Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/968357-Mamie-est-partie
Rated: E · Poetry · Family · #968357
My grand-ma passed away. With her, the smell of childhood is gone.
First in French, then in English. Mamie is the equivalent of Gran in French.

Mamie est partie.

Quand elle en a eu assez de la vie,
Quand elle a eu attendu que tout les petits enfants reviennent au bercail
Quand elle s'est sentie assez bien pour apprecier le voyage
Et pas assez bien pour ne pas le faire

Mamie est partie
Apres tout le monde
Quand on a ete tous grands
Quand les petits allaient rester "les petits"
Quand elle avait oublie le prenom de tout le monde

Mamie est partie
Quand ca l'agacait qu'on la pompone
Quand ca l'agacait qu'on la lave
Quand ca l'agacait qu'on la nourisse
Quand ca l'agacait qu'on la drogue

Mamie est partie
Quand il etait temps

Et maintenant,
Plus rien n'est comme avant
La maison est louee
Le jardin est en fouillis
Le muguet ne fleurit plus

Mamie est partie.


Mamie is gone.

When she had enough with life,
When she had waited until all of her grandchildren came back home,
When she felt well enough to enjoy the journey
And not well enough to postpone it,

Mamie is gone
After everyone
When we had all grown up into men and women
When the "little ones" would remain the "little ones"
When she could not remember any more first names,

Mamie is gone
When she was tired someone else fixed her hair
When she was tired someone else washed her
When she was tired someone else had to feed her
When she was tired of the drugs,

Mamie is gone
When the right time came,

And now,
Nothing is like before
the house is rented out
The garden is a mess
the lillies are dying,

Mamie is gone.
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