Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/970321-The-Storming-of-Madeoc
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #970321
This is an outtake of Starrstruck's Bastian & Edana Stories.
“That heartless Beast!” Queen Edana cried, when Lt. Snowden briefed her on the situation. Madeoc had an army posed on the boarder to attack. No doubt Bastian and his reckless son, Rathe, intended to invade Somerland in search of her daughter, Princess Mila. The irony was her sergeant-in-arms, Sgt. Robert Holley, had taken Mila back to Madeoc to be reunited with Rathe, Mila’s husband, and Bastian’s son.

“He will attack, your highness.”

“So, why does he wait?” Edana asked, placing her hands behind her back, furrowing her brow. The 36-year-old queen still retained her youthful beauty. Her figure was still slim, her hair was long with silky curls of raven black, and her eyes were a haunting shade of hazel.

“I do not know,” Snowden replied.

Edana’s nostrils flared. How presumptuous Bastian was! How dare he even think of invading the country she swore to protect. Yes, she was a queen without a king, and queens weren’t expected to go to into battle, but she would now. It was time to call Bastian out for what he was – a bully. Then she closed her eyes briefly, remembering him – his scent, his beautiful mane of yellow hair, his strong, muscular arms, and his unusual warm amber eyes.
Bastian needs a woman to tame him, as badly I need a real man in my life.

“My queen?” prompted Snowden, clutching the hilt of his sword.

“How many troops can we get to the border in 24 hours?” Edana asked.

“A company, no more.”

“Fine. Assemble them. I will join you three hours hence and we will ride for the border.”

“We?” Snowden’s deep voice projected.

“I am your queen, and I will lead my solders into Madeoc.”

“A company is small compared to the garrison Madeoc has at the ready.”

“We will take Bastian’s soldiers at night while they sleep and then ride hard to Albans.”

“It is dangerous, your highness,” said Snowden. “I fear for your safety.”

Edana deliberately turned and glared at her lieutenant, her eyes full of heated emotions. “Then stay at my side, but I will send a message to him – no more! We are equals! I won’t let him intimidate my people!”

Snowden nodded his head. “Aye, my Queen.” He turned and left on his heel, deeply worried for her. She was always a bold one though. Holley was always claiming she was fearless. No wonder she never remarried! Who could tame such a royal spitfire?


While Snowden assembled the troops, Edana mentally prepared herself for what she was about to do. She was through letting Bastian taunt her. She would enter his land and issue her own threats. She gathered a uniform, and put on pants. They felt strange to her, yet comfortable. She went to her wardrobe and pulled out her father’s old tunic with the gold griffin of Somerland and slid it over her shoulders.

“I’m coming, Bastian,” she whispered before walking out. She looked every bit a warrior queen.


Her plan succeeded beyond her wildest dreams. Somerland’s small company easily took out Madeoc’s solders that were on the border. In fact, they barely offered resistance. Edana rode through the night, approaching Albans as day broke. The excitement of Somerland’s victory and the thrill of actually besting Bastian for once kept her awake and her spirits high. When she reached Alban’s keep, it continued to offer little resistance to her soldiers.

Bastian chuckled as he braced his hands on the window sill.

She comes. She comes to me as an equal!

His fiery eyes danced with delight at the thought of his raven-haired queen with the haunty upturned nose.

“Father, why do we do nothing? Somerland attacks!” Rathe protested, as Bastian looked up from his study window. Rathe paced in front of his father’s desk.

“Take Mila and go to the south turret. You will be safe there. Edana will halt the attack when she finds me,” Bastian slyly observed.

“And where will she find you?”

Bastian smiled. “My bedroom. Now go.”

“Father, don’t…”

“Don’t what?!” Bastian retorted, crossing his arms, ire in his eyes.

“You intend to…to have her!”

“What will transpire between Queen Edana and I has been threatening to happen for years. It is time for this confrontation, Rathe – now go.” Bastian’s deep voice resonated in his son’ ears. What else could Rathe do but take his wife to safety and watch his father torture his heart even further. They parted ways on the stairs, Bastian heading to the king’s bedchamber.


Bastian’s initial fury at Edana’s letter to Bram swelled to near out of this world proportion when it was presented to him. Then he calmed down enough to think about it. Edana knew how he felt about her. Her recent visit to Madeoc to her long lost daughter only fueled the flames of desire between them. She was many things, but she would not coldly deliver a proposal of marriage to him that was not meant for him. So who would bring him such a private missive written by her –intentionally to him? No doubt it was her shifty sergeant-in-arms, Holley. Holley hated Bastian with a passion.

Bastian gathered his soldiers, intent to march on Somerland for answers when he intercepted Holley taking Mila to Fenwick. Mila was immediately reunited with Rathe. Forged notes and fake letters were found on Holley’s person. His intent was obvious. Bastian would be furious when Edana asked another man to marry her and take her hostage. In Edana’s absence, Holley would crown himself king. Bastian took great joy locking up Edana’s turncoat soldier in his stockade. The arrogant son-of-a-bitch sought to steal Edana’s kingdom out from under her adorable little nose, but Bastian would not have it. He loved her too much to see Holley rip it away from her.

Edana would never believe Bastian if he continued to march to Lothair. She put far too much stock in Holley’s words. No, he deployed his soldiers on the border so it appeared he threatened Somerland. Edana would take his bait and would come to him. Then he would offer her proof of Holley’s treason.

With arrogant confidence his queen was coming to him, Bastian walked into his bedroom and waited.

Edana needs a real man to tame her and I am that man.


Edana’s soldiers found little resistance. As they entered Madeoc’s keep, Snowden took a knife to one of the servants. Edana prayed he would not use it. She didn’t like to see innocents threatened like so.

“Where is the king?”

“Upstairs. It is early. He is in his bedroom.”

Snowden turned to look at Edana.

“Have your soldiers secure the keep. You’ll accompany me to the king’s bed chambers,” said Edana coolly issuing her orders. She masked her inner turmoil with deceptive calmness. Bastian’s bed chamber!

Snowden nodded his head.

Edana didn’t know what to think. Why was he still there? Why didn’t he pick up a sword and defend himself?

Does he seek to lure me there? To seduce me, perhaps?

Snowden and Edana paused in front of the door. Edana’s cool hazel eyes nodded at her lieutenant. He tried the handle and to his surprise, it let them in.

Edana found Bastian laying down on his bed, fully clothed, his back resting against the headboard, his hands arrogantly behind his head.

“Bastian?!” she gasped. How could he be so cool? She just ran over his kingdom!

“Edana.” His voice purred with a lazy smile. “I see the Queen of Somerland wants an audience with me.”

She threw her staff on the floor in a mini-fit. “Your kingdom is mine! Why did you let me take it without a fight?!”

“I would gladly give Madeoc to you in exchange for your heart,” teased Bastian, s his eyes sparkling in the dawning sunlight.

Edana was taken with sudden indignation. She stuck her lip out in defiance. “Why did you allow me to ravage your countryside? Were you that desperate to lure me into your bedroom?!”


Her eyes grew wide.

Bastian jumped off the bed. “Tell your soldier to leave. There are things we must discuss king to queen.”

“Not man to woman?” She asked, crossing her arms looking suspiciously at him.

“Perhaps that as well, if you are willing, Queen Edana.”

She was surprised at how he spoke the words. Gentle. Soft. A man with vulnerability he rarely displayed. A man who wanted to reach out to her and would resort to desperate measures. She turned toward Snowden.

“Wait outside the door. I will honor his request, but if you hear me scream, come immediately,” Edana instructed in a whisper for only Snowden to hear.

He bowed and left her alone. As soon as Edana’s man left, Bastian produced the treasonous documents he found on Holley and gave them to her. Edana listened to his words as she reviewed the papers, her heart sinking at the realization of her folly. How could she have trusted Holley for so long with the keep of her kingdom, when he wanted it for himself?! Her body was trembling, but she had serious questions. How did Bastian come to be in possession of these foul documents?

“A messenger delivered your proposal of marriage to me, not Bram. I will confess I was highly upset.” He paused and walked up to her, lifting her dainty chin so they were eye to eye. “We both know the ambers that burn in our hearts for each other. You may coolly ignore that amber, Edana, but even now it sparks in my presence. I’m the true lover you want – not Bram.”

Edana swallowed. His warm amber eyes bored into hers, captivating her. She remembered the meadow. How his lips teased her. How they kissed then! How they touched! How his hands explored her body! She remembered what it was like to fall in love and it was wonderful. And she did it with this man so many years ago.

Pleased with the effect he was having on her, he dropped his hand, but stayed within inches of her.

“Why did you suggest what you did to him knowing I was here? Knowing I have wanted to marry you since we were sixteen?”

“Mila, Somerland’s heir, is lost to me. I am still young enough to give my country its next ruler,” she softly replied, her eyes looking away from him, almost in shame.

Bastian pursed his lips. “I was furious Edana. I marched toward Somerland intent to claim you and then I came across your sergeant, Holley, taking Mila to Fenwick…”

“What? I told him to take her back to Madeoc! She wanted to be with Rathe and I could not deny her that as her mother….” Edana’s voice dropped off as more of Robert’s treachery reached her ears. No wonder why Mila could barely stand her!

“Mila is with Rathe now.”

“Is she safe?” Edana softly asked.

“She is. They are hidden. I did not want your soldiers to find them,” Bastian said.

“Thank God. I don’t believe that bastard! I don’t believe…”

“Believe what, Queen?” Bastian prompted after a few seconds.

“I don’t believe the lengths Robert went to take what is mine by birth!” Edana wrapped her arms around herself, fully realizing Robert intended to arouse Bastian’s feelings and his anger for all they were worth.

Bastian pointed to his temple. “When I saw him, I began to think clearly. Your kingdom is still yours, Edana. I just hope you didn’t pillage Madeoc…”

“Of course I didn’t!” She protested. “I did not want Madeoc – only you.”

“Again, Edana, it always comes back to your cold heart,” he said, crossing his arms. “And for what purpose did you want me? To lock me in the stockade or to take me for your consort?”

Edana was thunderstruck at the realization he had saved her kingdom for her. He had unselfishly done it. “My heart is not as cold as you think.”

“You would forsake Mila as your heir!”

“She will be the future queen of Madeoc!” Edana suddenly protested, wondering what was going on in his mind.

“Mila and Rathe are our heirs…”

“Rathe does not need Somerland when he has Madeoc!” pointed out Edana.

“So you would remarry and give Somerland such an heir?” Bastian asked between gritted teeth. He wanted nothing better than to pick her up in his arms and carry her to his bed, ravishing every inch of her dainty body.


“Why not marry me, Edana? I am your equal. I am a king, worthy of such a queen. Am I that much of a Beast you would continue to deny what your heart truly wants?” he purred, stepping into her personal space, placing his hands on her shoulders, looking deeply into her softening hazel eyes.

“I cannot take you for my king, Bastian. Somerland would become a lesser nation state next to Madeoc if I did that…”

“Woman, did I not just imply I would be satisfied to be your consort?”

“Consort?” Edana’s heart skipped a beat.

“I am a man who hungers for you,” he huskily replied. “We can be married. We will be king and queen of Madeoc. You will be queen of Somerland and I will agree to be your king consort, so you will retain all authority over Somerland. Our child will inherit your kingdom.”

Edana could feel her steely resolve melting away under Bastian’s passionate eyes and sincere words. How could things turn so suddenly? One minute she was intent on hating him. Now she seriously considering lighting the amber that simmered in her heart for him.

Bastian took her chin in his hand, refusing to break contact with her. “Your recent visit told me one thing, Edana. You are lonely as I am. Physical lovers please our bodies but nothing else. I will satisfy your heart, soul, and body, and you know it. I still want you. You are a beautiful woman. I will give you the heir you want.”

“Bastian…I…” she gasped. Her body shook. A rush of pink stained her cheeks. He was not only good-looking, but so very strong…

“Marry me. I will protect you from traitors like Holley. I fear if I had not come across him and discovered his treachery, I surely would have invaded Somerland for you.”

“How brave you are to admit you still are a Beast!”

Bastian had enough. He grabbed Edana by the arms and pulled her up into his body, his mouth hungrily covering hers, heavy and hot, eager to ignite that amber inside her. It didn’t take much. His tongue fiercely coaxed her lips to part and he cruelly ravished her mouth, while his hands ran through the beautiful dark raven curls of her hair. Her body arched into his and he felt her arms wrap around his neck. Yes, he deliciously thought to himself, that amber was about to become a raging fire!

“Damn it, Edana,” he whispered between ragged breaths, “Marry me!”

Edana’s heart fluttered wildly in her breast for him. So many things flooded her – so many memories. Their passionate kisses in the meadow when they were sixteen. How she broke his heart when she called off their affair. How he coaxed her into betrothing her daughter to his son. She recalled his eyes that day – how wistful they looked. They coolly approached each other the past eighteen years playing cat and mouse. How it all came to this – she was in his arms now, her body betraying her, arching into him, her lips wanting more. Finally she tore away from him, cupping his cheek in her hand. His eyes pleaded for her not to stop.

“You will agree to be my consort? Somerland will still be mine? Rathe and Mila will keep Madeoc?” she gasped. She needed reassurance.

“Yes, damn it, woman, I agree! How else can we be together?”


“Edana, oh my haunty princess, when it comes to you I would do anything. I would have agreed to be your consort eighteen years ago so we could have married then!” Bastian rasped, his fingers working on the buttons of his shirt. “We cannot be apart any longer. It is tearing our hearts to shreds!”

Edana knew he was right. She watched him tug at his shirt, pulling it off his body. He threw it onto the ground and stood before her, the bronzed muscles of his chest glistening in the sunrise. The hairs on his chest were finely layered over his proud body. His abdomen was a hard and tight. His nearness was kindled more than feelings of fire – it kindled love. Hesitantly she placed the palm of her hand over his heart. The touch jolted both of them.

He stood before her, hands at his side, looking down at her, making no attempt to hide the fact he ached for her. How could not see the bulge in his pants what wanted only her?

“I ask only one more time, Edana. Marry me.” Bastian’s voice rasped in the lowest, huskiest tone she’d ever heard.

“Yes, Bastian, I will marry you. I will take you to be my consort.”

He went to the door of his room and locked then. Then he savagely returned to her, his lips dropping to her neck, and he kissed the pulsing hollow at the base of her throat, nipping at the corded muscles of her neck. Edana could think of nothing else in this moment but giving into her heart and allowing them the happiness they had foolish denied the other over the years.

She didn’t remember how it all happened, but they tore at each other clothes. He lifted the tunic over her head, she fumbled at the laces on his pants. They gasped and moaned, their lips tingling from their kisses. Soon they were on his majestic bed, laying down naked, side by side. Bastian was just as intimately powerful now as he’d been all those years ago. He explored every inch of her body. He kissed her face, neck, and shoulders. His lips hungrily explored her perk little nipples that stood so erect for him. He laved and licked, breast to breast, as his thick hand snaked between their bodies and his finger found the soft curls that gave way to her neither lips. His thumb found her sensitive nub that gave her pleasure, and he rubbed her in circles as he put one finger then two inside her. She moaned his name loudly into the room.

“Edana…Edana…finally…you are mine…” he whispered between ragged breaths as his lips devoured the small, round, flesh globes of her breasts.

She raised her hands up and clutched the headboard, chanting his name out loud as her climax washed over her. Bastian raised his head and watched the pleasure contort face. Her little nose flared as she gasped for breath, much like it did in the meadow when he had given her such pleasure – only then he was hesitant to fully take her. He held back that day, keeping his manhood in his pants. Now there would be no holding back. He would finally take her today. Their blood would finally mingle. Their souls would be bound together. He would give her the child she so desperately sought to be the heir of Somerland.

He felt her coming off her climax and he desired to bring it there again. His hot achy lips traveled down her flat, creamy mid-riff, placing the lightest kisses he could against her skin. His hands cupped her thighs and before she knew it, his mouth was between her legs and his tongue was tasting every inch of her quivering sex.

Edana began to moan again. Time had no meaning. She couldn’t think. She could only barely breath. Since the moment they met, Bastian Nash had captured her attention. He was tall, muscular, strong, powerful, with thick thighs, and a bronzed chest that only Adonis would possess. Now, here he was, moaning her name, tasting her sex, touching her like a perfect lover. He satisfied every physical sensation she had for a man and he touched her heart like no other. He stayed the course. He saved her kingdom. He saved her. She had no doubts this wonderful man would keep her safe the rest of her life. She wanted to reach out to him, but she felt a second wave of intense pleasure building between her legs from his fierce attention. His lips surrounded her engorged sex, nipping, teasing, licking, and sending her body into a second frenzy.

He didn’t let up. Edana arched her back. She twisted, turned, and finally he loudly cried out his name into the bedroom. “God! Bastian! Bastian!”

In the middle of her orgasm, he raised his head from the apex of her legs and licked his lips, savoring her taste. His eyes watching in fascination as her body trembled for him. Finally he felt his own steely need, hard, wanting to be inside her. He placed his hands on her thighs and lifted her legs, posing his long cock at the opening of her wet curls. Edana’s eyes cut to him. “Bastian…?”

“Do you still feel it? The pleasure?” He rasped.

She nodded her head.

“Good.” And with one wild thrust, Bastian thrust his own hard sex into her, plunging deep inside. They cried out each other’s name at the same time. Her hands snaked through his long tawny mane as his lips kissed her taunt nipples, bringing out the sweetness in them. He pumped her back and forth, rocking her with reckless abandon and then he slowed down the rhythm between them as his cock nestled securely in her sex. He brought his head up to find her eyes. She looked confused. His hands clasped her checks.

“Say you are mine, Edana.”

“Bastian…” she gasped. “Why do you stop?”

“Say you are mine and I fill finish the act between us in one single thrust, Edana! Say it…” he rasped.

“I am yours, Bastian Nash.” Her voice shook.

With an devastating sexy grin, he trust his cock until was deep inside her and exploded with his seed. Both of them cried out. Spent, Bastian collapsed on top of her, snuggling, their legs intertwining.

“I love you, Edana,” Bastian quietly admitted. “I have never stopped. Not since I saw you all those days ago in the meadow.”

She ran her fingers through his hair, softly stroking him. “And I love you, Bastian. I will always love you.”

Bastian wickedly smiled as sleep overtook, feeling secure in his newfound lover’s arms.

© Copyright 2005 SpookyBee (sgcardin at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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