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The treacherous creature Attention...will strike without warning
Attention The blue-and-white tiled room smothers me Filled with bright white noise Static on a radio of invisibility Here and there, a wisp of conversation Floats out of the blankness But it doesn’t penetrate I finally sit down at my designated table In my designated corner By my designated friend Once, she was my real friend But I might be remembering that wrong The picture in my mind is fuzzy, Like the color on an old TV Anyway, those days are said and done Now conversations are rare And emotion, rarer I hated her for a while But now between us there’s just this tension Unspoken, unconsummated But as benign as a lost friendship can be Panting breaths and flickering contact Flinging apologies over one shoulder Clambering gratefully into a puffing, screeching labyrinth Of brown leather seats The outside that shade of yellow which seems to be saved Especially for school busses And there she is Faded color on an old TV She laughs at me Draws pictures on my outstretched hand In black ink that will be washed off by tomorrow Shakes her hair back and wrinkles her nose Just like before the blue cafeteria and the yellow bus But it’s all pretend We both know it Guilt pushes her into uneasy conversation She knows, somehow, about that brief spell When I hated her for leaving me And she guides these apologetic flashbacks In silent confession of an unspoken wrong Sparse hands raised in impatient pleas Stifled cries for an answer As the teacher looks around imperiously She points a finger, and is answered By a pious voice Quick, triumphant, obsequious She nods deferentially and moves on While he gazes around him majestically And hatred is a high, pulsating note in the room Focused on this arrogant boy Soon it will be focused on me Soon I will shout an answer And be hated for my insufferable knowledge Waiting in the basement on a cold leather couch Blocks of canvas and glue Clothed in satin Pound on the floor above me My sister is somewhere up there Tapping, brushing, leaping To silver-stringed melodies The music stops, and down they all come A flurry of skinny waists and bright eyes One stops, one hand on her hip And squints at me I shrink into the soft blue leather Escaping the inevitable Her eyes widen in joyful recognition Followed by a reproof Why, she demands to know Did I stop dancing? Arranging my face into uncertain contrition I explain calmly that it didn’t suit me That I had too many syllables and not enough movements Different Bewildered but satisfied, the girl moves away And I wonder why I had to be remembered Between blue cafeterias and yellow busses Pink satin and leather couches Lurks the treacherous creature Attention It will strike without warning Unbidden and destructive But then, when called upon to act Will retreat into its dark haven It wields the power to give weak men pride And make strong ones lift their upturned hands skyward Begging for solitude But most of all it harbors the strength To bring sobs or smiles To the desperate, awkward young |