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Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Drama · #973040
A Dublin family must face the terror of being victims of violence in their own home.
Conor Farrell

NB: This is not necessarily the final draft.

Abuse statistics in Act II, Scene ii from http://www.ndvh.org/dvInfo.html#spec

Cast of Characters:

CAROL A hardworking housewife who does her best for her family, her violent husband included.
SEAMUS A man with a very short temper. He takes out his anger on his family, and hits his wife.
DAVID At 18 years of age he is the older of the two children. He's studying for the Leaving Cert.
MARIA 17 years old and quite rebellious. She is also doing the Leaving Cert.

LISA CAROL’s sister. A kind, helpful and caring woman.
TEACHER One of David and Maria’s teachers in school.
STUDENTS The students in David and Maria’s school.



CAROL is working busily in the kitchen, moving between a cooker and an ironing board. She looks somewhat panicky.

Enter SEAMUS, who hangs up his coat and moves to the table to sit down.

CAROL: Hello, love. Sit yourself down there and I'll have your dinner for ya in a second.

SEAMUS: Sighs. I thought I told you to have my dinner ready and on the table when I come in.

CAROL: Sorry, love, I was just very busy trying to get some clothes ironed. How was work?

SEAMUS: Grunts. Same as ever. That little bollocks McCabe nearly took the eye out o' me head with a copper pipe. If he wants to work laying pipes then he better learn to lay them safely. Will ya hurry up with me dinner? I'm starving here!

CAROL: Here it is for you now.
Lays a plate in front of her husband, who looks at it and shakes his head.
Sure McCabe's only a young chap, he's trying his best to...

SEAMUS: What the hell is this? Am I supposed to eat this with my bare hands? Did I not tell you before to have everything ready for me?

CAROL mumbles a few words as she quickly finds a knife and a fork and lays it down in front of him. SEAMUS gets up and pushes her away from the table.

I'm sick and tired of you doing nothing around here! Slaps her. I'm here working hard to try and put food on the table, but when I get home I don't see the food on the table. All I see is you arsing around doing fuck-all!

Grabs his coat and walks towards the door.

I'm off to the pub.


CAROL leans over counter with her head down and begins to cry. She takes off her apron and leaves the room in tears with her face in her hands.


Later that evening, DAVID and MARIA are in the kitchen supposed to be doing homework, but instead are talking about stuff that happened at school.

MARIA: Matter-of-factly, while writing. I hate that Alison bitch.
Waits a moment, then stops writing and looks at her brother.
I said, I hate Alison.

DAVID: Yes, I heard you the first time.

MARIA: I mean, I told her that I fancied Neil. She told me that he fancied me and that I should totally go for it the other night, but then when I went to find him, who was he with? Alison! I'm never gonna talk to that bitch again.

DAVID: I really don't get you women. Any little thing and you suddenly hate each other. What happened to forgiveness? Have you ever heard of talking to each other and trying to sort it out? I mean, you don't even try! Shakes his head and throws his eyes to Heaven.

MARIA: You're a guy, you wouldn't get it.

DAVID: Almost laughing. But there's nothing to get!

MARIA: What about that time Michael and his brother soaked you and Dave with water balloons? You didn't forgive them, did you?

DAVID: There was nothing to forgive! That was hilarious! A moment of comic genious!

MARIA: Wait, did you hear that?

DAVID: Hear what?

MARIA: Sshh... Shit it's Dad. Probably back from the pub. Get back to work. Don't annoy him.

They pick up their pens and pretend that they were working all the time. SEAMUS walks in drunk.

SEAMUS: Ah there's me two scholars, working hard, wha? Yis are gonna get straight As in the Leaving and do me proud, wha?

The children smile uneasily and nod in agreement.

DAVID: We'll do our best!

SEAMUS: Your best? Boy, if your best isn't straight As then you can get the fuck out of this house. None of my kids are gonna be working at shit jobs or doing nothing like your CAROL. I'm not gonna work to support yis if yis aren't gonna appreciate it.


MARIA: Fuck it, David, I hate it when he’s like that.

DAVID: I know, so do I.

MARIA: Why can’t it be like it used to be? Mam and Dad always used to get on well. And I can see that she’s afraid of him.

DAVID: Yeah…

MARIA: Why won’t she leave him? I don’t want to live with him anymore. I hate him, Dave. I really do.

DAVID: Consoling her. No, you don’t hate him. It’s just a phase he’s going through. It because of is new job and…

MARIA: Will you please stop making excuses for him? It doesn’t matter what’s going on in his life, he’s not supposed to do that. If he has problems he should go get help. I know his father used to hit him when he was younger. We all know that.

DAVID: Yeah. But we both know right well he’s too proud to admit anything like that.

MARIA: Pauses. I’m gonna stand up to him. I’ll report him if I have to.

DAVID: No, don’t, Maria. You remember what happened last time. If you try to say anything to him or to anyone he’ll flip. You know that.

MARIA looks at her arm and nods in agreement.

If anything he doesn’t need pressures from the law. He needs some help, just someone he can open up to without losing face. It won’t have to go as far as reporting him, Maria. I’m sure he knows he has a problem.

MARIA: Maybe… But there’s no way he’s gonna let any of us talk to him about it. It’ll make him feel… I dunno… less of a man? When Granda died Da didn’t even cry. He was upset, of course, but like… I know this’ll sound really bad but it’s as if he was happy that he was gone or something. As if there was no way he could hurt him anymore.

DAVID: Listen, try not to worry about it for now. We’ve got our exams in a few months and we have to study for them. I know it’s hard, but we’ll manage. And who knows? Maybe we can do something about all this then, okay? But for now you have to study.

His mood changes.

If ya don’t study you’ll never get those points for dentistry. Not that I’d trust you near my teeth anyway!

MARIA smiles.

You okay?

MARIA: Closing her books. Yeah. Yeah, I think so.

DAVID: You want a cuppa?

MARIA: No thanks, I think I’ll just head to bed.

DAVID: Okay. Smiles. And trust me; it’ll be alright.

MARIA: Smiles back. Okay. Thanks.


DAVID’S smile fades after she leaves the kitchen.

DAVID: But what if it’s not alright?



DAVID is lying on his bed writing an entry in a diary. He’s reflecting on what is happening in his family, on what happened when his SEAMUS came in and on his discussion with his sister.

DAVID: Reading as he writes

Dear Diary,

Dad came home drunk again today and I know that himself and Mam had a fight today. I can just tell by her mood. I dunno know why she doesn’t stand up for herself. All she has to do is tell him that if he doesn’t stop she’s out of here. All he seems to be doing is shouting and sometimes slapping, but still, she shouldn’t have to put up with that abuse. None of us should. What did we do to deserve it?

It just makes me so angry! Every other family seems to get along without any problem. Why can’t it be like that for us? At this stage I don’t care if they split up, I just want us to be happy. Even now, the two of us are studying for the Leaving Cert and there’s no way we’ll be able to concentrate if it stays like this. Or gets worse. I’m nearly tempted to face up to him myself, but I know he’ll hurt me. He’ll hurt me bad.

Fuck’s sake, I don’t want to feel like this about my own Dad, but I just can’t help it! When he’s happy and not angry he can be the best Dad in the world. But when he gets mad he’s a totally different person. And he gets mad too much now. Sometimes I just hate him.

No matter what I do, even if I’m hanging out with friends, watching TV or whatever, no matter how happy I seem to be at that moment, it’s spoiled by the thoughts of my Dad being a prick. When I’m with Ciara I don’t care about what goes on at home. She’s pretty much the only escape I have from all this shit. But whenever I’m not with her, everything just seems like a tonne weight on my shoulders. Everything is just dulled because of life at home.

But anyway. I’m gonna get ready for bed now. No doubt I’ll have more to write soon.

Closes the diary and leaves it on his bed as he gets up and leaves the room.


SEAMUS: Where is he? Have to talk to him…

Sees the diary on his son’s bed.

What’s this? A diary? A fucking diary? Shouts. Where are ya, ya stupid bollocks?


DAVID: I’m here, why?

SEAMUS: Angrily. What the fuck is this? A diary? Only women have diaries. Women and fags. Are you a fag, Dave?

DAVID: Defensively. No, I’m not.

SEAMUS: No son of mine is gonna be a queer! Getting more aggressive. You hear me?

DAVID: Yes. Yes, I do…

SEAMUS: Mockingly. Well let’s see what the little ponce has to say in his diary!
DAVID: No! Give it to me!

DAVID tries to get the book off his SEAMUS, but is pushed away and almost falls over.

SEAMUS: Let’s see… Ah, here’s today’s entry!

Begins reading.

“Dad came home drunk again today”. Are you implying that I’m some sort of alco?


SEAMUS: “I’m nearly tempted to face up to him myself, but I know he’ll hurt me.” You want to face up to me? You need to learn some fucking respect! Hits him. Do you wanna face up to me now, do ya? I’ll fucking show you who’s boss around here!

DAVID: Cowering. Sorry…

SEAMUS: You better be! Looks at the book again. And who’s Ciara? Is she your girlfriend? I bet she doesn’t give a shit about ya. She just wants to be with every fella she sees, doesn’t she?


SEAMUS: I didn’t thing a fag like you’d be with a girl! Haha! You’re trying to pretend you’re not gay by being with that little slut, aren’t you?!

DAVID: No! I’m not gay and she’s not a slut! Don’t you dare say that about her again you prick!

Grabs the diary from him and shoves him hard, almost knocking him over.

SEAMUS: Punches him hard in the face, making him fall to the ground.

If you dare try anything like that again…


DAVID cowers on the floor and begins to cry as he holds his face. He crawls into bed and covers himself with a blanket.


Scene I

CAROL is in the kitchen with her sister Lisa, having a chat and a making some tea for herself and Lisa.

CAROL: So they’re studying pretty hard for the Leaving. And doing a lot of it! They’re pretty determined kids!

LISA: They are. Is Maria still on for doing dentistry? High points for that, as far as I know.

CAROL: Oh yeah, she’s really hoping to get it, but she knows she might not get it. So she’s not putting all her eggs in the one basket, ya know? I think she’s putting down science as her second choice.

LISA: And what about David?

CAROL: He still wants to do languages, and an arts degree for his second choice.

LISA: He was always good at those languages, I could never be as good as he is at picking up new tongues like that! How did he do in the oral?

CAROL: Ah sure, he did grand in it. He practised the whole time, all his laethanta saoire, and les passetemps, and what have you…

LISA: Ah yes, I remember doing it all myself. All that family life and stuff… Pauses. How’s family life going for you?

CAROL: Trying to force a smile. It’s grand, we’re all doing fine.

LISA: You sure? I know he gave you that bruise on your face.

CAROL: No, that wasn’t him. I walked into the door by accident. You know how clumsy I can be!

LISA: Look, I know what he’s doing. He’s been doing it for a while now, hasn’t he?

CAROL: Yeah. Drops her head.

LISA: Takes hold of her hand. Why don’t you leave him? Start a new life without all this violence?

CAROL: He doesn’t mean it. He just gets angry sometimes. It’s usually my fault anyway.

LISA: No, Marie, it’s not your fault. Remember that. Do you really think he loves you if he’s hurting you and the kids like that? How can they have a happy childhood when they and their CAROL are being beaten up by a drunk?

CAROL: It’s just a phase. He’ll stop soon. He doesn’t mean it.

LISA: I can’t make you do anything, but please, will you just step back and take a look at your life? You can’t do anything for yourself without him harassing you. You’d be so much happier if you just left him.

CAROL: But I can’t leave him now; he’ll get very angry. And anyway, I love him too much to leave him.

LISA: Do you really love him?

CAROL: Pauses, and tries to force a smile, but can’t.

LISA: Come here… Reached over and hugs her sister.

CAROL: Starts crying.

LISA: I’m here for you anytime, okay? Anytime you need me, to talk or come over or whatever, just gimme a shout, okay?

CAROL: Okay.

Scene ii

DAVID and MARIA are in school. In class they are watching a video about domestic violence.

TEACHER: Okay, kids. Come on now, quieten down. I’m going to start this video now. John can you show me where the play button on this is?

I’m not really sure if I want to watch this.

DAVID: Yeah. You’ll be grand. By the time she gets it going the class will be over anyway. And they won’t show any violent stuff, they’re not allowed to corrupt our little minds like that!

MARIA: Ha! That doesn’t stop you watching all those gory horror movies!

DAVID: Ah yes, nothing like a bit of blood on the telly!

TEACHER: Good lad, John. Okay class, be quiet I’m putting this on now.

STUDENTS quieten down as the video starts.

A STUDENT: Miss, I dunno why we’re doing this anyway. It’s not as if any of us are getting the shite kicked out of us at home!


TEACHER: Right, you. Get out now. If you’re not going to take this seriously then don’t waste my time.

MARIA: If only he knew. You see that? Over a third of American women report being abused at some point in their lives.

DAVID: Yeah…

MARIA: That’s so many people. The same thing could be happening here.

DAVID: I know, even people we know. Pause. And look, in abuse cases where the family has children, child abuse makes up about a half of all cases.

MARIA: God, David. There are so many people out there who are going through the same thing as us. Where are they? Why are they all keeping quiet?

DAVID: Well why are we keeping quiet?

MARIA: Yeah… They’re keeping quiet about it coz they’re scared. Scared of what might happen to them. Pause. What if we report Dad, and then he comes back to get us?

DAVID: No, don’t worry. They wouldn’t let him come back near us.

MARIA: But what if he did, David?

DAVID: Look, he wouldn’t, okay? And anyway, it’s only a phase. He’ll be okay soon. It’s fine, don’t worry about it.

MARIA: Over 31,000 women murdered? Oh God David, what if Ma ends up as one of them?

MARIA panics and runs out of the room. DAVID gets up to follow her.

DAVID: Sorry, miss. She’s just feeling a bit sick.


DAVID finds his sister outside the classroom.

DAVID: Hey, are you okay?

MARIA: Shakes head. No. Pause. What if he doesn’t get better?

DAVID hold her to comfort her.
DAVID: Look, I’m very sure that’ll he’ll get better very soon. Honestly. I really don’t think we’ve much to worry about. In fact, I can se him getting better already.

MARIA: Really?

DAVID: Yeah. And look, if he does anything bad again (both look at her arm)… if he does anything bad again we’ll report him, okay?

MARIA: Promise?

DAVID: Yes, I promise. You’re right, he isn’t nice to put up with. And if he keeps going like that then yeah I think we should do something about it. But I also think he’s getting better, and we should give it a chance before we do anything.

MARIA: Okay.

DAVID: Okay. You alright now?

MARIA: Yeah, I am. I’m just gonna head to the bathroom and clean up before going back in.

DAVID: Okay, I’ll see you inside.

DAVID leaves the corridor and goes back into the classroom.

MARIA: He says soon. But what if soon is still too late? With all that stuff they’re saying on the video – it’s making me scared of my own SEAMUS. Anything could happen. Maybe he could shout at us and then that’d be the end of it, or maybe he could end up… he could end up killing one of us. All I want is for us to be happy – with or without him.

MARIA quickly pulls herself together and re-enters the classroom.

TEACHER: You feeling alright, Maria?

MARIA: Yes, miss. Thanks.

Scene iii

SEAMUS is reading a newspaper in the living room later the same day. He comes across an article about abuse.

SEAMUS: Jaysus, another one of those child abusers. They should be locked up for life, I think.

“Mark McCarthy was sentenced to nine years for several charges of physical abuse and two of sexual abuse of his two children - now aged 12 and 14 - between 1996 and 2001.”

Well now, I’d never be at that to my family. Fair enough, I give a shout every now and again, and sometimes a little tap o’ me hand, but that’s just to keep everything in order, just like my Da used to. A man has to keep his family in order.

“The CAROL of the two children left McCarthy two years ago because of his short temper and his tendency towards alcohol. ‘I left him because I feared for my life,’ she said. Although he was charged of physical abuse against his now ex-wife, she decided not to press charges.”

The bastard. I know how to hold my drink. I’d never be too drunk and start beating my family around. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a few pints with the lads of an evenin’. I hope my wife doesn’t fear for her life! I’d never do anything that bad…

“In another incident, a Cork man was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife last year. Michael Stevens came home drunk one night and proceeded to kick and punch his wife Alice until she was unconscious. ‘I never hit her hard,’ he said in a statement. ‘All I ever did was give her an odd push. It was an accident that was never meant to happen.’ Gardaí say that Mrs Stevens suffered sever trauma to the head. A post-mortem examination revealed that the injuries were caused by multiple strike of a metal bar.”

I like an odd drink, but I wouldn’t come home in that state, would I? This boyo just gave an odd push, he says. Sure that’s all I do. I must have been completely pissed to end up…to end up killing his wife. But what if I did? What if I was drunk and came home and she didn’t have the house in order? I want a clean house ready when I come home. And if it isn’t, yeah I’d probably give out to her. But just to make sure she has it right for next time. It’s nothing bad, is it? I’d never kill her…

Would I?

SEAMUS puts down the newspaper, looking quite uneasy. He grabs his coat and leaves the house to go to the pub.



Scene I

DAVID and MARIA take a break from studying in the kitchen so they can have something to eat before going to bed.

CAROL: Move those books and get some of this into yis.

DAVID: Nice one. Thanks.

CAROL: How’s the studying coming along?

MARIA: Grand. I’m just working through some of these past papers. Mr Clarke gives us so much Irish homework. I don’t think he realises what he’s doing; he gives us like half an exam paper at the start of the class and then loads of homework questions at the end. Why do all teachers act like they’re the only one giving us homework? We have enough to be at!

DAVID: It’ll be all over in a couple of months. No more studying for this Leaving Cert crap!

CAROL: Ah now, it’s not crap; it’s you education. And anyway, what do you think you’ll be doing when you’re in college, mister?

DAVID: Research. Lots of research on the effects of sleeping during the day, drinking all night, eating buckets of noodles… And of course, some research on the ladies!

CAROL: Hey, enjoy your time at college, but don’t be letting your social life get in the way of your studies!

MARIA: Yeah, David! Applied languages isn’t exactly gonna be a handy course!

DAVID: I dunno what you’re giving out about, you’re supposed to be doing dentistry and all you’ve been doing this evening is texting all your friends!

MARIA: I was finding out stuff for homework, actually!

CAROL: Here, listen, you two. Just eat that and go to bed. Study hard and you’ll do grand in the exams.

DAVID: Where’s Dad gone?

CAROL: I don’t see his jacket there so I presume he’s gone out to the pub.

MARIA: What’s new…

LISA calls CAROL from her own home.

CAROL: I’ll get that. Hello?

LISA: Hi, it’s me! I just rang to see how ya were before everyone went to bed.

CAROL: Ah we’re grand, thanks. I’m just here giving the kids something to eat before they head to bed.

LISA: Studying hard, are they?

CAROL: To children. Are yis studying hard, Lisa wants to know.

DAVID: Yeah…

CAROL: Hehe… Yes, they are indeed. They shouldn’t be up this late though! All work and no rest can’t be too good!

MARIA: Is that an excuse for us to have a lie-in in the morning?

CAROL: You wish! Go with ya. I’ll see yis in the morning.

DAVID: Okay. Thanks for the grub. Night!

MARIA: Night, Mam!

CAROL: Night, kids.


CAROL: Ah they’re hard workers.

LISA: They are. I’m sure they’ll do great in the exams. So any news with yourself?

CAROL: None at all, Lisa. I’m on my feet all day trying to get this house back in order.

LISA: You’re always doing something. You deserve a break! In fact that’s why I called. I was wondering if you want to come out for tea tomorrow evening. Just the two of us.

CAROL: Yeah, I’d love to! But, emm, I’m not sure what time himself will be home at…

LISA: Don’t worry about him. Sure can’t he cook?

CAROL: Yes, but… He likes it ready for him when he comes in.

LISA: Leave a note for him and he’ll be fine! So what do you think?

CAROL: Uncomfortably. Emm… Yes, yes okay. Let’s do that!
LISA: Great! How does half six sound?

CAROL: That’s fine by me.

LISA: Okay, I’ll pick you up then. Bye!

CAROL: Bye, Lisa!

They both hang up their phones.

Look at the time, he’ll be home soon…


Scene ii

CAROL: I better get a move on.

CAROL rushes around the kitchen trying to get her husband’s supper ready for when he comes in from the pub.

CAROL: Here he is… Come on, get it ready…

Enter SEAMUS, in a drunken state.

SEAMUS: Ah there’s me gorgeous wife. And how are you tonight, my love?

CAROL: I’m grand! Eh, I’m just getting you something to eat now.

SEAMUS: Ah good woman. That’s what I like to see – a woman keeping her husband happy.

Sits down at the table.

Come on now, where is it?

CAROL: Just a second…
SEAMUS: Come on, will ya? I’m hungry now!

CAROL: Putting the plate on the table. Here you go.

SEAMUS: For fuck’s sake, where’s me knife and fork? I’m not eating this with my hands – I’m not a monkey!

CAROL: Sorry, sorry… Here you go…

SEAMUS: Don’t sorry me! First of all my dinner’s not ready when I come in and now you expect me to eat it without a knife and fork?

CAROL: No, look, I’ve given you a knife and fork. Beginning to sob. Now will you just sit down and eat it!

SEAMUS looks at her with a surprised look.

I’m sick and tired of you constantly going out the pub and getting drunk. And whenever you are here you just shout at me and the kids and hit us? What sort of a man do you think you are?

SEAMUS: Hey! I’m out there working hard trying to support yis and you’re giving out to me! How about you go out to the site for a day and see how you like it, wha?

SEAMUS gets up from his chair and swipes the plate off the table. CAROL looks a bit scared but still presses on to speak her mind.

And don’t you dare question my manhood!

CAROL: The kids are trying to study for their exams and they can’t work because of you. You’re a burden on this family! Lisa said the other…

SEAMUS: Oh “Lisa said”, did she? Well you can stop listening to her and you can listen to me from now on!

SEAMUS pushes her away.

CAROL: Okay, okay. But if you don’t stop this behaviour I’m taking the kids and we’re leaving.

SEAMUS: All I want is some fuckin’ respect from my family! Is that too much to ask, is it?! Slaps her. And I swear to God if you even attempt to take away my kids I’ll fuckin’ kill you! I swear! Hits her again.

CAROL takes a swing and hits him in the nose. He pauses for a second, and they both realise what she has just done.

Oh you’ve made a mistake. Grabs her.


SEAMUS: You’ve made a very big mistake!

SEAMUS grabs her by the neck and starts to strangle her. She grabs his arms trying to prise them away. They move around the kitchen, bumping into furniture. The children hear the racket from upstairs and come down.


MARIA: No! Get off her, you bastard!

DAVID and MARIA rush to their CAROL’s aid and try to pull SEAMUS away from him. He lets go of CAROL for a moment and punches and pushes the children before grabbing CAROL again. The children cower in the corner trying to figure out a way to make him stop.

SEAMUS: All I want is some respect from my family! Respect! Do you hear me, bitch? Respect!

CAROL goes limp and SEAMUS gradually stops shaking her, letting her body fall to the ground when he lets go. SEAMUS and the children look in silence at CAROL. Just then MARIA begins to cry.

Shut up. I said shut up! I have to go, have to get out of here…

He starts to panic and staggers his way to the door.
Have to get away from her…

To the children. Don’t fuckin’ look at me like that! Don’t!


DAVID and MARIA sit there on the ground stunned. DAVID eventually gathers the courage to check CAROL

DAVID: She’s… she’s dead…

Exit ALL

Scene iii

The children are now in the care of LISA, their aunt. SEAMUS has been jailed and the children are trying to get on with their lives. In this scene they are all sitting around a table in LISA’s home.

LISA: So if there’s anything you need or want, just come to me. I’m taking care of you now.

DAVID and MARIA nod.

Now as you know, I’ve arranged the house to be sold. It will help you two get through college and help you make a new life. Are you both sure you’re okay with that?

DAVID: Yes. That house has too many bad memories. I never want to go there again.

LISA: Okay.

MARIA: I knew we should have done something earlier. Why didn’t we do something earlier? Then everything would have been okay.

LISA: Hey, don’t blame yourself. You didn’t know what was going to happen.

MARIA: There are just so many people out there who are going through the same thing. Nobody should have to go through a life like that.

DAVID: We’re luck. At least we have someone who’ll take care of us now. Lots of other people don’t.

LISA: That’s true, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any way to get through it. It’s hard to do, but all that has to be done is tell someone. Tell someone who can do something about it, ya know?

MARIA: Yeah, I suppose so. But you’re right, it is hard to do. That’s why we didn’t say anything.

LISA: Well look, it’s over now. It’ll be tough but look to the future now, okay?

DAVID: Okay.

MARIA: Okay.

LISA: Right then. Will we head off and get something to eat?

DAVID: Yeah, let’s go.

Exit ALL

© Copyright 2005 Conor Farrell (conor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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