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perfect woman drops everything for a dream cheats on her husband and husband cheats on her |
“Babe I have an appointment at seven o’clock tonight. I’m going to go, so don’t try to stop me.” It’s been 40 minutes since Jamik left and already she is thinking of him. “Who is it with?” David said as he watched her walk into the bathroom. “A business partner, I was supposed to go yesterday, but Jamik had to come because the sink was messed up.” Trisha jumped into the shower that faced the bedroom instead of the wall. “I don’t see why you are still doing that, you don’t have to work anymore.” David said telling her to stay, but not in those words. “I love to practice law, anyways I don’t have that many clients, and my cases aren’t all that long.” Trisha was still in the shower. “It doesn’t matter. I think you should just stop.” David began walking to the shower to get in with her. “David I love doing this, how do you expect me to stop?” Trisha saw him walking over towards him. “Because.” He stepped in the shower. “I can support us on my job. I get paid enough for us and more.” “It’s not about the money; it’s what I want to do. I love to practice law; I’ve wanted to do this ever since I was little.” Trisha began washing her body. “Okay, I tried. But you know if it gets too much you can quit though.” David said. “Okay, when it gets to much you will be the first to know” Trisha finished washing her body got out of the shower and started to get dressed. David got out as soon as she put on the black dress she had on. “Whoa, what are you trying to do with you client, seduce him.” David was curios to who she was going out with. “I’m not trying to seduce anybody. And it’s a female client, so, you have nothing to worry about.” Trisha put her open toe laced up shoes and picked up her black purse. “Well, may I say you look sexy as hell? This lady might turn for you.” David put on his suit. “Shut-up…and where are you going?” Trisha looked at him through the mirror, while she put on her dangling earrings. “I have a meeting with Saratoga and Maxwell.” David finished dressing and began walking towards the kitchen. “I thought you finished that deal with them.” Trisha walked into the kitchen and fixed a pot of coffee. “We have a few finishing touches to go over with their agents. You know how the agents are trying to get more money then they should get.” David got two glasses for them and sat them down on the counter. “Oh, so when will I see you tonight or in the morning?” The pot of coffee whistled. “I doubt you are going to be home when I get here. So most likely I will see you in the morning.” David poured the coffee for her. “What makes you say that?” Trisha sipped on the coffee. “Well, I know you will have the meeting and then when the meeting is done go for drinks.” David poured his coffee. “Well, I’ll be home before two.” Trisha sipped again and walked to the table. “What time is it?” “It’s 5:33. Why?” David picked up the newspaper. “Because I have to go to Terri’s house to pick her up, she’s going to the meeting with me to intimidate her.” Trisha finished off the coffee and began reading the paper. “Oh shit, it’s 5:50, I got ten minutes. Babe, I’ll call you a little late okay.” David kissed her and left. “Okay, love you.” Trisha yelled out. “Love you, too.” David closed the front door and raced off the meeting. Trisha went to the phone to call Terri. “Hello.” A man’s voice answered the phone. “Hey, is this Brice?” Trisha asked. “Yeah, who this?” Brice, Terri’s boyfriend asked. “This is Trisha, is Terri there?” Trisha asked. “Oh, hey T, Terri in the shower, she told me to tell you to just come on over.” Brice went to the kitchen. “Oh okay, well if she gets out of the shower soon enough tell her I have to stop by the store first.” Trisha took the last sip of her coffee and placed the mug in the sink. “Okay.” Brice was sitting on the bed. “Do you all need anything?” Trisha always asked. “Well, I would love some blacks, I’ll pay you back when you get here.” Brice said, as he got comfortable on the bed. “Okay, well, just tell her I’ll be there in a bit.” Trisha said to him. “Alright then, I’ll holla at cha when you get here.” Brice was a straight up thug claiming the color red; he was a Blood for life. “Bye.” Trisha hung up the phone. She set the alarm, locked the door, and went to the corner store. “Did you find everything okay, ma’am?” The cashier asked. “Please, no ma’am, I’m not that old. And yes I found everything fine.” Trisha pulled out her wallet. “Is this all for you, or did you need something else?” The cashier began bagging the Apple ______________. “I need two packs of blacks.” Trisha said to the cashier. “Can I see your id?” The cashier asked. “What?” Trisha was surprised he asked her to see her id. “Well, you can never be to sure, there are thousands of high school girls coming in here looking like they can be older than eighteen, but they aren’t. You actually look like you can be one of those girls.” The cashier said to her. “You just made my night, here you go.” Trisha gave him the id. “Thanks… your total s $16.63.” The cashier put her things into a plastic bag. “Here you go.” Trisha gave him the change. “Have a nice day, here’s your id.” The cashier said. “You too, thanks again.” Trisha left the corner store smiling and went on to Terri’s house. Trisha rang the doorbell and Brice came to the door. “Hey Trisha, what’s the deal?” Brice gave her a hug. “Nothing much, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you.” Trisha walked in and sat on the couch. “Yeah it has, Terri’s in the bedroom getting dressed.” Brice sat next to her. “So how have you been?” Trisha asked him. “I’ve been good. I’m sure you know we worked that whole thing out with the fight and all.” Brice said to her. “What fight?” Trisha played the dumb roll. “I know she told you, but the fight where we got into it because she saw me with Sandra.” Brice laughed at her. “Oh yeah, she told me. That’s good that you two made up.” Trisha and Brice sat on the couch catching up on what’s new with them. “Hey T.” Terri walked out dressing in a black dress with a white trim line that extended towards the side so you can tie it and some black open toe shoes. “Hey Terri.” Trisha stood and admired her outfit while Terri admired hers. “So, where are you two going to meet these managers of yours?” Brice stood up and hugged them two. “Well, we are going to meet them at their office, and we might go to Jamik’s new club to celebrate their contract with us.” Trisha told him. What do you mean contract with us, we are trying to get a contract with them?” Terri was confused. “I think they are going to be the lucky one to get us, not the other way around, believe that’s positive thinking. If you think you already have it and your confidence is up there then you can’t fail.” Trisha explained. “Does your husband know you quit the law business yet?” Brice asked him. “No I’m trying to wait for the perfect time, I want to get into an argument with him about it so I can just slip it on in there.” Trisha smiled. “You are stupid.” Terri hugged Brice.” I’ll call you when I’m one my way so all your tricks can be out of the house by the time I get here.” “I’m only inviting Tyra Banks over.” Brice kissed her on the lips then walked them to the door. “I love you.” “I love you too.!” She kissed him again. “Call me and tell me how it went ok baby, bye and behave.” Brice looked at them two walk to the car and loved it. “I will.” Trisha stepped into Trisha’s brand new Lexus coupe and drove off. They sat in the car listening to the music and gossiping about everything. They arrived at the office twenty minutes early. “We early which is good, let’s go over what we are going to say.” Terri was obviously nervous, and did a very terrible job showing it “I say we just play it by ear.” Trisha wasn’t nervous at all. “How do you do it?” Terri asked her. “Do what?” “Your not nervous at all, you are to confident.” Terri told her. “No, It’s just that I know that if this doesn’t go through god didn’t want it to happen at this specific time, and I can accept that.” Trisha said to her. “You also have something to fall back on, like your law business.” Terri reminded her. “You do too, don’t forget that’s where we met, you are always welcome back.” “Trisha, I don’t want to come back. This is my dream, want to become a singer with you.” Terri told her. “I understand that, but you have to believe that you are going to become a singer, you can’t show your nervousness to them, now let’s go up there and show them what we got.” Trisha hyped them up. “Wait, what if they ask us to sing for them?” Terri asked as they stepped out of the car. “Then,” Trisha and Terri walked to the front of the car. “we sing for them.” “What song is what I was referring to?” Terri told her. “Well, our favorite song to sing together ‘Dangerously in Love part two’ by Beyonce`. We can sing the chorus if they want more then we swing the whole song for them.” Trisha said to her. “Cool, I can deal with that.” Terri and Trisha walked into the building and went to the security desk to be pointed into the right direction. They went onto the elevator to the fifth floor, as they were on the elevator they prayed to the Lord, they believed in, to calm their thoughts. They walked into the office and saw the secretary’s desk sitting in the middle of the waiting area. “Hi may I help you.” Kelli, the secretary asked. “Yes, hi, we are here for the 7 o’clock appointment with Jason and Serena.” Trisha said to her. “You must be Terri and Trisha, right.” Kelli pointed at them. “The other way around, but yes we are they.” Trisha said to her. “Sorry.” Kelli apologized. “It’s okay you didn’t know us.” Trisha reassured her. Kelli smiled and said “They called and said they are going to be a little late, Jason just got some divorce papers and doesn’t know why. He was never married.” “Man, that’s crazy.” Terri raised her eyebrows. “Well, you all can either wait in their office or wait out here.” Kelli moved closer to them. “But just a little advice they hate people who wait in their office, they adore people who respect their privacy, which is why I have been here the longest.” “Thanks, you cool peoples.” Trisha said to her. “You’re welcome.” Kelli said then got back to her job. Trisha and Terri were sitting in the waiting room for ten minutes before Jason and Serena arrived at the office. |