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Cherish Now, Remember Later |
Angry. I want to spit blood in the faces of brain-dead people who mouth platitudes, who ooze sweet confectionery nothings about the cherished memory of some dead relative. Great-aunt Martha, for example, who left dear, sweet Molly her prized what-ever. Molly, (who never bothered to visit her great-aunt when she was bored to tears in the nursing home, fighting with every arthritic bone in her eighty-seven year old body to stay alive to see Molly graduate from college) would have the audacity to befoul the word, and her Great-aunt in the process, all the while planning to sell the precious what-ever the first chance she she got. Or 'so and so's' dearly departed Mother, whom he never bothered to go and see, (it was too far, he hadn't time, it cost too much, he had better things to do) relying instead up his poor, beleaguered sister to take care of their parent who was again as a child and who did so because 'she was her momma' and that simply was what one did for a cherished family member. Yet 'so and so' would tell all who would listen about his dearly departed and cherished Mom. What is it about these people who just don't get it? Cherish someone while they are here! Enjoy Uncle's story for the umpteenth time as if it were the first. Someday you will bore someone else to tears! Get down off your high horse! It's a long way to fall. People die. We all will die. Most of us are forgotten after a generation. Get over it. Try being a cherished person to someone else. What a concept! Be loving and thoughtful, be considerate. Remember how your parents (those of cherished memory) brought you up. How much better to honor someone's memory by being the sort of person who would have made them proud! How much better to cherish their memory while they are still alive to appreciate your cherishing them! How easy, after the fact, to say empty words through toothy smiles. It is too late then. Now I know there are many people who truly do cherish memories of their dearly departed, growing teary eyed at grave visits or laughing heartily at the story of when Grandpa Whomever did that what-ever-it-was and who will laugh the same at the umpteenth telling as they did when it happened. There are those who truly do cherish the memories of their lost childhood friend, their favorite dog or cat, or treasured Gram or Gramps. I cherish the fact that I am loved, am able to love in return. I cherish the little things, that over time, become the granite cornerstone of memory. Whether that be a dear friend who tells of tagging along after his dad or sipping a cup of coffee made just because I was coming home or a thank you note to someone who stood resolutely by my side when no one else bothered. I cherish the living and I let them know it- I show it- whether by word or deed- And then later, I have wonderful treasured memories to take out, sort through, examine and hold up to the sun, and then carefully, lovingly, pack away again in the attic of my heart. But there are also those who will huff and puff and play indignant walk-on parts claiming that I know not of what I speak. This very act condemns them. It is to them I address my ire. You know who you are. You. Yes, you who dare get angry at me. I see you for what you are and for all you aren't. Cherish you? Perish the thought. |