of Alurn now.” Eyoln said to his companion as the world waited, motionless. “He always had the patience that comes only from the Most High. Patience would be useful in a time such as this.” Eyoln looked sideways at his friend, Nolune, and waited for his response. Nolune turned slowly towards Eyoln, almost as if he didn’t want to miss anything that was unfolding before them. “ ’Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.’ Alurn has chosen his path and it lies not with us. He has chosen to give up his own life so that this decision can come to pass. His leadership was where it was needed. We must pray that his words and actions are enough to save the world.” Nolune turned his head back to the scene that was frozen before him. “It feels as though we have no power over events. We have given so much of ourselves to get to this one opportunity.” Eyoln was feeling edgy after all that he had been through for this one boy alone. “We have no power and we are always helpless. It is only through the will of Him that we accomplish anything. Have faith and He will take care of everything.” Nolune finally took his eyes off of the scene before him and looked Eyoln in the eye. “Let us pray Brother.” Nolune and Eyoln, the last of the Watchers, slowly went to their hands and knees and began to pray earnestly for the truth to prevail. As they prayed, light began to fall onto their backs and shoulders. The spirit of God descended in the form of a dove to land between Eyoln and Nolune. The dove cooed softly as though it were there to comfort the two praying Watchers. These two Watchers were not alone in their prayers. At this moment, all of Heaven was watching, waiting, for the decision to be made. Everywhere on Earth, the church felt the overwhelming need to drop to their knees and pray. In houses, workplaces, cars, and homes people were bent over in earnest prayer. They did not know what they were praying for. Only that they must pray. The power of millions of prayers gathered together and ascended to Heaven. In the man’s eyes, there was only hatred for his enemy. He was unaware of the power at his disposal if he were only to request it. He saw the red of blood and anger through his eyes. He heard only the heartbeat of the man responsible for making him a killer. He tasted only the stench of his opponents’ sweat. His entire body and mind was united in one goal. Time began to resume its normal attributes. The shapes before the Watchers began to move once again. They did not notice. They stayed on their hands and knees and continued to pray. The man moved closer to his point of decision. His anger-filled yell was heard all throughout the realms in which his destiny was intertwined. His blade sliced through the air as though it was the most natural path for the blade to take. The blade inched closer to his opponent. |