Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/970600-My-Biggest-Mistake-Part-1
Rated: E · Short Story · Young Adult · #970600
Basically, the first in a series of short stories for my high school english class
Ok, ok. So, you want to know the real reason why I moved to Panama City? It wasn’t because I needed to get away from my evil parents. It wasn’t school. I liked college. It was because of Ryan. Yes, a guy. I left everything because it all reminded me of him.
It was mid-July. I can still remember the sights and sounds of that day. It was gorgeous. Of course, everyday in southern Georgia is to me. I lived in an old beach house only a few yards from the beach. I’ve grown up in it. Its not huge, but it is bigger than a lot of the shacks people have built. The house faces the mile-long rocky driveway coming from the road. On the way there, you wouldn’t even know there was an ocean close-by. But, you pull up to the house, and the woods open. A lot of people say it takes their breath away. It does mine every time I see it.
On that day, I didn’t have time to enjoy my house. I only had time for a couple runs at a local beach before meeting my best friend for lunch. She had sounded upset on the phone. I was worried. I guess I was worried enough to forget to strap my surfboard to my ankle. My first and only run was almost perfect. I swam out and waited for a decent wave.
A five foot wave was just about to break when I hopped on my surfboard and prepared to ride it in. it started out fine but towards the end, I fell. The water rushed into my nose and ears, threatening to keep me under. As I broke the surface, gasping for air, I noticed I couldn’t feel the familiar tug of my surfboard. Worried, I swam to shore.
I spent the next hour searching for it. I was about to give up, hoping I could spare the money to buy a new one, when this guy came trotting up carrying a white and pink surfboard. God, was he gorgeous.
He had muddy river hair and equally brown eyes. He was tan and oh, was he ripped. He had red trunks that said “Lifeguard” on the side. He must have been new because I had never seen him before.
“You look like you’ve lost something. This must be yours.” His voice was deep and smooth, like water flowing over stone.
“Yep, that’s mine. Thank you so much!”
“My name’s Ryan.”
“I’m Desiree.”
“Nice name. Sweet board, too.” His smile was amazing. I couldn’t understand why he was talking to me but I figured there was no harm in it.
“You surf?” I asked.
“So, you must be pretty good then?”
“Well, I don’t wanna brag or nothing.” There was that smile. If he had looked at me like that again, I might have melted.
“Hey, I have to go meet a friend for lunch. It was nice to meet you. Thanks again!”
“Wait!” he yelled, “Would you maybe want to go out to eat tomorrow night?” Now, normally, I don’t go out with guys I just meet but something in his eyes told me to go for it.
“Sure. I suppose I owe you one.”
“So, it’s a date then. I’ll pick you up at five.” I gave him directions to my house and headed out to get lunch.
The next night, at around 5:15, he still wasn’t there and I started to get worried. Maybe he was lost. Why I even went, I don’t know. He pulled up to the house about five minutes later. He apologized for being late. He said he couldn’t find the house. I forgave him and we left.
He picked a beautiful little seafood restaurant with a porch that opened up to the beach.
“The atmosphere here is amazing!” I said.
“Yeah, so is the company.” I blushed. I couldn’t help it.
“Thanks.” We both ordered lobster. The food literally melted in my mouth.
“You look awesome,” Ryan said, almost causing me to choke, “I mean, you don’t see, let alone meet that many girls with black hair and blue eyes who like to surf!”
“Thanks again. You know I usually don’t go out with guys I meet at the beach.”
“Oh yeah? Why’d you go out with me?”
“I dunno. Maybe the fact that I owe you one for finding my surfboard.”
“Ouch. I thought you were going to say it was my wit and good looks.”
“I thought about it but I didn’t want you to feel too confident yet.” I was flirting, hardcore. Everything about him gave me the butterflies, from the way he smiled to the way he ate. I didn’t want it to end. Still, there was just a tiny thought tugging at me. I pushed it aside in hopes I was just being paranoid.
Throughout dinner he had been moving closer and closer to me. By the end of the night, he was practically in my lap. Not that I minded. I could feel the heat of his body mixed with cool ocean breezes, and I could hear the waves crashing upon the earth behind us. He looked at me with those deep, mysterious, brown eyes and said, “I might kiss you.” Without another word, he leaned in and pressed his soft, warm lips on mine. He was very gentle, keeping his mouth closed but putting just enough passion into his kiss to make me want him even more. When he pulled away, I couldn’t speak. I just stared at him.
“Listen,” he breathed, “do you want to come over to my house for coffee?”
“Sure,” I said, still stunned by the kiss. There was that tug again. It was more persistent this time.
He, too, had a beach house. It was more like a bungalow, really. Ryan was the perfect gentleman. He opened the car door for me and helped me out. As we walked up the steps and to the door, the voice in my head screamed at me to stop, call a cab, and get the hell out of there. But, I ignored it once more. He unlocked the door and I walked into the biggest mistake I’ll ever make. Something that changed my life forever.
© Copyright 2005 Destiny (ejw314 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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