Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/969019-Fall-to-Me-Ill-Catch-You
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Relationship · #969019
when sonja gives it all up she puts faith in Aaron
They met at the very last place either of them thought they would meet someone. It was the journaling site that everyone was doing at that time. The poet that Aaron was illuminated each space held on his online journal. The hard misfortunes that struck Sonja filled each space of her online journal. Rings to make friends linked millions of people. Never had either one of them thought that it would link them too. But it did. The pain that Aaron had gone through, Sonja understood. And the suffering in her life that Sonja had learned to accept, Aaron wanted to be the one to comfort her even though to Sonja, he was a stranger and to him, Sonja was the same. And as more time passed and Sonja emailed him, so did Aaron email her. And one day the two met.
Sonja had fallen for Aaron and hard. She didn't want to miss a day where she couldn't at least say I love you once. As each day of distance remained between the two, the more her heart longed for him. As well as did his heart long for hers. One day, the time would come when she'd have to admit that she wasn't as strong as everyone made her out to be. But when would that day come?
“I want to be there for you Sonja, but I need to know it all. I need to know your every wound. Please let me in,” Aaron told her one day then begged to be a part of her world. But Sonja refused.
“Why won’t you let me into who you really are?” Aaron impatiently asked.
“You wouldn’t like me for what my past bears,” Sonja explained to him.
“What did you kill someone? Did you rob a bank? Even if you did Sonja, it wouldn’t make any difference at all. You hurt so much and I don’t know what I can do to help you!” Aaron argued.
“Would you get a grip and come to reality with something for me?” Sonja retorted. Aaron agreed to hear her out.
“Sometimes you won’t be able to help a person. Sometimes the pain lies in the past and you can’t do crap about the past!” Sonja snapped. But even so, Aaron still begged and pleaded for a way to help ease her pain.
“Fine! You want to know my deep, dark secrets? Here we go. My real parents gave me up I have no clue who I am. They said I had “gifts” but I don’t know what to think. I was adopted by the Devil herself. Yes, I firmly believe the Devil is a she because I was raised by her! I was raped Aaron! There you wanted to know. There you go. I was raped. I let it happen. I didn’t know how to fight back. But am I unhappy that I was raped? NO! Because the twins you see, were from his sperm. Are you happy now? Well, are you?” Sonja fumed. Aaron just sat silent on the other end. He mustered up the words in which Sonja so needed to hear.
“I don’t care about your past. I care about you right now and those twins. I don’t care who got you pregnant. Because one day those kids will be mine. I have secrets too you know. Are you ready for mine? It’s always easy for the Lois to tell her fears and her secrets because you know what Sonja? You are Lois. I am Clark. Do you understand that? My whole family doesn’t understand that behind this mask of every day emotions, I fight with people everywhere with the pain they go through. Only you understand who I am and accept me for me. When someone yells help, you don’t stand in my way, but urge me to help those in need!” he replied. That’s when Sonja learned that she and Aaron shared something greater than most couples their age.
To people at the day care center she was Super mom. Her kids came first as much as they possibly could. She was the best because most mothers would put their children by rape into the hands of an adoption agency, but not Sonja. She cared for them the best she could at seventeen years of age and knowing that society had a double negative approach to how they felt about her and how they viewed her. Not only was she seventeen years old and had twins, but she was raped. She wasn’t the victim in society’s eyes.
To the people at school she was The Healer. She could heal any wounds. She had band-aids and first aid cream in her purse for those of the flesh. She held chocolate in her purse as well as arms waiting to hug a person for those of the inner flesh. And she held two good working ears and the ability to read sign language to those who just needed to talk. But for her, it was overwhelming. She had waited for the day when she could say to the one she loved..."I need help," and finally the time came. It was Aaron to help her. She just didn’t know it.
"Please slow down you're going too fast," Aaron cried into the phone one day. Sonja’s muscles ached and he knew it. She was emotionally distressed and he had learned to bear with her when she became like this. The gifts the two of them had were too great for teenagers such as they were. Sonja was the Healer and Aaron was the person that helped in any way he could. Everyone came to him with problems and he talked them through it.
Aaron had always thought that he could handle anything that anyone told him when they came to him with problems. He knew the right people so he could get them hooked up with someone who could tell him what needs to be done as well as what needs to be said. That was how it worked. Just as Superman knew there would be times that the fight would be hard, so did Aaron, but just as Superman never thought that there was something greater and more powerful as he that could overtake him and make him a hero no more, so did Aaron think he was unstoppable. Then, it all ended with the words spoken from his Lois. This wasn’t the day to hear them either. Aaron had always suffered from emotionally distressed days where people came to him nonstop and by the end of a day, he could go on no more.
Sonja was the opposite though. As much as she needed to tell her main support that she was having a bad day, she never wanted to stress him out or make him even more so burned out. She would hide when she wasn’t feeling well or when she was starting to burn out. Just so her Superman wouldn’t freak out.
“I did something stupid,” Sonja began.
“A girl came to me. She’s pregnant and thinking of an abortion. I can’t do this anymore. I am so tired and I need a break,” Aaron vented to Sonja.
“I know the feeling. I don’t feel good,” Sonja replied. Aaron began to cry a bit. That’s what he did when he just needed to let some of it out.
“You’re shaking. Quit,” Aaron replied. It was something that he and Sonja had gained. He could sense when something was wrong with her. She could sense when things were wrong with him.
“I’m fine,” Sonja tried to persuade him.
“Hand your troubles to me. Let me help you. Let me carry you! Please! You’re overdoing it!” he begged.
"I can handle a bit more," she lied. Aaron sighed. He knew the truth. She had helped five past her limit and was wearing thin. Nevertheless, Sonja kept helping people that night once she and Aaron had gotten off the phone from talking. Little did Aaron know that Sonja hadn’t eaten all that day nor had she slept more than 4 hours in the past two days? Only her brother Eli knew this information which Sonja had threatened him to keep quiet.
It was 5 am when Eli called him. Sonja knew this had been coming for quite some time. She knew she would be taken to the hospital and she knew that her body would fight every possible way to tell her it was time to be with the Mighty one.
Sonja was born three months premature. She wasn’t supposed to be on the earth, but she always believed that God had a plan with her. She also figured that God would take her early and she had always been ready to go. Every month she would be taken into the hospital for her chest would hurt and she would get week. Her body would lay listless as she lay in a hospital bed with nurses watching a monitor. Doctors always declared her near death and everyone would just wait for the day that God would take her. In a few days though with proper treatment, she would be sent home ready to help whoever came her way.
"Aaron, she's in the hospital and not looking too good on this end bro," Eli told him when Aaron stumbled his way to the cell phone. What Aaron didn’t' know was this was a monthly occurrence.
When Sonja had started to open up to Aaron after much reluctance, she told him about the hospital business. She warned him that she may have to leave the earth early. She told him that she wasn’t just Lois, but she was Superwoman in her own ways. Everything that she told him, he understood completely.
It was the fourth time they spoke on the phone once she started to open up that Aaron began to make promises to her. He wanted to show Sonja that he wasn’t an ordinary guy. He was the one. He would understand her every need and he would not leave her alone to walk in the darkness by herself. He would help carry her if she needed it. All she had to do was ask when it got to be too much. He knew that he couldn’t demand her to take breaks or to give it up even for a week. It would take all her powers away. So, he would leave it up to her to tell him when she needed help.
“I promise you Sonja, that all you have to do when you have had enough and you need me to carry you is tell me, your Superman that you need help and I will be there in a heartbeat,” he promised her that day.
There he was that night sitting by her hospital bed. He had also vowed that once she moved to be near him and his family, she would never have to be in the hospital alone. He would be by her side every step of the way. He would hold her hand and sleep by her side until she would get to come home. He never wanted to take the chance that that month could easily be her last and he would miss the chance to say goodbye to his Lois, but more over, his Superwoman.
Sonja lay in the bed listless. He sighed as he looked at her fragile body, but still he smiled. Sonja chuckled through rasps, trying to get more air into her lungs. She closed her eyes and squeezed his hands. She knew what she had to do. She was just afraid to do it. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust her Superman. She trusted him with all her heart and soul. Many times she had been in trouble and in pain. Many times Superman would come to her aid getting a finger back in place. And each time he would as, “do you trust me,” and each time she would answer yes.
"Superman, I need help," she whispered through the oxygen that was around her nose.
"All you had to do was say that before and I would have been there in a heartbeat," Aaron told her. She smiled.
"Superman, I just want to sleep for the night will you stay here and help me?" she asked him.
"Just trust me. Fall, I'll catch you," he answered. He climbed in the hospital bed enough so that he wouldn't bump her but enough that he could hold her trembling body as she fell asleep in his arms.
"I love you and you’re in my arms tonight,” he whispered in her ear. And that’s how it went once a month for a long time to come. He would be by her side lying next to his angel in the tiny hospital bed. Never letting her fall, but always catching her when she drifted off to sleep and gave up all the pain that she had so willingly took from others.
© Copyright 2005 woundedfighter (supermanshero at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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