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Kikyo frees Pegasus and asks her to go with inuyasha to find Naraku theres a 2nd |
~*~Chapter One~*~ My name is Pegasus, I am a pure blood dog demon and I have just been awakened by a priestess after being sealed for about seventy-five years. When I awoke a priestess named Kikyo was standing before me, she asked me if I knew of a half demon named Inuyasha, I knew of him because he was my half brother. Kikyo said that she had heard legends about me and the tower I was sealed in. The legends she heard where of how a great dog demon was good and helped the priests and priestesses destroy evil demons but found that when facing a formidable foe she would automatically change into her dog form when her life was threatened, when she did this she couldn’t control her power. I told her that she was correct and that I was the demon mentioned. She then revealed that she would be killed on site if she were caught releasing me because it was forbidden for anyone trained as a priest or priestess to enter. "Why should I help you priestess?" "Because I can give you more power..." "I do not need more power you forget that’s why they sealed me here, because I have so much power and I cant control it at times." "But what if I made it so a human could control your powers for you?" “Why would I want a human to do that?” “So I wont have to seal you again.” “Hah I’d like to see you try. You’d be dead before you even started.” “So you wish to kill me?” “Only if you try to seal me again. What do you want from me anyways?” “I want you to watch over inuyasha, I fear that he is getting himself into trouble.” "What kind of trouble? Wait, wasn’t inuyasha sealed as I was? " “How do you know of that?” “My seal kept me from leaving this place but it didn’t kill me.” “Inuyasha’s seal was broken by a girl named Kagome, my reincarnation.” “I thought you smelt odd, your already dead aren’t you?” “Yes I am, a demon named Orasui created me this body from my ashes and grave site soil.” “Orasui? I have heard of her, she uses fiendish magic right?” “She did but I killed her.” “Hmm, she thought she could control you and you where too powerful, right?” “Yes but how did...” “It’s a talent of sorts, it is said that I learned it from my mother, did you know Inuyasha has a sister?” “What!? No, I didn’t know that.” “Really? You know her.” “I do not.” “Yes you do, you just met her and know she’s talking to you.” “Your Inuyasha’s sister?” “Yes, well half sister. Sesshomaru is my full brother.” “Sesshomaru? I don’t know of him. Does Inuyasha know he has a sister?” “He did but he has probably has forgotten by now. What do you want me to do again?” “I want you to watch over Inuyasha, he is trying to find a very powerful demon named Naraku.” “Naraku? I know of him and wish to destroy him.” “Then you will help Inuyasha do this?” “Yes I will.” “How will you find Inuyasha and his friends?” “I have my ways don’t worry about that.” ~*~Chapter Two~*~ “Inuyasha do you feel that?!” Miroku “Yeah what do you think it is?” Inuyasha “An evil demon maybe?” Sango “Inuyasha I sense a jewel shard coming this way.” Kagome “It must be a demon with a jewel shard.” Sango “Can you pick up it’s scent Inuyasha?” Kagome “Yeah it’s weird though.” Inuyasha “What do you mean Inuyasha?” Sango “It’s scent resembles Sesshomaru but it’s not him.” Inuyasha “What does that mean?”Shippo “Inuyasha does Sesshomaru have any brothers or sisters?” Kagome “Not that I know of. He must though.” Inuyasha “Inuyasha if Sesshomaru has a sibling doesn’t that mean you do too?” Shippo “Not necessarily, it could be on his mom’s side.” Kagome “No their scents are to close to be only half related.”Inuyasha “Cool so you have a relative that you didn’t know about.” Kagome “That’s not good if they are like Sesshomaru and want to kill me.” Inuyasha “Inuyasha it stopped moving.” Kagome “What do you mean it stopped moving?” Inuyasha “The jewel shard, it stopped moving.” Kagome “Hey look there’s a person coming over the hill there.” *Shippo points out the person* As the person draws near the group readies their weapons. “You there, who are you” Miroku “I am Lokie.” Lokie “Inuyasha he’s not the one with the jewel shard.” Kagome “Huh, Kagome that makes no sense there’s no one else here.” Inuyasha “Well, I’m telling you he doesn’t have any jewel shards.” Kagome “Maybe she does.” Shippo “What, what do mean she? I don’t see any girl.” Inuyasha “I do, she’s sitting on that rock over there.” *shippo points at the rock but they see no one* “Shippo I don’t see any one.” Miroku “She got up and is going to that man over there.” Shippo “Ah, I see her, wow, she’s moving so fast.” Kagome “What are you talking about I don’t see no one.” Inuyasha As they are talking Pegasus swiftly comes up behind Inuyasha. “They’re talking about me Inuyasha.” Pegasus She then runs away from him before he could draw the Tetsuseiga. “What the, who was that?” Inuyasha “You there, do you know who that was?” Inuyasha to Lokie “ Why yes, I do believe it’s Pegasus, She’s just messing with you, STAY Pegasus!” Lokie Suddenly Pegasus stops in her tracks paralyzed and unable to move. “Lokie What did you do that for?! You never let me have any fun! Erg I’m gonna kill you when you let me lose!” *Pegasus struggle to move but she cant.* “Hey do you want me to let you loose or not?! RELEASED.” Lokie Pegasus then falls flat on her face because she wasn’t ready for him to let her loose and was still in a running position. “I hate it when you do that.” Pegasus “I know, that’s why it’s so much fun.” Lokie “See Inuyasha your not the only one controlled by a human.” Shippo “Shippo be quiet, I don’t want half the things in the forest to know that.” Inuyasha “Don’t worry Inuyasha I wont tell anyone. I know how it feels to be under control too.”Pegasus “It’s not that bad is it?” Kagome “Well I’m a full blooded demon and to be controlled by a human is a humiliation and it goes against my natural instincts, but I guess it’s tolerable and necessary.” Pegasus “Hey I may only be half demon but it goes against my nature just as much!” Inuyasha “Hey Inuyasha it’s not that bad is it?!” Kagome ~*~Chapter Three~*~ “Kouga d’you smell that?” Ginta “Yeah it smells like that dog demon Sesshomaru but a little different.” Kouga “Kouga I think Inuyasha is nearby as well.” Hokokku “Yeah he is, that means Kagome is near too.” Kouga Kouga takes off to find out what the strange smell was, Ginta and Hokokku are left in the dust yelling for Kouga to slow down and wait for them, a pack of wolves also follow. “There are wolf demons coming.” Pegasus “What?!” Miroku “Do you smell them inuyasha?” Pegasus “Yeah but I wouldn’t worry about them it’s only that old flea bag Kouga.” Inuyasha “Kouga? You are in acquaintance with them then?” Pegasus “Yeah Kouga kidnaped me and now he follows us around sometimes.” Kagome “Hi kagome long time no see.” Kouga “Hey Kouga.” Kagome “Who are you? Are you the person I smelt?” Kouga to Pegasus "I am Pegasus, Inuyasha’s half sister.” Pegasus "Why do you smell so much like Sesshomaru?." Kouga "He is my brother." Pegasus “So that’s why you smell so much like him then?” Kouga “Yeah probably is.” Pegasus Ginta and Hakokku arrive and everyone makes small talk but no one but Pegasus notices Kagura standing in the bushes not a hundred feet away. "Inuyasha can I talk to you in private?" Pegasus "Yeah sure, I guess. *Inuyasha and Pegasus walk a little ways from the others* “What do you want?”Inuyasha "Have you noticed that demon watching us from just beyond the tree line?" Pegasus “No! My sense of smell has all but been eradicated by that flea bag Kouga.” Inuyasha "Shh, keep your voice down. I’ll be right back." Pegasus "Where you going?" Inuyasha "To see who it is, just stay here." Pegasus Pegasus then disappears and leaves Inuyasha to go back to the others alone. Kagura, who is watching them just notice that the female demon is gone and starts looking for her. Pegasus is running through the forest silently while suppressing her scent a little trick she learned from her father before he died. Kagura while searching for Pegasus hears a very soft rustle of leaves and assumes the wind is blowing softly until she hears a voice and spins around to see Pegasus, the very person she was looking for. "Who are you?"Pegasus "I am the wind sorceress Kagura, an incarnation of Naraku. Who are you." Kagura "Hmm incarnation of Naraku? Why where you watching us?" Pegasus "Naraku told me to, who are you, tell me." Kagura ‘Hmm what should I do with this incarnation? Should I kill her? I’ll let Inuyasha decide what to do’ "Inuyasha what do you want me to do with her?" Pegasus "Bring her here." Inuyasha "Ha I’d like to see you try." Kagura "That can be arranged." Pegasus "Dance Of Blades" Kagura Pegasus easily dodged the blades and came up behind kagura and tackled her. Kagura screamed and in the confusion dropped her fan. Inuyasha came running to see what was going on, shippo was on his shoulder, when Shippo fell off he landed right by Kagura’s fan. ‘Hey what’s this? Ah it must be Kagura’s fan she must have dropped it!’ Shippo picked up the fan and took it to Inuyasha. "Hey Inuyasha look what I found." Shippo "Not now Shippo." Inuyasha Shippo then takes the fan to Kagome. "Hey kagome look what I found." Shippo "Hey what you got there Shippo." Kagome "I think it’s Kagura’s fan, you know the one she uses to make those blades and whirlwinds." Shippo "I think your right Shippo." Kagome "Miroku, Shippo has Kagura’s fan." Sango "Huh? The fan, wow now she poses almost no threat to us." Miroku After the dust cleared Inuyasha and the others saw that Pegasus was sitting on Kagura holding her hands behind her back, Kagura was struggling to throw Pegasus off but to no avail, Pegasus seemed skilled at tackling and subduing her enemies. Kagura was yelling something vulgar sounding in a strange language that, apparently, only she, Kanna, and Naraku understood. Inuyasha drew his Tetsuseiga and Sango, Miroku, and Kagome readied their weapons. Pegasus warned them before she let Kagura go, as she did Kagura lunged at Shippo, trying to get her fan back, she wasn’t paying attention to where she was going. When she looked up Kagome had an arrow tracking her nose about six inches away from her face, she then realized that these people could kill her at any time they wanted. "Don’t move Kagura." Kagome "Please don’t kill me I beg of you don’t kill me!" Kagura "And why shouldn’t we Kagura? You have caused us so much pain and suffering" Sango “Because I can show you the way to Naraku’s castle!” Kagura ~*~Chapter Four~*~ “So Kagura you betray me to Inuyasha and that new demon friend of his.” Naraku “Master Naraku how are you going to punish Kagura?” Kanna “I think I shall let her lead Inuyasha and the others here and then kill all of them Inuyasha, Kagome, and Kagura.” Naraku “Are you going to weaken your barrier for them or make them try to break through it Master Naraku?” Kanna “I shall make it easy for them.” ^*^Naraku voice over shot of his castle^*^ *back to Inuyasha and the gang* “Inuyasha are you sure we can trust her?” Kagome “No, but we don’t really have a choice do we?” Inuyasha “We could try to find Naraku’s castle on our own.” Kagome “Isn’t that what you’ve been trying to do for a while now?” Pegasus “Yeah but how did you know?” Inuyasha “I was sealed as you where but I could still have people get me news of people’s whereabouts Inuyasha.” Pegasus “You mean the seal they sealed you with didn’t kill you?!” Miroku “No it didn’t, it just prevented me from leaving my tower, although I think it was supposed to kill me, I’m not sure.” Pegasus ‘Was it my grandfather that sealed her? How is it possible that he wasn’t strong enough to kill her?’ “Pegasus, the priest who sealed you what was his name?” Miroku “It was your relative monk.” Pegasus “How do you know it was MY relative?” Miroku “Because your scent resembles his.” Pegasus “You remember his scent from that long ago?” Miroku “I have a good memory.” Pegasus “You must to remember something like that.” Miroku “Not really, smells are very easy to remember aren’t they Inuyasha.” Pegasus Pegasus was talking to Inuyasha but he was keeping a very close eye on Kagome who was talking to Kouga. ‘I thought I told her to stay away from him. Er, she always does this’ Inuyasha “So Inuyasha have you told Kagome that you get jealous when she talks to Kouga that way?” Pegasus “I do not!” Inuyasha “If you don’t want them to hear the conversation I would suggest you keep your voice down.” Pegasus “How do you now that I get jealous, even though I don’t.” Inuyasha “I can tell by the way your staring at them, your face is like all messed up and contorted.” Pegasus “It is not messed up or contorted.” Inuyasha “Like I said to keep this conversation a secret keep your voice down Inuyasha.” Pegasus “Ha I don’t care if it’s a secret or not.” Inuyasha “Good cause Kouga heard the last three sentences.” Pegasus Pegasus then walked forward and caught up with Lokie behind Kouga and Kagome and in front of Miroku and Sango. Inuyasha just stood there dumbfounded, Kagura on the other hand was planning her escape. “Don’t even think about it Kagura.” Pegasus “Think of what?” Kagura “Trying to escape.” Pegasus ‘Grr, how did she know what I was thinking, is she a mind reader?! If she is I must be very careful about what I think.’ Kagura *thought to her self* Kagome then falls back to talk to Inuyasha, seizing the opportunity Pegasus talks to Kouga. “Hey do you want to go ahead of the others with me?” Pegasus “What?! why?” Kouga “To look for danger, Naraku could be setting a trap for us up ahead and I don’t really want to fall into a trap just now.” Pegasus “Well if you think you can keep up with me I’ll go.” Kouga “Ha you’ll be the one that has trouble keeping up, Kouga.” Pegasus Pegasus and Kouga then took off racing across a big open field then into a forest, you could barely see them dodging trees and bushes. You could hear them laughing, Kouga was panting but Pegasus was speeding up. “How do you do that?” Kouga *yells* “I don’t know, I just do, how do you run this fast Kouga?” Pegasus “I have Sacred Jewel Shards in my legs.” Kouga “Ah so you cheat do you.” Pegasus “I don’t cheat, I just give my self an unfair advantage.” Kouga “That, I do believe, is the very definition of cheating Kouga.” Pegasus “Whatever you say. What is you name anyway?” Kouga “My name is Pegasus I thought I already told you that.” Pegasus “Hmm, yeah you did, my memory obviously isn’t as good as yours.” Kouga “What do you mean Kouga?” Pegasus “Well, you said that you remember the smell of that monk’s relative from about 70 some odd years ago, I just thought that was odd, for you and his grandfather to be just friends but you still remember his scent.” Kouga “We weren’t just friends I loved him very deeply but we weren’t lovers if that’s what your suggesting.” Pegasus “Oh, I see, loved ones but not lovers...” Kouga “Yes, well sort of, I loved him but he didn’t love me.” Pegasus “Oh, that’s kinda depressing, but I know how you feel.” Kouga *sighs* “You really do love Kagome don’t you?” Pegasus “Yeah I really do I’m not just saying that.” Kouga “So, it’s true then?” Pegasus “What’s true?” Kouga “Oh, Nothing, forget I said anything.” Pegasus ‘So Kagome’s heart does belong to Inuyasha, poor Kouga.’ Pegasus and Kouga ran for a little while in silence they didn’t realize just how far away from the others they where getting. They both found it very relaxing. ~*~Chapter Five~*~ “Kanna let me see what is going on with Inuyasha and the others.” Naraku “Yes master Naraku.” Kanna “Ah, Kouga and that new demon are falling right into my trap.” Naraku “Master Naraku.” Kanna “Yes Kanna. What is it?” Naraku “Kouga and that other demon just stopped.” Kanna “Oh, Lets just watch and wait to see what they do, and if they can catch my trap before it catches them.” Naraku *Back with Inuyasha the gang.* “Hey, the flea bag and Pegasus have been gone for a while now.” Inuyasha “Yeah, I wonder what’s up.” Sango “Maybe they got caught in a trap set by Naraku.” Shippo “That’s not very likely Shippo.” Kagome “Why not Kagome?” Shippo “Because they both could out run anything sent by Naraku.” Kagome “That’s what they think, my new incarnation can out run them any day.” Naraku *Back with Pegasus and Kouga* “Hey Pegasus, Do you smell that?” Kouga “Yeah, what do you think it is?” Pegasus “Another incarnation maybe?” Kouga “I don’t know possibly, I wonder what powers this one is gonna have.” Pegasus “What do you mean?” Kouga “Well, Kagura has wind powers right?” Pegasus “Yeah.”Kouga “Well I figured maybe, this new one would have powers as well.” Pegasus ‘Very good Pegasus. You guessed right my new incarnation does have a special power, speed.’ N “Listen, do you hear that?” Pegasus “Yeah it kinda sounds like foot steps.”Kouga “Naraku’s new incarnation must have the power of speed!” Pegasus “Hey, they sound like they’re getting farther away!!” Kouga “Oh no, It must be headed for Inuyasha!” Pegasus “Who cares about that mutt.” Kouga “Kouga, Kagome is with Inuyasha.” Pegasus “Oh my god!! We gotta go save her, that mutt is really incompetent.” Kouga “Don’t say that about Inuyasha!” Pegasus “Why not? It’s true.” Kouga “No it isn’t!” Pegasus “Hey instead of arguing about lets go warn Kagome.” Kouga “I only hope that we can beat it in time.” Pegasus “We will, we’re two of the fastest demons on earth.” Kouga ‘That’s what you think Kouga, my incarnation will kill you all and bring me Kikyo, and if I can’t have her I will have Kagome in her place! I shall also have the Tetsuseiga and all your jewel shards from you to complete the sacred jewel!’ “Let’s go Kouga.” Pegasus ~*~Chapter Six~*~ “Inuyasha do you feel that?” Miroku “Yeah, a malignant spirit is coming.” Inuyasha “I think there’s more than one coming.” Sango “No, There other two are Kouga and Pegasus, they are trying to catch up to Naraku’s 6th incarnation.” Lokie “How do you know that??” Miroku “Pegasus told me through telepathy.” Lokie “What, she can speak to with her mind?!” Kagome “Yeah, what’s so weird about that? Inuyasha could be able to speak to you with his mind if he opened himself up to that power.” Lokie “No I couldn’t.” Inuyasha “That right there is why you cant.” Lokie “Inuyasha just tell yourself you can.” Kagome ‘But I can’t do it Kagome’ Inuyasha “Inuyasha I heard that.” Kagome ‘What did she hear?’ Inuyasha “Inuyasha, you just thought ‘What did she hear?’ am I right?” Kagome “How did you know that??” Inuyasha “I told you, you could Inuyasha.” Lokie ‘Wow, I can, cool.’ Inuyasha “Lokie can anyone else here Inuyasha?” Kagome “They shouldn’t be able to.” Lokie “What determines who can hear me?” Inuyasha “Only a person you love and hold dear to your heart can hear you, however they have to have the same feelings for you.” Achilles Inuyasha and Kagome both blushed a deep red, shippo laughed at them when he saw them, this provoked a threat from Inuyasha. “Inuyasha leave Shippo alone.” Kagome “He was laughing at you to Kagome!” Inuyasha “Gosh Inuyasha I didn’t mean to upset you so much. So what you love a human so does Pegasus who cares what they are.” Lokie “Perhaps it would be best if just got off the subject for now.” Miroku ‘I do not love Kagome.’ Inuyasha “Then who do you love Inuyasha?” Kagome “Hey Lokie, how do I turn this telepathy thing off?!” Inuyasha “Oh, I don’t know exactly, I’ll have to ask Pegasus when she gets back.” Lokie “Hey is there any way I can talk back to Inuyasha?” Kagome “I don’t know that either, sorry, but I don’t think so.” Lokie “That’s not fair, Kagome can know what I’m thinking but I don’t get to know what she thinks?!” Inuyasha ‘That sucks I cant know how Kagome feels about me but she can know how I feel? That’s so not fair!’ Inuyasha “What’s so not fair about it Inuyasha? I think its very fair.” Kagome ‘Er I forgot about the fact that she can hear me.’ Inuyasha ~*~Chapter Seven~*~ “Hey Pegasus what’s that crystal on your necklace?” Kouga “Oh, this *Looks at crystal* it’s the middle of the Shikon no toma!” Pegasus “Really?! The middle of the Sacred jewel!” Kouga “Yeah.” Pegasus “But what about the sacred jewel Naraku has?” Kouga “It’s hollow.” Pegasus “Why is it blue?” Kouga “That’s my demonic aura’s color.” Pegasus “How do you know that??” Kouga “Because I can see it, I can see yours also.” Pegasus “Wow, what color is mine?” Kouga “Brown.” Pegasus “Wow that’s my favorite color.” Kouga “That’s why its your demonic color.” Pegasus “Is that why you can run so fast?” Kouga “No I am not drawing on the power of the sacred jewel, like you are.” Pegasus “Wow, so your naturally that fast?!” Kouga “Yeah, why does that surprise you?” Pegasus “Because your really fast, I can barely keep up and I have two sacred jewel shards when you aren’t using any.” Kouga “Hush, we’ve almost caught Naraku’s newest incarnation, er, we’re also getting really close to Inuyasha and Kagome, we’ll have to run faster if we want to catch it can you do that?” Pegasus “Yeah I can run faster!” Kouga “OK just don’t exhaust yourself, we’re in for a big battle.” Pegasus *Back With Inuyasha and The Gang* “Inuyasha, it’s getting closer very quickly.” Sango “Yeah but so are Pegasus and that wolf demon Kouga.” Lokie “Your right I don’t know who will get here first though.” Inuyasha “I think Pegasus might, but I don’t know about when Kouga will get here.” Lokie “Do you mean that Pegasus can run faster than Kouga?” Kagome “Yeah, he can barely keep up now and she’s practically just jogging.” Lokie “Wow, really??” Kagome “Yeah, that’s why you couldn’t see her when we first met, she was moving to fast.” Lokie “That’s right, I remember now.” Inuyasha “Poor Kouga, I don’t think he’s ever been left in the dust before.” Kagome “Poor us, now he’ll try to get even faster, we can’t keep up as it is.” Hokokku “Yeah, he never slows down to wait for us.” Ginta “It’s almost here, get ready Inuyasha.” Kagura “What?! What do you mean Kagura?” Inuyasha “Naraku’s newest incarnation it’s almost here.” Kagura “Why are you warning us like that?” Kagome “It’s simple, I hate Naraku and you’re the only people that can kill him for me and free me from him.” Kagura ~*~Chapter Eight~*~ “So that’s Kagura’s plan, is it.” Naraku “Why does she want you to die Master?” Kanna “That’s simple, I hold her heart hostage. She cant leave me unless I die, I should have made her a different age, she’s too unpredictable.” Naraku “Are you going to kill her Master?” Kanna “All in due time Kanna, all in due time.” Naraku “Do you need my help for anything Master?” Kanna “Yes stay here and show me what’s going on with Inuyasha” Naraku “Yes, master Naraku” Kanna *Back to Inuyasha and the gang* “Kagura, why do you want Naraku dead?” Kagome “Because he holds my heart captive and I don’t want to serve him anymore.” Kagura “Well I can see why you wouldn’t want to serve him anymore, but why can’t he control you like all his other incarnations?” Sango “I don’t know I can’t figure that out.” Kagura “I wouldn’t get too chummy with her Sango.” Inuyasha “Inuyasha!” Kagome “What?! I wouldn’t.” Inuyasha “It was just a rude thing to say.” Kagome “I don’t blame you for not trusting me Inuyasha.” Kagura “Well don’t think it’s about to change. Just remember I got my eye on you.” Inuyasha “I’ll try to keep that in mind.” Kagura “Uhm, Yeah back to the subject at hand the incarnation!” Lokie “Do you know whose gonna get here first, for sure?” Inuyasha “Pegasus, definitely but she’ll be followed closely by the incarnation.” Lokie “Hey is the incarnation here yet?!” Pegasus “No, but it should be...” Lokie As Lokie was speaking Naraku’s newest and strongest incarnation arrived. It attacked Kagura immediately but was blocked by Pegasus after doing this three or four times just to be blocked the demon stopped and stared at Pegasus. “Er, stupid woman get out of my way!” Demon “No way!” Pegasus “Who are you?!” Inuyasha “I am Naraku’s latest incarnation Karomaru!” Karomaru ‘Karomaru huh, I can beat this demon no problem.’ Inuyasha thought “Inuyasha be careful and don’t be rash!” Kagome ‘So she can still hear me then. I gotta get this turned off.’ Inuyasha “If any of you were thinking of destroying me think again, because no one can defeat me!” Karomaru “All of Narica’s incarnations have said that and Kagura here and Kanna are the only two still alive” Miroku ~*~Chapter Nine~*~ “Err, Where did Pegasus get to I hope Inuyasha isn’t putting Kagome in any danger. If he is I’ll kill him.” Kouga “Hey Where’s Kouga?” Sango “He will be arriving shortly.” Pegasus “Oh, no he won’t.” Karomaru Karomaru turned around to meet Kouga head on. ‘Kouga is going so fast he won’t be able to stop!’ thought Karomaru “Pegasus do something!” Ginta yelled but Pegasus was already gone trying to get to Karomaru before he got to Kouga, a difficult task even for Pegasus. “Oh no you don’t Karomaru!” Pegasus “Try to stop me if you dare you half breed!” Karomaru Pegasus, with a sudden shot of energy caught Karomaru by the neck and stopped holding him up in the air. “I know you didn’t just call me a half breed!” Pegasus “Yeah, I did what are you going to do about it half breed?! Half demon half power!” Karomaru “There’s only one little problem with your theory Karomaru!” Pegasus “Yeah what’s that?!” Karomaru “I’m not the half demon, Inuyasha is! Apparently Narica didn’t give you a very good nose did he!” Pegasus “What?! That’s impossible! Your lying!” Karomaru “Am I?” Pegasus said as she transformed into a huge black dog. “Oh my god! What is that?” Kagome “I think it’s Pegasus She told me that only two things can trigger her transformation into her dog form, extreme anger and life-threatening situations.” Lokie “So you think that’s Pegasus?” Miroku “Hey Inuyasha how come you’re the only one that doesn’t transform into a dog?” Shippo “Yeah how about that Inuyasha?” Miroku “Probably because he’s a half demon, Pegasus can’t do it at will something has to trigger the transformation.” Lokie “I think Sesshomaru can do it at will.” Inuyasha “Yeah.” Kagome “Do you think she needs help?” Kagome “No, and if she did I wouldn’t go.” Lokie “Why not that’s not very loyal of you.” Kagome “Do you know why I can control her?” Lokie “No” Kagome “It’s because when he does transform she forgets who she is and kills everyone in the vicinity. Lokie “Does that remind you of anyone Inuyasha?” Shippo “Your gonna remind people of mincemeat if you don’t shut up Shippo!” Inuyasha “Inuyasha be nice.” Kagome “That reminds me do you think Kouga will be okay?” Kagome “Who cares about that ole flea bag.” Inuyasha “Good point Kagome We’re gonna see if he needs help!” Ginta “Wait, Pegasus will kill you if you go!” Lokie ~*~Chapter Ten~*~ “Whoa, who is that, is it Pegasus? I better steer clear of her and try to get back to Kagome.” Kouga “No this isn’t possible!” Karomaru He watched as Pegasus transformed into her dog form and proceeded to chase him around making it slightly difficult for Kouga to get around them. “And I thought she as fast when she wasn’t transformed.” Kouga And indeed she was tremendously faster as a dog and Karomaru’s speed wasn’t enough to save him form her claws and fangs, she pounced and smashed his legs like an insect’s. She then transformed back to her normal self. “Ahh, don’t come near me.” Karomaru “What’s wrong Karomaru? I warned you that I was a pure blood.” Pegasus “Hey what’s going on Pegasus?” Kouga “Hey Kouga what should I do with this incarnation?” Pegasus “Lets take him to Kagome let her pass judgement on him.” Kouga “Good idea.” Pegasus Kouga and Pegasus took Karomaru by either arm and dragged him back to Inuyasha and the others at a staggering pace. “Hey let me down!” Karomaru “You’re in no position to be giving orders!” Pegasus Inuyasha and the gang were just sitting down to wait for Pegasus. All were sitting but Lokie who knew that the rest would be short lived. “Lokie why don’t you sit down with us?” Kagome “Because Pegasus and that wolf demon with be back in a few moments.” Lokie As soon as he said that Pegasus and Kouga walked out of the underbrush with Karomaru in hand screaming that they let him go. “Let me go. Please Naraku’s punishment for failure will be enough.” Karomaru “No chance demon.” Kouga “My name is Karomaru, wolf!” Karomaru “So I don’t care what your name is. I wanna know where Naraku is and you gonna tell me.” Kouga “How would I know where Naraku is?!” Karomaru “You’re his newest incarnation, you came from Naraku so you have to know where he is.” Pegasus “But I don’t!” Karomaru “Ha, don’t make me laugh. You know where Naraku is and you’re going to tell me!” Inuyasha “Not before he tells me mutt-face!” Kouga “Why would he tell a weak ole flea bag like you?!” Inuyasha “I’m stronger than you mutt!” Kouga Inuyasha drew his Tetsuseiga while Kouga puts up a defensive stance. “Bring it on mutt!” Kouga “I could kill any time anywhere flea bag!” Inuyasha “Inuyasha..!” Kagome “No, no Kagome please don’t!” Inuyasha “SIT BOY!!” Kagome “Thanks Kagome.” Kouga “Now that that’s over, where is Naraku?!” Pegasus “I told you I don’t know!” Karomaru “Well if you wont tell us voluntarily we’ll have to make you, by force.” Pegasus “Fool, nothing you can do can measure up to how master Naraku will punish me!” Karomaru “Wanna bet on that Karomaru?!” Pegasus Pegasus came flying straight a Karomaru ready to punch the stuffing out of him when suddenly... “STAY.” Lokie yelled to the surprise of everyone especially Pegasus. “What did you do that for Lokie?” Inuyasha “We wouldn’t get anything for Karomaru...” Lokie “And why not Lokie?!” Pegasus “Because he has passed out.” Lokie And indeed he had, Lokie stopping Pegasus distracted everyone form the spectacle of Karomaru simply falling backwards totally unaware that Pegasus had been stopped. “Well, what do we do now?” Ginta “I guess we wait till he comes around.” Kagome “In the mean time, Lokie, do you think you could release me now?” Pegasus “Oh, sorry, I forgot, RELEASED.” Lokie “Thank you.” Pegasus While Karomaru was in la la land the group sat down and munched on some chips Kagome had bought with her from her era. “Wow, these are really good Kagome what are they?” Pegasus “They’re called potato chips, I’m glad you like them.” Kagome ‘Hmm potato chips. Do you like them Lokie?’ Pegasus “Yeah I do.” Lokie “What? Lokie noone said anything.” Kagome “Pegasus talk to me silently, remember.” Lokie ‘Oh yeah, I forgot about that.’ Inuyasha ‘Hah I bet Inuyasha forgot about that.’ Kagome ‘What, who said that. I didn’t see anyone’s mouth move.’ Inuyasha ‘Can you hear me Inuyasha?’ Kagome ‘Who is that?!’ Inuyasha ‘Kagome probably.’ Pegasus “Arg, people get out of my head right now!!” Inuyasha yelled startling the group. ‘Inuyasha sit down before people think your crazy!’ Pegasus ‘What’s wrong Inuyasha? You don’t like to talk to me this way?’ Kagome ‘It’s not that Pegasus was talking also it was getting confusing in my brain.’ Inuyasha ‘Oh...’ Kagome ‘What Kagome?’ Inuyasha ‘Nothing.’ Inuyasha Night had fallen and Karomaru hadn’t woken up yet. “Well what do you want to do with him?” Sango “I don’t know, what if he wakes up while we’re asleep?” Kagome “Does any one have a rope?” Pegasus “Why?” Miroku “So I can tie him up.” Pegasus “Do you really think that will hold him?” Kagome Pegasus had found some rope and she tied Karomaru up with some very fancy knot work, she then empowered it with her demonic aura making it unbreakable and untie able except by her. “That should do it.” Pegasus They all went to sleep except Inuyasha and Pegasus, they had things to discuss. ~*~Chapter Eleven~*~ “So are you really my sister?” Inuyasha’ “Yeah, didn’t you recognize my scent earlier?” Pegasus “No, but it did smell an awful lot like Sesshomaru’s.” Inuyasha “Hmm.” Pegasus “Why are you here? Why come and help me now?” Inuyasha “I was just freed two weeks ago by a priestess named Kikyo.” Pegasus “Kikyo!?” Inuyasha “Yeah, she told me that you were getting yourself in too deep, you know biting off more than you could chew by looking for Naraku.” Pegasus “Does she think I can’t defeat Naraku?” Inuyasha “It’s not like that. She’s fully aware that you could kill him, but you haven’t had any luck finding him have you?” Pegasus “No, we haven’t had any leads, but we’ll find him.” Inuyasha “Well thats where I come in.” Pegasus “You? How could you find him when Kouga and I cant.” Inuyasha “Do you remember when I told Miroku that I knew his relative?” Pegasus “Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?” Inuyasha “Well that’s how I knew him, I helped him and the other priests hunt down and kill malignant demons.” Pegasus “Oh, so you find people for a living?” Inuyasha “Yeah, or at least I used to. I was sealed just like you only 25 years earlier.” Pegasus “Who sealed you?” Inuyasha “Monk Miotsu.” Pegasus “Hmm, Kikyo sealed me.” Inuyasha “Yes I know.” Pegasus “How do you know you said it yourself you were sealed before me.” Inuyasha “Yeah but I also said that I didn’t die or go to sleep or anything it just made me unable to leave the tower I was sealed in.” Pegasus “Oh yeah.”Inuyasha “Gaaa, let me go.” Karomaru “Well, it seems that our friend has awoken.”Pegasus “Yeah, it’s about time too.” Inuyasha “Don’t just sit there Kagura set me free!” Karomaru “I’m afraid I cant do that Karomaru, they would kill me if I did.” Kagura “Hey what’s all the noise about?” Shippo “Karomaru must have woken up.” Sango “He has.” Pegasus “Hmm, let the questioning begin.” Miroku “Shouldn’t we wake up Kouga and his friends?” Kagome “No, why would we do that?!” Inuyasha “Hey shut up and go back to sleep mangy mutts.” Kouga yelled half asleep. “Kouga, Karomaru has woken up.” Kagome “Ohh, well why didn’t you say so?” Kouga “She just did idiot.” Inuyasha “Who you calling an idiot mutt face?!” Kouga “Back to Karomaru!” Pegasus “Hmpf.” Inuyasha and Kouga said simultaneously. “Where is Naraku?” Pegasus ~*~Chapter Twelve~*~ “Hey why are we asking him?” Kagome “What do you mean Kagome?” Inuyasha “Kagura was leading us to him anyway so why are we bothering to do this?” Kagome “She has a point.” Ginta “Hmm, so now what? Should we kill him?” Pegasus “I think we should take him with us?” Shippo “Why Shippo?” Kagome “Because we can use him against Naraku.” Shippo “Fool do you really think I would fight against my master?” Karomaru “Oh, I think you will with the proper threats in place.” Inuyasha “Yeah.” Pegasus By this time the sun a come up and the group was getting their things ready to carry on with their search for Naraku. They were certain that they would find him, but none of them knew exactly what they would do once they had found him. Each of them had their doubts about how they would react and what tricks Naraku had in store for them on the way. “Hey Inuyasha do you smell that?” Pegasus “Smell what?” Inuyasha “Do you smell it Kouga?” Pegasus “No I don’t know what your talking about.” Kouga “Hey come on I’ll show you.” Pegasus “Okay, Inuyasha stay here and don’t let Kagome get hurt or I’ll kill you.” Kouga “Whatever you say Kouga.” Inuyasha So Kouga and Pegasus went ahead so Pegasus could show Kouga what she was talking about. “Do you smell it yet?” Pegasus “Smell what?” Kouga “Jeez, whats wrong with you and Inuyasha why cant you smell it?” Pegasus “Smell what?!” Kouga “Naraku’s miasma.” Pegasus “What?! Really?!” Kouga “Yeah can you smell it yet?” Pegasus “No.” Kouga “Thats really bad.” Pegasus “What’s so bad about it?” Kouga “If you and Inuyasha have lost your senses of smell that’s a bad thing Kouga.” Pegasus “Yeah I see where that could be bad.” Kouga “Yeah I think Naraku’s miasma did it.” Pegsus “Did what?” Kouga “Destroyed you sense of smell.” Pegasus ~*~Chapter Thirteen~*~ “I wonder what’s taking them so long.” Kagome “I don’t know but something weird is going on.” Inuyasha “What do you mean Inuyasha.” Sango “I don’t know but my sense of smell is like disappearing.” Inuyasha “What?! How can that be possible?” Kagome “I don’t know but I cant smell Pegasus and the flea bag anymore.” Inuyasha “Hey, do you think the same thing is happening tp Kouga, because he said he couldn’t smell what ever Pegasus was talking about either.” Lokie “Maybe but why isn’t Pegasus’s sense going away?” Kagome “I don’t know but according to her this has happened before.” Lokie “What has happened before?” Inuyasha “This, when all the other demons loose their sense of smell but she never has.” Lokie “Wow that’s odd. Why would she be impervious to the attacks on her sense?” Miroku “I don’t know, maybe it has something to do with her demonic aura.” Lokie “What’s so special about her demonic aura?” Kagome “Have you felt it?” Lokie “No.” Inuyasha “Exactly she can hide it if she wants and she does most of the time but once when I was with her she let it show, all of it.” Lokie “So?!” Inuyasha “It was enormous, it nearly knocked my down and I’m just a normal person I can’t sense auras or anything.” Lokie “How is that possible, to have and aura so strong it would knock down a normal person?!” Inuyasha “I don’t know but maybe that has something to do with why she isn’t affected.” Lokie “It must.” Sango “I haven’t ever felt an aura so strong that it would knocked me over.” Miroku “Maybe we can get her to not suppress it when she comes back.” Lokie “That would be cool. We could see how strong she really is.” Inuyasha “Even I haven’t seen the full capability of her powers.” Lokie “Maybe we will when we find Naraku.” Sango “She better not interfere!” Ginta “I’ll keep that in mind mangy wolf when you need help.” Inuyasha “Who says I’ll need help?!” Ginta “It’s obvious.” Inuyasha “Feh.” Ginta “Hmpf.” Inuyasha “Hey Kagome, what’s going on between Inuyasha and Ginta that makes them hate each other?” Lokie whispers to Kagome. “It’s not really between Inuyasha and Ginta, it’s between Inuyasha and Kouga, Ginta’s leader. A while back Kouga kidnaped me and now he claims to love me, well, Inuyasha does but he wont admit it and he’s jealous of Kouga and it makes him mad when Kouga’s around me.” Kagome “Oh, I see. So who do you love?” Lokie ‘Hmm, I think I love Inuyasha but I’m not sure that he loves me or Kikyo. But I don’t have any feelings for Kouga, oh Inuyasha I wish you wouldn’t put me I such a difficult situation!’ Kagome thought to herself. ‘I cant help it Kagome, I still have unfinished business with Kikyo.’ Inuyasha said sorrowfully. ‘What?! Oh I forgot you could hear me.’ Kagome ‘But now we can talk about important stuff with out people being nosey.’ Inuyasha ‘Yeah, we can say whatever we feel like now.’ Kagome Inuyasha didn’t get the hint and he left Kagome hanging there with out an answer to Lokie’s question about who she loved. “Hmm, we better get back to Inuyasha and them Don’t you think?” Pegasus “Yeah we probably should.” Kouga ‘Lokie, is anything happening with Karomaru?’ Pegasus ‘No, why?’ Lokie ‘No reason I just expected him to try something while we were away.’ Pegasus ‘Nope nothings going on just hanging out and talking. Your brother and his friends are really nice.’ Lokie ‘Yeah just try not to get on his bad side.’ Pegasus ‘Kinda like you?’ Lokie ‘Hey!’ Pegasus “Your awful quiet all of a sudden.” Kouga “I’m just talking to Lokie.” Pegasus “What?” Kouga “I was talking to Lokie.” Pegasus “How were you doing that? He isn’t here.” Kouga “I can speak to him telepathically.” Pegasus “Wow, really?!” Kouga “Yeah, Inuyasha can do it too.” Pegasus “What?! You mean that mutt it telepathic?” Kouga “Yeah, and I’ll have to ask you not to call him a mutt.” Pegasus “Well I’ll have to tell you no, I’ll call him what ever I want when ever I want.” Kouga “Hmm, in that case I’ll have to kill you.” Pegasus “What! Why?!” Kouga “To uphold our family honor. Inuyasha may never kill you, but I will in a heart beat.” Pegasus “Ha, I’d like to see you try!” Kouga “Ok.” Pegasus Pegasus then attacked Kouga not with her best moves but very strategically aiming for his head and legs at the same time, considering that most people when attacked from the leg region lean forward. She did this about three times before she actually hit him. She knocked him off his feet onto his back. She then proceeded to step on his neck cutting off his air supply. “Do you take it back Kouga?” Pegasus “What are you talking about?!” Kouga “Calling Inuyasha a mutt!” Pegasus “I’ll never take it back!” Kouga “Then you’re a fool Kouga.” Pegasus “Get off me already, I can’t breathe!” Kouga “That’s the point.” Pegasus said but she released him anyway. “Woah, I never expected to be beaten that easily by...” Kouga “Don’t you dare say ‘by a girl.” Pegasus |